Location: Missouri, Kansas, California, Oregon, Washington.
Surnames/tags: Williamson Perringer/Peringer
Here are the profiles Janel Condrey is currently working on. Can you help?
Surname Perringer/Peringer. Prussia & Hamburg.
Hello all! I'm getting back in the saddle. Keep hitting a brick wall regarding just who my g-grandfather Samuel W. Perringer. He seems to have been a wonderer like his son John Allan Perringer/Peringer. He flits from BurbonCo., Kansas and Southwest Missouri working working the mines and machine shops. Seems to do this until his wife Mary dies. As far as I know, she is the mother of all his known children. My Grandfather, John Allan "Jack" Peringer was the youngest of what seems to be 4 or possibly 5 children. According to my mother, Mary died approximately when John was 7 or 8, and he was on his own from that time on. His sisters were seamstresses.
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