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Joseph Murray Sweden To-Do List

Privacy Level: Public (Green)

Location: Swedenmap
Surnames/tags: Norman Anderson
Profile manager: Joe Murray private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 89 times.

Here are the profiles with Swedish ancestry that Joseph Murray is currently working on. Can you help?

For tips see To-Do Lists.

No. Name Birth Notes
1 Hillevi Birgitta Wall 1965

2C-2C1R DNA match to Joe Murray, exact relationship unknown

  • Find MRCA with Joe Murray; Looking for John Edward as an emigrant to US, B~1861, Emig,~1881
  • Find common DNA matches to narrow down relationship.
2 Maria Margreta Kristina (Johansdotter) Vidmark 1866

Gap in tree of Hillevi Birgitta Wall

  • Identify her illegitimate father in Säfvar, Västerbotten län in 1866.
3 Norman, John Edward1861

LNAB unknown

  • Find any records prior to marriage
  • Confirm NYS Death Record
  • Find immigration from Sweden
  • Find in Sweden
4 Anderson, Isabel 1879
  • Find any records prior to marriage
  • Identify parents born in NJ
  • Confirm NYS Death Record



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