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Jacob Glatfelter Probate

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: York, Pennsylvania, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Glattfelder Glatfelter
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Notes from Jacob Glatfelter's Probate Records

1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest awarded [1]

1 May 1873
Petition of Rudolph B. Glatfelter, administrator of estate of Jacob Glatfelter, late of North Codorus Twp
Jacob died intestate
Had a tract of land
in North Codorus
adjoining lands of Levi Slagle, William Keener, John Bare Jr., Lawrence Hilbert and others
105 acres w. house, barn, and other improvements
Eight adult children survive him
David B. Glatfelter
Henry B. Glatfelter
Andrew B. Glatfelter
Jacob B. Glatfelter
Rudolph B. Glatfelter
Cordelia m. Michael Klinedinst
Leah m. George Moyer
Louisa Glatfelter
All reside in N Codorus
No widow survives
No partition or valuation of estate has ever been made
Asks to appoint Peter Garbaugh, Lawrence Hilbert, Michael Bentz as commissioners to make partition of premises or to value and appraise it
Court agrees and appointes the men

1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest confirmed [2]

Subscribers appointed by the court to make partition and valuation of the real estate of Jacob Glatfelter dec'd.
It cannot be divided
They value it at $5/acre ($45)
12 Aug 1873
The court ordered it on 27th Aug

1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, refusal of heirs filed [3]

Heirs of Jacob Glatfelter, late of North Codorus Twp refuse to accept his real estate at the valuation thereof lately made.
They ask for an order of sale.
A.B. Glatfelter
R.B. Glatfelter
J.B. Glatfelter
Leah Moyer,
George H Moyer
Henry B. Glatfelter
David B. Glatfelter
Michael Klinedinst
Cordelia (X her mark) Klinedinst
Louisa Glatfelter
27 Aug 1873

1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, sale awarded [4]

Jacob Glatfelter dec'd real estate was valued and appraised by 3 commissioners in one parcel. The valuation was confirmed by the court.
The heirs signed off in court that they were refusing to accept the valuation and asked for it to be put up for sale.
Aug 25th 1873 Mssrs Geise and Blackford, attorneys for parties interested, made a motion to the court.
The court awarded an order the sale
Tract of land
In North Codorus Twp
Adjoining lands of Levi Slagle, William Keener, John Bare Jr, and Lawrence Hilbert and others,
Contains about 105 acres with house, barn and other improvements
to Rudolph B Glatfelter, administrator of decedent, file bond for $9450 with A.B. Glatfelter and Michael Klinedinst as securities
Put up for public sale after giving due and legal notice of time and place of sale.
Sell for the best price that can be had

1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, bond of admin approved and filed [5]

27 Aug 1873
Rudolph B Glatfelter, A. B. Glatfelter and Michael Kindelinst and bound by commenwealth of PA for 9450 re: the real estate of Jacob Glatfelter, Late of North Codorus Twp.
Rudolph B Glatfelter is authorized to sell the real estate for the purpose of distribution.
the bond will be discharged once he sells and appropriately distributes the proceeds of the sale.

1873, York County Orphan's Court, Jacob Glatfelter, sale confirmed [6]

Oct 13 1873
Matter of the estate of Jacob Glatfelter, late of North Codorus Twp
Undersigned Rudolph B. Glatfelter, admin of estate reports:
Gave legal notice of time and date of sale
Sale was 20 Sept 1873 at public outcry on the premises.
Sold in eleven different tracts of parcels as follows
No. 1:
Tract of land in North Codorus ajoining lands of Wm Keever, John Bear, Lawrence Hilbert and others
Containing about 93 acres
Sold to Jacob B. Glatfelter for $3249.75
Payable in three equal payments of $1083.25 each
1 April 1874
1 April 1875
1 April 1876 (with interest from 1 April 1874)
No. 2:
Tract of land in North Codorus adjoining Nos. 1 & 3
Containing about 4 acres
Sold to Levi Slegel for $432
Payable ½ 1 April 1874 and ½ on 1 April 1875 with interest from 1 April 1874
No. 3
Adjoining Nos. 2 & 4
Containing about 3 and ½ acres
Sold to Ephraim B. Glatfelter for $388.37
Payable in same manner as No. 2
No. 4
Adjoining Nos 3 & 5
Containing about 4 ½ acres
Sold to Andrew B. Glatfelter for $357.18
Payable in same manner as No. 2 & 3
No. 5
Adjoining Nos 4 & 7
Containing about 2 ½ acres
Sold to Jacob B. Glatfelter for $172
Payable in same manner as No. 2 3 & 4
No. 6
Adjoining Nos 1 & 5
Containing 3 ½ acres
Sold to George H. Moyer for $247.62
Payable in same manner as No. 2 3 4 & 5
No. 7
Adjoining Nos 6 & 1
Containing about 4 acres
Sold to Jacob B. Ketterman for $182
Payable in same manner as No. 6
No. 8 & 9
Adjoining Nos 1 & 7
No 8 containing 1 ½ acres
No 9 containing 1 ½ acres
Sold to George H. Moyer for $75
Payable cash 1 April 1874
No. 10
Adjoining Nos 1 & 8
Containing 1 1/2 acres
Sold to David B. Glatfelter for $37.37 ½
Payable1 April 1874
No. 11
Adjoining Nos 9 & 1
Containing 1 1/2 acres
Sold to Louisa Glatfelter for $7.50
Payable 1 April 1874
Court confirms


  1. York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 69, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest awarded, 1 May 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-WX99?i=398&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 399 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
  2. York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 366, Jacob Glatfelter, inquest confirmed, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-W61L?i=548&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 549 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
  3. York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 367, Jacob Glatfelter, refusal of heirs filed, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-W61L?i=548&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 549 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
  4. York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 367-368, Jacob Glatfelter, sale awarded, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-W61L?i=548&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 549 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
  5. York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 368, Jacob Glatfelter, bond of admin approved and filed, 27 August 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9SM-WX9J?i=549&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 550 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.
  6. York, Pennsylvania, Orphan's Court Docket, vol. 2N, p. 579-580, Jacob Glatfelter, sale confirmed, 13 October 1873; consulted as "Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994," browsable images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89SM-WXTX?i=654&wc=9PMK-16D%3A268493601%2C268995301&cc=1999196 : accessed 19 January 2024) path: York > Orphans' Court dockets 1872-1873 vol 2M-2N > img 655 of 718; citing York County Courthouse; FHL film # 1287417.

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