Location: Kandy, Sri Lanka

Surnames/tags: Kandy Cemeteries Pitakande
Previously known as Kandy Garrison Cemetery and Pitakande Military Cemetery.
The Kandy War Cemetery is a British military cemetery in Kandy, Sri Lanka, for soldiers of the British Empire who were killed during World War II as well as a soldier who died during World War I.
There are 203 buried consisting of: 107 British, 35 East Africans, 26 Sri Lankans, 23 Indians, 6 Canadians, 3 Italians, 1 Frenchman and 2 unidentified persons. Of the 203 dead, 151 were army, 32 were air force, 16 were navy, 2 were unidentified, 1 was merchant navy and 1 was from the national fire service.
Wikipedia, accessed 12 Jan 2019.
Coordinates 7.281680°N 80.608291°E
The cemetery is located in Deveni Rajasinghe Mawatha, approximately 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) from the main road.
The Cemetery has been transcribed and is available in this book. Tombstones and Monuments in Ceylon. J Penry Lewis, 1994.
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