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Surname/tag: Howland
Items pertaining to the Mayflower Passenger John Howland.
Link back to John Howland
- John Howland's Will: 29 May 1672, Plymouth Colony.
John Howland's will and inventory were transcribed from the original records by George Ernest Bowman in his book.
John Howland died at Plymouth, on the twenty third of February 1672/3. His will and inventory were recorded in the Plymouth Colony Wills and Inventories, Volume III, Part I, pages 49 to 54.
- [p. 49] "The Last Will and Testament of mr John Howland of Plymouth late Deceased, exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth the fift Day of March Anno Dom 1672 on the oathes of mr Samuell ffuller and mr Willam Crow as followeth Know all men to whom these prsents shall Come That I John howland senir of the Towne of New Plymouth in the Collonie of New Plymouth in New England in America, this twenty ninth Day of May one thousand six hundred seaventy and two being of whole mind, and in Good and prfect memory and Remembrance praised be God; being now Grown aged; haveing many Infeirmities of body upon mee; and not Knowing how soon God will call mee out of this world, Doe make and ordaine these prsents to be my Testament Containing herein my last Will in manor and forme following; Imp I Will and bequeath my body to the Dust and my soule to God that Gave it in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection unto Glory; and as Concerning my temporall estate, I Dispose therof as followeth;"
- "Item I Doe give and bequeath unto John Howland my eldest sonne besides what lands I have already given him, all my Right and Interest To that one hundred acrees of land graunted mee by the Court lying on the eastern side of Taunton River; between Teticutt and Taunton bounds and all the appurtenances and privilidges Therunto belonging, I belonge to him and his heires and assignes for ever; and if that Tract should faile, then to have all my Right title and Interest by and in that Last Court graunt to mee in any other place, To belonge to him his heires and assignes for ever;"
- "Item I give and bequeath unto my son Jabez Howland all those my upland and Meddow That I now posesse at Satuckett and Paomett, and places adjacent, with all the appurtenances and privilidges, belonging therunto, and all my right title and Interest therin, To belonge to him his heires and assignes for ever,"
- "Item I Give and bequeath unto my son Jabez Howland all that my one peece of land that I have lying on the southsyde of the Mill brooke, in the Towne of Plymouth aforsaid; be it more or lesse; and is on the Northsyde of a feild that is now Gyles Rickards senir To belonge to the said Jabez his heires and assignes for ever"
- "Item I give and bequeath into Isacke Howland my youngest sonne all those my uplands and meddowes Devided and undivided with all the appurtenances and priviliges unto them belonging, lying and being in the Towne of Middlebery, and in a tract of Land Called the Majors Purchase neare Namassakett Ponds; which I have bought and purchased of Willam White of Marshfeild in the Collonie of New Plymouth; which may or shall appeer by any Deed or writing that is Given under the said Whites hand all such Deeds or writinges Together with the aformensioned prticulares To belonge to the said Isacke his heires and assignes for ever;"
- "Item I give and bequeath unto my said son Isacke Howland the one halfe of my twelve acree lott of Meddow That I now have att Winnatucsett River within the Towne of Plymouth aforsaid To belonge to him the said Isacke Howland his heires and assignes for ever,"
- "Item I Will and bequeath unto my Deare and loveing wife Elizabeth Howland the use and benifitt of my now Dwelling house in Rockey nooke in the Township of Plymouth aforsaid, with the outhousing lands, That is uplands [p. 50] uplands and meadow lands and all appurtenances and privilidges therunto belonging in the Towne of Plymouth and all other Lands housing and meddowes that I have in the said Towne of Plymouth excepting what meadow and upland I have before given To my sonnes Jabez and Isacke howland During her naturall life to Injoy make use of and Improve for her benifitt and Comfort"
- "Item I Give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Howland after the Decease of my loveing wife Elizabeth Howland my aforsaid Dwelling house att Rockey nooke together with all the outhousing uplands and Meddowes appurtenances and privilidges belonging therunto; and all other housing uplands and meddowes appurtenances and privilidges That I have within the aforsaid Towne of New Plymouth excepting what lands and meadowes I have before Given To my two sonnes Jabez and Isacke; To belong to him the said Joseph howland To him and his heires and assignes for ever"
- "Item I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Desire Gorum twenty shillings"
- "Item I Give and bequeath To my Daughter Hope Chipman twenty shillings"
- "Item I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Dickenson twenty shillings"
- "Item I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Lydia Browne twenty shillings"
- "Item I Give & bequeath to my Daughter Hannah Bosworth twenty shillings"
- "Item I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ruth Cushman twenty shillings"
- "Item I Give to my Grandchild Elizabeth Howland The Daughter of my son John Howland twenty shillings"
- "Item my will is That these legacyes Given to my Daughters, be payed by my exequitrix in such species as shee thinketh meet; Item I will and bequeath unto my loveing wife Elizabeth Howland, my Debts and legacyes being first payed, my whole estate: viz: lands houses goods Chattles; or any thinge else that belongeth or appertaineth unto mee, undisposed of be it either in Plymouth Duxburrow or Middlbery or any other place whatsoever; I Doe freely and absolutly give and bequeath it all to my Deare and loveing wife Elizabeth Howland whom I Doe by these prsents, make ordaine and Constitute to be the sole exequitrix of this my Last will and Testament to see the same truely and faithfully prformed according to the tenour therof; In witnes wherof the said John Howland senir have heerunto sett my hand and seale the aforsaid twenty ninth Day of May, one thousand six hundred seaventy and two 1672"
- "Signed and sealed in the John Howland presence of Samuell ffuller And a seale Willam Crow."[1]
- [p.51] "A trew Inventory of all the goods Cattles and Chattles and Lands of Mr John Howland lately Deceased taken and aprised by Elder Thomas Cushman Serjeant Tinkham and Willam Crow the third of March Anno Dom 1672 and exhibited to the Court held att Plymouth the fift of March 1672/73 on the oathe of mrs Elizabeth Howland widdow as followeth"
- In the outward or fier Rome L s d
- Impr I muskett 1 long Gun 1 Cutlas 1 belt, att 02 10 00
- Item 1 Chimney Iron barr 2 paire of pot hangers 00 09 00
- Item 1 fier shovell 1 paire of tonges 1 paire of Cob irons 00 07 00
- Item 1 frying pan 1 smoothing box and Irons 00 05 06
- Item 1 adds 2 axes 1 mortising axe 1 hoe 00 11 06
- Item 3 augers 1 pikaxe 00 05 00
- Item 1 hammer 1 paire of Pincers 1 Drawing knife 1 spliting kniffe 00 02 00
- Item 2 Cow bells 1 old Chaine, and Divers peeces of old Iron Aules & a box 00 05 00
- Item 2 presshookes 1 paire of sheep sheers 2 sickles 00 04 00
- Item 1 pruning Instrument 1 peece of steele 00 02 00
- Item 2 staples 1 peec of a Chaine 00 01 06
- Item 2 staples 4 peeces of a chaine 00 01 06
- Item 1 Dagger three knives 2 paire of sissers 1 paire of stilliyards 00 06 00
- Item 1 padlock 1 thwart saw 3 wedges 1 ploughshare 00 10 00
- Item 3 Iron potts 1 paire of pothookes 1 Iron kettle 01 06 00
- Item 2 brasse kittles 1 warming pan 01 15 00
- Item 1 skimer 1 ladle 1 sawsse pan 1 brasse skillet 00 04 06
- Item 6 pewter platters 3 bason 3 smale pewter thinges 01 07 00
- Item a quart pot 1 candlesticke 1 beer bowle 00 05 00
- Item 3 porringers 1 Dram cupp 1 Tunell 00 03 00
- Item 2 salt sellers 2 chamber potts 7 spoones 00 10 00
- Item 1 Iron candlesticke 1 latten pott 1 Ironsockettd 00 02 00
- Item 1 shove Iron 2 washers 2 old sickles and old Iron 00 02 00
- Item 4 earthen potts 1 pan and 1 Jugg and earthen ware 00 02 00
- Item 1 hatchell 00 05 00
- Item 1 great bible and Annotations on the 5 bookes of Moses 01 00 00
- Item mr Tindalls workes mr Wilsons workes 7 more bookes 01 00 00
- Item 3 wheeles 1 cherne 1 straning Dish 00 13 00
- Item 3 cheesfatts 11 trayes 1 kimnell 00 05 06
- Item 3 pailes six tubbs 1 ladle 1 cheese ladder 00 14 06
- Item trenchers Roleing pins and some smale things 00 02 00
- Item 3 Chaires stooles old barrells 3 Cushens 00 07 00
- Items 3 beer vessells 00 04 00
- 16 06 00
- [p.52] In the Inward Rome or bedchamber his wearing appaarell
- Item 3 hatts 00 16 00
- Item 3 great coates 02 00 00
- Item 1 suite of cloth 03 00 00
- Item 1 serge suite 01 10 00
- Item 1 homespon suite and wastcoate 00 15 00
- Item 1 suite 00 12 00
- Item old clothes 00 06 00
- Item 2 red wastcoates 01 05 00
- Item 6 paire of Stockens 01 00 00
- Item 1 Jackett and one paire of Mittens 00 13 06
- Item 1 holland shirt 00 12 00
- Item 4 shirts 00 18 00
- Item 4 holland capps 4 Dowlis capps and 4 other capps 00 10 00
- Item 2 silke Neckclothes 00 07 06
- Item 1 paire of bootes 2 paire of shooes 01 00 00
- 15 11 00
- In the said Rome
- Item 4 remnants of clothe 00 19 00
- Item 2 yards of serge 00 10 00
- Item 3 yards 1/2 of carsey 01 15 00
- Item 4 Dozen of buttons 1/2 10 skines of silke 3 yards of Manchester 00 04 00
- Item 17 yards of fflax and cotton cloth att 02 11 00
- Item 1 peece of fine Dowlis 00 08 06
- Item 1 remnant of licye woolsey 00 08 00
- Item about 16 yards of several remnants of homade Cloth vallued att 03 10 00
- 10 05 06
- In the aforsaid Inward Roome
- Item 1 pound of woolen yerne 00 03 00
- Item 1 paire of sheets 01 05 00
- Item 2 paire of sheets 01 10 00
- Item 1 paire of sheets 1 halfe sheet 01 05 00
- Item 1 paire of sheets att 00 10 00
- Item 1 paire of holland pillowbeers 00 08 09
- Item 2 paire of pillowbeers 00 15 00
- Item 3 pillowbeers 00 06 00
- Item 1 Table cloth and 7 napkins 00 13 00
- Item 10 towells 00 07 00
- Item 4 smale Table clothes 00 04 00
- Item 2 smale pillowbeers 00 01 6
- Item 1 Table and 2 formes 00 10 0
- Item 1 cobbert and a framed chaire 00 08 0
- Item 4 chest and 1 settle 01 00 00
- Item 1 bedsted and box and coard 00 12 0
- Item 1 seifting trough and 2 seives 00 04 0
- Item 1 glass 2 glass bottles 2 earthen potts 00 03 0
- Item 1 wineglasse gallipotts and spectacles 00 02 0
- Item 2 paire of coards one bed cord 1 fishing line 00 05 06
- Item some hobnailes & twelvepeny nailes 00 02 00
- Item 5 peeces of Dresed lether one peece of taned lether 00 06 00
- Item a smale prcell of hemp and hopps 00 02 00
- Item 3 or 4 basketts 1 brush 1 file 00 01 00
- [p. 53] Item Cotton woole about a Dozen pound 00 12 00
- Item 3 old caske 00 02 00
- Item 1 feather bed and bolster 3 great & 2 smale pillowes 05 00 00
- Item 5 blanketts 03 15 00
- Item 1 rugg and one blankett 01 15 00
- Item 1 blankett att 00 15 00
- Item in reddy mony 01 19 00
- Item a smale prcell of powder shott and bulletts 00 03 00
- Item 1 Inkhorn 00 00 06
- 24 14 03
- In the uper Roome or Chamber
- Item 1 feather bed bolster and pillow 04 00 00
- Item 2 blanketts and a Rugg 01 05 00
- Item 1 woole or fflocke bed 2 feather bolsters and a pillow 02 00 00
- Item 2 blanketts 00 15 00
- Item 1 bedstead cord and box 00 10 00
- Item 1 prcell of sheep woole about fifteen pound 00 15 00
- Item a prcell of feathers about 15 or 16 pound 00 15 00
- Item a cupple of old hogsheds and an old candlesticke 00 02 00
- Item 20 bushells or therabouts of Indian corne 03 00 00
- Item 4 bushells of Mault or therabouts 00 16 00
- Item 4 bushells of Rye or therabouts 00 14 00
- Item 6 bushells of wheat or therabouts 01 07 00
- Item 2 bushells and an halfe or barly or therabouts 00 10 00
- Item 2 ffliches of bacon and 1 third of a barrell of porke 02 00 00
- Item 1 halfe of a barrell of beeff and 2 empty barrells 00 15 00
- Item 15 pound of Tallow and Candles 00 07 06
- Item 34 pound of butter and lard 00 17 00
- Item 14 pound of sugare 00 03 00
- Item 1 halfe hogshed 00 03 00
- Item 1 pad 1 pillian 1 bridle 1 sheepskin 00 05 00
- Item 6 pound of Tobacco 1 pecke of beans 00 04 00
- Item 1 grindstone and handles 1 ffan 00 09 00
- Item 8 baggs 15s old Iron 1 shilling 00 16 00
- 22 14 06
- Cattle
- Item 2 mares and one colt 03 00 00
- Item 4 oxen 4 cowes 24 00 00
- Item 2 heiffers and 3 steers of three years old 12 10 00
- Item 2 two yeare old heiffers 2 yearling calves 03 10 00
- Item 13 swine 04 15 00
- Item 45 sheep young and old 15 00 00
- Item the one halfe of a paire of Iron bound wheeles and cart and 12 bolts 2 shakles 02 02 06
- Item 1 paire of hookes and a staple 00 01 06
- Item 1 bullockes hyde 00 14 00
- Item a cannooe 00 05 00
- 00 05 00
- 65 18 00
- Debts Due to the Testator
- ffrom John Branch of Marshfeild att 2 several pay-ments the sume of 08 00 00
- Edward Gray 1 barrell of salt 00 12 00
- Item a Debt Due from a frind 00 10 00
- 09 02 00
- Brought from the other side 155 09 03
- Sume 164 11 03
- Debts owing by the Testator
- To Elder Thomas Cushman 00 15 00
- To Thomas Cushman Junir 00 05 00
- To John Clarke 00 10 06
- To Edward Gray 00 08 03
- To William Crow 00 02 00
- To John Gorum 01 12 00
- To two or three smale Debts about 00 02 00
- ffunerall Charges 03 08 00
- Debts Deducted 07 02 02
- The totale of the estate prissed 157 08 08
- Wee find that the Testator Died posessed of these severall parcells of Land following;
- Impr his Dwelling house with the outhousing uplands and meddow belonging therunt lying att Rockey nooke in the Towne of New Plymouth
- Item a prcell of meddow att Jonses river meddow
- Item the one halfe of a house and a prcell of meddow and upland belonging therunto lying and being att Colchester in the aforsaid Townshipp;
- Item a prcell of meddow and upland belonging therunto; lying neare Joness river bridge in the Towne of Duxburrow
- Item one house and 2 shares of a tract of land and meddow that lyeth in the Towne of Middleberry that was purchaced by Captaine Thomas Southward of and from the Indian Sachem Josias Wampatucke
- Item 2 Shares of a tract of Land Called the Majors Purchase lying neare Namassakett ponds
- pr nos Thomas Cushman senr
- Ephraim Tinkam senir
- William Crow[5]
- ↑ Found online at http://mayflowerhistory.com/will-of-john-howland
- ↑ Plymouth Colony Wills 3(1):49-54
- ↑ Mayflower Descendant: 2(1900):70-77
- ↑ Online at http://www.histarch.illinois.edu/plymouth/P204.htm.
- ↑ http://www.people.virginia.edu/~jfd3a/Plymouth/P204.htm; University of VA Plymouth Colony Archive Project; 27 June 1999.
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