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Joshua Crosby Will

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Date: 28 Nov 1752 to 2 Jul 1755
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvaniamap
Surname/tag: Crosby
This page has been accessed 55 times.

I Joshua Crosby late of the Island of Jamaica, but now of the City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania Gentleman being somewhat infirm in Body & advanced in years Do make this my last Will and Testament, and Dispose of all such Estate as God hath bestowed on me in manner following: After all just Debts and Funeral Charges are satisfied I do give and bequeath unto my Niece Elizabeth Crosby, Widow of my Nephew John Crosby late of Ratcliffe near London, the sum of One hundred pounds of Sterling Money of Great Britain; To her Son John Bromley Crosby on his attaining full age Two Hundred pounds Sterl. and to her Daughter Mary Crosby the Like Sum of Two Hundred pounds Sterling as a Token of my affection for them; I also give unto Francis Hatt of Peckham near London & my Niece Elizabeth his wife the sum of Three Hundred Pounds Sterling jointly. To Elizabeth Hatt their Daughter One hundred & Fifty pounds Sterling , and to Joshua Hatt their Son Three hundred Pounds Sterling I also give to my Niece Rachel Broderick of George Yard London Two hundred Pounds Sterling; To my Niece Rebecca Webster of Half Moon Court, Aldersgate Street London Two Hundred Pounds Sterling; and to her two Daughters Elizabeth Webster & Ann Webster Each of them One hundred and Fifty pounds Sterling; Also I give to my Niece Mary Page of Bristol in Great Britain One hundred and fifty pounds Sterling To her Daughter Sarah Collier One hundred Pounds sterling; To her Son John Collier One hundred Pounds sterling; and to her son Stephen Collier One hundred Pounds Sterling; To my Nephew Thomas Allen of Lancaster in Great Britain Merchant One hundred Pounds Sterling; Also I give to my Worthy Friend James Rowe of Biddeford in Devonshire & to my beloved Niece Mary his Wife the sum of One hundred Pounds Sterling jointly as a Small Token of my Respect, together with a Negro Slave named Betty now in their possession, Also I give to my Nephew Job Crosby of Ormskirk in Lancashire Fifty Pounds Sterling, And I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Cousin Hugh Crosby of Ormskirk aforesaid and Jane his wife jointly One hundred Pounds Sterling In Trust for the use and Benefit of the Poor in & about the sd Town of Ormskirk, to be by them my sd Trustees or the survivor of them at Discretion given to, and Distributed among, such poor people and Sames hes as they or the survivor shall judge to be proper objects of Charity, in such moderate proportions as shall to them or such Survivor seem most reasonble and prefering those who do not Commonly receive Alms or Subsistance from the Town Parish place or People whatsoever. I further give unto my sd Cous Hugh Crosby and Jane his wife all such Money Goods and Effects of mine as may be remaining in his or their hands at the time of my decease to his her and their own proper use, so as my Executors are not to demand any payment or account from him or her in relation to the same moreover I give unto my sd Cousin Hugh Crosby and Jane his wife to and for their own joint proper use and Service Three hundred Pounds Sterling Also I give unto my Cousin Joshua Crosby, son of my sd Cousin Hugh Crosby of Ormskirk after Five hundred pounds Sterling To be paid on his Coming to age: and - my Request and Desire is that my sd Cousin Hugh Crosby and Jane his & Wife and my Cousin the sd Joshua Crosby may out of their Legacies aforesd pay one annuity or yearly rent not Exceeding twelve or fifteen pounds Sterling unto my Nephew the sd Job Crosby during his Life in such parts and portions as they shall think his necessities require also I give unto my Friends Thomas Hyam and Thomas Whitehead or the Survivor of them One hundred and fifty Pounds Sterling for the use and Benefit of Friends Work house in or near London. I give to my Worthy Friend May Drummond of Edinborough One hundred pounds Sterling. I also give unto my Executors hereafter named Three hundred Pounds Current Money of this province to be by them in the best manner they can given to, and Distributed amongst, Poor people such as they shall judge proper Objects of Charity in and about Philadelphia of said And that in such small proportions as they shall Judge Needfull not any one Exceeding Ten Pounds and Distinguishing not only persons of Real merit but particularly such who do not commonly receive Alms Allowance or subsistance from any place or Society of Reople whatever Moreover, I give to my Executors aforesd Two hundred Pounds like Current Money To be by them paid to such persons as shall for the monthly Meting of Philadelphia undertake to Erect and Build a Publick Workehouse for the use of the Friends in this City. If and upon this Condition, that such a foundation shall by the sd Monthly Meeting be agreed upon and the building began at any time within Three Years next after my Decease. Sd being my earnest Desire to promote so use full & excellent an Establishment in this City, for promoting of Virtue & Morality and Stoping the grouth of Vice and Idleness two Dangerous growing Evils Also I give to the Pennsylvania Hospital, One hundred pounds like Currency for promoting of that Laudable design in the most useful manner. I give to the Trustees of the Friends Grammar School in this City Founded by Charter, One hundred pounds like Currency . To my housekeeper Mary Magdalen Kerr I give Sixty pounds like Currency, over and above what may be due to her for wages . To my friend Anthony Benezet, Schoolmaster, Forty pounds. To Rebecca Birchall School Mistress Forty pounds, To John Willson Usher of the Grammar Scholl Twenty Pounds, To Elizabeth Gardner Belonging to the Pennsylvania Hospital, Twenty pounds, and to Saml Garrigue my Barber, Twenty pounds all Current money of the sd Province And I do constitute and appoint my Esteemed friends John Reynall and John Smith, both of the sd City of Philada Merchants, together with my Nephew Thomas Crosby of the same place Mercht to be the Executors of this my Last Will & Testament hereby giving and granting unto them and the major part of them and the Survivors and survivor of them full power, lawfull and absolute authority to grant bargain sell dispose and Convey in Fee simple or otherwise, all my Estate in the sd Island of Jamaica whether Consisting of Lands Tenements Houses Buildings Rent Hereditaments Slaves or of Cattle Goods or Chattels of what kind so ever for the most Advantage and the proceeds thereof I order to be remitted to my correspondents in London, Bristol or this City in the best and Safest manner and such proceeds, or monies arising from such sale or Sales (after the Legacies aforesd paid and Deducted) and also all the rest residue and remainder of my Messages, Lots, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Hereditaments, Monies, Goods, Chattels, Effects and Estate whatsoever & wheresoever I do give give and Bequeath the same unto my Beloved Nephew Thomas Crosby aforesd and the Heirs of his Body lawfully to be begotten And for want or in Default of such Issue Then my will is and I do hereby give Devise and bequeath the aforesd Residuum of all my sd Estate whatsoever, or wheresoever unto my Several Relations hereafter named is to say, the above named Joshua Crosby of Ormskirk aforesd, the above Named John Bromley Crosby of Ratcliffe aforesd and my Cousin the above named Joshua Hatt part and Share alike and to their several & resperive Heirs and Assigns for ever to be Equally Divided between them and I do hereby charge and make liable all my Estate both real and personal with the payment of the Several and respective Legacies or sums of Money aforesd provided always Nevertheless and my mind, Will and orders that if any accident Misfortune or Involuntary Loss Shall happen in the performance or Execution of this my will my sd Executors nor any nor Either of them shall be liable thereto nor shall be charged therewith But such Loss Shall be wholly borne and Sustained out of all my Estate both Real and personal and I do hereby revoke all former Wills by me made and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the sd Joshua Crosby the testator have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Twenty Eighth Day of the Eleventh Month , called November , in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty two. Joshua Crosby {Seal} Signed Sealed published & Declare by the above named Joshua Crosby, the Testator for and as his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto Subscribed our names as witnesses of the same in his presence and at his request. Barth Penrose John Baynton, Jno Reily.

Philada 2nd July 1755 Then Personally appeared Bartholomw Penrose, John Baynton and John Reily the Witnesses to the foregoing Will on Oath did declare they Saw and heard Joshua Crosby the Testator therein named, Sign Seal Publish and Declare the same Will for and as his Last Will and Testament and that at the Doing thereof he was of sound mind memory & understanding to the best of their Knowledge — Coram Wm Plumsted Regr Genr

Be it Remembered that on the 2nd Day of July 1755 The Last Will and Testament of Joshua Crosby deced in due from of law was proved and probate and Letters Testamentary were Granted to John Reynall, John Smith and Thomas Crosby Executors in the sd Will named being Duly and Solemnly affirmed well and truely to administer the Decesd Estate and bring an Inventry thereof into the Register Genr office at Philada at or before the 2d Day of August next and render above Accot When Required Given under the seal of the sd ofice

Wm Plumsted Reg Genl

Philadelphia. Wills 1748–1757 (image 507) https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9B2-TW45-M

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