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Kelley Family Mysteries

Privacy Level: Open (White)

Location: Broken Bow Custer County, Nebraskamap
Surname/tag: Kelley
This page has been accessed 67 times.

Here are open questions about Kelleys. Please edit this text, upload unidentified pictures, add your questions to the bulletin board, post fuzzy memories you want to clear up, etc.

I am trying to find a father and mother for Henry Clay Kelley (abt.1874-abt.1932) The earliest record anyone can find is an 1880 Census where he is 6 years old and is a boarder. Here is the link: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M6F9-MRH. This has been an ongoing mystery for a while. He probably didn't even know the truth. Any help, hints, or stories anyone has heard will be much appreciated.

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Categories: Family Mysteries