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John Potter Convict - Petitions

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 :) Still working on this page to get the transcriptions in date order and resolve outstanding ? words.

Return to: John Potter

Below are the transcriptions of original Home Office Criminal Petitions series files from The National Archives in the possession of Thomas Potter.


 ? June 1836

John Potter 17
Liverpool Sess[ion]
June 1836
Stealing articles of Plate
7 Yrs Transpn
Gaol Rept Connexn Bad
Twice convicted before
Ansd 27 July 1836.


The bearer John Potter is the
Father of an unfortunate Son of the same
name who was transported for the term
of fourteen years and is now lying in
his Majestys Docks yards waiting to go
abroad the humble Petitioner hopeth your
Lordship will assist him in getting his
Sons time medicated to a more moderate
term in so doing you will have the prayers
of himself and his brokenhearted wife to
the end of their days
John & Elizabeth Potter

 ? 1836

Page 01
John Potter
Usual ans'r 2 Nov'r 1836

Page 02
John Potter - Liverpool 4 July 1836 - Larceny before - 14 years
To the Right Honourable Lord John Russell
The Petition of John Potter most humbly
That your Petitioner is the heart broken
Father of a convict now under sentence
of transportation for fourteen years; for
a Felony committed in Liverpool.
That the said convict has been seduced by
the bad example of others; as he never saw
anything but what was correct at home
and had the advantage of as good an
education as was in your Petitioner's
power to bestow.
Your Petitioner humbly supplicates
your Lordship's interference to procure
His Majesty's clemency that the sentence
of the said convict may be commuted
to Seven Years as it is his first offence
trusting the situation, he is now in
may operate as an incentive to better
conduct and your Petitioner will
[paper torn] in duty bound ever pray
[paper torn] Place
[paper torn] Street
[paper torn] th 1836
John Potter
Dawson Place
Lawton St

Page 03
John Potter
Usual ans'r 2 Nov'r 1836

Page 04

NOTE: This letter is an interesting one sent in from the prosecutor Henry James Ames (person he stole from) trying to help get John’s sentence lowered so hopefully he did not get transported, for the sake of his broken-hearted parents.

My Lord
I have no objection if in concern
since with your Lordship will that the
petition prayers for he complied with,
if only for the sake of the parents
of the convict
I am
your Lordship most obedient
and obliged servant
Henry Jas Ames

14 July 1836

To the Right Honourable
The Lord John Russell
The Humble Petition
of John Potter
Dawson Place Lawton Street, Liverpool
Humbly showeth
That your Lordships said
Petitioner is the Father of John Potter who
was Sentenced at the Liverpool Midsummer
Sessions, for Fourteen Years Transportation for
Your Lordships said Petitioner
is a Ropemaker by trade with a Wife and Seven
helpless Children dependent on him for a Support
out of his own Industry.
Your Lordships said Petitioner
most humbly craves Your Lordships kind intercession
with the proper Department in causing the Sentence
of his said Son to be Mitigated, and allowing him
to remain in England and not sent across the
And Your Lordships said
Petitioner As in duty bound will ever Pray
Your Lordships
Liverpool July 14th 1836
Most Obedient
& Very humble Servant
John Potter

NOTE: The signature for John Potter on the bottom of the page looks a lot different to the rest of the very confident text written before it, so my guess is that it is possible that this could be the signature of my 3rd Great Grandfather John Potter (Thomas Potter).

14 July 1836

Liverpool July 14th 1836
My Lord
We the undersigned beg most
respectfully to recommend to your Lordships Notice
to the annexed Petitioner John Potter, and believe
him worthy of Your Lordships Kind interferance
with the proper Department in behalf of his said
Son. We Are
Your Lordships
Most humble Servants

George Seddon Ropemaker, Bittern St
Thos Bolderson Do Back Berry Street
William Kirk Do Winsor
James Hilding Shipwright Joneses Street
William Parkinson Ropemaker Lawton Street
Philip Ganer Ropemaker Lorton Street
Francis Harrison Ropemaker Gascoine Street
John Wilding Do West Derby
James Winterbottom Do St Andrew St
Daniel McStay Do Shannan Street
Thomas Rushton Do Christian St
George Evans Do Old Swan
Thomas Yates Do St Andrew St
Wittison Watson Do Standish St
Thos C Bickerstaff Do Dove Court School Lane
James Wilson Do Peach Street
James Owens Ropemaker Sandan Road
Robert Gornall Rope Maker Hadson St
David Renshaw Roper Maker Laton St
Thomas Ashton Rop Maker Edge hill
Robert Rof[s]s Ropermaker Shannon St
Robert Walker Ropermaker old Swan
David Renshaw Ropemaker Pembroke garden
Henry Dixon Ropermaker Old Swan
John Ellis Cavidish St
Thomas Smith do Watkinson St
John Collister do Leander Street
William Holand Ropemaker Bolton Street
Peter Tomly do Brounton Hill
Samuel Braffield Do. Back Berry St
Peter Farnsby Do Leander Street
John Bunce Do - - Orange St
James Evans Do Green Lane Old
James Harrison Cabinet Maker Lawton St
John Sargant Ropemaker Peach Street
William Sargant Ropemaker Peach Street
John Gorton Ropemaker Clifford St
Thomas Renshaw Do St Andrew St
Henry Renshaw Do St Andrew St
Thomas Kendrick Mariner St Andrew St
James Bradfield Ropermaker Lawton St
John Parkinson Ropemaker Lawton St
William Mof[s]s Do Shaws Brew
Thomas Parkinson Do Copper St

16 July 1836

Lord Landon presents his
Compliments to Mr Phidleses?, and
begs to ? for the indulgent
consideration of Lord John Russell
the enclosed Petition of John Potter
of Liverpool; praying that his son
John Potter who was Sentenced at
the Liverpool Midsummer sessions, to
Transportation for Fourteen Years, may
be permitted to remain in England.
2 Thedyer Street
16 July 1836

November 1836

Top Left Side of Page
John Potter Nov /36
to be Transported

We the undersigned recommend John
Potter to your Lordship as an honest
industrous man and a Loyal Subject
hoping your Lordship will take his case
into your generous consideration and your
humble Servents will be for ever obliged.
George Seddon
James Wilding
Edward Lewis
William Parkinson
Jacob Frances
John Brown
Joseph Myers
Samuel Broomfield
John Parkinson
Saml Hesketh X
George Leathweite
William Williams

2 December 1836

John Potter
He must write in 1st
week of Feby I wd
see, what cd be done
to Penitentiary.

2 Decr 1836
John Potter
You are informed by
direction of Lord John Russell that the
application in favor of John Potter
has been fully considered; and that
there is no ground to justify the
Secretary of State, consistently, with his Public Duty, in advising His
Majesty to Comply with the prayer
I am
Your obedient Servant
???? ???????? Dawson Place
Lawton Street

12 December 1836

My Lord
The subjoined document I
have just received from Lord John Russell?
I have not presumption to dispute with
the authority therein quoted but my case
is one of uncommon hardship - a Boy
in whose hopes my best wishes were
placed, on whom I was lavish to bestow
the best education in my power and
whose ill timed disaster is not to be
accountable to any self depravity
If you can in pity for the feelings of
his already humiliated parents do
any thing for him to avoid the
pervertion co to the situation
in which he is likely to be placed
in the name of God : de,
Dawson Place
Lawton Street
Decr. 12th 1836.
I am
Your Lordships
most obedient Servant
John Potter

2nd February 1837

Page 01
Dawson Place Lawton Street
Feby. 2nd. 1837
My Lord
In conformance with your Lordships
permission in your note dated Jany. 2nd.
I have made free to address your Lordship
again on the subject of my unfortunate
son. He was convicted as being a party
(though not a Principal) concerned in a
robbery in a dwelling House. That he
was in bad company I am sorry to say
that I cannot deny it; but that he
participated in the Booty, assisted in
the Robbery or that any of the plunder
was found in his possession I am bold
to deny. He never was known to any
of the police as a suspicious character
nor was he ever before any Magistrate
in a disgraceful point of view. Your
Lordship may judge what must be my
feelings when I reflect that the Boy
must now associate with many hardened
wretches who only scoff at those in
whom any seeds of virtue or morality

Page 02
may be found remaining Your Lordship
therefore may easily perceive my vicery
for wishing him ? to the Penitentiary
I feel the holder in urging my petition
as your Lordship will perceive that
the Prosecutor, Captain Henry signed
my last Petition in favour of my Son
I regret having given so much trouble
to your Lordship but the feelings of
a Parent on behalf of a dutiful son
which he always was to as much
be my excuse
I am
Your Lordships most obedient
and obliged Servant
John Potter

15 July 1837

Page 01

Left section
John Potter Dawson Place
Lawton Street

Middle section
John Potter
Presented By
Viscount Landon MS
Ansr 6 March 1837 (NOTE: this date does not make sense as a reply to the letter dated 15 July 1837 but it is as it is written!)

Right section
[Nothing written]

Page 02

To the Right Honourable Lord
Viscount Landon M.P.
My Lord
I have received a communication
from my Son "dated 13th instant"
wherein he states he is in all
probability likely to sail for
his destination, toward the latter
end of this month. and would
your Lordship pardon the
anxiety of a parent in placing
this communication before?
your Lordship and Your Lord-
-ship. and your Lordships

Right Honourable
Lord Viscount Landon
Liverpool July 15th

as in duly bound
will ever Pray
and Remain Your Lord-
-ships Humble Servant?
John Potter

Convict Record from Libraries Tasmania

  • Dec 18th 1839 Received with having feloniously robbed Charles Herd? of £8 in Bank Notes Recommended to be worked in chains at Port Arthur for 12 months the suspicion against him being very strong FCS & WG?
  • Port Arthur on Probation out of chains conduct to be reported in 12 months Vide (meaning refer to) Lieutenant Governor's decision 20 Dec 1839
  • Dec 23rd 1839 Longford Gaol Misconduct 25 lashes FCS
  • Feb 24th 1841 Gaol Assb?? Gross Misconduct Positively Refusing to go to the service of H Thomas Esquire when ordered by the Magistrate 12 months hard labour on the Roads GBF/ Malcolm’s Huts and then reassigned Vide Lieutenant Governor's decision 26-2-41
  • 15 Mar 1841?? Party Malcolm’s Huts Gross Insubordination Hard labour in chains 12 months W? B & GWG/ Jericho Chain Gang then Oatlands Assignable Party Vide 19 Mar 1841
  • May 15th 1841 Jericho Chain Gang Absconding/12 Months hard labour in chains 2 months of which in Solitary Confinement One month at a time with an interval of 2 months between FW &? B
  • Oatlands Chain Gang Vide LG decis (<same as above) 21/5/41
  • The Lieutenant Governor has been pleased to remit one month of that part of the Punishment Sentence relative to Solitary Confinement passed on this man in May last vide memo of PS 7/9/41
  • Nov 29th 1841 PW? (possibly Public Works) Disorderly conduct 6 d[ay]s Solitary Confinement JW/
  • July 28th 1843 Horton/ Misconduct in making false statements respecting the Bushrangers Cash &c (et cetera) 6 months hard labour and not to be again assigned in this district RPS & HH/ Approved TS? Gang Hobart Vide LG decis 4/8/43. Note: T S Gang probably Town Surveyor's Gang
  • 27 Oct 1843 TS Gang Disobedience of orders 3 days Solitary Confinement (RS)
  • 30th Oct 1843 Under Sentence/ Disorderly Conduct in making Noises in the cells also making use of disgusting and beastly language 14 days Solitary Confinement (RS)
  • 3rd May 1844 PW/ Insolence 6 d[ay] Soly Conft (<same as above)
  • May 10th 1844 PW/ Absconding 6 months hard labour in chains? P WW/
  • Ross vide LG decis 17/5/44
  • 12 Aug 1844 Ross Gang Disobedience of orders Reprimanded LIT?
  • 31 Jan 1845/ Oatlands Party/ Misconduct 6days Soly Conft RB/
  • 7 Apr 1845 Oatlands Depot/ Abscond[e]d 6 months hard labour JW & RB/ Glenorchy Vide LG decis 11/4/45/
  • 5 Aug 1845 Glenorchy/ Refusing to go to his Hut when ordered 6 days Soly Conft EW?
  • 3rd Sept 1845 Picton Party Insolence 14 days Soly Conft GBF/
  • 8th Oct 1845 PW/ Larceny under £5 discharged GW
  • 25th Nov 1845 Ross depot/ Insolence Soly Conft LFI/
  • 1st Dec 1845 Ross depot/ Misconduct in leaving his place of work without leave & disobedience of orders in not returning to it when ordered six months hard labour SFJ? / Antill Ponds Vide LG decis 26/12/45
  • 21st December 46 Antill Ponds/ Misconduct 10? days Soly Conft/SW? / (on original page only)
  • 18th January 47 G??/ Out after hours 10? days hard labour/RW/
  • 19th August 47 PB?? (maybe Police Barracks)/ absence 2 months hard labour /WG/ Jericho 21.8.47
  • Free by Servitude 4th July 1850

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