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Kay Sands Research Notes

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Rood New_York
Profile manager: Kay Knight private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 868 times.

A place to collect research notes and source references before there is sufficient information to be able to put this on a specific person profile. Also working on citation format and other stuff.

On another note, okay from PM to make any desired changes to Martz-492



Artheus Leger, Jr's childhood home, located on Hwy 31, between Opelousas and Leonville, LA.

House with one woman on porch and one woman on the steps.
Artheus Leger, Jr's childhood home, located on Hwy 31, between Opelousas and Leonville, LA.
House with one woman on porch and one woman on the steps.
Artheus Leger, Jr's childhood home, located on Hwy 31, between Opelousas and Leonville, LA.


Profiles to finish: Marshall Benton Burk add spouse, dependents, profile links

William Green Burk add profile links and probate links (see Giles); maybe add his will and probate to his descendants

Add spouses and children for John Burk

Cleanup James (Whiton) Whiting

Cleanup Mary Rood

Olive Rood and Asa Stiles

Briggs Rood (1761-1849)

Tryphena (Rood) West

Jonathan Treadway and Hannah Rood his pension file [1]

Cleanup the Knight in Amherst County

Knight in Amherst County, Virginia

William, John, George, Austin Knight

Related families Hamm, Bibb, Wood

resources to investigate

Note that the index to court records and deed books at family search are locked images, but the individual records themselves are not.

Also see

Personal property

Herein lie clues about the sources and maps to look at

See the work of Laura Knight, which was recommended by Ken Spratlin. Here

Austin Knight

Austin Knight (abt.1765-1817) m. Elizabeth (Hamm) Knight (abt.1767-1843)

Possible siblings of Austin (or otherwise related). Note that online trees have these children (along with the William who married Temperance Bibb) as the children of John Knight and Katy Wood. But WikiTree profile was recently changed to be William Knight but the whole tree (on every platform) is a mess of conflated profiles.

So the WikiTree profiles for possible Austin siblings include the following; all have the same PM Parents:

William William Knight Sr. (1736-)
Katherine Frances Katherine Frances (Wood) Knight (abt.1738-abt.1814)


Andrew Andrew Knight (1759-)
Marriage of Andrew Knight, bachelor, and Jane Tuggle, spinster 7 Jan 1783. Surety Henry Tuggle. Consent of her father John Tuggle.
Sweeny, William Montgomery, compiler, Marriage bonds and other marriage records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 (Lynchburg, Virginia: J.P. Bell Co, 1937) , p. 44 digital images, Family Search ([ : accessed 12 Jul 2024)
William William Knight Jr. (abt.1762-abt.1832)
Mary Mary (Knight) Swanson (abt.1764-)
Elizabeth Elizabeth (Knight) Hotchkiss (1776-1846)
Marriage of Gerard Hotchkiss, bachelor and Betsey Knight spinster 6 Jun 1791. Surety William Knight.
Sweeny, William Montgomery, compiler, Marriage bonds and other marriage records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 (Lynchburg, Virginia: J.P. Bell Co, 1937) , p. 40 digital images, Family Search ([ : accessed 12 Jul 2024) William could have been a brother or father. The listed William would have been age 29. The father would have been age 55. Either way, needed to be someone in Amherst County.
pension for Jared Hotchkiss widow Betsey
Marriage of John Swanson and Mary Knight, spinster 28 Jan 1800. Surety Joseph Ship. Consent of her parents John and Katy Knight.
Sweeny, William Montgomery, compiler, Marriage bonds and other marriage records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 (Lynchburg, Virginia: J.P. Bell Co, 1937) , p. 73 digital images, Family Search ([ : accessed 12 Jul 2024)
The above marriage does not make sense if she was born in 1764 and married at age 36. But with her parents consent. Maybe it does based on the John Swanson in the FSFT b. 1757 m. Pricisilla Edmondson who died 1798. Although the FSFT says he died in 1799 in Amherst and had a son John b. 1789. The FSFT is all over the place and so is Ancestry. John Swanson is a pretty common name.
George George Knight (abt.1777-)



John Finch, bachelor, and Edey Wood, spinster 25 Aug 1787. Surety and witnesses Orson Knight, John Knight. Consent of her father Robert Wood. Sweeny, William Montgomery, compiler, Marriage bonds and other marriage records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 (Lynchburg, Virginia: J.P. Bell Co, 1937) , p. 29 digital images, Family Search ([ : accessed 12 Jul 2024)

Washington Knight and Lewis Mays bond 15 Jan 1844. Washington Knight is guardian of Ann Woodson, orphan of E Woodson.[2]

William Knight, the saddler

This is William Knight the saddler of New Glasgow William Knight (1769-bef.1824). You may have reached out to the PM to improve, but not heard back

A William Knight married Margaret Dawson, daughter of Henry Dawson 08 Mar 1796 Amherst County, Virginia (

William Knight, bachelor, and Margaret Dawson, spinster 8 Mar 1796. Surety William Dawson. Consent of her father Henry Dawson Sr. Certificate of marriage by Rev William Crawford Sweeny, William Montgomery, compiler, Marriage bonds and other marriage records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 (Lynchburg, Virginia: J.P. Bell Co, 1937) , p. 45 digital images, Family Search ([ : accessed 12 Jul 2024)

William Knight will dated 19 Mar 1824, Amherst County, Virginia, proved in court 30 April 1824. He was a saddler, and bequeathed saddles and tools and patent for saddle spring. Named wife Margaret, sons William Henry Knight and George W Knight, daughters Jane Fuleher, Flora Higgenbotham, Lucinda Knight and Mary Knight. Son William Henry Knight named guardian of George W Knight and Mary Knight, both under the age of 21

Was this his son? William H. Knight married Eliza P. Turner 09 May 1839 Amherst County, Virginia

William Knight (the saddler) signed his will 18 Mar 1824 in Amherst County, naming his wife Margaret and also children.[3] Probate 30 Apr 1824 with inventory on p. 83 image 49 and distribution on p. 116 image 66

Probably William Knight the saddler 16 May 1820 licensed to keep an ordinary at his house.[4]

On 16 Jul 1804 David S Garland of Amherst County sold a lot in the town of New Glasgow to William Knight also of Amhest County for 24 pounds.[5]

On 12 May 1807 the Trustees of the Town of New Glasgow sold a lot in the town of New Glasgow to William Knight of New Glasgow for 4 shillings plus the 24 pounds previously paid to David Garland.[6]

On 21 Sep 1812 Payton Keith of Amherst County sold a lot in the town of New Glasgow to William Knight also of Amherst County for $40.[7]

On 25 Sep 1814 David S Garland of Amherst County sold three lots in the town of New Glasgow to William Knight of Amherst County for $100.[8]

William Knight m. Temperance Bibb

William Knight Jr. (abt.1762-abt.1832)

Possibly Austin's brother. From Austin Rev War records, he had a brother William, would be Billy's uncle

William Knight married Temperance Bibb 09 Nov 1783 Amherst County, Virginia. He was the son of John Knight; she was the daughter of Sarah Bibb. Temperance Bibb married William Knight, who might have been Austin's brother son of John.[9] But his profile is linked to a father William. Marriage of William Knight and Temperance Bibb, son of John Knight and daughter of Sarah Bibb Security and witnesses John Bibb, John Staples, David Parrock.

William Knight, bachelor, and Temperence Bibb, spinster 9 Nov 1783. Surety John Bibb. Consent of his father John Night. Consent of her mother Sarah Bibb. Certificate of marriage by the Rev Charles Clay 11 Nov 1783 (Order Book 1782-1784 p. 200) Sweeny, William Montgomery, compiler, Marriage bonds and other marriage records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 (Lynchburg, Virginia: J.P. Bell Co, 1937) , p. 45 digital images, Family Search ([ : accessed 12 Jul 2024)

"Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 77TV-YMNN : accessed 13 July 2024); citing Image path: Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927 > Franklin > Wills, 1808-1876 > image 92 of 869. "Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: S7WF-SVDC-P9 : accessed 13 July 2024); citing Catalog: Probate records (Franklin County, Tennessee) Wills, 1808-1876.; Image path: Tennessee Probate Court Books, 1795-1927 > Franklin > Wills, 1808-1876 > image 90 of 469.

Discussion of different William Knight in Amherst County and the move of William Knight/Temperance Bibb to Tennessee around 1820. It is possible that this William was Billy's uncle as this discussion says "Virginia Revolutionary War records show William Knight, his brother Austin Knight, and their friend Joseph Newman served in Captain William Tucker's militia company (Historical Tidings (Franklin County, Tennessee, July 1998, page 11)."

Land Records

This could be a different William and John. Since William would have only been age 15. On 13 Jan 1806 John Knight of Amherst County sold 347 acres on the north branches of Stovals Creek in Amherst County to William Knight, also of Amherst County for 700 pounds.[10] The land was described as beginning at a fallen down White Oak and ?? (Pointers Corner) to James Moor and James Pettit then with Pettit's line south to pointers in William Garrett's line then south then southeast to a white oak then north to a chestnut oak and pointers corner to John Munroe then north to pointers to James Marr. Although the amount of land matches, the location of Stovals Creek is a bit off from where Billy's farm was

On 13 Jan 1806 John Knight of Amherst County sold 203 acres in Amherst County to James Pettit for 385 pounds 14 shillings.[11] Signed by John Knight his mark and witnessed by Absolom Rucker, John Cox, William Knight, Richard Burks, Nicholas Harrison.

On 13 Feb 1798 Alexander McCaul of the City of Glasgow, Merchant via his attorney James Lyle of the County of Chesterfield sold 400 acres in Amherst County to John Knight of Amherst County for 5 pounds.[12] The land was bounded by a patent granted to Alexander McCaul on 17 Aug 1764.

On 4 December 1775 John Knight sold 192 acres in Amherst County to James Lively for 40 pounds.[13] The land was bounded by that of Benjamin Higgenbotham, Patrick Nowlands, John Coleman, and the south fork of Huffs Creek. It appears that Huff Creek is the modern day Buffalo River, where Billy Knight lived.

On 13 Aug 1796 John Knight of Amherst County sold 129 acres in Amherst County to David S Garland also of Amherst for 42 pounds 9 shillings.[14] This is very hard to read. Some points therein...Harrison Creek adjacent to Peter Rucker, Alexander McCall, Isaac Rucker... being a track of land sold by William Garland, deceased and Joseph Mayann (?) to the said John Knight in conveyance of the ? sale the ? John Knight ?? to said William Garland ?? Joseph Mayann then something about August 1794 judgement in chancery

On 7 Nov 1797 Paul Wood and William Knight of Amherst County and Frances Wood of Bedford County sold 200 acres in Amherst County on the waters of Porrage Creek to James Marr of Amherst County for 225 pounds.[15] The land was formerly the property of John Wood, deceased, estate. Bounded by John Knight, Porrage Creek, Wilcox. Check out Frances Wood, witness to Austin and Elizabeth's marriage

On 18 Jul 1801 John Knight of Amherst County sold 50 acres on Porrige Creek in Amherst County to Susan Gilliland for 60 pounds.[16] The land was bounded on the east by Susan Gilliland, north by James Lively, west by John Knight and south by Thomas Wilcox.

John Knight

John James Knight died in May 1857 in Amherst, Virginia.[17]

John Knight married Keziah Smith (Smyth) on 24 Jun 1809 in Amherst, Amherst, Virginia.[18]

John Knight was in the 1850 mortality schedule in Barbour, West Virginia.[19]

Census and Tax Lists

1783 John Knight


1810 census Amherst: William Knight, William Thnight, Orson Thneght, John Knight, George Knight, Catherine Knight

1820 census Amherst: Will Knight, Will Knight Jr, Thomas Knight, Catherine Knight
1830 census Amherst: William Knight, William H Knight, Elizabeth Knight, John Knight, John Knight, Tasey Knight
1840 census Amherst: Elizabeth Knight, Sophia W Knight, Tasley Knight, John Knight, William H Knight, William Knight

Also need to look at tax lists


Common Citations and Source Links

Link to EE Quick Check:

AGBI in the FamilySearch Catalog:

Key to AGBI Sources\

AGBI Cornish and

Found Cornish in AGBI Vol 8

Colonial place names spreadsheet

Mayflower Vol 14:

  • Robert S. Wakefield, F.A.S.G, editor, Russell L. Warner, compiler, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who Landed at Plymouth, Mass. December 1629. Volume 14 Family of Myles Standish (Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1997), ###


  • "titleheading", Newspaper Title (location), date, p.# col. #; PDF, Old Fulton NY Post Cards; State of New York Newspaper Project ( : accessed 4 Feb 2019).

Barbour Collection:

  • White, Lorraine Cook, editor. "The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records." Vol. 1-55. (Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1994-2002). Connecticut Town TYPE Records, pre-1870 (Barbour Collection) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006. (accessed : DATE); LOCATION Vital Records, p. #, from Vol. #, p. #

Online book:

  • AuthorLast, AuthorFirst. Book Title (Publisher location: publisher, date), p. ###; digital images, WebsiteTitle (url : accessed DATE)
  • AuthorLast, AuthorFirst. Book Title (Publisher location: publisher, date), p. ###; digital images, Internet Archive (url : accessed DATE)

Lebanon Vital Statistics:

  • Registrar of Vital Statistics, Records of births, marriages, and deaths, Lebanon (Connecticut), Vol 1; digital images, Family Search (url : accessed 23 Feb 2019)

Census from Ancestry:

  • Census ID, Jurisdiction, Schedule, Civil Division, Page Id, Household ID, Person(s) of Interest, image,, (URL : accessed); Credit line

Death certificate from Ancestry:

  • Jurisdiction, Agency, Certificate Type & No Cert Date, Person, Repository, Repository Location

Draft registration from Ancestry:

  • United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, images, (URL : accessed date), card for Name, serial no. NUM, Local Draft Board NUM, Location; the source of these images is not cited.

Standish and Rood/Rude/Rhude

Asa Stiles and Olive Rood from Revolutionary War Pension application

wife Olive testified married 15 Sep 1785 in Lebanon by Rev Thomas ??? Parse ??? Fenary

Brother Reuben Stiles testified he was well acquainted with Asa Stile and Olive Rood were married at town of Lebanon by Rev Thomas Brockway Sept 1785 at the house of Jeremiah Rood

Children Asa Stiles, Ezra Stiles and Warren Stiles testified that their parents Asa Stiles and Olive Rood were married Sep 1875 at Lebanon. Only children. All of age in 1850

Children's pension denied because there was no evidence of marriage, citing Reuben not credible

No evidence of marriage can be found in the town of Lebanon or Columbia

What about siblings Briggs Rood (1761-1849) Briggs Rood, Eunice Rood b. 1766, Tryphena b. ca 1773 also Hannah

In the Revolutionary War pension application for Briggs Rood, Jonathan Treadway testified that in 1779 when living in Lebanon, now Columbia, Connecticut that Briggs Rood son of Jeremiah Rood went as a substitute and took his father's place to perform that time of service.[20]

Briggs Rood living in Lebanon when his father Jeremiah Rood was drafted and served as his father's substitute. No record of his age b. about 1762 in Lebanon. Wife's name not on pension. Only son D.B. Rood

Hannah lots of SAR and DAR for Hannah Rood/Jonathan Treadway. Jonathan Treadway maiden name of widow Hannah Rood

DAR reference Tryphena Rood m. Benjamin Bissell, son of Elijah maybe....


  1. "United States records," images, FamilySearch ( : Dec 30, 2024), image 131 of 1330; United States. National Archives and Records Administration.
  2. "Wills (Amherst County, Virginia); index to wills, 1761-1920," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-89P7-3KZG : accessed 15 July 2024); citing Catalog: Wills (Amherst County, Virginia); index to wills, 1761-1920 Will books, v. 10-12 1838-1852; Film number: 007643861 > image 307 of 831.
  3. "Will books, v. A1-B2, 1810-1897," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-C9TH-G97N-H : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Will books, v. A1-B2, 1810-1897 Will books, v. A1-B2, 1810-1897; Film number: 007675949 > image 41 of 180.
  4. "Wills (Amherst County, Virginia); index to wills, 1761-1920," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-99P7-SZWS : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Wills (Amherst County, Virginia); index to wills, 1761-1920 Will books, v. 5-6 1810-1827; Film number: 007643859 > image 403 of 714.
  5. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSKW-FQ9Q-G : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. K-L 1803-1811; Film number: 008140711 > image 130 of 633.
  6. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSKW-FQMR-G : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. K-L 1803-1811; Film number: 008140711 > image 376 of 633.
  7. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSRY-XQ4P-C : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. M-N 1811-1818; Film number: 008316257 > image 182 of 733.
  8. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSRY-XQ4C-2 : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. M-N 1811-1818; Film number: 008316257 > image 320 of 733.
  9. Bibb, Charles William. The Bibb family in America, 1640-1940 (Baltimore, Maryland, 1941) Page 102
  10. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSKW-FQMY-H : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. K-L 1803-1811; Film number: 008140711 > image 253 of 633.
  11. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSKW-FQM1-T : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. K-L 1803-1811; Film number: 008140711 > image 254 of 633.
  12. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSKW-FQ9S-Y : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. K-L 1803-1811; Film number: 008140711 > image 215 of 633.
  13. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CS4C-CNDN : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. D-E 1773-1785; Film number: 007893711 > image 181 of 617.
  14. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSLD-13DK-X : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. H-I 1796-1802 (no v. J); Film number: 008189992 > image 62 of 669.
  15. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSLD-13D6-W : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. H-I 1796-1802 (no v. J); Film number: 008189992 > image 147 of 669.
  16. "Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903," database with images, (FamilySearch Image: 3Q9M-CSLD-1367-H : accessed 7 July 2024); citing Catalog: Deed books, 1761-1900; general indexes to deed books, 1761-1903 Deed books, v. H-I 1796-1802 (no v. J); Film number: 008189992 > image 476 of 669.
  17. "Virginia Deaths and Burials, 1853-1912," database, (FamilySearch Record: HJT9-7JMM : accessed 15 July 2024), John Jas Knight death May 1857 (born May 1777), son of Knight, in Amherst, Virginia, United States; citing Digital film/folder number: 004225419; FHL microfilm: 2056972; Record number: 96; Packet letter: C.
  18. "Virginia, Vital Records, 1715-1901," database with images, (FamilySearch Record: 6JZQ-6CGN : accessed 15 July 2024) FamilySearch Image: 3QS7-89XF-NDXG, John Knight marriage to Keziah Smith (Smyth), daughter of Benjamin Coffland, on 24 Jun 1809 in Amherst, Amherst, Virginia, United States; citing Digital film/folder number: 007578824_002_M9NB-DMX; Image number: 225.
  19. "United States Census (Mortality Schedule), 1850-1880," database with images, (FamilySearch Record: MSDT-BCV : accessed 15 July 2024) FamilySearch Image: S3HT-6L9S-NZZ, John Knight (35), married in Barbour, West Virginia, United States. Born in Virginia; citing Line: 13; Digital film/folder number: 004206496; FHL microfilm: 944493; Image number: 18; Packet letter: A; Indexing batch: N01094-2.
  20. "United States records," images, FamilySearch ( : Dec 30, 2024), image 406 of 1085; United States. National Archives and Records Administration.


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I've finished updating Spurlock--removed all the sourced ones and have tagged all the unsourced ones. Emma