Location: [unknown]
State of Georgia Warren County
In the name of God Amen. I James Roquemore, Sr. being weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, I acknowledge that it is appointed for all men once to die, I constitute make and ordain this my last will and Testament first. I recommend, my soul into the hands of God who gave it, nothing doubting but I shall receive the same at the General Resurrection And my body to be buried at the Discretion of my heirs As to my Worldly affairs and Goods wherewith it has pleased God to bless me with I give and dispose of in following manner and form (to wit):
Item - I give and bequeath unto my loving son Peter Roquemore that tract of land whereon he now lives with all the Rights and privileges thereof
Item - I give and bequeath unto my loving son James Roquemore, Jr. that tract of land whereon he now lives with all Rights and privileges thereof,
Item - 1 leave to beloved wife Elizabeth Roquernore the use of the plantation whereon she now lives together with my two loving sons, Thomas Roquemore and John Roquemore and after the decease of my wife Elizabeth, then I give and bequeath to my loving sons Thomas and John Roquemore the said tract of land to be Equally Divided between them with all the rights thereof, I likewise leave all my Cattle, Hoggs, Sheep and horses Save one horse that I give to my son Thomas by the name of Folly a young horse for the use of the plantation whereon my wife and two sons live. I likewise give to rny loving son John Roquemore one horse at one hundred dollars price when he comes of age with a good Saddle and Briddle to Raised out of the Estate And also one feather Bed of furniture.
Item - I likewise leave to my beloved wife Elizabeth Roquemore all my Negros and their increase until her death And then I give and bequeath unto my daughter Polly Pearson one Negro woman named Dinah and also to my loving daughter Elizabeth Roquemore I give one Negro girl named Rachel and if my beloved wife sees cause to lend either of the named negros She has it in her power, to the Said Girls and Also the increase of the above named Negros with all the Rest to be equally divided among my six children (to wit) Peter, James, Thomas, John, Polly & Elizabeth And also I give to my loving daughter Elizabeth Roquemore one feather bed of furniture when of age also one womans saddle & bridle with one horse Valued to one hundred dollars and also to my daughter Polly Pearson one horse worth one hundred dollars to be raised out of my Estate at my wifes Discretion.
Acknowledging this to be my last will and Testament Ratifying and Confirming this and no other whereof I the P. James Roquemore set my Hand and Seal the 30th of April in the year of one Thousand Eight Hundred and three.
(signed) James Roquemore
Signed Sealed Delivered & Acknowledged in the presence of us Thomas Bazemore Thomas Westlay Shadrack Potts X (his mark)
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