Location: York, Pennsylvania, United States

Surnames/tags: Glattfelder Glatfelter
Notes from Jacob Glatfelter's Probate Records
1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest awarded [1]
- Abstract:
- 1 May 1873
- Petition of Rudolph B. Glatfelter, administrator of estate of Jacob Glatfelter, late of North Codorus Twp
- Jacob died intestate
- Had a tract of land
- in North Codorus
- adjoining lands of Levi Slagle, William Keener, John Bare Jr., Lawrence Hilbert and others
- 105 acres w. house, barn, and other improvements
- Eight adult children survive him
- David B. Glatfelter
- Henry B. Glatfelter
- Andrew B. Glatfelter
- Jacob B. Glatfelter
- Rudolph B. Glatfelter
- Cordelia m. Michael Klinedinst
- Leah m. George Moyer
- Louisa Glatfelter
- All reside in N Codorus
- No widow survives
- No partition or valuation of estate has ever been made
- Asks to appoint Peter Garbaugh, Lawrence Hilbert, Michael Bentz as commissioners to make partition of premises or to value and appraise it
- Court agrees and appointes the men
1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest confirmed [2]
- Abstract
- Subscribers appointed by the court to make partition and valuation of the real estate of Jacob Glatfelter dec'd.
- It cannot be divided
- They value it at $5/acre ($45)
- 12 Aug 1873
- The court ordered it on 27th Aug
1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, refusal of heirs filed [3]
- Abstract:
- Heirs of Jacob Glatfelter, late of North Codorus Twp refuse to accept his real estate at the valuation thereof lately made.
- They ask for an order of sale.
- Signed:
- A.B. Glatfelter
- R.B. Glatfelter
- J.B. Glatfelter
- Leah Moyer,
- George H Moyer
- Henry B. Glatfelter
- David B. Glatfelter
- Michael Klinedinst
- Cordelia (X her mark) Klinedinst
- Louisa Glatfelter
- 27 Aug 1873
1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, sale awarded [4]
- Abstract:
- Jacob Glatfelter dec'd real estate was valued and appraised by 3 commissioners in one parcel. The valuation was confirmed by the court.
- The heirs signed off in court that they were refusing to accept the valuation and asked for it to be put up for sale.
- Aug 25th 1873 Mssrs Geise and Blackford, attorneys for parties interested, made a motion to the court.
- The court awarded an order the sale
- Tract of land
- In North Codorus Twp
- Adjoining lands of Levi Slagle, William Keener, John Bare Jr, and Lawrence Hilbert and others,
- Contains about 105 acres with house, barn and other improvements
- to Rudolph B Glatfelter, administrator of decedent, file bond for $9450 with A.B. Glatfelter and Michael Klinedinst as securities
- Put up for public sale after giving due and legal notice of time and place of sale.
- Sell for the best price that can be had
1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, bond of admin approved and filed [5]
- Abstract:
- 27 Aug 1873
- Rudolph B Glatfelter, A. B. Glatfelter and Michael Kindelinst and bound by commenwealth of PA for 9450 re: the real estate of Jacob Glatfelter, Late of North Codorus Twp.
- Rudolph B Glatfelter is authorized to sell the real estate for the purpose of distribution.
- the bond will be discharged once he sells and appropriately distributes the proceeds of the sale.
1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, sale confirmed [6]
- Abstract
- Oct 13 1873
- Matter of the estate of Jacob Glatfelter, late of North Codorus Twp
- Undersigned Rudolph B. Glatfelter, admin of estate reports:
- Gave legal notice of time and date of sale
- Sale was 20 Sept 1873 at public outcry on the premises.
- Sold in eleven different tracts of parcels as follows
- No. 1:
- Tract of land in North Codorus ajoining lands of Wm Keever, John Bear, Lawrence Hilbert and others
- Containing about 93 acres
- Sold to Jacob B. Glatfelter for $3249.75
- Payable in three equal payments of $1083.25 each
- 1 April 1874
- 1 April 1875
- 1 April 1876 (with interest from 1 April 1874)
- No. 2:
- Tract of land in North Codorus adjoining Nos. 1 & 3
- Containing about 4 acres
- Sold to Levi Slegel for $432
- Payable ½ 1 April 1874 and ½ on 1 April 1875 with interest from 1 April 1874
- No. 3
- Adjoining Nos. 2 & 4
- Containing about 3 and ½ acres
- Sold to Ephraim B. Glatfelter for $388.37
- Payable in same manner as No. 2
- No. 4
- Adjoining Nos 3 & 5
- Containing about 4 ½ acres
- Sold to Andrew B. Glatfelter for $357.18
- Payable in same manner as No. 2 & 3
- No. 5
- Adjoining Nos 4 & 7
- Containing about 2 ½ acres
- Sold to Jacob B. Glatfelter for $172
- Payable in same manner as No. 2 3 & 4
- No. 6
- Adjoining Nos 1 & 5
- Containing 3 ½ acres
- Sold to George H. Moyer for $247.62
- Payable in same manner as No. 2 3 4 & 5
- No. 7
- Adjoining Nos 6 & 1
- Containing about 4 acres
- Sold to Jacob B. Ketterman for $182
- Payable in same manner as No. 6
- No. 8 & 9
- Adjoining Nos 1 & 7
- No 8 containing 1 ½ acres
- No 9 containing 1 ½ acres
- Sold to George H. Moyer for $75
- Payable cash 1 April 1874
- No. 10
- Adjoining Nos 1 & 8
- Containing 1 1/2 acres
- Sold to David B. Glatfelter for $37.37 ½
- Payable1 April 1874
- No. 11
- Adjoining Nos 9 & 1
- Containing 1 1/2 acres
- Sold to Louisa Glatfelter for $7.50
- Payable 1 April 1874
- Court confirms
- ↑ York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 69, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest awarded, 1 May 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-WX99?i=398&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 399 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
- ↑ York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 366, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest confirmed, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-W61L?i=548&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 549 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
- ↑ York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 367, Jacob Glatfelter, refusal of heirs filed, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-W61L?i=548&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 549 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
- ↑ York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 367-368, Jacob Glatfelter, sale awarded, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-W61L?i=548&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 549 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
- ↑ York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 368, Jacob Glatfelter, bond of admin approved and filed, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-WX9J?i=549&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 550 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
- ↑ York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 579-580, Jacob Glatfelter, sale confirmed, 13 October 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89SM-WXTX?i=654&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 655 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
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