Location: [unknown]
John T. Endres was a serious, proud and kind man. On August 17, 1877 he married Sybilla Pertzborn at St. Martin's church. She was the daughter of Mathias Pertzborn and Walburger Ehler. In 1927 they celebrated their golden wedding. Following a High Mass at Holy Redeemer chcurch, the anniversary couple had their picture taken on the steps of their home at 433 W. John St., Madison.
On his farm, John T. ha da small vineyard of 2 acres and for about 10 years raised grapes and made wine. John was naturalized on November 4, 1881 at the State Suprme Cournt in Madison. He was known as Long John (Langer Hannes) because he was a tall man, over 6 feet. He was also known as Wachter Endres because he resmbled a man in Roxbury by the name of Wachter. His son, Mathew Joseph (Joe), was called Wachter's Joe.
The distingusihed looking old gentleman with white hair and bear is Nicholaus M. Endres, the second oldest son of Peter and John's only surviving sibling. it is said that Nick most resmbled his father. Nicholaus M. Endres, the second oldest son of Pter and John's only suriving sibling. It is said that Nick most resembled his father. Nicholaus died one year later of a heart attack, in the vesitbule of St. John's Catholic church in Waunakee. Nick's wife, Margaret Barbian, died in 1898 at 48 of Diphtheria and Paralysis NIcholas was a farmer at martinsville. He was a dear, gtle man who didn't alk much. He was funa nd wa salways playing jokes. He was a good carpenter and made things such as cupboards.
John T. had another brother, francix x.. He was a farmer in Dane. He and his wife Elizabeth Karls had 14 children. Francix X. had a twin sister, Margaretha, who died at the age of 8 in Germany. When he retired, he came to madison and was a charter member of St. James parish, helping them to organize the parish.
John T. had win sisters Margaret and Mary. Mary was married to Henry Schneppenheim and they lived in Pierz, Minn. She was a living, kind woman and a wonderful grandmother. Her fmaily wa sclosely knit and all helped each other. May cared for the altar linens in her church. She died of the flue contracted while taking care of the sick. her last words were Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Henry was a blacksmith and also made the best sauerkrat.
Mary's win sister, margaret, Married John Kuehn, a famer at Springfield Corners. margaret died at the age of 42 of chronic diarrhea. An infant, Albert died shorlty after.
A third sister was name dCatherine. She married John Berman, who farmed at Springfield corners and later at Oregon, Wisconsin. She was a smal,l woman who had a nice signing voide. her children were very fond of her.
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