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John Looker- Peter Zetty Deed 1824

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: Dec 1824 to Dec 1824
Location: Rockinghammap
Surnames/tags: Looker Zetty Phillips
This page has been accessed 132 times.
Rerecorded from original deed under Act of Assembly Approved Nov 18 1882
Test DH Lee Martz DC
14 Dec 1885
This indenture made this 30th day of December in the year 1824 Between John Looker and Eve his wife of the County of Rockingham and State of Virginia of the one part and and Peter Zetty of the County and State aforesaid of the part witnesseth __ the said John Looker hath for and in consideration of the sum of twenty three hundred & 79 dollars lawful money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Peter Zetty the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained and sold and by there presents do grant bargain and sell to the said Peter Zetty and heirs and assignees forever two tracts of land adjoining each other lying in said County of Rockingham on Daniel James Branch each being part of a tract of 590 Acres formerly held by John Phillips now dec'd in two separate tracts which was divided into seven separate surveys agreeable to quantity and quality and the one tract hereby conveyed contains 117 Acres which fell to George Dunlap and Elizabeth his wife who conveyed the same to said Looker and is bounded as followeth to wit beginning at a black oak & hickory on John Philip's line and a line of the old patent and running thence across the tract with John Leatons line of 82 & 236 poles to a black oak and white oak on a line of Amos Hilliards and Cummins corner formerly a Pine thence Cummins line S18W48 poles to a stake in Moses Cummins field and on a line of the old patent thence running across the tract with Samuel Martz's line N 82 1/2 W 228 poles crossing a branch to a stake Sam'l S Martz's line and John Peters with said Peters line N48W poles crossing the aforesaid branch to a stake on the aforesaid John Philip's line and with the same N48E poles to the beginning of the other tract contains sixty-six acres was laid off to John Peters and Lydia his wife who conveyed the same to the said Looker and is Bounded as followeth to wit Beginning at a Stake corner to said Dunlap and Abraham Philips tract and with the same S5E97 poles to a Black oak scrub oak and 2 hickories on the patent line - Martz's land S73W101 poles to a red oak hickory and scrub oak --- -- poles & N48E67 poles to the beginning of the two tracts containing --- hundred & eighty three acres together with all and irregular --- nances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining ----- to hold the said two tracts of land with its appurtances ---- heirs and assigns for ----- forever ----
And Administrator --- they the said John Looker and Eve his wife their heirs ---- the said two tracts of land as designated with its appurtances --- Setty his heirs and assignees against the claim or claims of them --- --- and Eve his wife their heirs and of all and every person or persons---- and will warrant and forever defend by these presents - In Witness --- John Looker and Eve his wife hence hereunto set their name and seals ---- year first above written
Signed Sealed and delivered
In the Presence of
John Looker seal
Eve (her mark) Look seal
Rockingham County to wit we Joseph Cravens and Philip Koontz Justices of the peace in the county aforesaid in the State of Virginia do hereby certify that ---- the wife of John Looker parties to a certain deed bearing date 30th day of December 1824 and hereunto annexed personally appeared before us in our County -- and being examined by us privately and apart from her husband and ---deed aforesaid fully explained to her she the said Eve Looker acknow---same to her act and deed and declared that she had willingly sign--- ioned the same and that she wished not to retract it.  :Given under our ----and seals this 30th day of December.
J Craven seal
Philip Koontz seal
In the clerks office of the County Court of Rockingham Decbr 30th 1824
This deed--- Looker & wife and Peter Zetty was this day presented to me clerk of said County and---god and admitted to record
Attest HJ Gambill C.R.X.
Re Recorded from Burnt Records under Act of Assembly Approved Nov 18 1884
Test D H Lee Martz DV

Burned deed book, v. 4, 1815-1817 -- Burned deed book, v. 5, 1823-1825. [1]

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