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Odds 'N Ends-Johnson

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Date: 1750 to 1820
Location: Rowan, Surry, Stokes Counties, North Carolinamap
Surname/tag: Johnson / Johnston
Profile manager: Connie Graves private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 151 times.

Detailed analysis of land and tax records for assorted Johnson families.

Notes on David Johnson, Rowan, Surry, Stokes Counties (there may have been 3 David Johnson's in this family.)


David Johnson, Sr, Johnson's of Dutchman's Creek

Recent research indicates this man's descendants including son John went to Montgomery Co., Ohio.[1]

He did not leave a will.

There was a David Johnson Rowan Co NC 1754 when he was a chain carrier ("CC") for the survey of James McMachan [2] as well as 1762 deed described David Johnson owned land next to it. [3]

David Johnson deeds Rowan County

NC, Rowan Co. Deed Book 4 Pg. 633 6 Mar 1761 John Earl Granville of Great Britain TO David Johnson of Granville Co., NC

325 acres on Sweet Creek a branch of Dutchman's Creek [6]

NC, Rowan Co. Deed Book 4 Pg. 604 Image 627 of Film # 007517731

25 Feb 1796 David Johnson Sr. TO son David Johnson Jr. 325 acres on Sweet Creek on which David Johnson Sr. now lives...[7]

David Johnson in Stokes County

The David Johnson Sr. of Sweet Creek was paying taxes there in 1796 The David Johnson of Stokes Co. is in the Stokes Co. Tax Records 1790, 1791, 1794 with 200 acres of land.

Also the Rowan County, NC will of James McMahan mentions a daughter Mary and David Johnson witnesses the will. [4]

Look at the county divisions: Rowan divided into Surry 1771; Surry divided into Stokes 1789.

This helps verify one of the David Relationships. May Session 1803 Rowan County North Caro!ina County Court Administration for the estate of David Johnson, Decd granted to John McMahon and Mary Johnston.[5]

David Johnson (Jr) of Stokes Co NC

David Jr left a will dated 3 July 1797, Stokes County, North Carolina naming a wife, Mary, and the following heirs: Will, Nancy, Marnin, Rody, John, Elevebeth, Saray. Witnesses were Will Childers, Jane Childers ? Jaraks? (difficult to read Jane's surname.) [6]

The Index to Wills for Stokes County, North Carolina clarifies the poor and phonetic spelling of the will for the names of the heirs. They are listed as: Elizabeth, John, Mary, Matt, Nancy, Marvin, Rody, and Sarah.[7]

Check out this page. Do a search David Johnson and also Johnston. [8]

Rowan Co. Deed Book 13 Pg. 972 Film # 007517730 Image 582 6 May 1795 David Johnson Junior FROM John Eccles 34 acres on Waters of Dutchman's Creek [8]

NC, Stokes Co., Court Records, Minutes 1790-1800 5 Jun 1798 Term [9]

NC, Stokes Co., Tax Records 1790-1819 [10]

1790 Image 36 Not tithed 200 acres of land
1791 Image 75 Not tithed 200 acres
1792 Not found
1793 Not found
1794 Image 156 Not tithed 200 acres
1795 Not found
1796 No records
1797 Not found

NC, Stokes Co. Land and Property Record of Deeds [11]

NC, Stokes Co. Deed Book 3 Pg. 223 20 Dec 1791 David Johnson FROM NC 200 acre Grant formerly in Surry Co., now in Stokes, starting at Childress Corner,..Eaton’s Corner...Myers’ line... [12]

NC, Stokes Co. Deed Book 3 Pg. 241 7 Oct 1799 Mary Johnson TO Andrew Fisler 200 acres on the Waters of the Little Yadkin beginning at Childress’ Corner....Eaton’s Corner...Myers’ line... [13]

David Johnson Jr. NC, Stokes Co. Will Book 1 Pg. 108/2 Written: 7 Jul 1797 Probated: June Term 1798 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L9GF-9XR7?i=111&cat=978568

Wife: Mary – house, furniture and 200 acres Robbed Branch, Easton and Earl Lines Children: Matt Marvin Nancy b. 1785 m. John Wright Rhoda b. 1786 m. John Adams Elizabeth b. 1788 m. Thomas Wilson Sarah b. 1789 m. Richard Slythe John b. 1790-1795 m. Peggy Ply in Rowan Co.

And another David Johnson with a wife Mary

Division of Property of David Johnson of ROWAN CO. Compare the names of the children. They cannot be the same family as other David Johnson.

May Term 1809 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-898Q-QCVL?i=54&cat=323475

Wife : Mary gives up her dower so land is split among the following heirs Lot #1 : Jessee Johnson Lot #2 : Anderson Skinner Lot #3 : Polly Johnson Lot #4 : David Johnson Lot #5 : Samuel Reed Lot #6 : John Johnson

Henry Johnson of Stokes County

[14] It is actually quite clear, at least to me, who Archibald's father was. It was Henry of Stokes Co. Few people seem to search deed records where a lot of the clues are located. There is a whole clan of Johnsons who lived on Dutchman's Creek, which is on the opposite side of Horse Shoe Neck where your William lived. Their lineage is quite clear in the deeds but not sure I've seen it published.

Remember that this Henry who died in Stokes in 1809 can't be ours because ours was involved in that 1814 Court Case [9]

Something that is bugging me is the 1790 Census.

William is 6th from the top. He is next to or near familiar names of Buckner, Dedmon, Nickolas Click and Richard Pearson. What's bugging me is that there are only two males under 16 when there should be three. Henry, being the oldest, is probably out working for someone because he's not showing up in the Census records. [15] [16]

Back to George, it would be nice if someone in his lineage had a Y-DNA test. I can't help but think either our Patrick or our George had a male child we are not aware of who went into NC. Seems like quite a few common names with our lines.

Too bad none of the Taggarts seem to be posted on WikiTree so that you can run a DNA comparison with yours.

Questions about William Johnson of Rowan County

William’s Will: [17] mentioned his daughter....Christan Johnston my negro girl named Tillis or Phillis with a provision that all the ?????? Is Christan the youngest and the others already at least 18 in 1792??

Recall that Will was probated 8 May 1792. Now look at this. Same person?? Date is 7 Aug 1792 [18]

Another William Johnson

We may have two different William Johnson families. The Samuel and William Johnson who have a guardian appointed in 1803 would presumably have been underage. However our Samuel and William (aka William Henry) would have been older and of age or close to in 1803 thus not needing a guardian. Samuel born about 1783 and William Henry born about 1782. Those birth years arrived at by crunching numbers from other court records.

We definitely have 2 different Williams. It looks like they both had a son Samuel and a daughter Margaret. It couldn’t be any more complicated, could it

Look at the following and note the two Guardians named

NC, Rowan Co., Guardian Bonds Pt. 3 1801-1810 Image 451 10 Nov 1803 Jasper Collins and Richmond Pearson appointed Guardians to Samuel Johnston[19]

Now just go back one image and look at this

NC, Rowan Co., Guardian Bonds Pt. 3 1801-1810 Image 450 9 Nov 1803 Jasper Collins and Richmond Pearson appointed Guardians James Phillips a minor husband of Margaret Johnston[20]

Left hand column, 7 down 26 Mar 1803 Thomas Deadman's land bordered William Johnston's[21]

1st marriage and Taggart 2nd or two different Margarets ? This second one makes more sense because of the witness Thomas Deadmon where the Taggart witness was William H. Johnston, maybe not our Henry.

Margaret married James Phillips 1803. So her married name would have been Phillips when she divided the slave with her sisters in 1808. But she wasn't referred to as Phillips in the court record for the slave. So we do have 2 Margarets but I vote for the one who married Tagert in 1809 as our William Johnson's daughter.

Same James Philips. It would explain the “a Minor” part of the other record sent.

Film # 7639916 NC, Rowan Co., Guardian Bonds Pt. 3 1801-1810 Image 514. 6 Feb 1805[22] [10]

1830 Note also 3rd from top [23]

I’d like some kind of verification that this William H, is indeed brother Henry. This one looks like he might be a little old

Duh. Now my math is off. The 1830 William H is in the correct age group to be Margret’s brother.

Accounting for the vagaries of folks not knowing their proper birth date in those days you still have to wonder if William H might be an uncle or cousin.

Very Good Possibilities. Definitely related, though. One of the Census records also had a Baker Johnson close by. Rather odd name but I also saw it in Rowan Co. Records.

John Manoah Johnson

Honi wrote to Jim: You had mentioned helping Connie with her "Manoah" Johnson and it sounded so familiar. It took me a bit to put two and two together of where I had seen that name. I thought Monoah was in the Scott family but that wasn't where I had seen the name. It was in my pursuit of Mary Leake's family. [11]So, I took a look at Connie's Monoah and WOW, the similarities are crazy. She has his father as "uncertainly" born in Maryland and you may know where that location comes from. Take a look at the names of parents/siblings of this William Johnson compared to the names her William gave his own children. Is this a crazy coincidence, or what? I'm pretty sure her William's daughter "Avey" was an Averilla. There also appears to be a Smith connection. Ann Smith was mother to William Johnson of Goochland Co, and her William Johnson naming Obadiah Smith as an executor.

William, b. 1753, son of William Johnson & Christian Leake https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Johnson-60621

Connie's William Johnson, b. circa 1750 https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Johnson-101977


  1. More detail on this Johnson family is found in History of Montgomery County, Ohio 1882 page 105 section on Butler Township: "In 1810, Mary Johnson a widow with four children John, Jesse, David, and Mary came from North Carolina and located in the northeastern part of the township. Some time prior to this two daughters had settled in Miami County."
  2. 1754 - James McMahon plat dated 14 May 1754 204 acres in Rowan County on the south side of Lyleses Creek CC: David Johnson, James Forbes (surveyor's name not given) Entered 25 July 1753 Ref: Granville District of NC 1748-1763 Abstracts of Land Records, Vol. 5, Margaret M. Hofmann, 1995. Lyleses Creek and Dutchman's Creek are in Current Lincoln and Catawba Counties.
  3. Rowan Co NC Deed Book 4,p 744. 1762 - James McMahan, from PA, "of Granville" County, NC buys land, 422 acres, near Dutchman's Creek in Rowan County, NC. Deed Book 4 p. 744 July 20, 1762 James McMahan of Granville Co., NC buys 422 acres within 8 chains of Dutchman's Creek, next to David Johnston, for 5 shillings, the release price being 50 pounds proclamation money on the next day- witnessed by Will Reed and proved.
  4. Rowan Co. NC Will Book D p 220 Sep 17, 1787. Will Book "D" p. 220 Rowan County, NC JAMES MCMACHAN. 14 Sept. 1787. In the name of God Amen I James McMachan of Rowan County in N. Carolina, be in a tolerable good state of health thanks be to God calling to mind the mortalite of the Body, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and test: Principally & first I recomend my soul into the hands of God: & my body to the earth to be decently buried nothing doubting as at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again. And as such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise & dispose of the same in the following manner, first I give & bequeath to Susanna my beloved wife all my household goods & all my black cattle & sheep also I give to my sons Samuel & Willm Mcmachan all my land to be equally divided betwixt them beginning at the middle of the west line & run straight to the east & Samuel shall have the south side & William the north & I also appoint the Samuel McMachan & William McMachan to executors of this my last will & test: & further my will is that sd executors shall pay as soon as convenient they can twenty five pounds apiece to the rest of my beloved children to John & Thomas, Elizabeth, & James & Mary of which same I appoint William to pay one hundred pounds & Samuel twenty five pounds & to my son William all my ______ of _____ with I give my bay horse & young mare & waggon - and I will that my beloved wife have comfortable living on the place as long as she lives - I confirm this to be my last will in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 14 day of September 1787 Signed, sealed, declared in presence of us, Lazarus Whitehead jun David Johnson X James McMachan seal prb. 1799. Wife Susanna to have maintenance on the place. Sons Samuel and William to have all the land. Sons John, Thomas, and James each to have 25 pounds. Daus. Elizabeth and Mary to have 25 pounds. Exrs: sons Samuel and William. Wit: Lazarus Whitehead, David Johnson
  5. County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions minutes (Rowan County, North Carolina), 1753-1868. May Session 1803,Tuesday May 3. Left page, first entry [1]
  6. NC, Stokes Co., Will Book 1 Pg. 108/2, Written : 3 Jul 1797, Probated : June 1798 [2] The will was presented and proven with the testimony of Jane Childress, one of the witnesses.
  7. Probate Records, Index to Wills of Stokes County, North Carolina, Devisees 1790-1965, Book 1, p108 1/2. Court Minutes, June 1798.[3]
  8. Website:
    My Notes: This is mine and Pegs - Fuschia S is tony L.Johnson,Peggy Johnson and Lee Johnson’s Relations mostly:..[4]
  9. NC, Rowan Co. County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Minutes Vol 9 Pg. 192 Image 79. 13 Aug 1814 Henry Johnson et al vs. William Johnston Exec. Obadiah Smith [5]
  10. United States Census, 1850," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MDZK-D2S : 22 December 2020), Margt Taggart in household of Richard Taggart, St. Charles, St. Charles, Missouri, United States; citing family , NARA microfilm publication (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, n.d.). 1840 https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/8057/images/4410667_00031?backlabel=ReturnSearchResults&queryId=fd8d9c0d83c8792389c4b77c6bb785e2&pId=2272789
  11. Note from Jim. FYI : Leake family is the one that Thomas Stiff/Stith (of the 1813 Cabell Co. Tax List with Jesse Sr., etc.) was connected to.

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