Location: Karori, Wellington, New Zealand

Surnames/tags: cemeteries new_zealand
A free-space page to record interments and memorials at Karori Cemetery.
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Karori Cemetery
Karori Cemetery is New Zealand's second largest burial ground, covering nearly 40 hectares. It was the final resting place of about 83,000 people. Today, it is a wealth of Wellington history and a peaceful place to visit.
The cemetery was established in 1891 to replace the overcrowded Bolton Street Cemetery. The cemetery filled quickly and by the 1950s had nearly reached maximum capacity. Makara Cemetery became Wellington's principal cemetery in 1965. The only plots available now at Karori Cemetery are pre-purchased ash or family plots, and children's plots.
Karori Cemetery's crematorium was New Zealand's first crematorium and is the oldest in Australasia, opening in 1909. It carries out about 450 cremations a year.
Wellington City Council
76 Old Karori Road,
Karori 6012
GPS coordinates: -41.2804, 174.7512
Notable Interments
- Walter Nash GCMG CH New Zealand Prime Minister, between Dec 12 1957 and Dec 12 1960.
- Lily May Atkinson (née Kirk, 29 March 1866 – 19 July 1921) New Zealand temperance campaigner, suffragist and feminist.
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These photos have not yet been transcribed and added to their relevant profiles. I'm putting a link to them here in case someone has a particular interest: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18eI6mBtqttubed2LjBa-tzU2kchq-I15?usp=sharing
You're welcome to use these images under: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
edited by Daria Gibbons