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Judge's order to Capt. Thompson

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Date: 20 Aug 1827 [unknown]
Location: New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Thompson
This page has been accessed 67 times.

Judge's order to Henry Livingston Thompson regarding Sarah Nicholson, retrieved by Antoinette Harrell.

This was sent as a result of

which was attached.

The response was:

Judge’s Order

It is ordered by the Court that the petitioner have leave to sue in the manner pray’d for in her petition that the Sheriff take her in his custody until the further order of the Court.

New Orleans, Aug. 20th 1827
Signed J. Pitot Judge
Captain Thompson of New Orleans

You are hereby summoned to comply with the prayer of the annexed petition, or to file your answer thereto in writing with the Clerk of the Parish Court for the Parish and City of New Orleans, at this office in New Orleans, within ten days from the service hereof, and if you fail herein Judgement will be given against you by default.

Witness the Honorable James Pitot, Judge of the said Court at the City of New Orleans this 20th day of August 1827.

Signed J. Ollie Depake

M. Capitaine Thompson de la Nouvelle Orléans,

Vous êtes sommés par la présente de comparaître [indecipherable] de la pétition a-annexée ou de remettre votre réponse par écrit à la dite pétition, au greffier de la Cour de paroisse pour la paresse et la ville de la Nouvelle Orléans à son bureau à la Nouvelle Orléans, dan le dix jours après la notification de la dite pétition et si vous y manques jugement sera rendu contre vous par défaut.

Jevoir l’honorable [[Jacques Pitot Judge par la dite Cour dans la ville de la Nouvelle Orléans à 20 jours d’auguste de l’an de notre [sauveur?] 1827.

Signed J. Ollie
Deputy Sheriff
Sheriff’s Return

Received Aug. 20th 1827 and served on the 21rst of the same month, copy of petition and copy of citation in the French and English languages.

Returned Aug. 23rd 1827
Signed J. H. Holland
Deputy Sheriff

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