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Julie Holland's relative Charles Morgan Lamburth and the deaths of five of his nine children

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Date: [unknown]
Location: California, United Statesmap
Surnames/tags: Lamburth Died Young
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Charles Morgan Lamburth was born June 10, 1860 in California.

The 1880 census of Spring Valley, Colusa County, California lists Chas. Lambarth, 20 years, single, working on a farm with a large group of other workers.

Charles married Sarah Etta Holcomb on August 14, 1881 in Lassen County. Sadly, Charles and Etta would face the loss of five children from 1887 to 1908.

The California Voter’s Register of 1882 lists Charles, 21, CA, farmer, Big Valley, Lassen County, CA.

The following obituary appeared in the Mountain Tribune, December 10, 1887:

“Near Bieber, December 14, 1887, Walter Vernon – son of C. M. and Ettis Lamburth – aged 3 years, 4 months and 8 days. The funeral took place at 2 p.m. last Thursday, and was largely attended by relatives and sympathizing friends of the parents of the deceased.”

Another obituary appeared in the Lassen Advocate, December 22, 1887:

“Lamburth – Near Bieber, December 14, 1887, Walter Irvin, son of C. M. and Ettie Lamburth, aged 3 years 4 months and 8 days. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lamburth died at their home near Bieber last Wednesday. About two years ago the little fellow swallowed a quantity of concentrated lye, since which time it has subsisted almost entirely upon milk, the glottis of the throat being paralyzed so that it could swallow no solid food. It lingered along until the above date, when death relieved the little fellow of his sufferings.”

On June 30, 1891, the following obituary appeared in the Mountain Tribune, Bieber:

“Near Bieber, June 29, 1891, Charles Francis, youngest child of C. M. and Etta Lamburth, aged 10 months. The sad news came to town yesterday evening that the youngest child of Charley Lamburth, while playing around a tub at the well, with about six inches of water in it, had lost its balance and fell on its face into the water (the back of the head not being wet), and when found was dead. The funeral will take place this afternoon at four-o’clock.”

Charles’ daughter, Laura A., b: Aug 1895, d: Sep 1895. Buried at Hillside Cemetery, Bieber. A notice or obituary was printed in the Big Valley Gazette, Bieber, on October 1, 1896, possibly on the anniversary of her birth, but no copies are available.

The June 13, 1900 census of Township 4, Lassen County, lists Sarah E., 36, CA; children born 7, children living 4; Clarence M., 17, CA; Effie E., 12, CA; Florence E., 7, CA; Ada E., 2, CA.

Charles’ daughter, Florence E., died. Her obituary appeared on January 31, 1907 in the Lassen Advocate:

“Lamburth – Near Bieber, Cal., Jan. 24, 1907, Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lamburth, aged 15 years 2 months 14 days.” No cause of death or other details were mentioned. She was buried at Hillside Cemetery, Bieber, Lassen County.

Charles’ daughter, Effie E., married Earl Ralph Felts on October 1, 1908 in Lassen County. On Nov 26, 1908 her obituary appeared in the Big Valley Gazette, with a note that she came to Big Valley in 1887:

“Death of Mrs. Effie Felts.

It is with sorrow we chronicle the death of Mrs. Effie Felts, which occurred at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lamburth, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Eleven days prior to her death she came down from her home on Hayden Hill on a visit to her parents, and was immediately taken ill. Dr. Houston was called and pronounced her illness due to pneumonia, and although everything possible was done for her relief, she steadily grew worse until Tuesday afternoon, when her suffering was ended.

Effie Etta Felts was born in this valley October 6, 1887, and was aged 21 years, 1 month and 18 days. She was married to R. Felts of Hayden hill October 1st of the present year, and was a bride of only a few short weeks.

While she has gone from the conflicts, the sorrows and pleasures of life, she will still live in the hearts of all who knew her. She was a kind, loving wife and daughter, and her devotion to home circle had no limit.

The burial services were conducted by Rev. P. M. Walker of Fall River, and the remains interred in the Mountain View Cemetery, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends.

To the bereaved husband and father and mother the sincere sympathy of the community is extended.”

Another obituary appeared in the Lassen Advocate on December 4, 1908:

“Mrs. Effie Felts, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lamburth, died at the home of her parents in Bieber, Nov. 24, 1908. October 1st she was married to R. Felts of Hayden Hill, and was visiting her parents when stricken with pneumonia.”

The May 18, 1910 census of Chico, Butte County, CA lists Charles 48, teamster, lumber mill; Sarah 46, children born 9, children living 4; Clarence, 26, Ada 12, Floyd 9, Norrah 5.

The California Railroad Employment Records, 1862-1937, lists Chas. M. Lamburth on the payroll from April 30, 1918 to September 30, 1919 for services rendered in Maintenance of Way Department, by Sectionmen on the Western division, on or at Napa District, Section 6. Floyd C. Lamburth is also listed on the payroll.

The January 2-3,1920 census for Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, lists Charles 58, laborer, railroad; Sara 56, Floyd C., 18, Nora 15.

Charles continued to live in Santa Rosa. He died on June 30, 1943 in Santa Rosa and was buried at Odd Fellows Lawn Cemetery, Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA.



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