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Jaski Project

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Jaski Project

Part of the Ireland DNA Team and the Medieval Project - Ireland


Jaski Project

Bart Jaski's tables were a part of his PHD thesis and later a book, has become the Go To Source for historic Irish male lines. Most Irish related FamilyTreeDNA Group Project leaders use it as their main source to assign SNPs.

GOAL: add or update all of Bart's tables into well written/sourced Wikitree profiles.
How to help Because Bart Jaski has identified well over 5,000 Irish historic people that will be needed to assign SNP's, we have divided this into 3 steps.
1. Created Pick a table you would like to work on and add your name under Created. After ALL the profiles are in Wikitree and sourced with Bart Jaski, you can add "Compleated".
1.a Add basic bio (NOTE: LNAB is mac fathers first name) add a DOB to have it show in Report
1.b Add source - Bart Jaski Genealogical tables of medieval Irish royal dynasties Table-# Early Irish Kingship Succession by Jaski Bart, Published by Four Courts Press, 2013, ISBN 1846824265 ISBN 9781846824265 (NOTE: change # to actual table number)
1.c Add [[Categories Irish History, Kingdom of ......]] [[Category:Medieval Project, Ireland, needs Annals]] [[Category:Medieval Project, Ireland, needs biography]]
1.d If there is a (>Clann Name), add a note in the bio and add it to Irish Clan List.
1.e Add minimum one additional Primary Source (i.e. Annal)
Example: Cairell mac Muiredaig Muinderg (-0553)
2. Annals Pick a table that has been created and add your name under Annals. After ALL of the profiles are sourced with the annals and other sources, you can add "Compleated".
2.a Add "All" annals and other sources that are related to the profile
3. Biography Pick a table that has Annals compleated and add your name under Biography. After ALL of the profiles have a quality biography, you can add "Compleated".
3.1 Create a well written biography using inline sourcing.
3.2 Add any additional categories that apply.
3.3 Add Succession box2 to any kings and link to appropriate Irish Kingdom - Example


[[Category:Irish History, Kingdom of Ulaid]]

Table # Head Profile Created 'Annals Biography
1 overview BCE Rich Devlin
2 Dal Fiatach Forgg mac Dalláin (-abt.0500) Compleated R D
3 Dal nAraide. Ui Echach Cobo Eochaid Cobo mac Lughaidh (abt.0230-) Compleated R D
4 Conaille Muirthemme Dícuill mac Ossénié (-abt.0650) Compleated R D
5 Dal Riata Erc Maceochaid (-0474)

Ui Neill

[[Category:Irish History, Kingdom of Uí Néill]] 3,5,5

Table # Head Profile Created 'Annals Biography
6 overview Eochaid Mugmedon mac Muireadach (0325-0365) Rich Devlin
7 Cenel Conaill Conall Gulban mac Niall (c.0400-c.0464) Compleated RD
8 Ua Domnaill Eicnecán mac Domnall (abt.1150-1207) Compleated RD
9 Cenel nEogain, Cenel Feradaig Eógan mac Néill (abt.0400-0465) Compleated RD
10 Cenel Moain, Cenel Fergusa, Cenel Feidlimid Eógan (Cenel n Eogain) mac Néill (abt.0400-0465) Compleated RD
11 Clann Chonchobair Maige Itha Fergaile (Fergal) mac Máele Dúin (abt.0665-0722) Compleated RD
12 Cenel nEogain royal line 8th-10th c. Fergaile (Fergal) mac Máele Dúin (abt.0665-0722) Compleated RD
13 Clann Domnaill, Mac Lochlainn Áedh Findliath mac Niall (abt.0820-0879) Compleated RD
14 Ua Neill a. royal line 12-15th c. Clann Aeda Buidhe Flaithbertach mac Muirchertach (abt.0975-1036) Compleated RD
14 Ua Neill b. royal line 15-16th c. the descendants of Eogan mac Neill Eoghan Mor O'Neill (-abt.1456) Compleated RD
15 Cenel Loegaire Niall Noigiallach Eochaid (abt.0360-0452) Compleated RD
16 Cenel Chairpri Niall Noigiallach Eochaid (abt.0360-0452) Compleated RD
17a Cenel Maine of Tethba a. Sil Ronain Máine (mac Máine Mór) mac Niall Eochaid (abt.0385-0440) - Niall Noigiallach Eochaid (abt.0360-0452) Compleated RD
17b Cenel Maine of Tethba b. Muinter Tadgain Bécc mac Conla (abt.0710-0771) Compleated RD
18 Sil nAedo Slaine, Cenel nArdgail Niall Noigiallach Eochaid (abt.0360-0452) Compleated RD
19 kings of Cnogba, North Brega Áed Sláine mac Diarmato (-0604) Compleated RD
20 kings of Loch Gabor South Brega Áed Sláine mac Diarmato (-0604) Compleated RD
21 Clann Cholmain, Caille Follamain Diarmat mac Cerbaill (-abt.0565) Compleated RD
22 Ua Mailsechlainn Flann Sinna mac Máel Sechnaill (abt.0840-0916) Compleated RD
23 Ua Mailsechlainn 13-16th c. Cormac mac Art (abt.1180-1239) Compleated RD


[[Category:Irish History, Kingdom of Airgíalla]] 20,23,25

Table # Head Profile Created 'Annals Biography
24 overview Cairpre Lifechair (0230-0284)Cairpre Liphechair Compleated RD
25 Ui Fiachrach Ardsratha, Cenel Meic Carthind Colla Uais Mac Eochaidh (0300-0337) Compleated RD
26 Ui Thuirtri Fiachra Tort Mac Colla Uais (-abt.0370) Compleated RD
27 Mugdorna Áed Colla Menn Mac Eochaidh (abt.0300-0331)Colla Mend Compleated RD
28 Ui Bresail Bresal Mac Fiachra Cassán (abt.0340-) Compleated RD
29 UiEchach, Clann Sinaig Echu mac Fiachra Cassán (abt.0341-) Compleated RD
30 Ui Niallain Niallán mac Fiacc (abt.0370-) Compleated RD
31 Ui Chruinn, Fir Rois Fiachra Cassán MacColla Forchrith (abt.0310-) Compleated RD
32 Ui Meith Imchadh MacColla Forchrith (abt.0310-) Compleated RD
33 Sil Daimine Cairpre mac Eochaidh (-0514) Compleated RD Need to recheck
34 Fernmaige Cairpre mac Eochaidh (-0514) Compleated RD
35 Mac Mathgamna Mathgamain Compleated RD
36 Fir Manach Cairpre mac Eochaidh (-0514) Compleated RD
37 Mac Uidhir Donn Oc Mac Uidhir (abt.1250-1302) Compleated RD


[[Category:Irish History, Kingdom of Leinster]] 14,37,39

Table # Head Profile Created 'Annals Biography
38 overview Cu Chorb - BCE, Cormac Gealta Gaoth (bef.0030-) Compleated RD
39 Ui Dunchada Murchad Macbran O'Dunlainge (abt.0670-0727) Compleated RD
40 Ui Faelain Faelan (Murchad) mac Murchad (abt.0690-abt.0738)| Compleated RD
41 Ui Muiredaig Muiredach (mac Murchad) mac Murchado (abt.0688-0760) Compleated RD
42 Ui Cheinnselaig Labraid Laidech mac Bressal Bélach (-abt.0450) Compleated RD
43 Mac Murchada Diarmait (Domnaill) mac Domnaill (abt.0940-0996) Compleated RD
44 Ui Failgi Ros Failge mac Cathair Mór (abt.0100-abt.0145) Compleated RD
45 Ua Conchobair Failgi Congalach Compleated RD
46 Laigis Lugaid Loigsech Compleated RD
47 Osraige a. 6th-8th c. Conall mac Cairpre Cáem (-abt.0430) Compleated RD
47 Osraige b. 9th-12th c. Kjarvalr Irakonungr (Macdunghal) mac Dúnlainge (-0888) Compleated RD


[[Category:Irish History, Kingdom of Munster]] and/or [[Category:Irish History, Kingdom of Déisi Muman]] 4,11 13-64

Table # Head Profile Created 'Annals Biography
48 Eoganacht: overview, Eoganacht Locha Lein Ailill Aulom (-0234) Ailill Olumm Rich Devlin
49 Eoganacht Glendamnach, Eoganacht Airthir Chliach, Eoganacht Aine Conall Corc
50 Eoganacht Raithlinn, Ui Echach Muman; Ua Donnchada, Ua Mathgamna Conall Corc
51 Eoganacht Chaisil Conall Corc
52 Mac Carthaig Cellachan Caisil
53 Ui Fidgeinte, Ui Liathain Daire Cerbba
54 Dal Cais: Overview; Ui Chaissene, Cenel Fermaic, Clann hlfernain, UiAigile, Ua Cetfada Ailill Aulom (-0234) Ailill Olumm
55 Ua Londgargain, Ua Cennetig, Ua Conaing Lorcan MacLachtnae (0881-abt.0942)
56 Ua Briain a. 10th-11th c. Lorcan MacLachtnae (0881-abt.0942)
56 Ua Briain b. 11th-12th c. Turlough (O'Brien) Toirdelbach Ua Briain (abt.1009-1086) Toirdelbach
57 Ua Briain 13th-16th c. Donnell Mór Mac Turlough O'Brien (abt.1137-1194)
58 Desi Fiachu Suigde
59 Ciarraige Luachra Rechtabra



Table # Head Profile Created 'Annals Biography
60 overview Eochaid Mugmedón mac Muireadach (abt.0325-abt.0365) Michael Rowley completed Michael Rowley completed Michael Rowley all the temporary pre-1500 profiles are linked and sourced here: Chart #60 Ireland DNA Team profiles with annotations (SOURCE), (FIX), (IMPROVE), (NEEDS ADOPTED)
61 Ui Fiachrach Aidni (Ua Cleirig, Ua hRidhin); Ui Fiachrach Muaide (Ua Dubda); Cenel nAeda (Ua Sechnussaig) Eochaid Mugmedón mac Muireadach (abt.0325-abt.0365)
a. 5th-10th c.
b. 11th-15th c.
62 Ui Briuin Seola: Muinter Murchada (Ua Flairhbertaig) Clann Choscraig Dauí Tenga Uma Mac Bruin (-0499)
63 Sil Muiredaig: Clann Murchada (Ua Finnachta); Clann hUatach (Ua Birn, Ua Follamain); Clann Tomaltaig (Ua Raduib, Mac Airechtaig); Clann Chathail (Ua Flannacain); Clann Chonchobair (Ua Mailbrenainn); Ui Diarmata (Ua Concennain) Muiredach Muillethan (0650-0702) Compleated RD Bart Jaski chart #63
64 Ua Conchobair 9th-12th c.
65 Ua Conchobair 12th-16th c.
a. Clann Ruaidri Turlough ‎Mór O'Conor (abt.1088-1156)
b. minor branches, Mac Magnusa Turlough ‎Mór O'Conor (abt.1088-1156)
c. descendants of Aed Dail and Cathal Crobderg; Ua Conchobair Ruad and Ua Conchobair Donn Turlough ‎Mór O'Conor (abt.1088-1156)
d. Clann Muirchertaig Muimnig Turlough ‎Mór O'Conor (abt.1088-1156)
e. Clann Briain Luignig (Ua Conchobair Sligig) Turlough ‎Mór O'Conor (abt.1088-1156)
66 Ua Mailruanaid, Mac Diarmata, Mac Donnchada Tadhg MacCathal (abt.0920-0956) Compleated RD Bart Jaski chart #66
67 Mac Diarmata 14th-16th c. Máel Ruanaid Mac Diarmata (abt.1259-1331) Compleated RD
68 Ui Briuin Breifne, Tellach nDunchada (Mac Tigernain). Tellach Cerbaill (Mac Samredain), Tellach Cerbaill (Mac Consnama) Fergus Mac Muiredach (abt.0425-abt.0504)
69 Ua Ruairc 10th-13th c.
70 Ua Ruairc 14th-16th c.
71 Ua Raigillig
72 Ui Maine Colla da Crioch Forchrith (0290-)
73 Ua Cellaig 13th-16th c.
74 Conmaicne: overview
75 Ua Fergail
76 Mac Ragnaill


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  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Richard Devlin and Ireland Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
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