Location: Ohio County, Kentucky

Surnames/tags: Taylor Name Study United States Kentucky
Contents |
- The new profile for HIS g-grandfather, William Henry (Henry) "Buck" Taylor
- Mr. Durham is saying that all the data Linda & I have found and added here is NOT my ancestor but his................William F and Elizabeth Pate-Taylor
28 February 2020 5:22 AM
- GARY DURHAM (familysearch.org messages)
- I'm old but relatively new to genealogy only a couple years (retired).
- William F,Squire, Elizabeth Pate are all buried within a 10-15 mile radius of me.
The Owensboro genealogy is a pretty big place and has there own department. I was confused when I saw your info about him being in Oklahoma with Visa when none of it matched up with my work? So I went to the Ohio County Genealogy and looked at there records and books. I was then sent to the Owensboro genealogy department where they assured me of my findings and the Taylor in Oklahoma and another in West Virginia were not accurate. :Family Search, Roots Web, Ancestry Ive used those three. I have also spent time in the Court Houses in the record department in 4 county's. Joe Taylor that did the Roots Web was from here but was actually in California. He was handicapped and stayed home most of the time. The local Historian Helen Mckeown did most of his work for him and lives 3-4 miles from me and we talked often. I haven't done much research in awhile. I just wanted to find out more about Greats and GGreats. My middle name is Taylor my moms maiden name. I grew up with many that was only a 5 minute walk from my house. Im sorry if I have caused confusion. I have actually turned over all my work to my daughter and moved on. I have 2 historians in my intimidate family and thats enough. lol
- Need to contact Gary's SOURCES
- Owensboro genealogy department where they assured me of my findings and the Taylor in Oklahoma and another in West Virginia were not accurate.
- Ohio County, Kentucky Genealogy
The goal of this project is to ...prove William Henry Taylor IS the son of William F. Taylor/Elizabeth Jane Pate...........
- Right now this project just has one member, me. I am Carole Taylor.
Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.
- We need to get the Family Births-Marriages-Deaths BIBLE copied.....maybe it has the parents of John Peyton Taylor SR........... if it is not just being kept a secret.?
- For me, Carole L Taylor, I have to prove that my family does belong.......
See the RESEARCH below to see what I have found to prove or at least CAST DOUBT on the statement that William F Taylor is not a son.............
- [citation needed] to prove the parents of John Peyton Taylor Sr and I do not see any where on the Jerry Long 14 pages that they mention who the parents were????
Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!
- Wm. Taylor died:Oklahoma vs Wm. died:Kentucky
- Both BORN Ohio County, Kentucky
- Wm. of Oklahoma birth year: 1854 vs Wm Kentucky birth year 1852
- the 1860 census the William is age:8 which does give him an 1852 year of birth................
- The 1870 Heaths Creek, Pettis County, Missouri has William H. Taylor born in KY. age:16 making year of birth 1854
- The 1870-1880 census for the father, William F/Elizabeth TAYLOR does not have a William H or Buck or Bud at the age of 18 living with them.
- The OTHER William H. in 1870 was not married yet........... no census in Kentucky is found for a William Henry Buck/Bud Taylor at that age. except one living with a Sharp family????
- WOULD BE truly great if someone can access the Ohio Co., KY Deed Book # 1, page 389 / the 5-31-1850 -- Ohio Co. KY Circuit Court (Suit # 1077 and copy them here for all of us to see... If they are TRUE FACTS.
- IF William F Taylor is not the son of John Peyton Taylor, then WHY did he live with him "most of his life" and then in his married life he lived near Thomas L. Taylor... and Thomas L. Taylor's sons lived next door to William's son, John Peyton Taylor...
- BUT the biggest ????? WHY, IF William F. Taylor was not a son, or grandson, did he bequeath William F Taylor 82.5 ACRES OF LAND... AND why was there no FIGHT from the TRUE children of John Peyton Taylor Sr.???????????????????????????????????????????????????
- Found Sources
- Old Harrison Taylor The Taylor Family of Ohio County Written by H.D. Taylor (re-union at Beaver Dam, Ky., Sept 9, 1875) -- "He was born in the central part of Virginia; his parents were of Welsh and English origin, and derived the name of Harrison from an intermarriage of his ancestors with the Harrison family of Virginia." ---"His son, Harrison," ---"Several of these sons had visited Kentucky, and from their representations of the country the old folks were induced to set out and remove to Ohio County, where all of the old folks bought the farm now occupied by Mr. Hamilton Barnes, where they resided until too old and feeble to keep house, after which they removed to their son Thomas's where they lived the remainder of their days, and were both buried side by side in the family graveyard.
- He was born on the 11th of August, 1735, and died 22nd November, 1811, in the 77th year of his age. She on the 5th of September, 1742, and died the 5th of August, 1812, in the 70th year of her age."
My Sources
- I guess Mr. Jerry Long did not find these sources regarding Ohio County, Kentucky, especially the 2: 1 from a deed book/ 1 from a circuit court that has John Peyton Taylor deeded to William F. Taylor 82 1/2 acres of land / "William F. Taylor gave testimony on 31 May 1850 ".............
- They do not say that John Peyton Taylor Sr was his father, only that William F Taylor lived with him most of his life........................................
- 1) Kentucky marriages, 1785-1979
- NAME: William F. Taylor
- SPOUSE: Elizabeth Jane Pate
- DATE: 27 August 1846
- PLACE: Ohio County, Kentucky.
- The Marriage certificate of William F. Taylor and Elizabeth Jane Pate and another document "marriage contract" is signed by her father William Pate. copy found on the internet...
- 2) 11-28-1844 --Ohio Co., KY Deed Book # 1, page 389
- " It is also known that soon after he came of age, John Peyton Taylor deeded to William F. Taylor 82 1/2 acres of land for the sum of $1.00 on 28 Nov. 1844...";
- 3) 5-31-1850 --Ohio Co. KY Circuit Court (Suit # 1077
- "William F. Taylor gave testimony on 31 May 1850 in Ohio County Kentucky Circuit Court involving the sale of the slaves of the late John Peyton Taylor. He said, "That he is now 28 or 29 years of age, that he was raised by John P. Taylor and always resided in his family until about two years before his death, and during that time he lived within about a mile of his house."
Ohio County History
- DATA below is found on Ohio County, Kentucky
- "A death certificate for John P. Taylor’s widow was recorded in the 1852-1861 Ohio County, KY Vital Statistics. It records that Mary Taylor died on 18 April 1861 at the age of 89, the cause of her death was listed as cancer of the face. She was reported to be a native of Virginia and her parents were given as Thomas & Nancy Davis.
A great-grandson, James William Van Cleave (1845-1925), wrote that Mary Davis Taylor had brothers named Warren, William, John & Reace Davis.
- Warren Davis, born 1775-1784, is listed in the 1810 census of Fairfax County, VA (p192) and was enumerated two households from John P. Taylor in the 1820 Shelby County, KY census.
- At least two of the grandchildren of John P. & Mary Taylor had the middle name of “Warren”.
- Several members of the Davis family moved to Montgomery County, IN, including William Davis, a brother of Mary Taylor.
- William was born in Virginia c1784 and died on 22 Sep 1861 in Montgomery County, IN, where he resided along Sugar Creek. In the 1787 census of Fairfax County, VA no Thomas Davis is listed. It is possible that Mary’s father was one of the Thomas Davis’ listed in the adjoining county of Prince William in the 1787 Census of Virginia.
- Among the Davis families of Prince William is found a Warren Davis, who was at least 10 years older than Mary Taylor’s brother, Warren. He was born c1764 and by 1786 was residing in Nelson County, KY. He was one of 11 children born to Isaac Davis & Elizabeth Kincheloe. Isaac Davis died in Prince William County in 1771, he owned land that adjoined a Thomas Davis, who possibly could be his brother and the father of Mary Taylor (if true this would make the two Warren’s 1st cousins).
- Isaac’s plantation lay on both sides of the Occuquan River, near Davis Ford, about 5 miles southwest of Manassas. Isaac also owned land in Fairfax County. Four of his sons served in the Revolution and two of them John & Presley died during the war – one of John P. Taylor’s grandchildren was named Presley Davis Taylor.
- Isaac was the son of William Davis & Ellen Bland, who received several land patents in Prince William County between 1707-1722. Isaac’s grandfather, David Davis about 1701 emigrated from Wales and settled in the Welsh Tract Settlement near New Castle, Delaware.
- See the book, Kincheloe, McPherson and Related Families, by Lewin D. McPherson (1951, pp110-121) for data on the family of Isaac Davis & Elizabeth Kincheloe.
- The location of the graves of John P. & Mary Taylor have not been identified.
:The area of Ohio County where he lived was in the vicinity of the communities of Bells Run and Taylorfield.
- His son, John P., Jr., resided at what came to be known as “Taylor Old Fields” and later as Taylorfield. (SEE THE 1850 census copied below)
The earliest reference to it found is a Taylorfield community column appearing in the 19 Sep 1877 issue of the Hartford Herald newspaper. It was located near the site of the Antioch Christian Church Cemetery on the Ralph – Bells Run Road, about 1 mile west of Adaburg.
The “Taylor Fork” of the Panther Creek runs between the Antioch Cemetery and Highway 1414. The Taylorfield school located near the church continued up until the consolidation of Ohio County schools during the 1930’s. A short distance south of Antioch is the old Patton home and cemetery were Dr. John William Patton (1835-1908) is buried, he was the first postmaster of the Adaburg post office (established 1886). On the farm across the road from the Patton place was the home of John P. Taylor, Jr., several of his great-grandchildren reported that the chimney of his old home could be seen there in recent years. About 2½ miles to the west is the Bells Run Baptist Church, where many of the Taylor family were members.
- Thomas L. Taylor, son of John P., Sr. lived on land adjoining the church and in 1877 donated a lot for the new church building (Ohio Co. deed book Z, p110). The old part of the Bell’s Run Cemetery began as the Taylor family cemetery. The oldest grave there being of Thomas L. Taylor’s first wife, Cassandra Van Cleave, who died in 1824.
- Thomas L. joined the Bell’s Run church in 1831 and was ordained one of its deacons in 1833, a position later held by two of his sons, George W. & Benjamin W.
- Thomas’s son, John Samuel Taylor, was ordained a minister by the church in 1855 and served as its pastor in 1858 & 1879-1881.
- Joseph Perkins Ellis, husband of Jane S. Taylor, daughter of John P., Sr., was pastor of the Bell’s Run Church during 1842-1857 & 1866-1878.
- The church in January 1854 licensed Mack Taylor, a former slave of John Peyton Taylor, to preach, and was to have ordained him but his untimely death prevented it.
- A death certificate records that Mack died at the age of 50 on 7 Feb 1854 of pneumonia, he was a farmer, married, born in Fairfax Co., VA, & his owner was Mary Taylor.
- To the preceding record of the children of John Peyton Taylor & Mary Davis the following can be added:
- Ann Davis Taylor married Joseph Robinson Midkiff in Ohio Co., KY on 12 Nov 1823, she died in Ohio County, where she lived in the vicinity of Magan, her grave site is not known.
- To them were born - Thomas T.,
- William D.,
- Benjamin F. &
- Mary B.
- Her sister, Elizabeth, married his brother, James G. Midkiff. They were 1st cousins to Kit Carson. Their mother, Mrs. Benjamin (Elizabeth Robinson) Midkiff, was a sister to Kit’s mother, Rebecca.
- Thomas L. Taylor was a veteran of the War of 1812. He participated in the siege of Baltimore in the year of 1814.
- His 1st marriage was recorded in Shelby Co., KY and his 2nd in Ohio Co., KY.
- By his 1st wife he had -
- John Samuel &
- Hiram V. and
- by his 2nd -
- Squire Littlegrove,
- Cassandra,
- Jesse McCrocklin,
- Benjamin Wilson,
- Richard Dudley,
- Lucinda,
- Mary P.,
- George Warren,
- Lydia Jane,
- James Thomas &
- Henry Peyton.
- He died in Ohio County, and his gravestone is in the old section of the Bells Run Baptist Church Cemetery. Jesse James, the notorious outlaw, was a 1st cousin twice removed to his wife, Sallie L. McCrocklin.
Matilda B. Taylor married Benjamin Van Cleave in Shelby Co., KY on 11 Aug 1818. Between 1824-1826 moved to Montgomery Co., IN, and between 1850-1854 moved to Dallas Co., Iowa. She died in the latter place on 4 April 1880 and was buried there in the Panther Creek Cemetery. She had 13 children – Bazzil, John Peyton, Mary Elizabeth, Joseph Warren, Benjamin Taylor, Aaron Crawford, Ada Anne, Thomas Taylor, Samuel Grimes, Solomon Munson, Cornelius Johnson, Margaret Jane & Stephen Allen.
Mary B. Taylor married John B. /”Jack” Van Cleave on 20 Sep 1821 in Shelby Co., KY. He was a son of Aaron Van Cleave & Elizabeth (Van Cleave), and was a brother to Matilda B. Taylor’s husband, Benjamin Van Cleave, and to Margaret Van Cleave, wife of Benjamin B. Taylor. Between 1824-1826 moved to Montgomery Co., IN. She married 2nd Cornelius Johnson in Montgomery County on 4 July 1839. By the time of the 1840 census had moved to Vigo Co., IN. She died in that county on 29 June 1876 and was buried there in the Hull Cemetery. By her 1st marriage she had – Henry S., Matilda Ann, Sarah Jane, Elizabeth & John Samuel, and by her 2nd – George W. Johnson.
- Elizabeth D. Taylor married James G. Midkiff in Ohio Co., KY on 17 March 1825. She died in Ohio County, where she is buried in the Capp (Midkiff) Cemetery between Adaburg & Beech Valley.
- To her were born –
- Mary Elizabeth,
- Matilda Ann,
- John Peyton,
- George Robert/
- Robertson,
- Araminta Barbara,
- Joseph B. &
- Thomas L.
Benjamin Benton Taylor’s middle name was contained on a sheet in the records of the late Archie B. Chapman. He married Margaret Van Cleave in Shelby Co., KY on 8 Sep 1825. By 1826 had moved to Montgomery Co., IN. The 1850 Montgomery County, IN Census Mortality Schedule records that he died a sudden–accidental death in May 1850, he was age 48, married, born VA, and was a farmer. His children included William C., Mary A. (m. her 1st cousin Benjamin Taylor Van Cleave), Matilda J., George P., Lucinda E., Nancy B., Sally E., Bessy P., Basil N. & James A.
Sally P. Taylor married Jabesh Lewellen in Ohio Co., KY on 22 Oct 1826. They moved to Missouri, where they were listed in the 1830 census of Ralls County (p366). They were residents of Monroe County after the its formation out of Ralls in 1831. The 1840 Monroe County census (p150) lists them as being residents of Indian Creek Township. She appears in the 1870 census of Monroe County. Among her children was a son, Thomas, who was born c1832 & was living in Monroe Co., MO in 1860.
Lucinda Taylor married James A. Johnson on 10 Sep 1829 in Ohio Co., KY. She was buried in the Bells Run Baptist Church Cemetery in Ohio County. Her death was on 24 July 1897. To her were born – Sally Ann, Grant A., Barnett, Thomas L., Hannah H., William Allen, Mary & Aretus C. Two of her great-grandsons were Zack Terrell & Ray Chapman. Zack was a noted circus operator, at one time he owned the Cole Brothers Circus, the world’s second largest circus. Raymond Johnson Chapman has the distinction of being the only player ever killed during a Mayor League Baseball game, he was killed by a pitch in 1920; a segment on him appeared in the celebrated documentary on baseball by Ken Burns.
Ada Priscilla Taylor married Samuel Jackson in Ohio Co., KY on 24 Feb 1828. She resided in Daviess County, KY. The location of her grave is not known. She may have been buried in the Jackson Cemetery in Daviess County. Her children were – George Cessna, Mary S., Letitia, Lydia Ann, Sarah, John S., Thomas L., & Margaret.
Jane S. Taylor married Rev. Joseph Perkins Ellis in Ohio Co., KY on 15 Sep 1835. He was a noted Baptist minister in Ohio & Daviess Cos., KY and founded several local churches including Whitesville and Zion. A biography and a picture of him & his wife, Jane, was published in the book, A History of the Daviess – McLean Baptist Association in Kentucky, by Rev. Wendell H. Rone (1943, pp263-6). She died in Whitesville, Daviess Co., KY on 12 Nov 1889 and was buried in the Ellis Cemetery in Ohio County, near Whitesville. The Owensboro Daily Messenger of 14 Nov 1889 reported “The wife of Rev. J. P. Ellis, of Whitesville, died Tuesday, the 12th inst., of pneumonia and was buried Wednesday.” Their children were – William Peyton, Luther C., Sarah M., Rebecca Ann, Margaret E., Nannie J. & Ada Priscilla. John Peyton, Jr. married his 1st cousin Susan Davis about 1833. He died in Ohio County on 9 Feb 1895 and was buried in the Bells Run Baptist Church Cemetery, his grave is unmarked. He married a 2nd time on 1 Aug 1873 when he wed Mrs. Susannah (Neighbors) Langley in Ohio County. His children, all by his 1st wife, were – George Washington, Benjamin B., Nancy A., Presley Davis, Lucinda P., Christopher Columbus, Delilah, Sidney S. & Cordelia. A 3rd great-grandson is Rex Chapman, a Kentucky basketball star, who from 1988-2000 played in the NBA. John Peyton Taylor & Mary Davis also raised another child, William F. Taylor. He was born in 1821-1822. The marriage bonds of his children report that he was born in Shelby County, KY. His relationship to John Peyton Taylor has not been learned. From early childhood he was reared in the home of John Peyton Taylor. A child of his age appears in the home of John P. Taylor in the 1830 census. Shortly after William F. Taylor came of age he was deeded 82½ acres of land for $1.00 by John P. Taylor on 28 Nov 1844 (Ohio Co. deed book I, p389). In an Ohio County, KY Circuit Court suit (#1077) involving the sale of the John Peyton Taylor slaves, William F., gave testimony, on 31 May 1850. He said: “That he is now about 28 or 29 years of age, that he was raised by John P. Taylor and always resided in his family until about two years before his death and during that time he lived within about a mile of his house…” In the interviews of hundreds of descendants of John Peyton Taylor & William F. Taylor (including his last surviving granddaughter) no additional clues on his relationship to the Taylor family could be learned. William F. died at Adaburg in Ohio County on 15 March 1891. He married Elizabeth Jane Pate in Ohio County on 27 Aug 1846. To them were born – John Peyton, Squire Littlegrove/ “Grove”, William Henry, James M., Samuel Franklin, Sallie Mary, Margaret Priscilla, Jesse Calep, Lee & Joseph Thomas. Margaret Priscilla Taylor married John Howard Long and they are this writer’s great-grandparents. Published: Kentucky Family Records, Vol.25, West-Central Kentucky Family Research Association (Utica, KY: McDowell Publications, 2001), 33-40.
- This is why I did NOT read this until now..........Taylor-25258 14:27, 19 April 2020 (UTC) NOW I have to start all over, and leave all of my research/sources to those of you that do belong..................
- Addenda by Jerry Long: Appearing in numerous family tree files published on the Internet there are two fallacies that I would like to draw attention to.
- One is attributing William F. Taylor (c-1821-1891) with the middle name of Ferdinand. When I first began researching in 1979 I shared with a Taylor cousin a tentative outline (theory) that listed our ancestor possibly as “William Ferdinand Taylor”. I had thought this possible because I found a Ferdinand Taylor (1877-1950) among the descendants of John Peyton Taylor. After becoming a more experienced researcher I realized that there was far from sufficient evidence to deduct this. It is a too far a leap to make a guess based on only this one instance. After years of researching the children, grandchildren, great and great-great-grandchildren of John Peyton Taylor (died 1847) nowhere is else is the name of Ferdinand found. Basing a theory only on names beginning with ‘F’ there is more probability for a guess that his middle name is Franklin. I have longed regretted making this error of not differentiating fact from guessing.
- Many researchers are now listing William F. Taylor (c1821-1891) as the son of John Peyton Taylor & his wife, Mary Davis or of his son, Thomas Littlegrove Taylor (1795-1878) & his wife, Cassandra Van Cleave. These conclusions are totally contradicted by the family bible record published here and by the hundreds of pages that enumerate the children of John Peyton Taylor or of his son, Thomas Littlegrove Taylor, that are to be found in the Ohio County estate files, circuit court suits and deed books.
- Source: Jerry Long, Owensboro, KY
- Posted by Charles A. Leach at 6:35 AM No comments:
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- This is what I would show and ask. WHY? they just toss it aside and never address the question WHY? William F. Taylor, "lived most of his life with John Peyton Taylor and then after he married WHY? he/his wife and kids LIVED NEXT DOOR to John Peyton TAYLOR JR..,.,..
- HERE is our proof........Taylor-25258 22:55, 19 April 2020 (UTC)
- 2) 11-28-1844 --Ohio Co., KY Deed Book # 1, page 389
- It is also known that soon after he came of age, John Peyton Taylor deeded to William F. Taylor 82 1/2 acres of land for the sum of $1.00 on 28 Nov. 1844;
- 2) 5-31-1850 --Ohio Co. KY Circuit Court (Suit # 1077
- "William F. Taylor gave testimony on 31 May 1850 in Ohio County Kentucky Circuit Court involving the sale of the slaves of the late John Peyton Taylor. He said, "That he is now 28 or 29 years of age, that he was raised by John P. Taylor and always resided in his family until about two years before his death, and during that time he lived within about a mile of his house."
[1] From Tina's Family on rootsweb.com --- Labels: Taylor Saturday, January 11, 2020 John Peyton Taylor Family Record - Part 1 We are very lucky to have this significant research paper contributed to us by Jerry Long, a genealogist from Owensboro. It is nine pages in total so I will post in in two parts.
John Peyton Taylor Family Record
By Jerry Long, Owensboro, KY, c2001 The following family record was copied on 21 May 1980 from records in the possession of the late Lamar Chapman (1921-1990), of Pleasant Ridge, KY & by his widow, Audrey Whitehouse Chapman (1923-1997). The data was on eight very yellowed and brittle pieces of paper. The papers had been passed down in Mr. Chapman’s family several generations. They contained data on the children of his 3rd great-grandparents, John Peyton Taylor & Mary Davis and 2nd great-grandparents, Thomas L. Taylor & Sally L. McCrocklin. Mr. Chapman was the son of Archie Bruce Chapman (1895-1969) & Essie Kate Jeffries, grandson of Joseph F. Chapman & Mary Lou Taylor (1867-1949), and great-grandson of George Warren Taylor (1840-1914) & Susan E. Walker.
Births Deaths
John P. Taylor, Sr. was born date unknown departed this life 28 Sep 1847 supposed to be about 80 years old Mary Taylor wife of the above was born departed this life on 18 April 1861 26 January 1772 3 o’clock A.M., aged 89 years - 2 mos – 22 days
Ann Taylor 1st daughter of the above was departed this life 8 August 1866 born 27 September 1793 age 72 years – 10 mos – 20 days Thomas L. Taylor 1st son of the above was departed this life 18 July 1878 born 10 August 1795 age 82 years – 11 mos – 8 days Matilda Taylor 2nd daughter of the above was born 15 January 1797 Mary B. Taylor 3rd daughter of the above was born 3 July 1798 Elizabeth D. Taylor 4th daughter of the above departed this life 11 March 1878 was born 7 May 1800 Benjamin B. Taylor 2nd son of the above departed this life 26 May 1850 was born 15 February 1802 aged 48 years – 3 mos – 11days Sally P. Taylor 5th daughter of the above departed this life 9 October 1876 was born 1 October 1804 aged 73 years – 9 days Lucinda Taylor 6th daughter of the above was born 23 February 1807 Ady P. Taylor 7th daughter of the above departed this life 16 April 1871 was born 30 April 1809 aged 61 years – 11 mos – 14 days Jane S. Taylor 8th daughter of the above was born 3 August 1811 John P. Taylor 3rd son of the above was born 25 July 1813
[2nd generation – family of Thomas L. Taylor:] John S. Taylor, 1st son of Thomas, was born 24 September 1821 (by first wife) Hiram V. Taylor 2nd son of the above was born departed this life 27 June 1824 20 September 1823 (by first wife) Sally L. Taylor 2nd wife of the above was born departed this life 7 March 1881 5 June 1807 aged 74 years – 8 mos – 23 days Squire L. Taylor 1st son of the above was born 4 September 1827 Cassandra Taylor 1st daughter of the above departed this life on 23 April 1864 was born 23 May 1829 aged 34 years – 11 mos Jessie Mc Taylor 2nd son of the above was departed this life on 25 Feb 1889 born 19 May 1831 aged 57 years – 9 mos – 6 days Benjamin W. Taylor 3rd son of the above was born 26 March 1833 Richard D. Taylor 4th son of the above was departed this life on 9 October 1872 born 24 March 1835 aged 37 years – 6 mos – 15 days Lucinda Taylor 2nd daughter of the above was born 13 April 1837 Mary P. Taylor 3rd daughter of the above was born 15 May 1839 George W. Taylor 5th son of the above was born 12 February 1841 Lydia J. Taylor 4th daughter of the above was born 19 January 1844 James T. Taylor 6th son of the above was born 14 June 1846 Henry P. Taylor 7th son of the above was Born 23 January 1849
Marriage Family Record
- John P. Taylor was married to Mary Davis 10 January 1793
- Thomas L. Taylor 1st son of the above was married to Cassandra Van Cleave 22 Dec
1818 and she departed this life 27 June 1824 and was born 10 Sept 1802 and he was married to Sally McCrocklin 12 Oct 1826 , 2nd wife
- John S. Taylor was married to Miss Nancy Phillips 12 January 1847
- Squire L. Taylor was married to Miss Mary E. Sinnett 9 December 1851
- Cassandra Taylor was married to Eli Martin 30 December 1851
- Benjamin W. Taylor was married to Miss Matilda Hinton 27 November 1853
- Jessie Mc Taylor was married to Miss Susan Mercer 20 April 1854
- Loucinda Taylor was married to Mr. Grant Johnson 24 July 1855
- Richard D. Taylor was married to Miss Rachael Bozarth 19 December 1855
- Mary P. Taylor was married to George M. Martin 28 February 1864
- George W. Taylor was married to Miss Susan E. Walker 9 October 1864
- James T. Taylor was married to Chloe Martin 8 December 1867
- Lydia J. Taylor was married to Mr. Joseph C. Westerfield 21 November 1869
- Henry P. Taylor was married to Miss Matilda F. Hinton 6 October 1872
Additional notes from the research of Jerry Long:
- " On 14 May 1980 on a visit to the Kentucky Historical Society Library in Frankfort I discovered a manuscript entitled “History of The Van Cleave Family, The McMullen Family, The Taylor Family”. After 21 years of family research it still ranks as one of the best genealogical gold mines I have found. Errett Van Cleave of San Francisco, CA compiled it in 1946; he donated a copy to the library two years later. Most of the manuscript was based on notes left by his uncle, James William Van Cleave (1845-1925), of Montgomery County, IN. James William was a son of John Peyton Van Cleave & Marjorie Jane McMullen, grandson of Benjamin S. Van Cleave & Matilda B. Taylor, and great-grandson of John Peyton Taylor & Mary Davis. The manuscript contained an 11-page chapter entitled “History of the Taylor Family”. The following are some facts contained therein: John Peyton Taylor was the son of John Taylor & Ada Parker, her mother was Ada Peyton Parker, who was of an English noble family. His father, John Taylor, had brothers Ben, who lived in Maryland, & Rafel (sic? - may have been Bazel), one of his sisters may have married an Arnington/Arrington. “John Payton Taylor had black eyes, his wife had blue eyes, fair skin, sandy hair.” He lived in Fairfax County, VA, near Alexandria. He worked as an overseer on several plantations, including that of Governor Fairfax, who had owned 25 slaves. He had been on hunts with General Washington and served in his army during the Revolution. He was at the battle of Yorktown, when Cornwallis surrendered and served there as one of the General’s aids-de-camp. He had also fought in Braddock’s Army when he marched against the Indians and the French. John Peyton Taylor married twice. His first wife died soon after their marriage; she had no children. His son, Tommy, after his service in the War of 1812, went to Kentucky. He came back and gave a very favorable report of it, describing it as a paradise. His father soon moved the family to Kentucky.
John Peyton Taylor is somehow related to a John Taylor, who resided in Prince Georges County, Maryland, where in 1714 he purchased a plantation called “Little Grove”. The strongest indication of this is the appearance of the unusual name of Littlegrove among the descendants of John Peyton Taylor. The middle name of his son, Thomas L. Taylor (1795-1878) was “Littlegrove” according to a great-grandson, Henry Protis Taylor (1904-1991), who stated that his father, Ollie Littlegrove Taylor (1880-1957) was named in part for his grandfather Thomas Littlegrove Taylor. A son of Thomas L. was christened Squire Littlegrove and another member of the family also bore the name Squire Littlegrove Taylor.
In the Prince Georges County deeds it is recorded that on 1 Sep 1714 John Taylor, a planter, purchased a tract called Little Grove from Murphy Ward, of the same county. It consisted of 90 acres and a house on the west side of Pattuxent River. In Settlers of Maryland, 1679-1700 Murphy Ward, Calvert County, MD, is listed as acquiring a tract called “Little Groves”, 91 acres, on 10 Jan 1696. Research by Ginger Taylor (no address given) posted on the message board of the Prince Georges County, Maryland “GenWeb” Internet page reports that John Taylor was married to Eunise and moved to “Little Groves” in Prince Georges Co. in 1714 and was previously a resident of Charles County, MD. She states that John was the son of Thomas Taylor, b.1654, who was married to Annie and who received from his father, John, and his remarried mother Elizabeth Bonner, a 200 acre farm in Charles County, MD called Batchelor’s Delight. Described as on Petit’s Creek to Taylor’s creek to Weekes branch near land of Rick Smith. Thomas of Batchelor’s Delight also was the father of Thomas, Jr., who was born 3 March 1694 and who was married to Barbara.
John Taylor, of Prince Georges County, MD, appears to have resided on Little Grove until his death in 1738. On 17 Jan 1736 John wrote his will and it was recorded on 29 Nov 1738 (Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol.VIII, pp29-30). He bequeathed to his wife, Unice - 30 acres with the dwelling, to son John – 30 acres south of the dwelling, to son James – 30 acres, & to son Thomas & daughters, Mary & Ann – personalty. Richard Parker, Thomas Blanford Sr. & John Blanford witnessed his will. Later records have been found in which his sons, John Jr. & Thomas, refer to the Little Grove tract.
On 22 March 1763 “John Taylor Junior” of Prince Georges County, MD sold to Thomas Wall (or Hall), 30 acres, part of tract called Little Grove. His wife, Priscilla, ratified the deed. James William Van Cleave wrote that John Peyton Taylor was the son of John Taylor & Ada Parker. Could Priscilla be Ada Parker? John P. & Mary Taylor named one of their daughters, Ada Priscilla, and several other descendants had the same name. In the 1790 & 1800 censuses of Prince Georges County, MD a Priscilla Taylor is listed, she possibly could be the widow of John Taylor, Jr. Thomas Taylor, son of the John Taylor, Sr., who owned Little Grove in Prince Georges County, MD, later lived in Fairfax County, VA. On 11 June 1777 Thomas Taylor, of Fairfax County, VA wrote a will and it was recorded on 21 July 1777 (Fairfax County Will Book D-1, p14, on p43 of the same book an inventory of his estate is recorded). To his son, Thomas, he bequeathed his part of a tract of land lying in Prince Georges County, MD, known by the name of Little Grove. To Thomas, Jr. he also left the plantation that he was living on and appointed him the executor of his estate. His will named 12 other children, sons – Richard, John, Bazel & Benjamin Bassick/?Basset Taylor; daughters – Barbara Stuart, Mary Ann Club, Sarah, Cloeann, Eunis, Milord, Arrybeckey & Drusilla Taylor. The names of Bazel, Benjamin B. & Cloeann are found several times in the family of John Peyton Taylor.
John Peyton Taylor was born between 1760-1765 according to census reports of 1810, 1820, 1830 & 1840. He appears in the 1810 census of Fairfax County, VA (p221). In addition to himself and his wife, 9 others were reported to be in his household, their ages correspond exactly to the ages of his first 9 children listed in the preceding family record. He was also reported to be the owner of 6 slaves. “John P.” & Mary Taylor on 11 Oct 1814 served as witnesses on the will of Yelverton Reardon, written and recorded in Fairfax County. About 1817 he moved his family to Shelby County, KY, where 2 of his children were married in 1818. He lived along Bullskin Creek. He is listed as John P. Taylor in the 1820 census of Shelby County, KY (p155). Enumerated near him were his son, Thomas L. Taylor and several members of the Van Cleave family. Four of his children married Van Cleaves while the family resided in Shelby County. Three of these, Matilda B., Mary B.& Benjamin B., during the latter part of the 1820’s were among a large contingent of Shelby County families who relocated to Montgomery County, IN. Many of them were inter-connected through the Van Cleaves. In addition to the numerous Van Cleave families other family names, which migrated there included – Taylor, Davis, McMullen, Carson, Allen & Kerns.
In 1823 John P. Taylor moved to Ohio County, KY, were he spent the remainder of his life. He first appears there in the tax lists in 1823 and is listed in each successive list through 1847 – in all but one year he is identified as “John P.” In the 1830 (p247) & 1840 (p130) Ohio County censuses he was listed similarly. When he first arrived in the county he owned four slaves, in 1830 he had four & in 1840 five. At his death in 1847 he owned seven blacks and 576 acres on Panther Creek. He left no will, however, in the Ohio County estate files, settlement books & deed books there are a multitude of pages filed in relation to the settlement of his estate. Several of these documents record the names of his heirs – his widow, Mary, and their 11 children. Concerning the sale of the 7 slaves owned by his estate a suit was filed in the Ohio County Circuit Court. This case (file #1077) names the above 11 children as well as the names and ages of his slaves.
-to be continued--Posted by Charles A. Leach at 8:24 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Taylor Wednesday, May 1, 2019 Mildred Ann Taylor
Mildred Ann Taylor was born 17 Oct 1828 in Ohio County, KY to John Allen Taylor and Sallie Milton Taylor; Mildred died 31 June 1908 in Catlin, Vermilion County, IL. She married David Shaver 14 Nov 1844 in Ohio County, KY. Apparently they moved to Catlin, IL about 1864. It is 228 road miles from Hartford to Catlin.
Mildred Ann was one of six children and one of her brothers was John Harrison Taylor.
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