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John Kemberling died 1838 Research

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WikiTree Pages of Interest

Noteworthy Challenges

  • Incomplete census reports
  • 1850--
    • Samuel is settled at Frankstown;
    • Matilda (missing);
    • Hettie is married, living with Ellis in Blair County at Allegheny Township;
    • Catherine living with Hettie;
    • Eliza Jane is married at Frankstown;
    • Julian is missing;
    • John is missing;
    • Mary Ann is living with mother and step-father at Frankstown.
  • 1860
    • Frankstown Township, Altoona p.o. begins image 153 of 718 (follows Catharine Township and before Freedom Township)
    • Freedom Township, East Freedom p.o. begins image 187 of 718.
  • 1870
    • Frankstown Township, Holllidaysburg p.o. begins, image 30 of 488
    • Freedom Township. Martinsburg p.o. begins image 70
  • Surname Variants.

Bibliographic Notes

Family Group (wip)

To be developed/added:

  • Their [Anna Christina Bonewitz] mother died in 1806, cite Roy--R.C. Kemmerling, "Anna Christina," 13 March 1998 email to GeneJ; held by GeneJ in "Family Records of Roy C. Kemmerling." Roy writes, "Anna Christina Bonewitz passed away in 1806 in Washington Twp, Schuylkill Co, Pa, and is buried at Salem (Hetzel's) Church Cemetary in Wash. Twp.. Her marker is no longer there, but My one uncle had a map of the Old German section of this cemetary showing her plot, it is in front of My ggg Grandfather Heinrich's plot.
  • Ludwig had 900 acres of land ... most went to son Henry ...
  • Ludwig's land at Frankstown (then Huntingdon County, now Blair) went to John / Daniel; this included his home lot and improvements, reserving the use of the home during his lifetime.
  • John and Daniel were to provide Ludwig, and still later his wife (their step-mother) with a stipend ... Cite agreement--John and Daniel Kimmerlin to Ludwick Kimmerlin, all of Frankstown Township, Pennsylvania, 1816 agreement in [Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania] Deeds, Q:1:200[-201]; digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 854208, digital collection (DGS) 8039099, image 441 of 685, agreement dated 21 September 1816; acknowledged 19 September 1818; recorded 11 January 1819.
  • Mill, etc. Cite Orphans' Court Record.
  • Report about John's land and its deposition ... Cite Orphans' Court Record.

Samuel and Mary

See his profile, Samuel Kemberling (1818-1878).

Also Henry A Kimberling 1892 Sketch


Per Chad Whitesel, "[Kemberling]," email of 18 September 2023, see the will of Esther Rench, married Bouslaugh as it calls out grandchildren, presumably including this Matilda.

Separately ...

Esther Bouslough 1841 Will in [Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania] Wills, 4:355[-356]; digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 854232, digital collection (DGS) 5537837, image 523-524 of 607; witnesses R. H. McCormick, William Bell and Christopher Hemler, will dated 18 December 1841, proved 24 January 1844; executors Michael Hileman and David Albaugh, in relevant part, "... Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Metilda Camoerling the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid in six years after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Esther Camoerling the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid in six years and eight months after my decease ..."

Hester and Ellis

Per Chad Whitesel, "[Kemberling]," email of 18 September 2023, see the will of Esther Rench, married Bouslaugh as it calls out grandchildren, presumably including this Hester.


She married Ezra Ellis Hart Jr. (1820-1904).

Esther Bouslough 1841 Will in [Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania] Wills, 4:355[-356]; digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 854232, digital collection (DGS) 5537837, image 523-524 of 607; witnesses R. H. McCormick, William Bell and Christopher Hemler, will dated 18 December 1841, proved 24 January 1844; executors Michael Hileman and David Albaugh, in relevant part, "... Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Metilda Camoerling the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid in six years after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Esther Camoerling the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid in six years and eight months after my decease ..."

1850 U. S. census. Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Allegheny Township, p. 509 (penned on facing page, stamped 257 on facing page), dwelling 269, family 289, Ellis Hart household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M432, roll 755; FSL film 20605, digital collection (DGS) 4191078, image 517 of 537.

Hart, Ellis, 28 M, Farmer, born Pennsylvania
" Hetta, 24 F, born Pennsylvania
" Alexander, 1 M, born Pennsylvania
Kemerling, Catharine, 20 F, born Pennsylvania.

1860 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Allegheny Township, p. 105 )penned; stamped 11), dwelling 684, family 696, Ellis Hart household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M653, roll 1078, FSL film 805078, digital collection (DGS) 5170990, image 15 of 718.

Hart, Ellis, 39 M, Farme, 3000/200, born Pennsylvania
" Hettie, 35 F, born Pennsylvania
" Alex, 11 M, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Ezra. 6 M, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Emma, 4 F, born Pennsylvania

1870 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Allegheny Township, p. 10 (penned; stamped 6 on facing page), Holidaysburg post office, dwelling 77, family 77, Ellis Hart household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M593, roll 1309; FSL film 552808, digital collection (DGS) 4278507, image 15-16 of 517.

Hart, Ellis, 49 M W, Farmer, 4000/500, born Pennsylvania, male citizen > 21
" Hettie, 45 F W, K. House, born Pennsylvania, attended school [sic]
" Blair, 16 M W, born Pennsylvania, attended school
" Stansbury, 9 MW, born Pennsylvania, [attended school]
" Ellis, 4 M W, born Pennsylvania
" John, 25 M W, Brickmaker, -0-/200, born Pennsylvania, male citizen > 21
" Eliza, 23 F W, born Pennsylvania

1890 U.S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, “Special Schedule: Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows,” enumeration district (ED) 40, Duncansville, [p. 2], house no. 218, family 218, line 15, Ellis Hart; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm publication M123, roll 86; FSL film 338245, digital collection (DGS) 4679001, image 370 of 1430;

Rank: Serg
Company I, 84 Pa, Inft
Enlistment: 15 Aug 1861
Discharge: Nov. Nov. 1862
Post Office Address: Duncansville, Blair Co.
Disability Incurred: Shell wound on Left Leg
Remarks: Dropsy of the Heart

Hester “Hetty” Kemberling Hart (1822-1873), memorial 29141144 and tombstone image; web content, FindAGrave, died 14 Jun 1873, buried Carson Valley Cemetery, Duncansville, Blair County, Pennsylvania; memorial managed by Sky (contributor 47004249), gravestone image added by Sky.

Citing " Hollidaysburg Register: 7/2/1873," (transcribed), obituary of Mrs. Ellis Hart on Hester “Hetty” Kemberling Hart (1822-1873), memorial 29141144 ...; web content, FindAGrave, memorial managed by Sky.

Hollidaysburg Register
July 2, 1873
On the 14th inst., Mrs. ELLIS HART of Duncansville, aged about 49* years. She was an intense sufferer for nearly three years previous to her death.

Samuel P. Bates, History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1851-5 ..., 2 (51st to 84th Regiments):1331 (Ellis Hart); digital images, InternetArchive,

Name: Ellis Hart
Rank: "do" [Corp.]
Date of Muster into Service: _____, 61
Term - Years: 3
Remarks: Discharged--date unknown.

Catherine and Oscar

< How do we prove his parentage?
< How do we prove her maiden name. There should be death certificates for some of their children << Yes! See Joseph Willard Hart 1935 death certificate.
< His WikiTree profile cites "Altoona (Pennsylvania) Tribune, Friday, 1 Apr 1904, page 1" as a source, reporting he died at Missouri, but no further note about the news clipping << send pm.

Catherine Kemberling, born probably in Frankstown Township, say 1828 (a minor under the age of 14 in 1839, but had turned 14 by 1843),[1][2] died, perhaps Leavenworth County, Kansas (enumderated there in 1880), 1886;[3] married by about 1851 (birth of child), Oliver Hart,[4][5] the son of Ezra Ellis Hart and his second wife, Mary (Westover) Hart.

Catherine's older half-sister, Hettie married Oliver's half-brother Ezra Ellis ("Ellis") Hart, Jr., and Catherine was enumerated with that family at 1850 at Allegheny Township, Blair County.

Oliver and Catherine moved to Kansas between 1860 and 1870.

1850 U. S. census. Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Allegheny Township, p. 509 (penned on facing page, stamped 257 on facing page), dwelling 269, family 289, Ellis Hart household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M432, roll 755; FSL film 20605, digital collection (DGS) 4191078, image 517 of 537.

Hart, Ellis, 28 M, Farmer, born Pennsylvania
" Hetta, 24 F, born Pennsylvania
" Alexander, 1 M, born Pennsylvania
Kemerling, Catharine, 20 F, born Pennsylvania.

1860 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Allegheny Township, p. 114 (penned, stamped 20), Trunkersville post office, dwelling 755, family 781, Oliver Hart household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M653, roll 1078; FSL film 805078, digital collection (DGS) 5170990, image 24 of 718.

Hart, Oliver, 35 M, Collrie, 4000/200, born Pennsylvania
" Cath, 34 F, born Pennsylvania
" Blanche, 9 F, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" John, 7 M, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Joseph, 5 M, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Saml, 3 M, born Pennsylvania
" Ellis, 1 M, born Pennsylvania

1870 U. S census, Leavenworth County, Kansas, population schedule, Tonganoxie Township, p. 34 (penned, stamped 551 on facing page), dwelling 255, family 257, Oliver Hart household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M593, roll 437; FSL film 545936, digital collection (DGS) 4259248, image 851 of 862.

Hart, Oliver, 41 M W, Laborer, -0-/340, born Pennsylvania, does not read/write
" Catherine, 40 F W, Keeps house, born Pennsylvania, does not read/write
" John A., 17 M W, Laborer, born Pennsylvania, attended school
" Joseph, 15 M W, Laborer, born Pennsylvania, attended school
" Samuel, 13 M W, Laborer, born Pennsylvania, attended school
" Ellis, 12 M W, born Pennsylvania, attended school
" Mary H., 7, F W, born Pennsylvania

1880 U. S. census

1900 U. S. census, Johnson County, Kansas, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 105, Lenexa, Shawnee Township, sheet no. 21 (penned, stamped 167), dwelling 461, family 468, Oliver Hart in Joseph Hart household; digital images, FamilySearch, image 597 of 921

Catherine Hart (1830-1886), memorial 50696311 and gravestone photograph; web content, FindAGrave, gravestone is a shared marker--O. Hart (1828-1904); Catherine Hart (1830-1886); Hettie Hart (1863-1891); burial at Tonganoxie Cemetery; memorial managed by Steve McCray; gravestone image added by Steve McCray.

Joseph Willard Hart 1935 death certificate no. 20033 in Missouri Death Certificate Database; digital image (search and download), Missouri Digital Archive, Missouri Secretary of State (search Joseph Hart, died 1935, Jackson County); Joseph born 8 May 1855 at Altoona, Pennsylvania, died 14 June 1835 at Lees Summit, aged 80 years, 1 month, 6 days; father is Oliver Hart; mother is Catherine Kemmerling; he is married to Glenna M. Hart and is a retired mechanic; burial at Lenexa, Kansas; informant is Mrs. J. W. Hart.

Eliza Jane and Samuel

She married Samuel Gibson.

See Eliza Jane Kimberling (1830–1876), PID 27SQ-WYY

Samuel Gibson (1820–1891), PID KC3J-JC5

Marriage Frankstown Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania, 15 February 1848. See Hollidaysburg Register and Blair County Inquirer, February 16, 1848

Altoona, Pennsylvania
November 12, 1891

    Samuel Gibson, an aged and much respected citizen of Frankstown township, died November 20, 1891, at his home, of dysentery. He was an honest, conscientious and moral man; he was loved and respected by all who knew him. His wife, whose maiden name was Kemberling, died July 2, 1876. He leaves to morn their loss two sons, William and John, and six daughters, Mrs. Jacob Miller, of Royer; Mrs. Willliam Miller, Mrs. Thad. Confer, Mrs. ----- Vowinkle, Miss Hettie, who was at home and kept house for her father, and Mrs. Elmer Miller. Funeral services were conducted at his late residence on Sunday afternoon, by Rev. T. F. Reeser. Although it rained all day, some thirty vehicles were in the funeral procession. His remains were laid to rest in the Frankstown Cemetery.[6]

Child list

Note: Samuel Gibson's 1891 obituary reports eight surviving children--two sons (Wiliam and John) and six daughters (Mrs. Jacob Miller, of Royer; Mrs. Willliam Miller, Mrs. Thad. Confer, Mrs. ----- Vowinkle, Miss Hettie and Mrs. Elmer Miller).

Son William's 1925 obituary reports Samuel and Eliza Jane had only seven children, of whom "three [will] now survive = Kate Confer, Lavinia Vowwinkel and Hattie Fishel. Their brother John died three years ago. Two unnamed sisters had predeceased William.

Some family files, such as FamilyTree (PID G4V7-NRG) , report a Jennie Elizabeth Gibson, married Elmer Elsworth Miller; 10 sources on the profile. This conflict is yet to be resolved.

  • Anna Mary Gibson, born, probably Frankstown Township, Blair County, about 1848 (1850 census), died Frankstown, Bair County, 21 November 1914;[7] married, probably Blair County, by 1868 (1900 census),[8] William M. Miller.[9]
    • Citing "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1806-1964" (, for Anna Mary (Gibson) Miller death, Frankstown, Blair County, Pennsylvania, 21 November, 1914 in Whitesel family tree, courtesy of Chad Whitesel.
    • "United States Census, 1900", database with images, FamilySearch ( : Sun Sep 17 06:39:54 UTC 2023), Entry for William B Miller and Anna M Miller, 1900; she has had 13 children; 12 survive.
    • married William B. Miller.
  • William A. Gibson, born in Frankstown Township, Blair County, about 1850 (1900 census),[10] died in Duncanville, Blair County, 18 January 1925;[11] married, probably Blair County, 17 February 1876, Sarah C. Carles.
    • Citing "Altoona Mirror, Monday, 19 January 1925," "Five Generations Broken by Death," obituary of William A Gibson (transcribed) on William A. Gibson (1850-1925), memorial 12600445 (only); web content, FindAGrave, memorial maintained by Kathie Weigel; obituary reports birth Frankstown township, 1 May 1850, died at the home of his son John E Gibson in Duncansville "Sunday morning"; William A. one of Samuel and Eliza Gibson's seven children , of whom now three surviving; William A. married 17 February 1876, Sarah C. Carles, who died 8 October 1891; their surviving children are--"John E. ... Mrs. Annie Wertz of Duncansville, Mrs. Nora Mentzer of Llyswen, Howard of Brush Mountain, and Ray, who resides on the old homestead in East Loop ...; also surviving are sisters: Mrs. Kate Confer of Lakemont Terrace, Mrs. Lavinia Vowwinkel of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Hattie Fishel of Beaverdale; only brother, John Gibson, died three years ago, while two sisters also preceded him to the grave."
    • 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 74, p. 11 A (penned; stamped 222), Frankstown Township, dwelling 185, family 197, William Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 447 of 909.
    • married Sarah Catherine Carles.
  • Sarah Gibson, born, probably Frankstown, Blair County, 10 April 1852 (gravestone),[12] died Catherine Township, Blair County, 28 April 1921 (death record);[13] married, probably Blair County, by 1870 (birth of child), Jacob Miller,[14] son of John and Margaret Miller.
    • Citing, "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1806-1964" (, for Sarah Elwilda (Gibson) Miller death at Catherine, Blair County, Pennsylvania, 28 April 1921 in Whitesel family tree; courtesy of Chad Whitesel.
    • "United States Census, 1880", database with images, FamilySearch ( : Sun Sep 17 23:36:03 UTC 2023), Entry for Jacob Miller and Sarah Miller, 1880.
    • Where is she at 1900.
      • (probably Sarah and Warren) 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 97, p. 6 B (penned; stamped 285 on facing page), Woodbury Township, dwelling 109, family 117, Sarah A. Miller household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1382, FSL film 1241382, digital collection (DGS) 4115008, image 295 of 976. Sarah A. born April 1852 as head with Warren born Sept 1886; she has had 7 children, all survive, married 34 years.
      • (perhaps Jacob) 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 75, Frankstown Township, p. 6B (penned; stamped 217 on facing page), dwelling 98, family 103, Jacob Miller household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 438 of 909.
      • where are the kids?
      • (probably Samuel and Edith) 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 75, Frankstown Township, p. 6B-69 (penned; stamped 217 on facing page), dwelling 105, family 110, Samuel Miller household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 438 of 909.
      • Another Samuel ... with Jacob Wertz at Frankstown.
      • Angus Kemberling t
      • (probably Lola) 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 96, p. 1 B (penned; stamped 270 on facing page), Williamsburg borough, dwelling 23, family 23, Lola Miller in George P. Ross household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1382, FSL film 1241382, digital collection (DGS) 4115008, image 265 of 976.
      • (probably Margaret) 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 96, p. 5 A (penned; stamped 274 on facing page), Williamsburg borough, dwelling 90, family 94, Margaret Miller in Jeann[ie M.] Shipton household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1382, FSL film 1241382, digital collection (DGS) 4115008, image 272 of 976. Who is the Bertha M. Miller, servant ant dwelling 88, Josiah Elsworth houshold?
      • (probably William) 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 96, p. 6 A (penned; stamped 285 on facing page), Woodbury Township, dwelling 100, family 105, William Miller household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1382, FSL film 1241382, digital collection (DGS) 4115008, image 294 of 976.
      • (probably Belle and "Julia") 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 72, p. 3 B (penned; stamped 190 on facing page), Catharine Township, dwelling 48, family 48, Archie Fornwalt household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 384 of 909.
    • 1880 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, enumeration district (ED) 179, p. 6[B] (penned; stamped 539 on facing page), Woodberry Township, dwelling 55, family 56, Jacob Miller household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series T9, roll 1103, FSL film 1255103, digital collection (DGS) 4244231, image 640 of 680; there are three families in the home-also there are Samuel Miller (family 57) and Margaret Miller (family58).
Miller, Jacob, W M 30, married, Laborer, born Penn, Penn, Penn
" Sarah, W F 26, wife, keeping house, born Penn, Penn, Penn
" Belle, W F 10, daughter, single, attends school ... born Penn, Penn, Penn
" Wm, W M 8, son, single, attends school ... born Penn, Penn, Penn
" Samuel, W M 6, son, single, attends school ... born Penn, Penn, Penn
" Lola, W F 4, daughter, single, ... born Penn, Penn, Penn
" Maggie, W F 10/12 (August), daughter, single ... born Penn, Penn, Penn
  • John Gibson, born, probably Frankstown, Blair County, about 1856 (1870 census),[15] died, probably Blair County, 1922 (gravestone);[16] married, probably Blair County, by 1880 (1880 census),[17] Elizabeth Kemberling, the daughter of Samuel Kemberling and his wife, Mary Confer. John and Elizabeth were half first cousins.
    • John A. Gibson (1856-1922) in Whitesel family tree, courtesy of Chad Whitesel; profile cites five sources as 1880, 1900, 1910 and 1920 census and FindAGrave.
    • John S. Gibson (1856-1922), memorial and gravestone photograph; web content, FindAGrave, memorial managed by cataholic4ever; gravestone photograph added by cataholic4ever.
    • married Elizabeth Kemberling
    • Citing "Altoona Mirror, Feb 14, 1927" for Mrs. Elizabeth Kimberling Gibson 1927 obituary in Elizabeth Ellen Kemberling Gibson (1858-1927), memorial 51445187 and gravestone image; web content, FindAGrave, buried Greenwood Cemetery, Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania, plot B; memorial managed by cataholic4ever, gravestone image added by cataholic4ever; obituary includes her birth at Frankstown, daughter of of Samuel and Mary Kimberling, Elizabeth is widow of John Gibson, survived by "children; Mrs. Mary Grove, with whom she made her home, Mrs. Blanche Bathurst and Henry Gibson of Greenwood, Ralph Gibson and Miss Myril Gibson of Altoona" and "two brothers, Samuel and Henry Kimberling, of Hollidaysburg ..."
    • 1880 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 165, Frankstown Township, p. 6 (penned, stamped 296 on facing page), dwelling 30, family 30, John Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, image 154 of 689; one door down from his parents, Samuel and Eliza Gibson and family.
    • 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 85, p. 6 A (penned; stamped 81), Logan Township, dwelling 60, famiy 63, John Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 787 of 909.
    • 1910 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 79, p. 2A (penned, stamped 245), Logan Township, dwelling 20, family 25, John Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T624 roll 1317, FSL image 1375330, digital collection 4973384. image 1068 of 1111.
    • John S. Gibson (1856-1922), memorial 51445123 and gravestone image; web content, FindAGrave, memorial managed by cataholic4ever; gravestone image added by cataholic4ever.
    • Elizabeth Ellen Kemberling Gibson (1858-1927), memorial 51445187 and gravestone image; web content, FindAGrave, memorial managed by cataholic4ever; gravestone image added by cataholic4ever.
    • Devising Child list ... At 1900, Lizzie reported she had had 11 children, 6 survive, and there were five children in the home, viz.--Daisy, Esther B, Wiliam R., Meyerl (Myril K.), North. Her obituary reported five (5) surviving children as Mrs. Mary Gove, Mrs. Blanche Bathurst and Henry Gibson, all of Greenwood, Ralph Gibson and Miss Myril Gibson of Altoona. Her brothers Samuel and Henry Kimberling of Hollidaysburg also survived.
  • Matilda "Kate" Gibson, born, probably Frankstown Township, Blair County, August 1857 (1900 census),[20] died in Juniata, Blair County, 28 December 1927;[21] married, probably Blair County, before July 1882 (birth of child), Thaddeus Fredrick Confer.[22][23]
    • Citing "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1806-1964" ( and other sources, for Catherine Matilda (Gibson) Confer 1927 death at Juniata, Blair County, Pennsylvania in Whitefel family tree, courtesy of Chad Whitefel.
    • Catherine Matilda Gibson Confer (1858-1927), memorial 143680051 (only); web content, FindAGrave, memorial maintained by Kat.
    • Citing Altoona (Pennsylvania) Mirror, Wednesday, 24 December 1930 for Thaddeus Confer death and funeral notice, Thaddeus Confer (1856-1930) memorial 9868544 (no gravestone photograph); web content, FindAGrave, memorial maintained by Kathie Weigel.
    • Citing Altoona (Pennsylvania) Mirror, Tuesday, May 23, 1922, p. 1, "Death comes in Doctor's office," for William Roy Confer 1922 obituary (transcribed) in William Roy Confer (1882-1922), memorial 98571838 and gravestone photographs; web content, FindAGrave, memorial created by Keith Knipe, managed by spanielfam, gravestone images by LSK; reports the name of his wife and parents.
  • Elizabeth "Lizzie" Gibson, born, probably Frankstown Township, Blair County, March 1861 (1900 census), died Logan Township, Blair County, 9 October 1906;[24] married, probably Blair County, about 1884 (1900 census), Elsworth "Elmer" Miller.[25]
  • Harriet "Hettie" Gibson, born, probably Frankstown Township, Blair County, about 1863 (1870 census), died, probably Beaverdale, Summerhill Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, 1938;[26][27] married in Ebensburg, Cambria County, Pennsylania, 15 August 1904, Franklin Blair Fishel.[28]
    • << FamilyTree PID K45C-K6Y calls her Julia Hester Gibson; 1 source (1880 census); no further record. She is Hattie Gibson; married Franklin Blair Fishel.
    • 1910 U. S. census, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 155, Summershill Township, p. 14 A (penned; stamped 138), dwelling 153, family 333, Frank Fishel household; digital images, [FamilySearch], NARA T624 roll 1325, FSL film 1375338, digital collection (DGS) 4973392, image 280 of 1128.
    • 1920 U. S. census, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 243, Summershill Township (South District), p. 19 (penned; stamped 261), dwelling 320, family 331, Frank Fishel household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T625 roll 1548, FSL film 1821548, digital collection (DGS) 4967722, image 527 of 1132.
    • 1930 U. S. census, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 11-114, p. 14 B (penned, stamped 259 on facing page), dwelling 280, family 290, Frank Fishel household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T626 roll 2013, FHL film 2341747, digital collection (DGS) 4639685, image 1075 of 1118.
  • Lavina "Lettie"/"Venie" Gibson, born, probably Frankstown Township, Blair County, about 1867 (1870 census), died after 1940 (1940 census); married at Blair County, 4 December 1890,[29] John E. Vowinkel.
  • << FamilyTree PID KZ6N-577 calls her Helen Lavinia Gibson; 8 sources; married John E. Vowinkel.
    • Vowickel-Gibson 1890 marriage in [Blair County, Pennsylvania] Marriage license dockets, 1885-1916, 7:567; digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 1293320, digital collection (DGS) 004460748, image 302 of 820; marriage is 4 December 1890; both born Blair County; he is J. E. Vowinckel, son of Fred and Rosa Vowinkel; she is Venie Gibson, lives at Frankstown Township, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Gibson; he is a contractor.
    • 1900 U. S. census << missing
    • 1910 U. S. census << missing
    • 1920 U. S. census << missing
    • 1930 U. S. census, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 2-387, p. 5A (penned, stamped 254), Pittsburgh, ward 21, block 124; dwelling 5, family 6, 1525 Metropolitan Street, John Vowinkle household; digital images, FamilySeach, NARA T626 roll 1984, FSL film 2341718, digital collection (DGS) 4952927, image 1097 of 1170.
    • 1940 U. S. census, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 69-627, p. 7B (penned; stamped 7040 on next sheet), Pittsburgh, ward 21, block 40, family 137, 1621 Metropolitan Street, John Vowinkel houshousehold; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA _____, FSL digital collection (DGS) 005456811, image 271 of 629.

Eliza Jane Kemberling Gibson (18330-1876), memorial 12600465 and gravestone photographs; web content, FindAGrave, gravestone inscription faint, FindAGrave reports death 2 July 1876; buried Geeseytown Cemetery, Frankstown, Blair County, Pennsylvania; memorial managed by Kathie Weigel; gravestone photographs added by Michael R Miller.

Samuel Gibson (1820-1891), memorial 12600460 and gravestone photograph; web content, FindAGrave, gravestone inscribe with birth ("Dec 24 1820) and death ("Nov 21 1891") dates; narrative includes transcribed news item regarding marriage to "Miss Eliza Jane Cemberline"; memorial managed by Kathie Weigel; gravestone photograph added by Kathie Weigel.

Citing "Hollidaysburg Register and Blair County Inquirer - Feb. 16, 1848," transcribed marriage announcement/news item on Samuel Gibson (1820-1891), memorial 12600460; web content, FindAGrave, "Married on the 15th inst., by D. Tate, Esq., Mr. Samuel Gibson to Miss Eliza Jane Cemberline, both of Frankstown Twp."

1850 U. S. census. Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Frankstown Township, p. 346 (penned; stamped 175 on facing page), dwelling 269, dwelling 279, Samuel Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M432, roll 755; FSL film 20605, digital collection (DGS) 4191078, image 352 of 537

Gibson, Saml, 26 M, Laborer, born --, does not read/write
" Eliza J, 21 F, born --
" Ann M, 2 F, born --
" William, 5/12 M, born --
Ago, Julian, 10 F, born -- , attends school

(perhaps, but information does not match family) 1860 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Frankstown Township, Altoona post office, p. 176 (penned, stamped 168), dwelling 1296, family 1269, Saml Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, images 172-173 of 718; one door above D. W. Brown and wife Anne with family. .

Gibson, Saml, 25 M, Blk Smith, -0-/200, born Pennsylvania
" Anna, 20 F, born Pennsylvania
" Wm H., 3 M, born Pennsylvania
" Alice, 4/12 F, born Pennsylvania
" John, 64 M, born Pennsylvania

1870 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Frankstown Township, Holidaysburg post office, p. 31 (penned; stamped 283), dweling 217, family 213, Samuel Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M593, roll 1310, FSL film 552809, digital collection (DGS) 4278508, image 60 of 488.

Gibson, Samuel, 50 M W, ?Farms, -0-/1200. born Pennsylvania, does not read/write, male citizen > 21
" Eliza, 40 F W, K House, born Pennsylvania, does not write
" William, 20 M W, born Pennsylvania
" John, 14, M W, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Matilda, 12 F W, born Pennsylvania
" Lizzie, 9 F W, born Pennsylvania
" Julia, 7 F W, born Pennsylvania
" Lavina, 3 F W, born Pennsylvania
Ments, Mary, 16 F W, Domestic Servant, does not read/write

U. S. census 1880, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 165, Frankstown Township, p. 6 (penned, stamped 296 on facing page), dwelling 29, family 29, Samuel Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, image 154 of 689, one door down from Jane Kaufman family; one door up from John Gibson, ae 21 and wife Elizabeth.

Gibson, Samuel, W M 58. widowed, Farmer, born Penn/Penn/Penn
" Elizabeth, W F 19, Daughter, single, Keeping House, born Penn/Penn/Penn
" Hettie, W F 17, Daughter, ..., born Penn/Penn/Penn
" Lettie, W F 13, Daughter, attended school, born Penn/Penn/Penn
Michaels, Robert, W M 10, ad[opted] son, attended school, born Penn/Penn/Penn

Julian and Thomas

Per Chad Whitesel, "[Kemberling]," email of 18 September 2023, she married Thomas Bancroft, whose relationship to Richard Bancroft has not been determined.

See Julia Ann Kemberling (1832-1907), PILX3D-VMN.

Her birth as Blair County, 30 March 1832. Citing, among others, "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1964," Chad Whitsel, PA Whitsel Family Tree; Whitsel to GeneJ, 2023.

Her death as in Newry, 13 July 1907. Citing "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1906-1964," Chad Whitsel, PA Whitsel Family Tree; Whitsel to GeneJ, 2023.

Whose this Thomas Bancroft (____-1882), memorial 164138617 and gravestone image on FindAGrave.

Whose this Thomas Bancroft (____-____), memorial 163910399 who has two little ones--Henry and Clara.

Chad has Thomas Bancroft obituary. Cites The Altoona [Pennsylvania] Tribune, [Thursday] July 7, 1881, page 4; digital images,

Death of a Prominent Citizen.
Mr. Thomas Bancroft died at Bancroft's mill, near Newry, at 12 o'clock on Thursday, and was buried at the Lutheran graveyard in Newry at Saturday.
Mr. Bancroft was the owner of the mill and farm on which he lived for about seventeen years, and was greatly respected for his many Christian virtues. He was born in England sixty-tree years ago, and spent his youthful days on the ocean as a sailor before the mast. Leaving the ocean, he came to Frankstown township, where he settled down and married a Miss Kemberling, who, with six children, morns the loss of a good, kind and indulgent husband and father. The new Lutheran church at Newry was mainly build through his liberal donation and influence. He will be greatly missed in the community.

<< Missing 1850 census

1860 U. S. census, Bedford County, population schedule, South Woodbury Township, Pottensville post office, p. 2 (penned; stamped 584), dwelling 14, family 12, Thomas Bancroft household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA series M653, roll 1072, FSL film 805072, digital collection (DGS) 4288505, image 592 of 701.

Bancroft, Thomas, 37 M, Miller, 1500, born England
" Julia A., 28 F, born Pennsylvania
" Mary, 4 F, born Pennsylvania
" George, 1 M, born Pennsylvania

1870 U. S. census Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Freedom Township, Martinsburg post office, p. 4 (penned; stamped 290 on facing page), dwelling 22, family 22, Thomas Bancroft household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA series M593, roll 1310, FSL film 552809, digital collection (DGS) 4278508, image 73 of 488.

Bancroft, Thomas, 42 M W, Miller, 6000/1000, born Pennsylvania, male citizen > 21
" Julian, 38, F W, Keeping house, born Pennsylvania
" Sarah, 9 F W, Keeping House, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" John, 7 M W, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Ellen, 4 F W, born Pennsylvania
" Annie, 2 F W, born Pennsylvania
" Loyd, 1 M W, born Pennsylvania

1880 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Freedom Township, enumeration district (ED) 166, p. 1 (penned; tamped 304), dwelling xx (lines 1-9), family xx, Thomas Bancroft household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA series T9, roll 1103, FSL film 1255103, digital collection (DGS) 4244231, image 171 of 680.

Bancroft, Thomas, W M 61, married, Miller, born England/Eng/Eng
" Julyan, W F 48, wife, married, Keeping House, born Penn/Penn/Penn
" Sarah L., W F 19, daughter, single, Keeping House, born Penn/Eng/Penn
" John T, W M 17, son, single, Miller, born Penn/Eng/Penn
" Ann May, W F 13, daughter, Keeping House, attended school, born Penn/Eng/Penn
" Ellen E., W F 12, daughter, Keeping House, attended school, born Penn/Eng/Penn
" Wm L, W M 10, son, attended school, born Penn/Eng/Penn
" Jesse S., W M 7, son, attended school, born Penn/Eng/Penn
Huston, Lucy, W F 18, servant, single, born Penn/--/--

1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, Blair Township, enumeration district (ED) 71, p. 2 B (penned; stamped 176 on facing page), Bedford Street, dwelling 42, family 42, Julia A. Bancroft; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA series T623 roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 354 of 909.

Bancroft, Julia A., Head, W F, born Mar 1832, 68, widow, has had 6 children/4 survive, born Pann/Penn/Penn, owns home, is free, is a home.

<< Missing death certificate

John and Susan

John Geesey Kemberling,[30] born probably in Frankstown Township, say 1833 (claimed to be age 18 at enlistment, but minor under 14 in 1847),[31] wounded 14 September 1862 during the Battle of South Mountain, died in Middletown, Frederick County, Maryland, 18 Spetember 1862 and buried Antietam National Cemetery, Sharpsburg, Washington County, Maryland;[32] married December 1859, Susan Geist, born Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 11 July 1835, the daughter of George Geist and his wife, Christiana Hess.[33]

Per Chad Whitesel, "[Kemberling]," email of 18 September 2023, he died in service during the Civil War, after being injured at Short Mountain, Maryland; in Antieta; married Susan Geist; "2 sons prior to his death, William Henry and John C. I don't have much on John, but William married Rosanna Greaser, and they had 8 children, all of whom show their last name as Kemberlin."

See John Kemberling (1930-1862), PID K4DL-XTW ; she is Susan Geist (1835–1930), PID KZPF-73K

<< Missing 1850 census = Did not find a possible entry at Martinsburg.

(probably) 1860 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Martinsburg Borough, Martinsburg post office, p. 12 (penned, stamped 430), dwelling 79, family 79, David Camberlan and family in Josiah Bonly household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M653, roll 1078; FSL film 805078, digital collection (DGS) 5170990, image 434 of 718.

Bonly, Josiah, 26 M, Cabinet Maker, 400.200, born Pennsylvania
" Eliza, 23 F, born Pennsylvania
" Samuel, 6 M, born Pennsylvania
" Charles, 1 M, born Pennsylvania
" Peter. 24 M, born Pennsylvania
Brown, Catharine, 32 F, 704/150, born Pennsylvania
" Sarah, 28 F, 704/150, born Pennsylvania
Camberlan, David, 27 M, Laborer, --,--,--
" Susanna. 23 F, --,--,--
" William 1 M, --,--,--

<< Her 1870 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Martinsburg Borough ...

1870 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Martinsburg Borough, p. 12 (penned; stamped 294 on facing page), dwelling 86, family 86, Susan Chamberlain [sic] and family in George Geist household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA series M593, roll 1310, FSL film 552809, digital collection (DGS) 4278508, image 281 or 488.

Geist, George, 61, M W, Fencemaker, 800/500, born Pennsylvania, male citizen > 21
" Ester, 48, F W, Keeping House, born Pennsylvania
" Carron, 27, M W, Fence Maker, born Pennsylvania, male citizen > 21
" George, 18, M W, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Theophilus, 16, M W, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Selvina, 12, F W, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Andrew, 6 M W, born Pennsylvania, attends school
Chamberlain, Susan, 37, F W, born Pennsylvania
" William, 12, M W, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" John, 9, M W, born Pennsylvania, attends school

<< Missing 1880 census

1890 U.S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, “Special Schedule: Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows,” enumeration district (ED) 54, Martingsburg & North Woodberry Township, , p.3 (penned), house no. 228, family 234, line 35, Susan Kemberling wid of John G. Kemberling; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm publication M123, roll 86; FSL film 338245, digital collection (DGS) 4679001, image 456 of 1413;

Rank: Private
Company B, 11 Pa, Inf
Enlistment: 186_
[Died]: 186_
In service: __ Days
Post Office Address: Martinsburg, Blair Co., Pa.
Disability Incurred: Killed in the service
Remarks: Cannot give date of enlistmt

<< Missing 1900-1920 or 1930 census

<< Missing her death certificate

<< Missing Civil War Pension file.

Floyd G. Hoestine, Military services and genealogical records of soldiers of Blair County, Pennsyvania (Hollidaysvurg, 1940), 215; digital images, GoogleBooks, courtesy of Chad Whitesel.

  • Henry Kemberling, Pvt A, Ind Bn Pa Mil. born 1823
  • Kemmerling, John, Pvs C, 46 Fa Mil. born 1820.
  • John Kemmerling, Pvt I, 55 Pa Inf, died 1864 is buried at Harrisburg, P.a.
  • John G. Kemberlin, Pvt B, 11 Pa Inf, died 1862, buried National .. Shaprsh'g Md.

Civil war Deaths of Kemberling's (Blair)

  • John G. Kemberling---Company B ,11th Pa Inf.--died 9-18-1862, died of wounds received at South Mountain/Sharpsburg Maryland. Survived by wife Susan Kemberling.
  • John Kemmerlin--Prv.,Company 1 G, 55th Pa Vol.--Infantry died March 7 1864 (Camp Curtin, Harrisburg Pa., Military Hospital), survived by wife (Elizabeth).

Mrs. [Susan (Geist)] Kemberlin 1930 obituary, Altoona [Pennsylvania] Tribune, Monday, February 3, 1930, p. 16, col. 7; digital images by subscription,

Altoona Tribune
Monday, February 3, 1930, p. 16, c. 7

Mrs. Susan Kemberlin, born July 11, 1835, died at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. William Kemberlin, 408 East Pottsgrove avenue, at 10:30 p.m. Saturday. Mrs. Kemberlin was a daughter of George and Christiana Hess Geist, born in Lancaster county almost 95 years ago.
She was married December 1859 to John G. Kemberlin and to them two sons were born, John and William both of whom are dead. Mr. Kemberling was a member of company B, Eleventh regiment P. V. I. and was killed in the Civil war. He had moved his family to "Mudtown," now the East End, Pleasant Valley section, and later they went to Martinsburg, where Mrs. Kemberlin resided until seven years ago, when she came to Altoona. She was a member of the Martinsburg Lutheran Church.
She was the oldest of a family of 12 children and is survived by two brothers and two sisters; Theophilus Geist, Sharpsburg; Andrew Geist, Martinsbury; Mrs. Harriet Hoover, McKee; Mrs. Tina Dow, Alhambra City, Calif.; six grandchildren: Mrs. J. A. Reynolds, Mrs. Roy Grove, Mrs. Guy B. Saylor, Roy Kemberlin and Harry Kemberlin, Roaring Spring, and seven great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Tuesday, at the Kemberlin home, followed by interment in Fairview cemetery, Martinsburg.

NO ENTRY FOUND >> Samuel P. Bates, History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1851-5 ..., 1 (1st to 50th Regiments):106-116 (Eleventh Regiment) at 110-111 (Company B); digital images, Making of America (University of Michigan). Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh and John Garner Fouse, Genealogy of the descendants of Theobald Fouse (Fauss) ... (Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., 1914), 169 (Rosan Greaser); digital images, HathiTrust, "Rosan Greaser ... married William Henry Kemberlin ... son of John Geesey and Susanna (Geist) Kemberlin ..."

Susanna Geist Kemberling (1935-1930), memorial 135489833 (only); web content, FindAGrave, burial at Fairview Cemetery, Martinsburg, Blair County, Pennsylvania; died 11 July 1835; death 1 February 1930; memorial managed by bob toelle.

Mary Ann and Enoch

She married Enoch Harpster, perhaps Enoch Harpster (abt.1834-)

See Mary Ann Kemberling (1835–1906), PID 9XFS-5Z4

1850 U. S. census. Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Frankstown Township, p. 345 (penned; stamped 174), dwelling 242, family 273, Richard Bancroft household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M432, roll 755; FSL film 20605, digital collection (DGS) 4191078, image 351 of 537; one door down from John Gibson household.

Bancroft, Richard, 46 M, Farmer, 4200, born Pennsylvania
" Lena, 46 F, born Pennsylvania, does not read/write
" Mary, 14, F, born Pennsylvania, attends school
" Sarah, 9, F, born Pennsylvania, attends school

1860 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Frankstown Township, Altoona post office, p. 188 (penned, stamped 180), dwelling 1376, family 1349. Enoch Harpster household; digital images ... image 184 of 718, one door down from Jesse Crumbeck; one door up from John Harpster, two doors up from Henry Crumbeck.

Harpster, Enoch, 25 M, Farmer, -0-/600, born Pennsylvania
" Mary, 25 F, born Pennsylvania
" Susan, 1, born Pennsylvania
" Barbara, 23 F, born Pennsylvania

1870 U. S. census ...

1880 U. S. census ...

1900 U. S. census ...

Death Certificate << need

From Chad's research ... he cites

  • Marriage at Zion Evan Church, Hollidaysburg and Frankstown. 29 October 1857
  • Enoch's death as 11 Nov 1905 at Newry, Blair County, cites Pennsylvania Veterans Burial Cards,
  • Mary Ann's death as 15 August 1905 at Newry, Blair County, cites Pennsylvania Death Certificates.

Esther (Rench) Bouslaugh

Per Chad Whitesel, "[Kemberling]," email of 18 September 2023, Matilda and Hester are mentioned in the will of their grandmother, Esther Rench Bouslaugh.

See Esther Rench Bouslaugh (1766-1843), memorial 21600706 (only); web content, FindAGrave, memorial managed by MT; includes reference to:

Pennsylvania, Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993 for Esther Bouslough
Huntingdon Wills, Vol 3-4, 1822-1847 Page 355
Last Will of Esther Bouslough
Dated December 18, 1841
Listing of relatives listed in her will.
1. daughter Sarah Hileman
2: son Joseph Bouslough
3. son Jacob Bouslough
4. daughter Mary Christy
5. daughter Margaret Lowery
6. grandson Joseph Mealhouse
7.granddaughter Esther Rush
8. granddaughter Metilda Camvering
9. granddaughter Esther Camvering
10. grandson John Angle
Appointed Michael Hileman & David Albough
Signed: Esther her T mark Bouslough (seal)

Document is otherwise Esther Bouslough 1841 Will in [Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania] Wills, 4:355[-356]; digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 854232, digital collection (DGS) 5537837, image 523-524 of 607; witnesses R. H. McCormick, William Bell and Christopher Hemler, will dated 18 December 1841, proved 24 January 1844; executors Michael Hileman and David Albaugh, in relevant part, "... Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Metilda Camoerling the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid in six years after my decease. Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Esther Camoerling the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid in six years and eight months after my decease ..."

See Esther (Rench) Bouslaugh (1766-1843), married Sebastian Bouslaugh (abt.1758-1841)

See Esther Rench (1766–1843), PID L4BV-MYS.

Research Notes


  1. [Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania] Orphans' Court dockets, E:61 (file X, no. 138--Petition of Richard Bancroft); digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 900590, digital collection (DGS) 5538390, image 56 of 571; Richard Bancroft is "intermarried with Lena Kimberling widow of John Kimberling ... petition is for himself and his said wife ..."; petition continues, "... the said deceased left eight children, five of whom are minors under the age of fourteen years, to wit, Catharine, Eliza Jane, Julian, John and Mary Ann .... Bancroft seek the court to appoint guardians. On 16 January 1839, the court appoints Conrad Geesey and Jesse Crumbaker.
  2. [Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania] Orphans' Court dockets, E:424[-425] (1843, no. 31--Petition of Catharine Kimberling); digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 900590, digital collection (DGS) 5538390, image 253 of 571; Catharine is a minor over the age of 14 and chose Henry L. Patterson to be her guardian, and on 19 January 1843, the court so appoints. Bond set at $1000.
  3. Catherine Hart (1830-1886), memorial 50696311 and gravestone photograph; web content, FindAGrave, gravestone is a shared marker--O. Hart (1828-1904); Catherine Hart (1830-1886); Hettie Hart (1863-1891); burial at Tonganoxie Cemetery, Leavenworth County, Kansas; memorial managed by Steve McCray; gravestone image added by Steve McCray.
  4. Joseph Willard Hart 1935 death certificate no. 20033 in Missouri Death Certificate Database; digital image (search and download), Missouri Digital Archive, Missouri Secretary of State (search Joseph Hart, died 1935, Jackson County); Joseph born 8 May 1855 at Altoona, Pennsylvania, died 14 June 1835 at Lees Summit, aged 80 years, 1 month, 6 days; father is Oliver Hart; mother is Catherine Kemmerling; he is married to Glenna M. Hart and is a retired mechanic; burial at Lenexa, Kansas; informant is Mrs. J. W. Hart.
  5. O. Hart (1828-1904), memorial 50696296 and gravestone photograph; web content, FindAGrave, gravestone is a shared marker--O. Hart (1828-1904); Catherine Hart (1830-1886); Hettie Hart (1863-1891); memorial managed by Steve McCray; gravestone photograph added by Steve McCray.
  6. Samuel Gibson 1891 obituary from unnamed Altoona Pennsylvania newspaper, November 21 1981; digital image in in Whitesel family tree; courtesy of Chad Whitesel."
  7. Citing "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1806-1964" (, for Anna Mary (Gibson) Miller death, Frankstown, Blair County, Pennsylvania, 21 November, 1914 in Whitesel family tree, courtesy of Chad Whitesel.
  8. "United States Census, 1900", database with images, FamilySearch ( : Sun Sep 17 06:39:54 UTC 2023), Entry for William B Miller and Anna M Miller, 1900; she has had 13 children; 12 survive.
  9. Annie Mary Gibson Miller (1846-1914), memorial 12715871, gravestone image and apparent death record abstract; web content, FindAGrave, gravestone has her birth 1846; memorial managed by Kathie Weigel; gravestone image added by Kathie Weigel.
  10. "United States Census, 1900", database with images, FamilySearch ( : Sun Sep 17 06:40:18 UTC 2023), Entry for William Gibson and Nora H Gibson, 1900.
  11. Citing "Altoona Mirror, Monday, 19 January 1925," "Five Generations Broken by Death," obituary of William A Gibson (transcribed) on William A. Gibson (1850-1925), memorial 12600445 (only); web content, FindAGrave, memorial maintained by Kathie Weigel; obituary reports birth Frankstown township, 1 May 1850, died at the home of his son John E Gibson in Duncansville "Sunday morning"; William A. one of three surviving of seven children born to Samuel and Eliza Gibson; William A. married 17 February 1876, Sarah C. Carles, who died 8 October 1891; their surviving children are--"John E. ... Mrs. Annie Wertz of Duncansville, Mrs. Nora Mentzer of Llyswen, Howard of Brush Mountain, and Ray, who resides on the old homestead in East Loop ...; also surviving are sisters: Mrs. Kate Confer of Lakemont Terrace, Mrs. Lavinia Vowwinkel of Pittsburgh and Mrs. Hattie Fishel of Beaverdale; only brother, John Gibson, died three years ago, while two sisters also preceded him to the grave."
  12. Sarah E. Gibson Miller (1853-1921), memorial 12715916 and gravestone image; web content, FindAGrave, memorial managed by Kathie Weigel; gravestone image added by Kathie Weigel.
  13. Citing, "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1806-1964" (, for Sarah Elwilda (Gibson) Miller death at Catherine, Blair County, Pennsylvania, 28 April 1921 in Whitesel family tree; courtesy of Chad Whitesel.
  14. 1880 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, enumeration district (ED) 179, p. 6[B] (penned; stamped 539 on facing page), Woodberry Township, dwelling 55, family 56, Jacob Miller household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series T9, roll 1103, FSL film 1255103, digital collection (DGS) 4244231, image 640 of 680; there are three families in the home-also there are Samuel Miller (family 57) and Margaret Miller (family58), with a notation that Margaret is "Mother of Jacob & Samuel."
  15. 1870 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Frankstown Township, Holidaysburg post office, p. 31 (penned; stamped 283), dweling 217, family 213, 'Samuel Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series M593, roll 1310, FSL film 552809, digital collection (DGS) 4278508, image 60 of 488.
  16. John S. Gibson (1856-1922), memorial 51445123 and gravestone image; web content, FindAGrave, memorial managed by cataholic4ever; gravestone image added by cataholic4ever.
  17. 1880 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 165, Frankstown Township, p. 6 (penned, stamped 296 on facing page), dwelling 30, family 30, John Gibson household; digital images, FamilySearch, image 154 of 689; one door down from his parents, Samuel and Eliza Gibson and family.
  18. 1900 U. S, census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 84, p. 7 B (penned, stamped 83 on facing sheet), Logan Township, dwelling 74, family 79, George W. Grove household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA T623 roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 790 of 909.
  19. Grove-Gibson 1900 marriage record, [Blair County, Pennsylvania] marriage records, 17:406; digital images, FamilySearch', FSL digital collection (DGS) 004460972, image 269 of 705.
  20. 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 83, Logan Township, p. 1 (penned; stamped 50A), dwelling 8, family 8, Matilda Confer household; digital images, FamilySearch, NARA microfilm series T623, roll 1381, FSL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 725 of 909.
  21. Citing "Pennsylvania, Death Certificates, 1806-1964" ( and other sources, for Catherine Matilda (Gibson) Confer 1927 death at Juniata, Blair County, Pennsylvania in Whitefel family tree, courtesy of Chad Whitefel.
  22. Catherine Matilda Gibson Confer (1858-1927), memorial 143680051 (only); web content, FindAGrave, memorial maintained by Kat.
  23. Thaddeus Confer (1856-1930) memorial 9868544 (no gravestone photograph); web content, FindAGrave, memorial maintained by Kathie Weigel.
  24. Citing "Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1968" ( for Jennie Elizabeth Miller 1906 death, Jennie Elizabeth Gibson, PID G4V7-NRG; death as Logan Township, Blair County, Pennsylvania; reference to death certificate source added by user "sharondarlenestrike1."
  25. 1900 U. S. census, Blair County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 83, Logan Township, sheet 1B (penned; stamped 51 on facing sheet), dwelling 13, family, Elsworth E. Miller household; digital image, FamilySearch NARA microfilm publication T623, roll 1381; FHL film 1241381, digital collection (DGS) 4115007, image 726 of 909.
  26. Frank and Hettie were enumerated at Beaverdale in 1930; Frank's 1939 death certificate reports he died at Beaverdale Town.
  27. Hattie Gibson Fishel (1873-1938), memorial 37237360 and gravestone image; web content, FindAGrave, memorial maintained by Daryl & Barbara (Biggs) Mallett; gravestone image added by Rob and Debi Felten.
  28. Fishel-Gibson 1904 marriage record in [Cambria County, Pennsylvania] Marriage license dockets, 26:173; digital images FamilySearch, FSL film 1293477, digital collection (DGS) 4460661, image 188 of 716.
  29. Vowickel-Gibson 1890 marriage in [Blair County, Pennsylvania] Marriage license dockets, 1885-1916, 7:567; digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 1293320, digital collection (DGS) 004460748, image 302 of 820; marriage is 4 December 1890; both born Blair County; he is J. E. Vowinckel, son of Fred and Rosa Vowinkel; she is Venie Gibson, lives at Frankstown Township, daughter of Samuel and Eliza Gibson; he is a contractor.
  30. Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh and John Garner Fouse, Genealogy of the descendants of Theobald Fouse (Fauss) ... (Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., 1914), 169 (Rosan Greaser); digital images, HathiTrust, "Rosan Greaser ... married William Henry Kemberlin ... son of John Geesey and Susanna (Geist) Kemberlin ..."
  31. [Blair County, Pennsylvania] Orphans' Court Dockets, A:36 (March Term 1847); digital images, FamilySearch, FSL film 1293309 (Items 4-5), digital collection (DGS) 5546862, image 268 of 1240, petition no. 67 by Richard Bancroft for John Kimberling and Mary Ann Kimberling, "the youngest children of ... John Kimberling, dec'd" who are minor children under 14 years; Jacob Geecy appointed Guardian.
  32. Pvt John G. Kimberlin (-1862), memorial 51928574, gravestone photograph and military service data card; web content, FindAGrave, memorial created by Birdman, maintained by J. Colin Clark; gravestone photograph added by Birdman; data card added by Dennis.
  33. Mrs. [Susan (Geist)] Kemberlin 1930 obituary, Altoona [Pennsylvania] Tribune, Monday, February 3, 1930, p. 16, col. 7; digital images by subscription,



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