Surnames/tags: Rowley, Rowlee, Rawley, Ruhle, Roley, Rolle, Rowle Rowley_Name_Study
Surnames/tags: Rowley, Rowlee, Rawley, Ruhle, Roley, Rolle, Rowle Rowley_Name_Study
This page has been accessed 217 times.
Here are the profiles Judy Bramlage is currently working on. Can you help? Even if they don't say so, most of them need additional sources, especially census records. Except for the census records, they need data from the RowleyResearch database, including sources.
For tips see To-Do Lists.
Name | Birth | Notes |
Rowley, Roland | 1870-00-00 | Finished, more census needed |
Rowley, Frank W | 1874-00-00 | Finished, more census needed |
Rowley, Delos W | 1868-10-04 | Finished, more census needed |
Rowley, Ethel | 1889-09-00 | Finished, more census needed, search for husband or death |
Rowley, Edith E | 1887-08-00 | Finished, more census needed, search for husband or death |
Rowley, Walter | 1863-00-00 | Finished, more census needed, |
Rowley, Charles Wesley | 1910-02-00 | I know nothing of Canadian resources or Canadian Rowleys |
Rowley, Gordon Francis | 1911-04-00 | I know nothing of Canadian resources or Canadian Rowleys |
Rowley, Catherine married | 1730-00-00 | can't find her |
Rowley, Loveland Thomas | 1822-00-00 | Finished, more census needed, |
Rowley, Justus | 1719-10-21 | Look for 1920, 1930 or 1940 censuses |
Rowley, Guy Wesley | 1887-04-00 | Look for 1920, 1930 or 1940 censuses |
Rowley, Hiram B | 1864-11-00 | Look for 1920, 1930 or 1940 censuses |
Rowley, Erma K | 1906-00-00 | Look for 1920, 1930 or 1940 censuses |
Rowley, Lloyd | 1892-03-00 | Look for 1920, 1930 or 1940 censuses |
Rowley, Sylvester | 1823-01-03 | Censuses Done; found Find-a-Grave=Completed |
Rowley, Frank E | 1861-00-00 | Look for 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 & 1940 censuses |
Rowley, Olive E | 1856-00-00 | Look for 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 & 1940 censuses or marriage or death |
Rowley, A Sylvia | 1858-00-00 | Look for 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 & 1940 censuses or marriage or death |
Rowley, Norman | 1790-00-00 | Look for 1880 censuses or death |
Rowley, Phebe Olive | 1814-00-00 | Where was she in 1870. Check death & Marriages |
Rowley, Harvey | 1817-00-00 | re-arranged text and added Bio. Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Olive | 1780-00-00 | re-arranged text, added to Bio, added United States |
Rowley, Unnamed Father | 1760-00-00 | Changed Unnamed to Unknown; Made Brickwall *********** |
Rowley, Rose | On-line; Up to Her | |
Rowley, Peter | 1560-00-00 | Added Unsourced; filled out minimum Bio |
Rowley, Ezra | 1766-00-00 | Cleaned up text; filled out minimum Bio |
Rowley, Judah | 1738-08-01 | nothing to do |
Rowley, Jemima (Warren) | 1749-05-06 | nothing to do |
Rowley, Anna | Added Birth date, connected to mother; added husband; did Bio referencing Children; Problem exists between names of children and name of father; contacted PM to fix. | |
Rowley, Walter Dale | 1900-09-14 | cleaned up text and added Bio; changed official name to Dale Walter; added wife & child Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Claude Alfred | 1903-07-23 | Added United States; added United States for wife Check census ***************** |
Rowley, William Kevin | 1930-11-08 | Added United States; adjusted bio to include parents, wife, son Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Steven Kevin | 1957-02-07 | Changed USA to United States; added wife to Bio |
Rowley, David | 1755-04-06 | Added Bio and changed sources |
Rowley, Mary A | 1818-00-00 | Added Bio and changed sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Eliza | 1821-00-00 | Added Bio, changed sources, added connection to Rowley-1277 Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Gertrude | 1875-00-00 | changed name to name of husband, added name of children as Other Last Name Check census ***************** |
Rowley, John | 1850-11-00 | Deleted County, Changed USA to United States, Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, William | 1784-06-21 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Alexander Butler, JP, DL. | 1838-09-03 | Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Owsley , D.I., J.P. | 1754-12-09 | cleaned up text area including bio Check |
Rowley, David , D.L. J.P. | 1791-00-00 | cleaned up text area |
Rowley, George William | 1796-00-00 | cleaned up text area |
Rowley, George Dawson | 1822-05-03 | cleaned up text area Check census ***************** |
Rowley, George Fydell, J.P. D.L. | 1851-07-21 | cleaned up text area Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Owsley Vincent Fydell, BA | 1885-00-00 | cleaned up text area Check census ***************** |
Rowley, George Richard Francis | 1899-02-01 | cleaned up text area and added wife Check census ***************** |
Rowley, John Charles Cochrane F | 1918-05-03 | cleaned up text area Check census ***************** |
Rowley, George Corbet Cochrane | 1922-01-10 | cleaned up text area Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Peter William | 1934-07-20 | cleaned up text area Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Roswell Irwin | 1892-11-27 | added bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, William , KB | 1690-00-00 | nothing needed |
Rowley, Joshua | 1734-05-01 | Added Bio rather than reference it. |
Rowley, Clotworthy , Esq | 1735-00-00 | Added to Bio |
Rowley, Samuel Campbell | 1774-01-19 | Edited Bio |
Rowley, Robert Hibbert Bartholemew | 1817-00-00 | Added Bio, altered source Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Lorenzo Jewell, Jr. | 1905-04-01 | Add Bio and Mother Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Albert Levon | 1912-12-18 | Expanded Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Milo | 1839-00-00 | All done Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Martha H (Reynolds) | 1840-00-00 | Modified sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Cecil Turner | 1915-11-19 | changed USA to United State; Added minimum Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, John William | 1860-00-00 | Unsourced; added to Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Frances Rosetta | 1861-12-06 | Expanded Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Mary Luella | 1888-07-21 | Added Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Wilford Marion | 1886-04-07 | Added Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, William Parley | 1880-12-30 | Added Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Reuben | 1909-06-24 | Added Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, William Parley | 1904-10-06 | Added Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Allen | 1901-05-10 | Added to Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Vernon Conrad | 1907-04-16 | Added to Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Lawrence Wilbur | 1911-09-22 | Added Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Claude Sylvester | 1896-06-07 | Added to Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Heber | 1896-12-28 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Charles Samuel | 1898-12-15 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Darel Leslie | 1903-02-03 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Jewel | 1907-03-28 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, George Wallace | 1879-02-03 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Ernest Exile | 1888-09-29 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Moses Aaron | 1886-06-09 | Wrote Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Moses Alvin | 1910-06-20 | wrote minimum Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Joseph Hyrum | 1884-01-29 | wrote minimum Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Martin | 1812-00-00 | Prepared Bio; added censuses Check censuses ***************** |
Rowley, Unknown | 1843-00-00 | Added Bio |
Rowley, Unknown | Added minimum bio; this is totally unknown child Check census ***************** | |
Rowley, Willmott Gadd | 1910-06-01 | wrote minimum Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Nello James | 1906-09-09 | wrote minimum Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Elmo Albert | 1905-08-06 | edited Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Herman Melvin | 1914-06-26 | edited Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, George Wallace, Jr. | 1905-03-25 | Edited Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Lorenzo Leroy | 1900-07-17 | Edited Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Erven J. | 1916-12-21 | Edited Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Joseph | 1866-12-29 | Edited Bio , needs census records******** |
Rowley, Letha Rose | 1912-07-15 | Edited Bio; needs census records******** |
Rowley, Earl Clyde | 1896-11-27 | Edited Bio; needs census records******** |
Rowley, Abner | 1790-04-08 | Done Check census ***************** |
Rowley, William Henry | 1762-00-00 | Added wife; Need to add Children*********** Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Elwin Bryant | 1855-00-00 | Wrote up Bio; added parents; check for children******* Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Frances | 1882-10-00 | Added minimal bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Ellen | 1836-00-00 | Rewrote bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Frank | 1878-00-00 | Rewrote Bio; Added father from sources; edited bio of father-in-law and wife********** |
Rowley, Asher N. | 1790-00-00 | Rewrote Bio ; but he's unconnected*** Check census ***************** |
Rowley, John Lindsey | 1862-08-15 | Rewrote Bio; father's unconnected****Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Harry | 1880-00-00 | Modified Bio; unconnected. Check out ***Check census ********** |
Rowley, Nancy Amina | 1845-10-25 | modified Bio; USA to United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Morey Winship | 1847-02-23 | modified Bio; wedding place Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Almira Maria (Lewis) | 1844-01-19 | Modifed bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Olive | 1855-00-00 | all done, USA =>United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Bemsley | 1809-06-09 | cleaned up some sources; needs reason for death *****Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Elosia (Andrews) | 1846-00-00 | modified bio. Need to check husband's descendancy ****Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Myra | 1866-00-00 | Added 1880 U.S. census as implied in Bio; cleaned up text Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Alice | 1880-00-00 | Added 1880 U.S. census as implied in Bio; cleaned up text Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Enoch | 1795-00-00 | minor change to sources; check against database ******Check census ***************** |
Rowley, David | 1797-00-00 | check against database *****Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Anna Morris (Roberts) | 1863-00-00 | edited marriage data to change USA to United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Caroline J. | 1860-00-00 | modified source Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Eugene | 1862-00-00 | Added reference to census in Bio Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Charles H | 1864-00-00 | USA ==>United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Jennie A. (Peck) | 1873-00-00 | USA ==>United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Ephraim | 1800-00-00 | USA ==>United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Mary Ann (Jones) | 1803-00-00 | USA ==>United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Levi | 1733-12-16 | USA ==>United States Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Elizabeth (Unknown) | 1737-00-00 | Edited death place and source. |
Rowley, John | 1761-00-00 | punctuation change to source; added changes to Bio; Check on children************ |
Rowley, Simeon | 1791-00-00 | Need to add wife and children ***********Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Lydia (Unknown) | 1774-00-00 | Added changed to bio to reference husband and child. |
Rowley, Elizabeth | 1769-00-00 | done |
Rowley, Cornelius | 1774-05-28 | added wive & son to bio; add children- get better sources *******Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Anna (Valentine) | 1781-06-11 | broke bio into 3 sentences; she had 9 children; list them ***************** |
Rowley, Ruth (Carpenter) | 1778-04-26 | Done; need more sources *******************Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Simon P | 1821-01-21 | Need to add wife and children ****************Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Anna (Stevens) | 1741-10-01 | Added to Bio; need more children and sources ********Check census ***************** |
Rowley, David | 1779-09-16 | Add parent to bio; added 1850 census as source; standardized death and marriage location; Check on additional children ********Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Benjamin | 1787-00-00 | Added parents; ADD CHILDREN and census records ******************** |
Rowley, Frances | 1842-00-00 | Added her; added all incl. bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Elizabeth | 1845-00-00 | Added her; added all incl. bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Earl | 1851-00-00 | Added her; added all incl. bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Ida | 1854-00-00 | Added her; added all incl. bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Flora | 1859-00-00 | Added her; added all incl. bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Sophronia (Unknown) | 1821-00-00 | Added her; added all incl. bio and sources Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Diadamia (Hamlin) | 1789-04-27 | Fix marriage place; add CHILDREN ******************** |
Rowley, Sarah (Hamlin) | 1786-03-22 | Done; standardized locations; ADD CHILDREN ********** |
Rowley, Mary (Smith) | Standardized locations; no children but ck to make sure ************ | |
Rowley, Anna | 1736-00-00 | Clean |
Rowley, Abigail (Green) | 1720-00-00 | Clean. Check children *************** |
Rowley, Dorothy (Unknown) | Added marriage & Husband to Bio. Check children ************ | |
Rowley, Hepzibah | 1742-08-08 | Clean; check wife ****************** |
Rowley, Issacher | 1744-02-08 | Clean |
Rowley, Unnamed | 1746-04-04 | Added parents |
Rowley, William Alton | 1910-00-00 | Added some to Bio; check what database shows about him ******Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Nettie (Nielson) | 1917-00-00 | Added some to Bio; added Unsourced ************Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Mary (Grant) | 1793-00-00 | Ck for more children |
Rowley, John | 1679-00-00 | Check sources CHECK ******************** Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Deborrah | 1680-01-05 | Check sources CHECK ******************** |
Rowley, Samuel | 1683-00-00 | Check sources CHECK ******************** |
Rowley, Samuel | 1685-06-00 | Check for addition sources **************** |
Rowley, Grace | 1692-08-05 | check to additional sources *************** |
Rowley, Hannah | 1700-07-05 | clean |
Rowley, Anne | 1703-09-24 | clean |
Rowley, Hannah | 1720-02-11 | clean |
Rowley, Sarah | 1708-09-17 | Clean; ck for husbands of this batch of children ************** |
Rowley, Samuel | 1710-03-11 | Added wife; need children added ************************** |
Rowley, Henry Allyn | 1790-07-25 | USA to United States; get census records with twin Timothy. |
Rowley, James | 1797-08-19 | add wife and 9 children ********************* Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Timothy | 1790-07-25 | Changed USA; get census records along with twin Henry Akyn ********** |
Rowley, Jeheil | 1799-07-11 | Changed USA other needs censuses Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Polly C (Unknown) | 1799-00-00 | Done |
Rowley, Victor Ray | 1916-04-11 | Fixed USA; Need to add children and censuses *********************** |
Bruce, Thelma | Fixed USA; Need to add children and censuses *********************** | |
Rowley, Herbert Eastman | 1912-09-09 | USA fixed; need censuses ***************************************** |
Rowley, Mary Ellen (Kuhler) | 1917-05-19 | USA fixed; need censuses ***************************************** |
Rowley, Unlisted | USA fixed; need censuses ***************************************** | |
Barnes, Unlisted | USA fixed; need censuses ***************************************** | |
Rowley, Nettie Olive (Leake) | 1895-10-07 | USA fixed; need censuses ***************************************** |
Rowley, Hannah | 1767-01-29 | Clear |
Rowley, Susannah | 1768-10-03 | Clear |
Rowley, Timothy | 1771-04-28 | Clear Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Olive | 1756-05-20 | Clear |
Rowley, Moses | 1765-02-11 | Clear Check census ***************** |
Rowley, Patience (Coville) | 1768-00-00 | Clear; add child Look for census in NY ************************ |
Rowley, John | 1785-00-00 | Clear; look for censuses in NY ******** |
Rowley, James | 1786-00-00 | Clear; look for census in NY ********** |
Rowley, Hannah | 1786-00-00 | Clear; look for census in NY *********** |
Rowley, Miranda | 1787-00-00 | Clear; look for census in NY *********** |
Rowley, Sarah Maria | 1788-00-00 | Clear look for census in NY ************ |
Rowley, Betsy Amorette | 1789-00-00 | Clear look for census in NY ************ |
Rowley, Polly | 1790-00-00 | Clear look for census in NY ************ |
Rowley, Deborah | 1791-00-00 | Clear look for census in NY ************ |
Rowley, Olive | 1791-00-00 | Clear look for census in NY ************ |
Rowley, Heman | 1746-11-14 | Clear; Add Children Add Censuses ********************* |
Rowley, Lydia (Seely) | 1749-12-26 | Clear; Add Children Add Censuses ********************* |
Rowley, Nathaniel | 1752-00-00 | Clear; Add Children Add Censuses ********************* |
Rowley, Kesa (Davis) | 1750-00-00 | Clear; Add Children Add Censuses ********************* |
Rowley, Elijah | 1757-01-02 | Clear; Add Censuses ********************* |
Rowley, Elden | Clear; Add Censuses ********************* | |
Rowley, Unlisted | Clear Check census ***************** | |
Rowley, David | Clear Check census ***************** | |
Rowley, Lloyd | Clear; Add Censuses ********************* | |
Uecker, Unlisted | Clear; add children add censuses ************ | |
Rowley, Unlisted | Clear; add children add censuses ************ | |
Tuschen, Unlisted | Clear; add children add censuses ************ | |
Rowley, Unlisted | clear Check census ***************** | |
Rowley, Abigail (Kelsey) | 1735-04-04 | clear |
Rowley, Perez | 1760-00-00 | Clear; check children on 2nd wife especially; check census ******** |
Rowley, Sarah (Van Dyke) | 1780-00-00 | Clean |
Rowley, Matthias Van Dyke | 1798-00-00 | USA fixed; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Maria B. (Scott) | 1805-00-00 | USA fixed; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Robenia | 1833-00-00 | cleaned; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Jeannette | cleaned; add census ***************************** | |
Rowley, Catherine | cleaned; add census ***************************** | |
Rowley, Mary B | 1836-00-00 | cleaned; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Kelsey M. | 1841-00-00 | cleaned; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Robert Perez | 1837-00-00 | cleaned; add census do ticket for civil war******************* |
Rowley, Mary Overton (Meriwether) | 1842-09-03 | cleaned; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, James Meriwether | 1868-00-00 | cleaned; add census add wife & Children********************** |
Rowley, Robina Scott | 1870-07-21 | cleaned; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Kelsey B. | 1873-00-00 | cleaned; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Robert Perez | 1880-08-27 | cleaned; add census ***************************** |
Rowley, Sarah | 1693-10-00 | clean; check children ********************* |
Rowley, Aaron | 1692-11-29 | clean; check children ********************* |
Rowley, Dorcas (Hinkley) | 1705-00-00 | clean; check children ********************* |
Rowley, Benjamin | 1753-00-00 | standardized marriage date; added census records; need more details in censuses******** |
Rowley, Susannah (Clark) | 1767-00-00 | clean |
Rowley, Susanna | 1790-06-00 | clean |
Rowley, Elizabeth | 1790-00-00 | to-do |
Rowley, Mehitable (Weeks) | 1698-00-00 | clean; check children and censuses********************* |
Rowley, Aaron | 1764-00-00 | Added sticker; add 2nd wife, children, census ****************** |
Rowley, Sarah (Hawley) | 1754-00-00 | clear; add children |
Rowley, Mehitabel | 1736-06-00 | clean |
Rowley, Jessie (Tyler) | 1875-00-00 | clean; Add census records ******************** |
Rowley, Emma (Carson) | 1878-00-00 | clean; Add census records ******************** |
Rowley, Blanche (Bartlett) | 1884-10-05 | To her husband, add sticker for WWII Add census records ******** |
Rowley, Helen | 1907-09-20 | put up photo of tombstone |
Rowley, Paul Bartlett | 1911-03-18 | clean; Add Census records ********************* |
Rowley, Lenore (Vickers) | 1912-00-00 | clean Sdd censuses ********************** |
Rowley, Unlisted | BADLY needs SOURCES ************************** | |
Yamamoto, Unlisted | BADLY needs SOURCES ************************** | |
Rowley, Unlisted | BADLY needs SOURCES ************************** | |
Blankenship, Unlisted | BADLY needs SOURCES ************************** | |
Rowley, Edgar Bruce | 1913-00-00 | BADLY needs SOURCES ************************** |
Rowley, Nancy (Vaughan) | 1890-00-00 | Needs census records |
Rowley, Grace (Tyler) | 1881-00-00 | Needs more sources--- census records and 1st husband |
Rowley, Samuel | 1750-01-21 | Where was he in 1790? ******************* |
Rowley, Joel | 1747-00-00 | Check other censuses ******************** |
Rowley, Patience (Gray) | 1754-00-00 | Check censuses ******************** |
Rowley, Phinehas | 1786-00-00 | Check censuses ******************** |
Rowley, Anna (Wolverton) | 1789-04-05 | Check censuses ******************** |
Rowley, Jabez | 1716-01-10 | check children |
Rowley, Mary (Hambleton) | 1727-00-00 | enter children *************************************** |
Hambleton, Benjamin | 0000-00-00 | ck daughter for son's marriage; check for other children & wife *Check censuses and BD**** |
Rowley, Sarah Susan (Brown) | 1844-00-00 | chk children and census records ************************* |
Rowley, Mary | 1754-00-00 | clean |
Rowley, Miriam (Shailer) | 1717-04-16 | clean |
Rowley, Samuel | 1842-10-29 | Add spouses and children and censuses ********************* |
Rowley, Richard | 1845-01-11 | Add spouses and children and censuses ********************* |
Rowley, Mary Ann (Ray) | 1846-04-04 | Add parents, children and censuses ************************ |
Rowley, Thomas | 1846-05-11 | chk censuses and children *********************** |
Rowley, Margaret (Tattersall) | 1855-00-00 | add children and censuses *********************** |
Rowley, William Thomas | 1880-00-00 | add census to bio; other census to sources also; find wife. children *********** |
Rowley, James | 1808-03-21 | add everything **************************** |
Rowley, Jane | 1811-02-06 | clear |
Rowley, William | 1817-10-28 | chk censuses, wives, and children *********************** |
Rowley, Ann | 1817-10-28 | Add other censuses ************************ |
Rowley, George | 1820-08-06 | clear; add censuses ************************ |
Rowley, Eliza | 1823-10-19 | clean |
Rowley, Hannah | 1826-10-09 | clear; added needs, but in England |
Rowley, Frances (Banks) | 1845-11-04 | add father & mother from Bio; check censuses ****************** |
Rowley, Jane (Turley) | 1851-00-00 | clear Add censuses********** |
Rowley, Hannah (Hyde) | 1851-00-00 | chk census for children and for death in Mexico ************** |
Rowley, Sarah (Bachelor) | 1852-00-00 | Check censuses and possible children and death in Mexico *********** |
Rowley, Ann (Bossard) | 1856-00-00 | Check censuses and possible children and death in Mexico *********** |
Rowley, Sarah Elizabeth (Steed) | 1836-12-25 | Check censuses and possible children and death in Mexico *********** |
Rowley, Elizabeth | 1694-11-25 | clear; ck for spouse |
Rowley, Benjamin | clear; check for spouse | |
Rowley, Timothy | 1697-11-19 | clear; check for spouse |
Rowley, Elnathan | 1699-04-23 | Clear; add fifth child |
Rowley, Hannah (Goodrich) | cleaned; add two children ********************* | |
Rowley, Warren | 1771-10-15 | cleared; add 2nd wife; check children; add censuses ************* |
Rowley, Susanne (Vallete) | 1773-00-00 | ck children ************* |
Rowley, William Bissell | 1795-06-08 | Add 2nd wife; all children; census records *********************** |
Rowley, Matilda (Cass) | 1797-03-22 | Add children |
Rowley, Issacher | 1779-05-04 | add children and census records |
Rowley, Lucy (Hatch) | 1784-00-00 | add children and census records |
Rowley, Abijah | 1785-10-29 | add children and census records |
Rowley, Ruth Clark (Foreward) | 1786-03-29 | add children and census records |
Rowley, Anson | 1789-05-27 | no spouse, children or census |
Rowley, Betsey | 1791-05-29 | no spouse, children or census |
Rowley, Judah | 1794-10-11 | need children, census ****************** |
Rowley, Civiah (Hatch) | 1795-06-05 | need children, census ****************** |
Rowley, Hiram | 1825-00-00 | add other censuses and children *************** |
Rowley, Jennie | 1869-00-00 | check for anything else ****************** |
Rowley, Augustus | 1827-00-00 | add wife and children and all censuses *********** |
Rowley, Fidelia | 1838-00-00 | ck other censuses; ck for husband ****************** |
Rowley, Mary | 1842-00-00 | ck censuses; husband etc ****************** |
Rowley, Elizabeth | 1845-00-00 | ck censuses; husband etc. ****************** |
Rowley, Robert S. | 1814-08-25 | add siblings; spouse; children and photos ************** |
Rowley, Mary | 1776-00-00 | add censuses which should give children.....************* |
Rowley, William | 1806-00-00 | add census records ********************** |
Rowley, John | 1828-10-18 | add census records ********************** |
Rowley, Fenton | 1845-00-00 | add census records ********************** |
Rowley, William | 1834-00-00 | Add children and censuses **************** |
Rowley, Martha (Lee) | 1833-00-00 | add children and censuses ******************** |
Rowley, Lucinda (Rollins) | 1835-00-00 | add other censuses starting in 1850 **************** |
Rowley, James H. | 1860-00-00 | add other censuses starting in 1860 **************** |
Rowley, Ann (Unknown) | 1850-00-00 | add other censuses starting in 1850 **************** |
Rowley, Major | 1840-00-00 | add other censuses starting in 1840 **************** |
Rowley, Jane (Owens) | 1847-00-00 | add children and censuses check spelling of name ******* |
Rowley, James | 1842-00-00 | complete but check censuses **********8* |
Rowley, Robert | 1846-00-00 | Find 1860 census *************************** |
Rowley, Thomas Howard | 1849-00-00 | get censuses and get children's names |
Rowley, Virginia S. (Allensworth) | 1842-00-00 | need censuses*************************** |
Rowley, Cordelia B. (Moore) | 1860-00-00 | need censuses; add children *************************** |
Rowley, Robert Jesse | add censuses check children *************************** | |
Rowley, Blanche Olive (Owens) | 1910-00-00 | add censuses check children *************************** |
Rowley, Unlisted | add censuses check children *************************** | |
Rowley, Amos | 1810-00-00 | Add mother, chk BD on census; add other censuses; add children ******** |
Rowley, Lucy Ann (Vaughn) | 1799-00-00 | Add children *************************** |
Rowley, Amos | 1770-06-05 | add wife, children and censuses *************************** |
Rowley, Jesse Warren | 1763-11-19 | add censuses and children *************************** |
Rowley, Sarah (Jones) | 1767-03-18 | add censuses check children *************************** |
Rowley, Joel | 1774-06-24 | add censuses check children *************************** |
Rowley, Rebecca (Unknown) | 1774-11-23 | add censuses check children *************************** |
Rowley, Asaph F. | 1775-12-17 | add censuses check children *************************** |
Rowley, Hannah (Unknown) | 1779-05-28 | add censuses check children *************************** |
Rowley, Jeduthan | 1778-00-00 | add censuses check children *************************** |
Rowley, Judah | 1779-00-00 | add wives, children, censuses *************************** |
Rowley, Jacob | 1786-00-00 | add children from Census *************************** |
Rowley, Sarah (Newton) | 1790-00-00 | add ten children and censuses *************************** |
Rowley, Salmon | 1790-04-28 | Need data on census; need children *************************** |
Rowley, Aletta (Unknown) | 1797-05-12 | Need data on census; need children *************************** |
Rowley, Henry | 1837-00-00 | ck for spouse, children & censuses *************************** |
Rowley, Asa | ck for spouse, children & censuses *************************** | |
Rowley, Mary | 1743-07-26 | ck for spouse, children & censuses *************************** |
Rowley, John | 1745-02-09 | try for land records *************************** |
Rowley, John | 1727-07-07 | fix birth date (within 7 months of a brother) add censuses *************************** |
Rowley, Rebecca (Hurd) | 1718-00-00 | ck children; *************************** |
Rowley, Joseph | 1753-06-15 | added sticker; needs child from wife 1; add wife 2 and children; add census if any ********* |
Rowley, Syble (Fox) | 1749-00-00 | add 5th child **************************** |
Rowley, Jireh | 1777-11-11 | add census 1870 **************************** |
Rowley, Elisabeth (Brace) | 1775-00-00 | clean |
Rowley, Mary (Olmstead) | 1786-04-21 | verify children with Alfred Gray **************************** |
Rowley, Alfred Gray | 1824-01-01 | censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Lydia Hall (Lanfear) | 1828-02-06 | censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Rose Ellen (Rand) | 1852-00-00 | add other children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Fred | 1902-07-23 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Ethel (Blunt) | 1905-00-00 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Andrew | 1800-08-27 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Calvin | 1804-01-12 | add other children and census 1870 **************************** |
Rowley, Azuba (Gooding) | 1795-09-27 | add children and census 1870 **************************** |
Rowley, Sarah F. (Bigelow) | 1803-09-02 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Minerva (Unknown) | 1802-00-00 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Jireh , Jr. | 1808-07-12 | add children and census 1870 **************************** |
Rowley, Olive (Unknown) | 1816-00-00 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Joseph Brace | 1811-02-28 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Adelia (Lanfar) | 1818-02-17 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Hiram | 1813-00-00 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Cynthia (Kile) | 1818-00-00 | add children and censuses **************************** |
Rowley, Phineas King | 1816-11-05 | Added reference in Bio to 1880 census which was in sources |
Rowley, Jane Abigail (Sanford) | 1824-08-23 | no change ck for censuses ******************* |
Rowley, Seth | 1759-07-29 | fixed the 1776 ticket. |
Rowley, Seth | 1793-00-00 | no change check censuses ******************* |
Rowley, Enos | 1795-08-25 | No change check censuses ******************* |
Rowley, Susan (Montgomery) | 1801-00-00 | corrected grammar check censuses ******************* |
Rowley, Unknown | 1803-00-00 | No change check censuses ******************* |
Rowley, Unknown | 1809-00-00 | No change check censuses ******************* |
Rowley, Mindwell | 1755-02-28 | Nothing to change |
Rowley, Hannah (Unknown) | 1697-00-00 | She's a Shailer, not a Rowley. Fixed and added Rowley daughter in Bio |
Rowley, Bethia (Crocker) | 1744-06-08 | added children to Bio |
Rowley, Jemima (Dibble) | 1744-00-00 | added children to Bio Solve Double Dibble problem. |
- Trying to Rearrange ordering on TO-DO list Oct 10, 2018.
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