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Jones Kentucky Land Grants

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Date: 1795 to 1907
Location: Clay, Kentucky, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Jones, McGraw, Hubbard
Profile manager: Jamie Cox private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 80 times.

Below is the list of all Kentucky Land Grants to people named Jones in and around Clay County Kentucky. The dates of the grants range from 1795 to 1907. There are over 200 grants listed here. Many of them are multiple grants to the same person, or to people with identical or similar names.

The Jones land grant table below is a subset of a table in a public Google Sheet which also includes the surnames McGraw and Hubbard [1] and variations, as well as including all counties in Kentucky. That sheet lists 1,419 land grants.

That sheet is itself a subset of the complete list of Kentucky Land Grants, which although more complete, is harder to access, sort and search for Jones researchers. The complete list originates with this book, [2] and is also found at Ancestry.com, Kentucky, U.S., Land Grants, 1782-1924. This original data also lists for each grant, a nearby watercourse and a land grant book number.

Clay County was not formed until 1806-1807, when it was formed from Floyd, Knox and Madison counties. The boundaries have changed several times since then. [3] In order not to miss land grants that may have at one time been in the boundaries of Clay County, the grant table includes several surrounding counties as shown here.

Counties Included Here

CountyFormationNote# of Jones GrantsDirection from Clay
Bell1867Orig. "Josh Bell" County12S
Breathitt1839Nearby, no modern border11NE
Floyd1799Formation, no modern border10NE
Harlan1819Nearby, no modern border34SE
Madison1785Orig. in VA. Formation, no modern border12NW

There are 232 grants listed in this table. Many of them were multiple grants to the same person, or to people with identical names. Some grants were in more than one county.

Kentucky Land Grants - Surname JONES

GranteeNo. of AcresSurvey DateCounty
C H Jones2007/29/1882Bell
J S Jones152/17/1891Bell
J S Jones502/17/1891Bell
John Jones2003/22/1871Bell
John L Jones2003/22/1871Bell
Mathew Jones2510/8/1902Bell
Sarah Jones502/23/1883Bell
Sarah P Jones253/1/1883Bell
W A Jones1006/5/1882Bell
W A Jones506/6/1882Bell
W P Jones2007/28/1882Bell
Wm A Jones2006/5/1882Bell
Daniel Jones502/5/1852Breathitt
Daniel Jones502/5/1852Breathitt
Daniel P Jones5011/11/1857Breathitt
Danl P Jones501/12/1858Breathitt
Elizabeth Jones502/6/1852Breathitt
Elizabeth Jones502/17/1869Breathitt
George Jones503/14/1851Breathitt
Silvancy Jones502/17/1879Breathitt
William Jones502/6/1852Breathitt
Wm Jones503/12/1846Breathitt
Wm Jones5012/29/1846Breathitt
Allen Jones504/13/1865Clay
Chas Jones253/12/1851Clay
Edmund Jones1008/28/1866Clay
Edmund Jones759/9/1868Clay
Elhanon Jones1505/23/1863Clay
Elkanan Jones1006/6/1885Clay
Ell Jones10010/6/1887Clay
Ezekiel S Jones1003/3/1824Clay
Ezkiel S Jones503/3/1824Clay
Gabriel Jones5010/7/1839Clay
Isaac and Sam Jones3006/23/1836Clay
Isaac Jones1002/27/1809Clay
Isaac Jones505/5/1818Clay
Isaac Jones503/4/1824Clay
Isaac Jones1003/4/1824Clay
Isaac Jones1003/5/1824Clay
Isaac Jones20010/10/1831Clay
James Jones1507/15/1858Clay
James Jones1008/29/1872Clay
John Jones508/23/1817Clay
John Jones506/20/1818Clay
John Jones509/11/1819Clay
John Jones1009/20/1833Clay
Jos Jones502/3/1846Clay
Melton B Jones1451/14/1875Clay
Melton Jones1002/13/1854Clay
Milton B Jones1008/5/1864Clay
Milton Jones1003/17/1848Clay
Moses Jones504/12/1833Clay
Nancy Jones1006/16/1872Clay
Nancy Jones108/13/1892Clay
Nathan B Jones507/3/1869Clay
Nathan B Jones507/3/1869Clay
Rigal Jones504/6/1830Clay
Robert Jones5011/21/1846Clay
Sam Jones2006/23/1836Clay
Samuel Jones505/29/1835Clay
William Jones10011/21/1846Clay
Wm Jones2002/27/1809Clay
Wm Jones505/6/1824Clay
Wm Jones1008/28/1866Clay
Wm Jones2005/29/1875Clay
Charles Jones1001/2/1849Floyd
Chas Jones2006/2/1836Floyd
Jno Jones503/15/1834Floyd
John Jones1506/16/1843Floyd
John R Jones2005/10/1854Floyd
Perminia Jones649/27/1867Floyd
Samuel Jones2006/17/1819Floyd
William Jones1301/2/1816Floyd
Wm M Jones or Jonus1,2001/23/1860Floyd
Wm W Jones1007/19/1847Floyd
Carlo Jones2009/7/1882Harlan
Carlo Jones104/5/1901Harlan
Granville C Jones2007/26/1882Harlan
Hiram Jones505/18/1829Harlan
Hiram Jones5010/21/1842Harlan
Hiram Jones15010/21/1842Harlan
Hiram Jones2005/22/1843Harlan
Hiram Jones1006/25/1843Harlan
Hiram Jones501/13/1844Harlan
Hiram Jones1005/19/1883Harlan
Hiram Jones1005/19/1883Harlan
Jefferson Jones2005/10/1882Harlan
John G Jones503/8/1844Harlan
John G Jones5011/12/1844Harlan
John G Jones5011/12/1844Harlan
John G Jones502/8/1854Harlan
John Jones Jr504/15/1833Harlan
John Jones Jr25011/8/1844Harlan
John Jones Jr7511/15/1844Harlan
L D Jones2007/26/1882Harlan
Larkin Jones509/7/1844Harlan
Larkin Jones2009/27/1849Harlan
Martin Jones1008/20/1843Harlan
Milton Jones2009/6/1882Harlan
Milton Jones401/23/1889Harlan
Milton Jones103/31/1904Harlan
Patrick Jones509/20/1843Harlan
Sally Jones2007/27/1882Harlan
Sped Jones506/13/1878Harlan
Thomas Jones1007/22/1880Harlan
Thomas Jones503/4/1895Harlan
Wiley Jones503/21/1833Harlan
Wm Jones2005/8/1882Harlan
Wm Jones Sr2007/27/1882Harlan
Abner Jones100Knox
B F Jones89/23/1896Knox
Delia Jones254/21/1892Knox
Evan Jones501/21/1823Knox
Geo Jones1005/24/1837Knox
Geo Jones505/11/1841Knox
Geo Jones503/14/1843Knox
George Jones1005/24/1837Knox
George Jones503/9/1853Knox
George Jones755/3/1855Knox
George Jones1002/3/1871Knox
H B Jones501/28/1848Knox
H B Jones1004/6/1852Knox
H B Jones503/11/1856Knox
H B Jones1610/17/1866Knox
H B Jones3410/17/1866Knox
H B Jones321/7/1867Knox
H B Jones2512/8/1870Knox
H B Jones1312/27/1871Knox
H B Jones1212/28/1871Knox
H B Jones5012/2/1872Knox
Harvey B Jones423/19/1859Knox
Harvey B Jones1811/17/1859Knox
Harvey Jones505/28/1853Knox
Harvy B Jones68/21/1860Knox
Isaac Jones501/7/1817Knox
Isaac Jones1008/12/1840Knox
Isaac Jones501/27/1854Knox
Isaac Jones501/28/1854Knox
Isaac Jones1003/11/1857Knox
Isaac Jones1104/8/1873Knox
Isaac Jones42/11/1875Knox
Isam Jones10010/28/1817Knox
J J Jones284/7/1905Knox
James Jones2008/1/1813Knox
James Jones1004/26/1865Knox
James Jones106/20/1888Knox
Jas Jones1003/5/1843Knox
Joel Jones10010/31/1845Knox
John Jones1009/28/1842Knox
John Jones504/22/1845Knox
John Jones1004/22/1845Knox
Larkin Jones908/31/1816Knox
Mary Jones1003/6/1866Knox
Mary Jones1003/6/1866Knox
Mary Jones504/2/1885Knox
Stephen Jones1507/3/1804Knox
Stephen Jones152/10/1806Knox
Wiley Jones10011/8/1855Knox
Wiley Jones1007/8/1858Knox
Wiley Jones508/25/1869Knox
Wm C Jones1 3/49/24/1860Knox
Zachariah Jones508/10/1819Knox
William Jones Jr501/21/1823Knox and Clay
A G Jones1597/14/1882Laurel
A G Jones254/15/1898Laurel
A G Jones334/16/1908Laurel
Allen Jones10010/19/1832Laurel
Allen Jones1511/22/1859Laurel
C W Jones2003/30/1881Laurel
C W Jones2003/31/1881Laurel
Darland Jones2011/22/1859Laurel
Darling Jones10010/19/1832Laurel
David Jones503/28/1845Laurel
David Jones509/17/1847Laurel
David Jones1646/19/1866Laurel
David Jones448/20/1866Laurel
Evan Jones186/26/1850Laurel
Evan Jones1002/17/1859Laurel
Evan Jones6 1/23/20/1860Laurel
J B Jones15010/18/1883Laurel
J C and D T Jones458/10/1883Laurel
J W Jones173/3/1880Laurel
James M Jones1004/2/1862Laurel
John Jones506/28/1850Laurel
Jones Jones20010/9/1833Laurel
Joseph Jones19310/13/1859Laurel
Joseph Jones1111/16/1859Laurel
Joseph W Jones89/18/1879Laurel
Joseph W Jones89/18/1879Laurel
Joseph W Jones139/19/1879Laurel
Joseph W Jones43/3/1880Laurel
Joseph W Jones63/3/1880Laurel
Joseph W Jones283/6/1882Laurel
Marlan Jones1512/23/1879Laurel
Martin Jones Jr503/1/1882Laurel
Millington B Jones20010/8/1833Laurel
Nancy Jones7011/16/1859Laurel
Robert Jones10012/1/1830Laurel
Robert Jones20010/19/1832Laurel
Soloman Jones5011/10/1841Laurel
Solomon Jones5011/13/1810Laurel
Solomon Jones509/24/1833Laurel
Thomas Jones1004/9/1833Laurel
Thomas Jones455/6/1871Laurel
Robert Jones502/23/1828Laurel and Clay
Edward Jones256/4/1894Leslie
Irvin Jones508/19/1887Leslie
J C Jones106/12/1907Leslie
Wm Jones2004/10/1886Leslie
Wm Jones50Leslie
Wm M Jones508/21/1883Leslie
Jno Jones99011/14/1797Madison
John Jones5012/15/1852Madison
Robert Jones502/5/1840Madison
Robert Jones502/5/1840Madison
Robert Jones503/23/1848Madison
Robert Jones505/8/1857Madison
Robt Jones1003/20/1846Madison
Robt Jones504/30/1846Madison
Thos Jones1,39611/25/1797Madison
Wm Jones1,9008/8/1795Madison
Wm Jones16,0008/15/1795Madison
Wm Jones3,5718/17/1795Madison
Andrew Jones502/18/1870Perry
John Jones502/13/1846Perry
John Jones1006/7/1848Perry
John Jones253/30/1859Perry
John Jones2005/19/1859Perry
Malon Jones5010/11/1898Perry
William Jones507/11/1822Perry
Wm Jones5011/16/1833Perry
Wm Jones5012/16/1855Perry


  1. The surnames McGraw and Hubbard are connected with Jones because of Y-DNA matches indicating that some men of these surnames had a common ancestor in the relatively recent past.
  2. Book: Willard Rouse Jillson, The Kentucky Land Grants: A Systematic Index to All of the Land Grants Recorded in the State Land Office at Frankfort, Kentucky, 1782-1924
    United States: Standard printing Company, incorporated, 1925, page Front Cover
    Google Books (accessed 8 February 2024) (out of copyright, freely downloadable PDF)
  3. Kentucky County Formation Maps

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