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John Clement, colonial Hanover County Virginia

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Surname/tag: Colonial Virginia
Profile manager: Mary Douglass private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 53 times.

This project focuses on John Clement who died 1749 in colonial Hanover County Virginia and his second wife Isabelle, and their son Simon.

The goal of this project is to ... provide original primary documentation for this lineage based on the best research available and in accordance with the Wiki Tree Honor Code.

Right now this project just has one member, me. I am [Clement-265|Mary Clement]. I am a retired professional genealogist, and held the credential "Certified Genealogist," 2000-2009. I have tested with FTDNA for full sequence mtdna, and with Ancestry for autosomal dna. I tested my son surnamed Douglass at ydna 111 markers, Family Finder. He descends from Niall of the Nine Hostages, High King of Ireland. I have tested my brother with FTDNA at ydna 67 markers. My husband and I live in north central Kansas. I have worked on our combined Clement-Douglass family tree since 1972. Mary Clement Douglass

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.

  • What is Isabelle's maiden name? Some researchers claim Lutley, but provide no documentation. Hanover County Virginia is a burned county which lost most of its colonial records in the American Civil War, 1861-1865.
  • Who are John's parents? Is John the immigrant?
  • Where is John's family from? He was an adherent of the Presbyterian church which suggests a "Scot-Irish" background.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

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