Surname/tag: Kenyon Forum
The goal of this project is to ask or answer any questions related to Kenyons.
Right now this project just has one member, me. I am Marilyn Kenyon.
Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.
- For those of us living in the United States, a primary focus is to learn who our Kenyon ancestor is across the pond. It is not the John and James listed in American Kenyons.
- Most Kenyon males born in the United States today are descendants of John and James Kenyon who were early residents of Rhode Island in the mid-1600's. Most of these lines have had Y-DNA testing done. One day it may be possible to determine which line a male descends from a Y-DNA test.
- Encouragement of continued interest and participation of those living in England, where the Kenyon line is believed to have come from. Y-DNA testing at FTDNA suggests there are at least two major lines, unrelated in genealogical time.
- There are a number of unconnected Kenyons. This is especially true for Kenyons who migrated west before the 1850 census. It would be great to figure out who the parents are for these early pioneers.
Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!
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