Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Howland
This page contains numerous documents associated with the life of Josiah Howland (1676-1718) and is linked to his profile page to enable deeper investigation of these references.
Land Records
North Purchase Estate of George Shove
- "8 Sept. 1711. Josiah Howland for his wives dew doth Pitch between the first ministry Lott and Briants first Lott."[1]
- "20 May 1714. Josiah Howland for what Land is due Joannah the wife of John Howland whose maiden name was Shove. Pitches to take Joyning to what he hath already Pitch for that is due to his wife between the first Minister Lott and Braint's Lott."[2]
- "17 May 1715. John Howland and Josiah Howland May the 17, 1715 Pitches for what Land that may conveniently Have Joyning to what they have already Pitcht for near the ministry Lott on the sixty acres division.[3]
Nathan and Priscilla Hayman of Bristol to Josiah Howland of Bristol, November 1, 1709. Acknowledged January 7, 1709/10. Recorded February 27, 1712/13.[4]
- To all People to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know yee that I Nathan Hayman of Bristol in the County of Bristol in New England Marriner & Priscilla my wife for & in Conderation of the sum of One Hundred & six pounds well & truely payd & (& secured in the Law to be payd) by Josiah Howland of Bristol in ye County aforesaid Blacksmith (at and before ye Ensealing & Delevery of these presents) the Receipt whereof I hereby acknowledged & we the sd Nathan & Priscilla Hayman: Do by these presents Acquit Exonerate & Discharge the said Josiah Howland his heirs Executors Administrs & Every of them these presents Have granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents for us and our heires do fully freely & absolutely give grant bargain sell Alien Enfeoffe Convey & Confrime from us and our heirs and assigns unto him {ink smear} sd Josiah Howland [h]is heirs & assignes for Ever all that one piece or perrcel of land scittuate lyeing and being in Bristol aforesad & [illegible] in Bredth butted on Ho[pe Stre]et about sixty foot & is in length about Eight Rod [torn]g and be[torn] [torn]s followeth fronting on the [west] on Hope [Street] [words in one line were missing due to tear] the [words in one line were missing due to tear] Heires of Majr Brenton and on the East & south by land in the presen[t] Possession of Capt Simon Davis or however otherwise bounded or Reputed to be bounded Together with all an singular the Dweling house priviled of the water and halfe the well on the south side of the hosue with all other the yards gardens fences priviledges and Appurtenances belonging or any wayes Appertaining to these land Dweling house and premises above mentioned To have and to hold the same to him the said Josiah Howland and his heirs executors Admrs & assignes as his & their proper Right interest Estate & Inheirtance and to his & [illegible] own proper use benefit and behoofe for Ever And we the said Nathan Hayman & Priscilla Haymand for our selves and for Our heirs Executors & Admrs and for every of us Do Covenant Promise and grant to and with the said Josiah Howland his heirs and assignes and to & with Each and Every of them by these presents in manner and form following that is to say that at the time of this bargain and sale & untill the delivery of these presents we are the true sole and Lawfull owners of all the above granted & bargained land house and premises & have in our selves full power good Right & Lawfull Authority to grant sell convey and assure the same unto these Josiah Howland his heires and assignes as a good sure perfect and absolute Estate of Inheretance in fee Simple without any manner of Condition Reverssion or Limitation whatso Ever so as to allter Chaing defect or make voyde the same and that the sd Josiah Howland by force and vertue of these presents (Together with his heirs & assignes) from time to time & at all times hereafter for Ever shall & May Lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupie Possess and Enjoy the above mentioned and hereby granted land house & premis[e] with the priviledges and Appurtenances thereunto belonging withou[t] any Lawfull Lett just trouble denyall Mollestation or Disturbance of or from us the sd Nathan & Priscilla Hayman our heires or assign[es] or of or from any other person or persons from by or under us or Either of us. or them or any of them free and Cleare and Clearely Acquitted of & from all and all manner of former and other gifts grants Bargains Sales Leases Morgages Joyntures Dowers Judgements Execution[s] fines forfeitures and of & from all other Titles troubles Charges & Encumbrances whatso Ever had made done or suffered to be done at any time or times before the Ensealing hereof And further that we the sd Nathan Hayman & Priscilla Hayman Do for our selves and Each of us, and for Our Each of Our heires [Executors crossed out] promise grant & agree to and with the sd Josiah Howland his heires & assignes Tho[ ] upon the Reasonable Request & at the proper Charges in the law of [ ] him the said Josiah Howland his heires and assigns I will do arrange[ ] to be done all such further Act or Acts thing or things Divire or Divires in the law whatso Ever for the more full confirmeing and sure makeing of the above bargained premises with all & singeler the priviledges & Appurtenances unto him these Josiah Howland his heires and assignes for Ever according to the true Intent and meaning hereof in Witness whereof we have hereunto set Our hands & seals the first day of November In the Eight year of Our Sovereign Lady Anne Queen of great Brittain &c Annoqe Domini seventeen Hundred & Nine 1709
- Nathan Hayman {S}
- Priscilla Hayman {S}
- Signed sealed and delivered
- In the presence of
- Samuel Gallays
- John Cary
- Bristol Ss: mr: Nathan Hayman & Priscilla Hayman Personally Appearing before me underwritten one of her Majties Justices of the peace for said county this 7th of January 1709 Acknowledged this Instrumt: to be their free Voluntary Act and Deeds
- Nathal Paine
- Entered febry 27:1712/13
- By John Cary Recordr.
Malachi Holloway of Middlebury and John Philips of Taunton to Josiah and Yet Mercy Howland of Bristol, July 12, 1717. Acknowledged July 13, 1717, Bristol County.[5]
- Know all men by These Presents that wee Mallachi Holloway of Middlebury in the County of Plimouth in New-England yeoman and John Philips of Taunton North Purchase in the County of Bristol in New-England yeoman for & in Consideration of one Sixt part of a share of the North Purchase Land by Josiah Howland of Bristol in the County of Bristol aforesd Blacksmith & Yet mercy his Wife Daughter of Mr. George Shove of Taunton in the County of Bristol aforesd Deceased this Day to is granted and Released by Josiah Howland and Yet Mercy his Wife have Remised Released & Quit Clamed unto the sd Josiah Howland and Yet mercy his Wife their heirs & assignes forever all our Right Title Calame & Interest of in or to One half share of one whole share of the Land in the North purchase which was Given and Bequeathed in the Will of [torn] aforesd Mr. George Shove to his Daughter To [Have and] to Hold [illegible] & Engage the one half share of [torn] share of the North Purchase aforesd To them the sd Josiah Howland & Yet mercy his Wife and to Theire heirs And assignes forever Without any Lett hindrance Denyall Ejection Molestation or Interruption of us the sd Mallachi Holloway or John Philip, or Either of us or Either of our heirs Executors admEr. or assignes forever In Witness Whereof We have hereunto set our hands & seals this Twelfth Day of July In the Third Year of the Regin of our Sovereign Lord King George AnnoE Domini 1717
- James Leonard Junr {S}
- Attorney for mallachi holloway
- John Phillips {S}
- Signed Sealed & Delevered
- In the presence of
- William Drake
- Samuel Howland
- Bristol Ss. July 13th 1717
- mr. James Leonard & John Phillips the subscribr: to the above mentioned Quit Clame personally appeared before me undder Written one of his Majas.tis Justice of the peace for ye County of Bristol & acknowledged the same to be their free Voluntary act & deed
- Nathll. Paine
Josiah and Yet Mercy Howland of Bristol to John Phillips of Taunton, July 13, 1717. Recorded July 23, 1717, Bristol County.[6]
- This Indenture made the Thirteenth day of July in ye Third year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lord George {?} great Brittain ye King annoqe Domini 1717 Between John Philips of Taunton North Purchass in ye County of [Bri]stol in New England Yeoman on the one part a[n]d Josiah Howland of Bristol in the County of Bristol aforesd Blacksmith and Yet Mercy his wife on the other part Witnesseth that whereas Mr George Shove late of Taunton deceased Did by his last will & testament did give and bequeath to his daughters one whole share of land in said Taunton North Purchass and the sd John Philips hath by good and Suffenent Deeds well Executed Purchased the one half of the whole share of land and the other halfe doth {?} belong to the sd Josiah Howland and Yet mercy his wife as she is the onely surviveing heire of the said share of land And to the Intent that a perpetual pertition & division shall be made between the said parties of the said whole share of land in sd North Purchass It is Covenanted Concluded and Agreed between the sd parties to these presents In manner and form following (viz) and first the sd Josiah howland and Yet mercy his wife for themselves their heirs and Administr Do hereby Covenant grant and agree that the sd Joh Philips his heires or assignes shall from henceforth for Ever Have hold and peaceably Enjoy in Severalltie to his and their own proper Use benif[it] and behoofe the one Mo etty or half part of sd whole share of land that is to say all that halfe part of sd Share of land that is payd out and is to be layd out to him the sd John Phillips in the Right of sd George Shove deceased by vertue of u deed from Malachie Holloway of Middleberry to said John Phillipes and that the said Josiah Howland and Yet merrey his wife nor them heires or Administrs shall from henceforth Claime or Demand any Right Title Use or Possession of in or the same or any part thereof But that they and their heirs & [Assi]gnes shall at all times hereafter from all Actions Rights Titles & demand whereof or thereunto Be Utterly Excluded and for Ever debarred by these presents --- And the sd John Phillips for himself his heirs and Admr doth Hereby Covenant grant and Agree that they the sd Josiah & Yet Mercey Howland their heirs or assignes shall from Henceforth for Ever Have hold and peaceably Enjoy in Severalltye to their own proper Use benefit and behoofe the other half part of sd share of land which is layd out and to be layd out to heires of Mr Georg Shove Deceased. And that neither the sd John Philips nor his heires nor Administr Shall from henceforth Claime or Demand any Right Title Use or Possession of in or to the same or any part thereof But that he and his heires and Assignes Shall at all times hereafter from all Actions Right Titles and Demands thereunto Be utterly Excluded and for Ever debarred by these presents In Witness whereof the parties to his Indenture have hereunto set their hands and seals the year and day above written
- John Phillip {S}
- Josiah Howland {S}
- Yet Mercey Howland
- In prescence of
- Peter Raynolds
- Samuel Howland
- Bristol Ss July 13th : 1717
- mr John Phillips & mr Josiah Howland & Mercy Howland the subscribers to the above mentioned Instrument personally appeared before me Underwritten one of his Majties Justices of ye Peace for the County of Bristol & acknowleded the same to be thei free Voluntary act & deed
- Nathal Paine
- Entered July 23d : 1717
- By John Cary Recordr
Josiah and Yet Mercy Howland of Bristol to John Phillips of Taunton, July 12, 1717. Acknowledged July 13, 1717. Recorded July 23, 1717.[7]
- To All Christian People to whome these Presents shall Come Josiah Howland of Bristol in the County of Bristol in New England. Blacksmith & Yet Mercy his Wife Daughter of Mr. George Shove late of Taunton in the sd County Deceased for & in Consideration of the Sum of Fifteen Pounds Current Money to us in hand paid Have Remised Released Granted & Quit Claimed & by these presents Do for us our heirs Executors & administr fully freely & forever Absolutely Remise Release and forever Quit Claime unto John Phillips of Taunton North Purchase in the County of Bristol Yeoman All That our Sixt part of The whole share of land in the North Purchase in the County of Bristol which to us Belongs & acruews by by Vertue of The Last Will & Testament of our Honr.d father George Shove of Taunton aforesd Deceased To Hold & to Hold unto the sd John Philips both the Sixt part of the sd share Devided & Undevided in his pure & peceable possesion & Right & to his his heirs and assignes forever without any Lett Hendrance Denyal Eviction or Molestation Clame or Demand of us The sd Josiah Howland & Yet Mercy our heirs Executors or Admrs or of any person or persons from by or Under us or Either of us in our Right Title or Interest as wee are Legataryes of our sd Father Georg Shove forever In Witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands & seals this Twelfth Day of July Anno Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred & Seventeen Note the word, (in the County of Bristol yeoman) betwen ye 8 & ninth lines this Instrument were writ before Signing hereof
- Josiah Howland {S}
- Yetmercy Howland {S}
- Signed Sealed Delevered
- In the presence of us
- William Drake
- Samll. Howland
- Bristol Ss. July ye 13th 1717:
- mr. Josiah & mrs Yet mercy Howland the subscribrs to the above mentioned Release or Quit Clame personally appeared & acknowledged the same to be their fre Volentary act & deed before me
- Nathll Paine Justice of peace
- [torn]ered July 23:1717
- [torn]hn Cary Recordr
Yetmercy Howland and Samuel Howland, both of Bristol, to Jabez Howland of Bristol, February 20, 1720/1. Acknowledged February 20, 1720/1. Recorded May 24, 1722, Bristol County.[8]
- This Indenture made the Twentieth Day of february in ye Seventh year of ye Reign of our Soveraign Lord George by the Grace of God of great Britain &c King annoqe Domini 1720/1 by and between Yetmercy Howland and Samll Howland both of Bristol in ye County of Bristoll in New england and administrators to & of ye Estate of Josiah Howland late of Bristol aforsd Deceased of ye one part and Jabez Howland of Bristoll in the County of Bristol aforesd blacksmith of ye other part Wittnesseth that whereas the sd Yet mercy and Samll Howland admrs as aforsd at his majesties Supr Court of Judicature begun and held at Bristoll for ye County of Bristoll aforesd on ye Second tuesday of September anno Domini 1720 were authorised and Impowered to make sale of some of the Real Estate of ye aforsd Josiah Howland decd: and to pass & Execute good & sufficient Deeds & Conveyances in ye Law for ye same as in & by ye sd Court order may appear and the sd admrs having observed ye Directions of ye Law in that behalf made and provided in giving sufficient Notice of ye sale of ye same: Therefore be it known unto all People to whom these presents shall come that for and in Consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty seven pounds good and lawfull money of this province to us in hand paid at and before the ensealing and delivery of these presents by the above named Jabez Howland the Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge we the sd Yetmercy and Samll Howland admrs as aforsd by force & virtue of the power and Trust reposed as aforesd have Given Granted bargained Sold Enfeoffed Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents do fully Clearly & absolutely give Grant bargain sell enfeoffe Convey and Confirm unto the sd Jabez Howland and to his heirs and & assigns forever one messuage lying scituate in Bristoll aforsd containing one Dwelling House and a Garden & is butted and bounded as followeth being in breadth butting on hope street about sixty foot and is in length about Eight Rods fronting on the west on hope street as aforesd Joynin towards ye North by Land belonging to ye heirs of Majr Brenton and on ye East & South by Land Belonging to & in ye present possession of Capt Simon Davis or however the same is now bound or reputed to be bounded Together with all and singular the Dwelling house priviledge of ye water and half ye well on south side of the house with all other ye yard Garden fences priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to ye sd land Dwelling house and premises abovementionged and also a Two and thirtieth part of a peice or parcell of Land beach and flats in Bristoll aforesd bounded Easterly by Thames street southerly by Land beach and flats belonging to ye heirs of mr John Wilkins of Bristoll Decd westerly by ship chanell Northerly by Land beach and flats belonging to ye heirs of John Cary late of Bristol Mercht: [ink scribbled over illegible word] deceased or however ye same is now bounded or reputed to be bounded which peice or prcell of Land is in front Eight Rods on sd Thames street and is to extend westwerly to ship Channel or as far as such water Lotts have Right to extend together with ye Edifices buildings wharfes warehouses members profits priviledges & appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining: To Have and to Hold the forementioned messuage and the two & thirtieth part of ye forementioned peice or parcell of Land beach and flats as they are herein described and bounded or however ye same may now be bounded or reputed to be bounded with all and singular ye member profits priviledges and appurtenances thereof unto ye sd Jabez Howland and to his heirs & assignes to his and their own sole & proper use benefit & behoof forever as a good perfect & Indefeazable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple and the sd Yetmercy and Samll Howland for themselves their heirs Execrs or admrs do hereby Covenant grant and agree to and with ye sd Jabez Howland heirs and assignes that at ye time of this bargain and untill ye Delivery of these presents they have good Right full power & Lawfull authority as adminisrs as aforesd to sell and Convey the forementioned premises as is herein expressed and that the sd Jabez Howland his heirs or assigns shall or may from time to time and at all times hereafter by force and virtue of these prsents freely peaceably Lawfully and quietly have hold use occupy Improve & Injoy the foregranted and bargained premises with all and singular the member profit priviledge and appurtenances thereof without any let Trouble Suit Denyall Interruption or Incumberance whatsoever from them ye sd Yet mercy & Samll Howland their heirs or assigns or any person or persons from by or under them or either of them forever In Testimony whereof the said Yetmercy Howland and Samuel Howland have hereunto set their hands and seals the Day and year first within written
- Yetmercy Howland {s}
- Samuel Howland {s}
- Signed sealed and Delivered
- in ye presence of
- Simon Davis
- Gains Davis
- Bristoll Ss: febry 20th 1720/1
- Yetmercy Howland & Samll Howland personally appeared and acknowledged their hands & seals thereunto affixed and the same to be their free Act and Deed before me
- Simon Davis Jus Peace
- Recorded May 24th: 1722
- By Samuel Howland Register
Probate Records
Division of the Estate of Jabez Howland, November 26, 1714, Bristol County.[9][10]
- Agreement between Jabez, Josiah, Samuel, & Joseph (youngest) Howland, all of Bristol, sons of Jabez Howland of Bristol, about division of Estate, excepting for what their mother Bethiah Howland keeps in her own hands. Nathan Townsend, only son of our sister Elizabeth deceased, late wife of Nathan of Newport. Dated 26 November 1714. Witnesses: William Munrow and Joseph Wardall [3:238/9/40].
Account of Yetmercy Howland and Samuel Howland for the Administration of Estate of Josiah Howland, February 25, 1728/9, Bristol County.[9]
- Account of Yetmarcy Howland, widow, & Samuel Howland, brother, Administration of Estate of Josiah Howland of Bristol, dated 25 February 1728/9. Mentions: property "sold to Brother Jabiz Howland;" payment to "Samuel Howland for his Quarter part of the house;" payment "to Joseph Howland which was due on the Last Division" and payment "to Mother Howland for her Yearly Allowance [6:223/4].
Petition of Yet Mercy Howland, October 24, 1729, Bristol County.[11]
- To the Honbl Nathaniel Blagrove Esqr Judge of Probates and granting Letters of Administration &c
- The humbl petetion of Yet Mercy Howland Widow and Relict of Josiah Howland Late of Bristol Deceased Humby Prays your Alo'e To assign and set out to your Hon'r petetion her Third or Right of dower in all the houseing and Lands which were her said former Husband Josiah Howlands and of which he was seized durersing there Conature according to Law : viz The Third of the house formerly Belonging unto nathan Haman now sold to Jabez Howland and The Third of the house and Land Bering half an acre where your petetioner now dwelts and the Third of the peice of said above the sevall cause called the fifth part of an Acree and the Third of A Commonage and the third of a Right in wareh carys wharff : and your petetioner as is duly Bound Shall Ever Pray
- Yet Howland
- [Bristol February ye 25th 1728 crossed out]
- Bristol October ye 24th 1729
- ↑ North Purchase Proprietors Records, Vol. V, Page 16.
- ↑ North Purchase Proprietors Records, Vol. V, Page 20.
- ↑ North Purchase Proprietors Records, Vol. V, Page 34.
- ↑ Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986, images, FamilySearch.org, Bristol County courthouse and office, Massachusetts. Bristol County, Deed Records, 1712 - 1713, vol. 7, p. 490 - 492, image 344-345 of 431. (FamilySearch.org).
- ↑ Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986, images, FamilySearch.org, Bristol County courthouse and office, Massachusetts. Bristol County, Deeds, 1715 - 1717, vol 10. part 1, p. 733-4, image 389-90 of 654 (FamilySearch.org).
- ↑ Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986, images, FamilySearch.org, Bristol County courthouse and office, Massachusetts. Bristol County, Deed Records, 1717, Vol 10, Part 2, p. 732 - 733, image 389 of 654. (FamilySearch.org).
- ↑ Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986, images, FamilySearch.org, Bristol County courthouse and office, Massachusetts. Bristol County, Deed Records, 1717, vol 10, part 2, p. 734, image 390 of 654. (FamilySearch.org).
- ↑ Massachusetts Land Records, 1620-1986, images, FamilySearch.org, Bristol County courthouse and office, Massachusetts. Bristol County, Deed Records, 1721 - 1723, vol. 14, p. 268 - 269, image 141 of 647. (FamilySearch.org).
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 Abstracts of Bristol County, Massachusetts Probate Records, 1687-1745, complied by H. L. Peter Rounds, C. G., Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogcal Publishing Company, Inc., 1987, reprinted for Clearfield Company, Inc., 2001., pages Page 68, Page 169-170.
- ↑ Shows relationship between Josiah and his father Jabez.
- ↑ Bristol County, MA: Probate File Papers, 1686-1880. Online database. AmericanAncestors.org. New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2017. (From records supplied by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives. Digitized mages provided by FamilySearch.org) (AmericanAncestors.org).
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