Location: [unknown]
Joseph Clark (bef.1613-bef.1684)
Joseph's will is dated 24 Day 4 mo 1682 [24 June 1682], proved 4 July 1684. See Suffolk County (Massachusetts) Probate, Case 1351 (Joseph Clark, Medfield, 1684, testate), Massachusetts, Suffolk County, probate & family court records; digital images, FamilySearch, FHL Digital Collection, DGS 102889990 (Probate and Family Court Department File Papers, Box 008 Cases 01226-01450, 1636-1894), images 576-580 of 1200. Will at image 576; 1683/4 inventory at image 580. Note: that the copy of the will has an error recording the recipient of the lands acquired of Jonathan Adams as "my Son John Adams." Review of the original shows "my Son John Clarke"
- In the yeare of our Lord 1682 the 24 : day. 4th mo. I Joseph Clarke Senior of Medfield in ye County of Suffolk in the Massachusetts Colony in New England ... preserved to old age and thereby and the infirmity's ... whereas .... to be christianly buryed at ye discretion of my Executors ... Impr. I will and bequeath unto Alice my now Deare and Loveing wife the full and free use of all my Estate both real and psonall ... (the east end of my dwelling house and barne excepted for the free use of Nathaneil Clarke my Son) ... to use and improve for the comfort and support of her natural life during the time of her widowhood, but if she shall see good to change her condition then the Estate to fall into the hands unto whome it is hereafter willd, She haveing her bed & furniture belonging thereto and five pound p annu paid by my Executors in contry pay during the time of her natural life. Moreover I give to my sd wife one Cow Forty Shillings worth of moveables such as She shall choose and Fifty acres of my divident lying on the new grant wholey and soley to dispose of as Shee shall see see meet"
- Item. I will and bequeath unto my three sons that is to say Joseph Clarke, Benjamin Clarke and Ephraim Clake the remainder of my divident on the new grant to be equally divided amongst them. And I do hereby ratify and confirme unto and upon my Son John Clarke all those Lands given him by me as his portion. It. I will and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Richerson wife to John Richerson Ten acres of Land lyin on Bogastow brooke and also that pcel of meadow which I formerly bought of John Bullard it lying also upon Boggastow brooke. It. I will and bequeath unto John Bowers my grand Child ffive pound to be paid by my Executos in Country pay when hee come to one and twenty yeares of age. It. I will and bequeath unto my Son Nathaniel Clarke my home Lot with all and singular building Orchards & gardens in and upon the same, also that pcel of upland which I laterly purchased of my son Joseph Clarke with that pcel of meadow joyining it which was sometime formerly Goodman Chenery's and one pcel of meadow lying in the center meadow and one pcel of upland lying on the lower side of the Planting Field, and all that pcel of meadow wch I formerly bought of Thomas Grubb, and all my divident both upland and meadow lying on the South east side of the Mill brooke and one halfe of that pcel of Land which I formerly bought of Ephraim Wight pt whereof is already improved also one pcel of Land at Easy plain containing four acres and a halfe: More also one halfe of that pcel of Land I formerly bought of Jonathan Adams on the new grant the west end of the side track, the South end being already given to my Son John Clarke onely a way reserved through John's Land whee it may be convenient for Nathaneil to go to his Land lying at the west end of Johns Land. More: also one pcel of upland lying neer the bent of Charles River containing Fourteen acres, and two pcels of woodland and one pcel of Swamp containing about twenty Acres lying in the great Swamp between the Town & Stop River. And as for the residue of my Estate bills bonds debts Lands movables whatsoever unbequeathed and not formerly given nor in this my last weill and Testamt above expressed (my debts being paid and my funerall expences discharged) are hereby given & bequeathd unto the sole use of my Son Nathaniel Clarke. And I do hereby ratify and confirme unto and upon all and every of my Children all such Lands as I have foremerly given and granted to any of them but not herein expressed. And I do hereby constitute appoint and ordein my dear and loveing wife abovenamed and my loving Son Nathaneil Clarke my Executors of this ..... And I do further nominate and appoint my loveing and beloved Son Joseph Clarke Over Seer ...
- Witnesses
- George Barbour
- John Allen
- Exhibited:
- 4th July 1684.
An Inventory of the Estate of Joseph Clark late of Meadfield deceasd as it was presented by his Executors & Appriz'd by us whose names are subscribd January 29 1683/4
- To his wearing Apparrol and books .................................................................04-00-00
- To Two featherbeds, beding bedsteds & furniture........................................09-16-00
- To One bed some beding & some remnants of new cloath.........................03-03-06
- To Linin, linin yarn & some other things..........................................................05-12-00
- To Brass pewter & iron in ye house..................................................................04-09-00
- To Some Armor and several tooles...................................................................02-10-00
- To Several untensiols in the house & lumbar..................................................04-14-00
- To Grain in the house & barn & other provsions in ye house.......................14-09-00
- To Cart, plow & other Implements of husbandry............................................03-12-00
- To A yoake of oxen & two bulls .......................................................................12-0?1-00
- To Five Cows & some young cattel....................................................................08-15-00
- To several swine and divers other things.......................................................08?-14-00
- To the home lot & house & barn upon it.........................................................76-10-00
- To Pasture land & medow near ye Town, land on planting field.................15-10-00
- To Upland & medow on mill brooke, & land at farther field.........................47-00-00
- To Medow on stop Rivr & at center meddow.................................................15-00-00
- To One pcel of land near Easy plaine &one nearby bent of Charls Rivr.....10-10-00
- To Two wood lots about 18 acres.....................................................................09-00-00
- To Two pcls of land at ye new grant & twenty acres of swamps?................28-00-00
- [Total] 294-05-06
Nathaniel Clarke Execr made Oath before ye Honobbel Simon Bradstreet, Esqr Govr and Samuel Sewall Esqr Assist 4th July 1684 that this is a just and true Inventory of ye Estate of his late Father Joseph Clarke deced to he best knowledge and if when he knows of more appeares hee will ??? it to be added.
Attest Jsa Addington Clerc
Note: Stop River, in Medfield, Massachusetts [Note: transcription should be reviewed, and total of estate checked Cole-12288 18:01, 6 March 2022 (UTC) ]
See the way the letter "I" ("Inventory") is formed in the preceding paragraph, "that this is a just and true Inventory.")
See Isaac Addington (1645-1715), and see "Isaac Addington,Wikipedia.
edited by GeneJ X
(2) Hope someone will add a transcription of his estate inventory to this page.
[*] In the wee hours, this was transcribed from a record copy of his will--not a recommended approach, especially as this record copy, as do many, seems to contain transcription errors.