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Location: [unknown]
John Rayment (abt.1622-1703)
William Woodbury Jr. (bef.1620-bef.1668)
Thomas Scruggs (abt.1590-bef.1654)
Research Notes
Earlier wife or wives?
Date of Birth. A prior version of this profile reported he was born 3 March 1616, at St. John's, Glastonbury, Somerset, England. There is a 3 March 1616 baptismal record at St. John's, but the gender in that record is more likely a female, and the surname is unlikely Rayment or Raymond. See the restricted access record at FamilySearch.
Another record suggest he was born about 1616--the vital record of his death, 18 January 1702/3, reports he was then "a. abt. 87" (by unidentified informant).[1]
Despite this vital record, John Rayment testified three times in court as to his age. First in 1660, he was about age 38 (EQC 2:219). In 1680, he was about at 60 (EQC 8:7), and 1682, he was again about age 60 (EQC 8:323).
Raymond(s) of Newichawannock. Newichawannock is now South Berwick, Maine.
Records and Files References. (Many of these regard work appraising estates.)
1 (1636-1656); Hathi Trust; 313 (1653-Grand jury), 347 (1654-Grand jury), 359 (1654; Scruggs).
2 (1656-1662); Hathi Trust; John, 42 (1657-Jury of trials), 60 (1657-Agnes Balch, with Rachel), 166 (1659-Slander against Rachedl), 192 (1659-Porter estate), 194 (1659-constable), 212 (1660-sworn constable), 219 (1660-witness re Herrick/Hauscall), 281 (1661-jury of trials); also in 2, Richard, 99.
3 (1662-1667), Index at 516: Hathi Trust; 6 (1662-jury of trials), 120 (Marshall v Rayment; withdrawn), 203 (1664-jury of trials), 223 (mentions of Wm, no John), 366 (1666-jury of trials), 386 (mention of Wm, didn't find John), 429 (1667-Hascall est), 454 (found Wm not John).
4 (1667-1671), Index at 496; Hathi Trust; 66 (1668-Grand jury), 88 (Wit. presentment of Bethia Lovet), 90 (Wit. presentment of Nicholas Decaine, Andrew Eliot, John Lambert), 143 (1669-Grand jury), 175 (1669, mentioned in Wm Hollingworth deposition), 287 (1670-Rayment v White, Debt; withdrawn), 323 (1670-Mr. Jeremy Hobart v John and several others as the new select men of Beverly, for under due detainer of house and lands),324 (1670-Mr. Jeremy Hobart v John and several others as the new select men of Beverly, for withholding a debt due for preaching), 329 (1671-Est. of Henry Herrick), 406 (1671-Est. of John Thorndike). 448 (1671-Wm Carter fined by various for breach of the peace).
5 (1672-1674), Index at 485; Hathi Trust; 24-25 (1672 Cousin Mary Cook), 47 (1672-Mentioned as a boundary in two properties in deed), 432 (1674 Lot Conant estate).
6 (1675-1678), Index at 500; Hathi Trust; 102 (1675-Lists freemen who took oath of fidelity who vote for Woodbury, incl John Rayment, sr.}, 110 (1675-Bachelor Inv.), 135 (1676-with several have been stopped), 172 (1676-Selectmen of Beverly approve request of Humpry Woodbarey), 234 (1676-With Henry Keney, John and Thomas Rayment for telling a willful lie), 398-401at 401 (1676/7-those who took oath of fidelity 2 March 1676/7).
7 (1678-1680), Index ar 472; Hathi Trust; 82 (1678-John Rayment and the petticoat), 239 (1679-Jr Presented), 314 (1679-Jr. Presentment), 322 (1679-Roger Conant Est.).
8 (1680-1681), Index at 485; Hathi Trust; 7 (1680 Balch), 71 (1681-Thomas Rayment v Thomas Hart about a horse; nonsuited), 162 (1681-John testifies about land recovered of Walter Fairfield), 163 (1681-testimony about in dispute about Woodward land), 190 (1681-Balch Case, John off jury by agreement of the parties), 323 (1682-more Balch v Dodge).
Select Notes from Town Records of Salem.
Vol. 1, index at 239
John at 172, 202, 214, 222, 228
1: 222 General meeting, 15 : 6 - 59, Constable. Hathi Trust.
1:228 Selectmen, 7-5-1659 Will Dodge and Jno Rayment ar Chosen to mend the [bridge] & highway between frost fih Riur : & Wenham. Hathi Trust.
Vol. 2, Index at 350 Hathi Trust
John at 15, 26, 29, 48, 55, 70, 93, 156, 301, 302.
Constable at 2 Hathi Trust
15, 10th 4 mo : 1661, chosen for jury of trials for the next "mid-somer" court. Hathi Trust
26 7th 2d mo 1662, Jofeph Rootes and John Raiment chosen "furveirs" for the "Cape Ann fide." Hathi Trust
Vol. 3. Index at ____. WIP.
William Rayment. Essex County probate, case 23286; digital images, FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 103635049 (Probate estate files, nos. 23281 to 23295 ..., 1638-1880), images 112-134 of 206. Will dated 8 December 1705 appears as images 121-125, passage below at 125.
- "and I apoint my Louing friends and couzons Cornet Lot Conant & Nathaniel Rayment both of Beverly to see that my aforsd Estate be duely Distributed acording to this my will: & of [?word] Desire & fully [?word] those my two friends Lott Connatt & Nathaniel Rayment to hear & determin all controversies that may herafter unhapily arise amongst any of those my leggatees here above mentioned in this my last will ...
Deed research.
(a) Essex County grantor index, 1640-1799 (Scruggs, etc.), at image 394 of 808.
(b) Essex County grantee index, 1620-1986 (Scruggs, etc.), at image 153 of 457.
(c) Essex County grantor index, 1640-1799 (Rayment, etc.), begins at image 276 of 808.
(d) Essex County grantee index, 1620-1986 (Rayment, etc.), begins at image 76 of 457.
(e) Robert Raymond, "Raymond Family: 17th Century Deeds of Essex County"; web content, Cover and Table of Contents, Rootsweb.
See especially--
- Essex County Deeds, 1:33, FamilySearch, Roger Conant, William Dodg, Benjamin Baulch & John Ramant, executors to Thomas Scruggs of Salem, to Edmond Patch of Salem, dated 27 : 9 mo : 1656, recorded 2 December 1656.
- Essex County Deeds 2:79, John et al. Exors to Richard Dodg Sr.; recorded 6 April 1664
- Essex County Deeds 3:77, FamilySearch. Roger Connant, John Rayment and Benjamin Balch, of Bass river side, planters, to Isack Hull, cooper, nine acres at Beverly, part swamp and part upland neere his now dwelling house being bounded by John Woodbury sen. dated 23 March 1670 [?69/70; see acknowledgement], recorded 13 February 1670; witnesses William Dodg and Peter Woodbury.
- Essex County Deeds 3:78, FamilySearch. William Dodg, John Rayment, Roger Conant, Benjamin Balch, Peter Woodbury of Basse river in Salem "freely give" to Isack Hull, cooper; each grants one acre of land [in "ye whole five acres"], located near to the southeast corner of the "greate pond" adjoining a "parcell of land of Raiments"; the land can't be sold to strangers; dated 7 June 1664, recorded 13 February 1670 [acknowledgement 23 : 1: 69/70].
- Essex County Deeds 4:55, FamilySearch, John Raiment sen'r of Beverly, yeoman, for £25, sells to William Levermore, planter, "fifteene acres of upland ground ... scituate & lying in Beverly & it is bounded on the east with [?Samers] plaine, on the west with Snake hill, northerly with ye land of Jon. Grover, sotherly with Macrell Cove." Executed by John Rayment and Judeth Rayment; witnesses Andrew Eliott and Zachariah Herrick; adknowledged 25 May 171 by Jno Rayment, when also Judith his wife "yeilded awaye her dower"; dated 25 May 1671, recorded 14 April 1674.
- Essex County Deeds 5:81, Brian ?Pennelton to John Sr., et al., land at Topsfield, recorded 28 July 1680.
- Essex County Deeds 8:146, FamilySearch, John Rayment sen'r of Beverly, yeoman, to Benjamin Balch sen'r, for some unnamed sum sells a parcel of upland and swamp ground containing twentry acres "scituate and lying in the townships of Beverly & Wenham, being bounded northerly by the land of said Balch, easterly by ye land of Freeborne Balch, and John Dodge his land, Southerly by the land of sd John Rayment sen'r, westerly by the country roade"; signed by Jno Rayment and Jude Rayment; witnessess Peter Woodbery and Samuell Hardie; acknowledged 30 March 1686 by John Rayment "and Jude his wife resigned up her right and title of dowry therein"; dated 19 August 1685; recorded 19 August 1685
- Essex County Deeds 10:150, FamilySearch, John Rayment, Sen'r, yeoman, for £14 sells to , to John Richards, weaver, a parcel of upland ground . .. two acres in Beverly ...bounded to the south by land of William Haskell, to the east by land in possession of Ambrose Gale, to the west by land of Edmund Gale. "It is to be understood that there was formerlly a deed given to ye said Richards by me sd Rayment for this same land which deed is lost ...; witnesses, Peter Woodbery and Samuel Hardie. Deed dated 26 April 1688, recorded 5 April 1695. Note: By second following John Richards sells for £45 two acres bounded to the east by land of Ambrose Gale ... westerly ... Edmund Gale, etc., etc., "together with one dwelling house & one Barne upon said land" (by John Richards and Elizabeth his wife), dated 1 February 1694/5, recorded 17 April 1695.
- Essex County Deeds 12:32a, FamilySearch, John Rayment, sr., of Beverly, yeoman, with the consent of his "now wife Judith," "in consideration of my Paternal love and afection" transferred to his son Nathaniel Rayment, "my mansion house," barn and land.; dated 15 January 1696/7 recorded 11 August 1697;
- Essex County Deeds 12:127, FamilySearch, John Rayment Junr of Beverly, with consent of now wife Martha, sells for £30 to William Rayment Junr and his brother Edward Rayment, both of Beverly, jointly and in Equall proportion, five acres of meadow ground at Topsfield, being part of which is commonly called "Bunkers Meadow, dated 13 January 1696 [or 1696/7; appearance is 12 April 1697], recorded 28 January 1697/8.
- Essex County Deeds 12:134, FamilySearch, John, Jr., to Peter Woodbury Jr., recorded 5 February 1698
- Essex County Deeds 12:134, FamilySearch, John, Jr., to Peter Woodbury Sr., recorded 5 February 1698
- Essex County Deeds 13:244, FamilySearch, John Rayment Senr with consent of now wife Judith, sells for £32 to Thomas Cox of Beverly, mariner, a house and land at Beverly, about 2-1/2 acres, with all fruit trees, profits and priviledges, dated 18 March 1698 [appear 29 March 1698], recorded 4 March 1699/1700.
- Essex County Deeds 14:128, FamilySearch, John Rayment, sr., of Beverly, yeoman, "in consideration of my paternal love & afection" with the "Consent & aprobation of ... now wife Judith Rayment," transferred to his "sonne John Rayment Junr" of Beverly, yeoman, about sixty acres of land at Beverly and another four and one-half acre parcel at Bunkers Meadow in Topsfield; dated 12 January 1696[/7]. recorded 23 April 1701
- Essex County Deeds 15:220, John Jr. et al., to Daniel Colburne, recorded 9 April 1703
- Essex County Deeds 17:24, FamilySearch, John Rayment, then of Middleborogh, with the consent of his "now wife Martha," sold ten acres of "upland and Swampy ground" at Beverly to his "Brother Jonathan Rayment, of Beverly, bounded in part by "land which I Sold to my uncle Capt. William Rayment & his son George Rayment," and in part by "the land which I Sold to my Brother Thomas Rayment," and that of "my Son Samuel Rayment, dated 10 July 1704. recorded 9 October 1704.
- Essex County Deeds 21:92, FamilySearch, John Rayment Junr of Beverly and now wife Martha, for £81 5s., "they in equal portions, sells to Capt. William Rayment & George Rayment, in equal parts, twenty five acres of upland and swamp ... being part of a parcel given Rayment by his father John Rayment, Senr; dated 20 April 1701., recorded 11 July 1709
- Essex County Deeds 22:203, FamilySearch, John Rayment of Beverly, yeoman, deeded "for & in considercion of divers good consideratins thereunto me moveing especially for yt naturall Love & affection yt I have for my Son Thomas Rayment of Salem," about "twenty & three acres of Land which is his homelott on wch his Dwelling house now Standeth" and also "two oxen & one cow & two Heifers & one pewter platter & a bed," that are already in his possession.; deed dated 5 September 1702, , recorded 26 October 1710
- Essex County Deeds 22:203, FamilySearch, Nathaniel Rayment to Daniel Redinton.
- Essex County Deeds 28:154, FamilySearch, John Rayment senr, yeoman, deeded "for & in consideration of mine own love & affection unto my son in law william Bradford" of Beverly, husbandman, "& ye love I bear unto the chilldren of his by his former wife my Daughter Ratchell," a twenty acre parcel of "Upland & swamp Ground situate ... in ye Township of Beverly" and "one Mare & two Cows & some other moveable goods of mine," which are already in his possession, dated 1 February 1696/7, recorded 27 April 1716
- Sidney Perley, "Beverly in 1700, No. 1" in Essex Institute Historical Collections, 55 (1919):93-94 (John Rayment House); digital images, Hathi Trust, cites Essex ... Deeds, book 23, leaf 216, for deed of 12 January 1696, John Rayment, sr. to John Rayment, jr, but Essex County Deeds 23:216 is Jonathan Rayment to Isaac Hull, 16 January 1705/6 recorded 6 October 1711; for Jonathan Rayment to Isaac Hull 15 January 1705/6 [sic], Perley cited Essex Deeds 39:175 (did not check that deed, but Perley may have just skipped a deed).
- Sidney Perley, "Beverly in 1700, No. 1," Essex Institute Historical Collections, 55 (1919):90-91 (Nathaniel Rayment House); digital images, Hathi Trust.
- Sidney Perley, "Beverly in 1700, No. 1" in Essex Institute Historical Collections, 55 (1919):94-96 (Peter Woodbury House); digital images, Hathi Trust.
- Sidney Perley, "Beverly in 1700, No. 1" in Essex Institute Historical Collections, 55 (1919):96 (Isaac Hull Lot); digital images, Hathi Trust.
- Sidney Perley, "Beverly in 1700, No. 1" in Essex Institute Historical Collections, 55 (1919):92 (Henry Herrick Lot); digital images, Hathi Trust.
- Sidney Perley, "Beverly in 1700, No. 1" in Essex Institute Historical Collections, 55 (1919):84 (Nathaniel Rayment Lot and John Rayment Lot); digital images, Hathi Trust.
WIP (Consider moving the relationship notes below to separate page.)
Notes on Anan Raymond Mss-C-5560. Affidavit dated 7 October 1965.
"Brother" William.
"Sister" Elizabeth.
"Cousin Mary Cook. In 1672, reference is made to John Rayment's "cousin Mary Cook."
Richard Raymond of Salem.
Freemanship. Could be his son. See NEHGR 3 (1849):89, 187, 255, 345; digital images, Hathi Trust. See also Andrews alpha compilation. Hathi Trust.
Fidelity. Could be his son (but a second record confirms John Sr. as among those who took this oath). https://hdl.handle.net/2027/inu.30000064461290?urlappend=%3Bseq=409%3Bownerid=13510798899858058-421
- ↑ John Rayment 1702/3 death entry, Vital Records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849, 2 vols. (Topsfield, Mass., Topsfield Historical Society, 1906-07), 2:539 (Rayment); digital images, Hathi Trust.
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