Location: New Zealand

Surnames/tags: Jones Wyndham
Extract from correspondence from Maureen (Jones) Greenlees to John Mayes 12 January 2024 concerning the emigration of her family from England to New Zealand and settling in New Zealand:-
"When my father was killed towards the end of the war my mother was about 8 months pregnant with Robert. When Robbie was about 18 months old Mum took up the offer of relocation for war widows and we sailed out from Portsmouth in Britain to New Zealand on an ex war boat called the Largs Bay. The journey took 6 weeks and so many days. We landed in Wellington and stayed overnight with Aunt Rose and Uncle Bill. The follow day we travelled on the ferry from Wgtn to Picton. Uncle Jack was there to pick us up and we straight away travelled in his old Ford over the tortuous Takaka Hill. We stayed with Aunty Edna and Uncle Jack for a time attending the East Takaka school where a male teacher single-handedly taught all grades! Barbara was 8yrs and I was 6yrs.
We then moved to Tarakohe (living with Grandad - most unsuccessful) and in various rented properties in the Takaka area. At that point my mother was ready to take us all back to England when John Vaughan (a member of RSA) secured a state house for us in Nelson. We loved it and did all our primary schooling there and attended Nelson Girls College. When Barbara reached working age and being no jobs available in Nelson we moved to Christchurch (in the furniture van) to another statehouse in Bryndwr."
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