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Joe Sneed - Research - Letter 1

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Date: 3 Nov 2022 [unknown]
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LETTER1 has "John H. V. Carrell" and says "Methodist Circuit Rider who had served as a drummer boy in Confederate Army".
Title: LETTER 1
Author: Mrs. Winfred A. Salter (Cammie Elizabeth Atkison))
Publication: to Mrs Dabney W Sneed (Sallie Bell Atkison)/
Text: LETTER from Mrs W. A. SALTER to Mrs D. W. SNEED [Transcribed from typescript by Joseph D. Sneed, 07/17/2004]

Gilbert Allen Bell came from Ireland with his parents and settled in Virginia. He married Elizabeth (don't know last name) and they moved to Tennessee. Robert Allen Bell, his son, was born in Tennessee and was one of the first lay preachers of the Cumberland Branch of the Presbyterian Church. His work was among the Choctaw Indians in Tennessee, and later in Mississippi, where he went as a young man, He farmed near the town of Randolph.

Robert Kennedy's family came from England and went down the Mississippi River from St. Louis to the New Orleans Country. He was married to Elizabeth Dixon, whose sister married Andrew Jackson's father. The Dixon's lived in Tennessee. Our grandmother, was Elizabeth Dixon Kennedy. Her brother, Tom, lived in Bonnam, Texas in later life. Her older sister married a Ridings. Jane's son Louis Ridings used to visit us. Louis's daughter Laura Duckworth used to live in Durant. His daughter-in-law or great-daughter- in-law is Hope Ridings. She is a writer.

Robert Allan Bell and Elizabeth Dixon Kennedy lived in Mississippi after they were married. They had twelve children, some dying in infancy. The children were:

Emma Bell married Ellis Perkins. Their children were:

Anna married John Henry Salmon

Don(na) Bell married W. R. Perkins

Lena never married

Beaula married Asby

Fanie Moss Bell marries but don't know who

All lived in Mississippi

Robert Donald Bell married Martha Woods. Their children were: Gertrude, Clyde, William, Robert, and Mattie, now living in Texas City

Elizabeth Bell married Jesse G. Williams. they came from Mississippi to Boue [?] County, later Bryan, and were farmers in the Roberta and Utica area. She dies of tuberculosis. their children were:

Gilbert Allen married a Condit girl who died, later married Salle, no children

James married Ella; two boys (Elsa, Texas)

Castilla marries Will Neely; one son Will Jr. (New Albany, Miss)

Elizabeth marries George Hubbard; three children, died of flu in 1917

May married Jeff Turner; three children; warden of Miss state prison until his retirement

John Ellis married Mabel Howard; two children; killed in auto accident while scheriff [?] of Bryan County

Robert Peyton (Pate) married Maude Yourney; three or four children (Roberta)

Jack French married Maude ....; some children one died when their house burned

Mary Emma married George Hubbard; one child Ambrose (Mississippi:)

Lewis Clark married Greenwood: after she died married he sister (California)

Leila Forrest married Enis Hayes: one child; died in California

Hugh Allen Bell married Ollie (last name unknown). Their children were:

Thrace and twins Clevlon [?] and Clyde (a girl)

All lived in Mississippi

Thomas Ellen Bell (Duck) married James Peyton Donaldson (kin to Rachel Donaldson who married Andrew Jackson). Their children were:

Robert Peyton Donaldson married...

Sallie Irene Donaldson never married.

Melisa Merle Donaldson married Will Corbin

Cora Emma Donaldson married Marshal Jamison

Lelia Bell married Willis R. Collins. They moved to Texas and later to Durant. Their children were:

Jettie married Homer Glen

Jessie married to Ingram Calhoun

Ivy last marries John Burnett (Oklahoma City)

Ernest married Merle ... from Florida

Elizabeth married Albert Sidney Johnson, divorced (Merkel, Texas)

Robert married...

Forrest May ... married three times

Horton dies as child

A girl died as child

Bailey married......

Dan...married died number of years ago

Sarah Francis Bell married John F. V. Carrell a Methodist Circuit Rider who had served as a drummer boy in the Confederate Army

Mary Caroline Bell married General Forrest Atkinson. They cam from Ponotoc Miss. to Durant. Their children are

Don Ellis married Anne McDonald

Cammie Elizabeth married Winfred Salter; one son Forrest

Robert Pratt married Allie V. Adrian; one child Mary Alice

Walter Forrest died in infancy

Sallie Bell married Dabney W. Sneed; one son Joe

William Leonard married Lucille Walsen; one son Bill
Lottie married Otto M. Morse both died; one son Jim

Thelma married Robert T. Daniels; two sons Billy Bob and Larry

The Atkinsons or Atkins came originally from England to Alabama and then to Southern Mississippi. Giles Manuel Atkinson marries Margret Grey whose mother was a Forrest. Their children were:

Cammie burned to death as a child

Mary married several times; children called Johnson

Sallie married William Boeckmann (DeLeon, Texas)

General Forrest Atkinson

born during the Civil War when the guerillas were following Sherman's march to the sea. Their house was burned and his mother with it. Mary who was seven took Forrest and Sallie to the home of neighbors as the father was in the army. A family who had a small boy took Forrest with them to Alabama. When his father came home he found the house burned. After burying the bones and things he found Mary and Sallie with another family who later came to Texas. When Forrest was fourteen he came back to Mississippi and found his father who had married his aunt Mary Larrimore whose husband had been killed in the war. She had two sons Ubioe [?] and John and they had a daughter Eunivecce. Forrest's father lived with her in his old age.
Note: There are two texts of this document, one in my possession and one in the possession of Fred Hawthorne. The latter appears in Sources as "Letter written by Aunt Sis Atkinson"

What I have appears to be a transcript of a letter written to all the author's siblings in the 1950's. I think it was transcribed by my father, Dabney Whitfield Sneed, since it is typed on a typewriter with unusual type. He was the only one I knew with such a typewriter.

JDS 07/13/04
Paranthetical: Y

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