Location: Woodbury, Gloucester, New Jersey, United States
Henderson, John, Joseph Watson, Job Brown, Thomas Bradford, R. L. Kennon, Joshua Boucher, H. V. Somerville, and Eric Ledell Smith. "Notes and Documents: Rescuing African American Kidnapping Victims in Philadelphia as Documented in the Joseph Watson Papers at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania." The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 129, no. 3 (2005): 317-45. Accessed May 15, 2021. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20093801.
Job Brown to Joseph Watson, July 5,1826
- Woodbury, NJ July 5th 1826
Sir—Watson Mayor of the City of Philadelphia
I this day [saw] published in one of the Philal. papers an act of the Kidnapping of some People of Colour and that divers persons had undergone an examination in your Court also that bills of Indictment were found against John Smith a Yellow Man and three others, White Men. I am also informed by a Coloured Man that there has been in and near this place Since last fall a Couloured Man by the name of John Smith that he is now and has been for some months past employed by a Farmer near this place but is now as he believes in Philadelphia but expeted to return in a few days also says he had frequent Conversation with him and belives that he is the same John Smith named in that publication says that he told him that he had lived in Philadelphia that he could some times make from fifty to an hundred dollars in a Week, now my motive for troubleing you with this is that if you should be of opinion that he is likely to be same person if you will inform me what is necessary to be done I am willing to act in the case being authorized by virtue of the appointment of [the] Legislator of our State as one of the Justices of [the] Peace in and for the County of Gloucester.
- I remain &
- Job Brown
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