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John Poston Family Record

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Date: 1782 to 1819
Location: North Carolina, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Poston
This page has been accessed 98 times.

This is a transcript of the family record included in the pension application of Rebecca Poston. Clearly, the person who wrote it absentmindedly put down 18 when they meant 17 for the years. There was one additional daughter, Ruthy Smith, who was not included in the family record. However, she was listed amongst the heirs of Rebecca Poston living in 1851 along with “Mary Davis, Jane Bryson, Rebeca Bryson, Nancey Nicholas, Lusindia Stines,” and Robert Poston.[1]

Peggy was Born the 9th day of February in the year 1782

Rebekah was born the 31st day May in the year 1783

Jenny was born the 17th day of October in the year 1785

Elizabeth was born the 30th day of January in the year 1786

Salley was born the 15 day of January in the year 1888 (sic)

Robert Postion (sic) was born the 23rd of December in the year 1889 (sic)

Polley was born the 30th day of August in the year 1890 (sic)

Jno A. B. Poston was born the 17th day of November in the year 1894 (sic)

Nancy Poston was born the 9th day of April in the year 1897 (sic)

Cindy Poston was born the 6th day of March in the year 1801

John Poston Senior departed this life August 22nd Day 1819

William Poston was born in the year of our Lord August 14th Day 1809


  1. Southern Campaigns Revolutionary War Pension Statements & Rosters, Transcript of the Pension Application of Rebecca Poston, 4 July 1845, (accessed 13 October 2021).

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