
Jewett and Juett Families in Kentucky

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: 1792 [unknown]
Location: Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Jewett Juett
This page has been accessed 86 times.

This page serves as a collaborative platform to gather information on the Jewett/Juett surname in Kentucky. When researchers like you join the study, our cooperative efforts can help make it an important reference point for other genealogists who research or have an interest in the Jewett name in this region of the United States. Viewed collectively, our contributions could reveal patterns in migration, occupations and allies that provide invaluable leads in breaking down brick walls and opening new avenues of investigation for each other and for future genealogists.

The study is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Individual study projects can be used to branch out the research into specific methods and areas of interest, such as geographically (a particular Kentucky county), by time period (19th Century Jewetts), or by topic (Jewett DNA, Jewett Occupations, Jewett Statistics).


How to Contribute

The Jewett and Juett Families in Kentucky project does not require obligatory time commitments or work responsibilities. Contribute as you like, when you can. Feel free to add your name and research interests to the Contributors list below or post an introduction in the comments section, and then dive right in!

... ... ... is a member of the Jewett Name Study Project.

Once you are ready to go, you can also show your project affiliation with an Jewett ONS Member Sticker for your own profile:


  • add your name here

How to Use Our Categories

You can find existing Jewett Name Study sub-categories here: Category:Jewett Name Study. Under the current organization you will soon find maintenance categories including Needs Biography, Needs Profiles Created, and Brick Walls (work in progress). Feel free to use these on Jewett profiles as necessary.

Locational categories will be created based on current study participants' research interests. New geographic sub-categories should only be added if you are researching a specific location. For now the basic sticker or category can be used.

This profile is part of the Jewett Name Study.
[[Category: Kentucky, Jewett Name Study]] or
{{One Name Study|name=Jewett|category=Kentucky, Jewett Name Study}}

Please add your profiles to the narrowest available location category by adding the category above the ==Biography== heading, or by adding a sticker in your preferred position below the ==Biography== heading.

See Space:Category_Guidelines_for_Name_Studies for guidance when new maintenance or locational sub-categories are necessary. If you have questions or need assistance in creating a sub-category, contact the study coordinator.

Research Projects

County distribution

Spouse Surnames



Other Occupations

Military service


If you know of family genealogy books or local histories including Jewett families in Kentucky, please add them here.


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