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BatonRouge Vol 1 Duplechin-152 Birth record


https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/DeLaMirande-1 is father of Joseph LaMirande (husband of https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Frederic-39)

<refDiocese of Baton Rouge. Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records: Volume 2 1770-1803 (p. 358). Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge. Kindle Edition.

  • DE LA MIRANDE, Joseph, of Three Rivers, Quebec, res. at Opelousas, widower of Marie Louise Frederic (parents not given) m. 24 Dec 1770 Elizabeth POITIER, of Illinois, widow of Jacques Milliet (parents not given) wit. Jeanne Poithier & Bello (PCP-2, pt. 2, 101) also (PCP-4, 62)</ref

Daughter of Joseph and Marie Louise Frederic: <refDiocese of Baton Rouge. Diocese of Baton Rouge Catholic Church Records: Volume 2 1770-1803 (p. 358). Roman Catholic Diocese of Baton Rouge. Kindle Edition.

  • DE LA MIRANDE, Louise Constance, res. Opelousas (Joseph & Catherine Frederic) m. 7 Dec 1778 Jacques BERTRAND, of Montreal, Diocese of Quebec, Canada, res. Opelousas (Joseph & Marie Lajunesse, both decd.) wit. Maraffret Lassard; Francois Emond, Jr.; Layssard, Jr.; Joseph Leche; Populus Loiselle (PCP-2, pt. 2, 202A)</ref

Need Point Coupee records (DoBR volume 1?). Maybe previous marriage records.

Need marriage record for: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/DeLaMirande-1 Does it have her parents?

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Lamirande-3 (Joseph Constant) married to Marie Louise Fontenot.

Their son was Chevalier De La Mirande. And he had relationship with https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/De_la_Fosse-76.

  1. Osite Lamirande, bt. 1794 <refHébert, Rev. Donald J., "Southwest Louisiana Records (1750 - 1900)". Rayne, LA: Hebert Publications, 1999-2000. CD 101.
  • LAMIRANDE, Osite (Constant & Louise FONTENOT) bt. Saturday, 29 Nov. 1794 Spons: Joseph LAMIRANDE & Marie Josephe LAMIRANDE. Fr. Pedro de ZAMORA (Opel. Ch.: v.1-A, p.123)
  • LAMIRANDE, Ositte Constance - originally from this parish (Cheval de LAMIRANDE & Marie FONTENOT) m. 9 Sept. 1812 Jean Baptiste DELAFOSSE - originally from this parish (dec. Romain & Rosalie BENOIT) Wits: Pierre BEAULIEU, Martin CAMARSAC, Andre LASTRAPES. Fr. Louis BUHOT (Opel. Ch.: v.1-A, p.227)</ref
  1. Marie Edouarde Delafosse, b. 1814 <refHébert, Rev. Donald J., "Southwest Louisiana Records (1750 - 1900)". Rayne, LA: Hebert Publications, 1999-2000. CD 101.
  • DELAFOSSE, Marie Edouarde (Helene DELAFOSSE & from what the mother told me - Chevalier LAMIRANDE, natives of this parish) b. 16 Dec. 1814, bt. 30 June 1815 Pats: Joseph Constant LAMIRANDE - from Canada & Louise FONTENAU - from here; Mats: Romain DELAFOSSE - from France & Rosalie BENOIT - from Acadia; Spons: Martin CAMARSAC fils [Jr.] & Aloyse RION. Fr. Michel Bernard BARRIERE (Opel. Ch.: v.2, p.53)</ref
  1. Marie Antoine Constance Lamirande, b. 1819 <refHébert, Rev. Donald J., "Southwest Louisiana Records (1750 - 1900)". Rayne, LA: Hebert Publications, 1999-2000. CD 101.
  • LAMIRANDE, Marie Antoine Constance (Joseph Constant & Elene LAFOSSE) b. 6 Jan. 1819, bt. 18 April 1819 Pats: Joseph LAMIRANDE & ----; Mats: Romaine DELAFOSSE & Rosalie BENOIT; Spons: Fernando BENOIT?? & Victoire Bernard NERNOD??. Fr. Flavius Henri ROSSI (Opel. Ch.: v.2, p.165)</ref

Comeaux-597 vs Comeaux-499

https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/MLLQ-M92 says married to Alexandrine Cecile Boudreaux.

https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/187947071/joseph-a-comeaux has different parents.

https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Perault-74 Marriage and children in Baton Rouge? Avoyelles?

Darbonne-72 is daughter of Derbonne-27? Does she have birth record in SWLR? Death record on FamilySearch?

  • Marriage of Brignac-138 ? Point Coupee? NO? BTR? Probably born in Alabama. Might have been married there too. Wife may have been born there too.


Brickwall for other members:

Birthday of Lalande-146? Does it have grandparents names? Possible merge of Saunie-2 and Sonnier-331

  • Sources? Add to ancestor list and daughter? Sonnier-331





Ancestors in 1777 census, need to add census:

Research List

"Selected Acadian and Louisiana church records", Gen 976.3 B667, page 315 marriage record for Pertuit-14 and Lepine-173


  • Lafleur-79 copy 1850 census from father. does she match any of the census entries?
  • Hall-10916: had mother's last name originally? does this match census records? SAIDEC, Philonisse (Marie Louise SAIDEC - from the River) b. 27 April 1817, bt. 9 Feb. 1819 Spons: Francois BRIGNAC & Marie Louise FONTENAU. Fr. Flavius Henri ROSSI (Opel. Ch.: v.2, p.160)
  • Dupre-253

Any records? NOLA or BR? Ancestors

Baton Rouge records:

  • Lacase-29, was he married near Point Coupee?


SWLR Work:

SWLR Books:

Need Text from Records:

Any additional records?:

Need birth record:

Marriage Record:

Death record:

Pierre Doucet s/o Pierre Doucet and Marie Francoise Pagot; from Alabama; m. Therese Brignac (Charles BRIGNAC & Marie "Dionisa" [Denise] SYLVESTRE)

Interesting. More data?

  • Pitre-88
  • DeCuire-1 immigrant
  • Gaudin-457 broken
  • McDaniel-4867 parents listed
  • M. First cousin Daigle-1072

Forest Courville: Courville-358 L.C. Courville: Courville-360

Bertrand-1367 is same as https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/82810666/? (married to Billodeau-5)

Breaux-715: https://lists.rootsweb.com/hyperkitty/list/acadian-cajun@rootsweb.com/thread/25144328/


  • Arnold LeDoux:

https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/5802363/arnold-ledoux https://www.newspapers.com/image/469915894/?terms=arnold%2Bledoux Ledoux-643 https://www.newspapers.com/image/471433049/?terms=arnold%2Bledoux https://www.newspapers.com/image/227812754/?terms=arnold%2Bledoux%2Blibrary

Miller-30377 - Gerard Miller in 1900 census? son= Ma* Miller b. 1853 m. 1873 to Mary Miller

Rosa Leger previously married to Yves Savoie? https://www.newspapers.com/image/537142377/?terms=yves

Leger-1947 married to Alexandre Courville. Alexandre Courville previously married to Octavie Lafleur. Child of Alexandre and Octavie is Courville-331.

"Louisiana, Parish Marriages, 1837-1957," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKJ4-J4LG : 12 March 2018), Louis Andrepont and Helen Courville, 14 Nov 1926; citing Evangeline, Louisiana, United States, various parish courthouses, Louisiana; FHL microfilm 1,378,080.

  • Article Andrepont-67
  • Complete merge of Ortego-13 into Ortego-77
  • Fontenot-10
  • Reed-1301

Carron Cemetery:

Interesting people

Forest Courville, father of Kathy Courville, mother of Nigel/Kevin: [[Courville-360|L.C. Courville], father of Elrick Courville, father of Nigel/Kevin

https://www.newspapers.com/image/471073761/?terms=nigel%20courville&match=1 https://www.newspapers.com/image/471159557/?terms=nigel%20courville&match=1

Freespace and category pages:

Useful resources:



Confederate: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ledoux-296


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