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John Richardson family in Yorkshire: Census Records

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Date: 1841 to 1911
Location: Yorkshiremap
This page has been accessed 259 times.

This page lists census entries for John Richardson (born in Churwell, Yorkshire about 1805) and many of his relatives. Keeping a single copy of these records and their sources here allows them to be referenced from multiple profiles without repeating the content, making profiles shorter and reducing the likelihood of discrepancies.

In the tables, Rel is relationship to the head of the household; C is "Condition" or "Condition as to Marriage" (married, unmarried, single, widowed); and Age includes M or F for Male or Female, listed in separate columns on the census forms.

The column heading here represented as "Occupation" varied over time. In 1841, it was "PROFESSION, TRADE, EMPLOYMENT, or of INDEPENDENT MEANS". From 1851 to 1881, it was "Rank, Profession, or Occupation". In 1891, rank disappeared, leaving only "PROFESSION or OCCUPATION", but three narrow extra columns were added, to be left blank or marked with a cross: "Employer", "Employed", and "Neither Employer nor Employed". The 1901 form was similar to that of 1891, with "PROFESSION or OCCUPATION", but with a single column for "Employer, Worker, or Own account".

In 1841, only whether each person was born in the same county as the census place was recorded. Subsequently details of birth place anywhere were kept.

Also in 1841, ages over 15 were usually rounded down to a multiple of 5.[1]

The census form of 1911 was much more complicated, with a separate sheet to be filled in by each household, instead of a collector as previously.

"Do" for "ditto" was used extensively to indicate repetition of words from a preceding line.


Household of John Richardson in 1841

At the 6 June 1841 census, John Richardson was head of the following household, residing at Tingley Bar, West Ardsley, Yorkshire.[2]

NameAgeProfessionBorn in same county
John Richardson35 MCloth Dresseryes
Jane Richardson35 Fyes
Mary Do14 Fyes
Hannah Do13 Fyes
Ely Do9 Myes
Mathew Do7 Myes
Benjamin Do4 Myes
Jane Do1 Fyes

The age of both John and Jane was stated as 35, a multiple of 5. As noted above, in the 1841 census, ages of adults were rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5. So we can only deduce that in 1841 John and Jane were between 35 and 39 years of age. In fact, judging by subsequent census records, in 1841 John was probably 36 and Jane 39.

Household of John Richardson in 1851

At the 30 March 1851 census, John Richardson was head of the following household, residing at Tingley Moor, West Ardsley, Yorkshire.[3]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
John RichardsonHeadMar45 MWooling Cloth DresserYorkshire Churwell
Jane DoWifeMar49 FLondon City
Eli DoSonU19 MWool CarderYorkshire Morley
Mathew DoSonU16 MDo DoDo Do
Benjamin DoSon14 MWooling Mule Peeser[Piecer]Do Do
Jane DoDaur10 FDo Billey DoDo Do
Enoch DoSon8 MScholarDo West Ardsley
Aaron DoSon6 MDoDo Do

Household of John Richardson in 1861

At the 7 April 1861 census, John Richardson was head of the following household, residing at 12 South Ridge Ter, Holbeck, Leeds, Yorkshire.[4][5]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
John RichardsonHeadMar56 MCloth DresserYorkshire Churwell
Jane DoWifeMar59 FLondon
Benjamin DoSonUn23 MDo DoYorkshire Morley
Jane DoDaurUn20 FCarderDo Do
Enoch DoSonUn18 MWoollen Machine CleanerDo West Ardsley
Aaron DoSonUn16 MScholarDo Do

Household of Hannah (Richardson) Kemplay in 1861

At the 7 April 1861 census, Hannah (Richardson) Kemplay was living with her husband John Kemplay and a daughter at 13 Spa St, Holbeck, Leeds.[6][7][8]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
John KemplayHeadMar28 MMachine smithLondon Bermondsey
Hannah doWifeMar33 FYorkshire Churwell
Mary Jane doDaur6 FScholardo Holbeck

Household of Eli and Lois Richardson in 1861

At the 7 April 1861 census, Eli Richardson was living with his wife Louis or Lois (born Webster) at 330 [Grove House?], Batley-Gildersome, Yorkshire.[9]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
Eli RichardsonHeadMar29 MSlubber Woolen MillYorkshire Morley
Louis doWifeMar23 Fdo do

Household of John Richardson in 1871

At the 2 April 1871 census, John Richardson was head of the following household, residing at 2 Richardson B'dgs, Hunslet, Leeds, Yorkshire.[10]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
John RichardsonHeadMar66 MWoollen Cloth DresserYorkshire Churwell
Jane DoWifeMar69 FLondon
Benjamin DoSonUnm31 MWn Cloth Dresser UnemployedYorkshire Morley
Enoch DoSonUnm28 MScribbling Overlooker at a Cloth Mill (Woollen Mill)Do West Ardsley
Aron DoSonUnm26 MTobacconist & (Inmay Doctor??)Do Do

Aaron's name is misspelt as "Aron" on the census form. His occupation is listed as "Tobacconist" with additional unreadable words.

Household of Hannah (Richardson) Kemplay in 1871

At the 2 April 1871 census, Hannah (Richardson) Kemplay was living with her husband John Kemplay and children Mary Jane and John William at 13 Spa St, Holbeck, Leeds, Yorkshire.[11][12]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
John KemplayHeadMar37 MLabourer in Iron worksMiddlesex London
Hannah doWifeMar42 FYorks Churwell
Mary Jane doDaurUnm16 FFlax doffer at Milldo Holbeck
Jno Wm doSon9 Mdo do

Household of Jane (Richardson) Wood in 1871

At the 2 April 1871 census, Jane (Richardson) Wood was living with her husband John Wood and two children at 61 Meadow Rd, Hunslet, Leeds, Yorkshire.[13][14]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
John WoodHeadMar29 MTobacconist, Overlooker in Woollen MillYorkre Holmfirth
Jane doWifeMar30 Fdo Morley
Jonas doSon4 Mdo Leeds
Jessie doDaur5mo FIreland

Household of Benjamin Richardson and Jane (Richardson) Wood in 1881

At the 3 April 1881 census, Benjamin Richardson was head of the following household, residing at 32 Call Lane, Leeds, Yorkshire.[15]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
Benj RichardsonHeadUnmar44 MTobacconistMorley Yorkshire
Jane WoodSisterWidow40 FHouseKeeper Domdo do
Jonas doNephew14 MErrand Boy (Printer)Leeds do
Jessie doNiece10 FScholarNew Ross Ireland
Janey Matilda dodo7 FdoHunslet Yorkshire

Household of Aaron Richardson in 1881

At the 3 April 1881 census, Aaron Richardson was head of the following household, residing at 105 Dewsbury Row, Hunslet, Leeds, Yorkshire.[16]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
Aaron RichardsonHeadMar36 MTobacconistWest Ardsley Yorks
Elizabeth "WifeMar33 FNilHunslet Yorks
John K. "SonUnm4 MNilBurley Fields Leeds Yorks
Mary "DaurUnm3 FNilHunslet Yorks

Household of Mary Jane and John William Kemplay in 1881

At the 3 April 1881 census, Mary Jane and John William Kemplay were living at 15 Mount St, Holbeck, Leeds, Yorkshire.[17]

NameRelCAgeOccupationWhere Born
John W KemplayHeadUnm19 MFitter in Engine ShopYorks Holbeck
Mary J DoSisterUn26 FSwifter in Facty.Hand ??Do Do

Household of John William Kemplay and Jonas Wood in 1891

At the 5 April 1891 census, John William Kemplay (son of Hannah (Richardson) Kemplay and grandson of John Richardson) was head of the following household, residing at 14 Ansonia Pl, Horsley, Leeds.[18]

NameRelCAgeOccupationEmplrEmpldNeithWhere Born
John W. KemplayHeadM29 MIron TurnerxYorkshire Leeds
Anne E doWifeM30 Fdo do
William D doSon6 Mdo do
Horace doSon2 Mdo do
Jonas WoodCousinS25 MRailway Porterxdo do

John William Kemplay's cousin Jonas Wood was the son of Hannah's sister Jane (Richardson) Wood.

Household of Janey Matilda Wood in 1891

At the 5 April 1891 census, Janey Matilda Wood was employed in the household of Dr John Sykes, located at 19 Springfield Terrace, Dewsbury, Yorkshire.[19]

NameRelCAgeOccupationEmplrEmpldNeithWhere Born
John SykesHeadM48 MF.R.C.S. Lond FRCP. Eng. General PractitionerxYorkshire West Ardsley
Susannah Margaret SykesWifeM46 Fdo Marton - Doncaster
Joseph SykesSonS15 MScholardo Dewsbury
Mabel dodaur7 FScholardo do
Jane PooleyServantS25 FDomestic Servantxdo Marske by the Sea
Janey Matilda WooddoS17 Fdoxdo Leeds

Household of John William Kemplay in 1901

At the 31 March 1901 census, John William Kemplay was head of the following household, residing at 10 Mapleby Street, Wortley, Yorkshire.[20]

NameRelCAgeOccupationEmp*Where Born
John W. KemplayHeadM39 MIron turner - Mill & machineryWorkerYorks Holbeck
Annie E doWifeM40 FDo Hunslet
William D doSonS16 MHairdresser Shopkeepers apprenticedoDo do
Horace doSon12 MScholarDo New Wortley

Emp* = Employer, Worker, or Own account

Household of Enoch Richardson (son of John) in 1911

Enoch Richardson emigrated to Victoria in Australia in the 1870s. However he returned to England around 1911, and at the 2 April 1911 census was boarding with a family headed by Robert Lawson at 2 Greenmount Terrace, Hunslet, Leeds.[21]

Robert LawsonHead53 MMarBlue Slater & ContractorEmployer
Susannah LawsonWife51 FMar
Robert Pearson LawsonSon24 MSBlue SlaterWorker
Alice LawsonDau26 FS
Jennie LawsonDau22 FSSweet StoresWorker
Susie LawsonDau20 FSLady Clark PrintersWorker
Florence Ethel LawsonDau18 FSSweet StoresWorker
Donald Walton LawsonVisitor5 M
Enoch RichardsonBoarder69 MMarEngineer in AustraliaWorking on Own Account
Betty LawsonMother79 FWidow

The "Industry" column was left blank, so is not shown here. Everyone in the household was listed as born in Leeds, Yorkshire and a British subject by parentage.

Household of John William Kemplay in 1911

At the 2 April 1911 census, John William Kemplay was head of the following household, residing at 2 First Avenue, New Wortley, Leeds, Yorkshire.[22]

NameRelAgeCOccupationIndustryWorkingWhere Born
John William KemplayHead49 MMarriedIron TurnerForgeWorkerHolbeck Leeds
Annie Elizabeth KemplayWife50 FHunslet Leeds
Horace KemplaySon22 MSingleTailor PressersClothing ManufWorkerNew Wortley Leeds

Additional columns under "Particulars as to Marriage" and not transcribed in the table above indicated that Annie had had six children born alive, of whom two were still living.


  1. See 1841 census age rounding at Durham Records Online, via Katie's guide to English sources for WikiTree by Katie Fuller.
  2. Class: HO107; Piece: 1267; Book: 2; Civil Parish: West Ardsley; County: Yorkshire; Enumeration District: 1; Folio: 6; Page: 4; Line: 25; GSU roll: 464238. Via 1841 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc, 2010. Ancestry Record 8978 #11969933. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  3. Class: HO107; Piece: 2328; Folio: 404; Page: 17. Via 1851 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. Ancestry Record uki1851 #36459559. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  4. Class: RG 9; Piece: 3363; Folio: 49; Page: 21; GSU roll: 543120. Via 1861 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. Ancestry Record uki1861 #10426310. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  5. General Register Office: 1861 Census Returns database, FreeCEN 5906ce3de9379091b14ccdc9 (last viewed 17 Dec 2020), John RICHARDSON, 12, South Ridge Terrace, Yorkshire, West Riding, England; from 1861 "England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images; citing The National Archives RG 9/3363, Folio 49, Page 21, Schedule 126, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.
  6. Class: RG 9; Piece: 3362; Folio: 61; Page: 19; GSU roll: 543120. Via 1861 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. Ancestry Record uki1861 #10421146. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  7. "England and Wales Census, 1861," database with images, FamilySearch ark:/61903/1:1:M7XZ-ZST (12 September 2020), John Kemplay, Holbeck, Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom; from "1861 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast : n.d.; citing PRO RG 9, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey. Retrieved 9 December 2020.
  8. "General Register Office: 1861 Census Returns database, FreeCEN 5906cdf5e9379091b14c707f (last viewed 17 Dec 2020), Hannah KEMPLAY in household of John KEMPLAY, 13, Spa Street, Yorkshire, West Riding, England; from 1861 "England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images; citing The National Archives RG 9/3362, Folio 61, Page 19, Schedule 104, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.
  9. Class: RG 9; Piece: 3352; Folio: 125; Page: 27; GSU roll: 543118. Via 1861 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. Ancestry Record uki1861 #10380465. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  10. The National Archives; Kew, London, England; 1871 England Census; Class: RG10; Piece: 4515; Folio: 98; Page: 40; GSU roll: 848472. Via 1871 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Ancestry Record uki1871 #26172745. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  11. The National Archives; Kew, London, England; 1871 England Census; Class: RG10; Piece: 4521; Folio: 9; Page: 11; GSU roll: 848474. Via 1871 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Ancestry Record 7619 #26189883. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
  12. "England and Wales Census, 1871", database with images, FamilySearch ark:/61903/1:1:KD6P-CBF (24 April 2019), John Kemplay, 1871. Retrieved 9 December 2020.
  13. The National Archives; Kew, London, England; 1871 England Census; Class: RG10; Piece: 4514; Folio: 37; Page: 20; GSU roll: 848471. Via 1871 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Ancestry Record 7619 #26164418. Retrieved 29 October 2020.
  14. "General Register Office: 1871 Census Returns database, FreeCEN 5906f5d0e9379091b18005c0 (last viewed 17 Dec 2020), Jane WOOD in household of John WOOD, 61, Meadow Rd, Yorkshire, West Riding, England; from 1871 "England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images; citing The National Archives RG 10/4514, Folio 37, Page 20, Schedule 123, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.
  15. Class: RG11; Piece: 4511; Folio: 52; Page: 4; GSU roll: 1342082. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1881 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Ancestry Record uki1881 #24781405. Retrieved 29 October 2020.
  16. Class: RG11; Piece: 4490; Folio: 8; Page: 18; GSU roll: 1342075. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1881 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Ancestry Record 7572 #24665621. Retrieved 28 October 2020.
  17. Class: RG11; Piece: 4496; Folio: 57; Page: 14; GSU roll: 1342077. and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1881 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Ancestry Record uki1881 #24701648. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
  18. The National Archives of the UK (TNA); Kew, Surrey, England; Census Returns of England and Wales, 1891; Class: RG12; Piece: 3678; Folio: 25; Page: 44; GSU roll: 6098788. Via 1891 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. Ancestry Record uki1891 #5134626. Retrieved 29 October 2020.
  19. The National Archives of the UK (TNA); Kew, Surrey, England; Census Returns of England and Wales, 1891; Class: RG12; Piece: 3734; Folio: 111; Page: 3; GSU roll: 6098844. Via 1891 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. Ancestry Record 6598 #5698721. Retrieved 10 November 2020.
  20. Class: RG13; Piece: 4210; Folio: 88; Page: 25. Via 1901 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005. Ancestry Record 7814 #33633240. Retrieved 2 November 2020.
  21. Class: RG14; Piece: 27159. Via 1911 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Ancestry Record 2352 #38154613. Retrieved 27 October 2020.
  22. Class: RG14; Piece: 26880. Via 1911 England Census [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Ancestry Record 2352 #39282350. Retrieved 2 November 2020.



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