Location: Clay County, Kentucky, United States
Surname/tag: Jones
This is a list of all Jones families listed in the United States Census of 1830 in Clay County, Kentucky. Note that there are two Issacs and three Johns. These are given with the estimated birth date (+/- 5 years, for people over 20, which these all are).
Remember that only the head of household is listed in 1830 (usually the eldest male). This list assumes that the named head of household is the eldest male. The households listed contain between two and 14 family members.
Click here to search Jones in 1830 Clay County on Family Search
--NAME------Estimated BIRTH--
David Jones 1805 Census Link (example)
Gabriel Jones 1795
Issac Jones 1775 (Jones-94100)
Issac Jones 1805 (Jones-94313)
John Jones 1785 (Jones-94311)
John Jones 1805 (Jones-94243)
John Jones 1805 (Jones-94315)
Joseph Jones 1795
Moses Jones 1785
Ryal Jones 1785
William Jones 1805
Willie Jones 1785 (possibly Willie Jonas)
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