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Killed by Natives

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Surname/tag: killed_by_natives
Profile manager: David Thomson private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 76 times.

The goal of this project is to preserve the memory of those immigrants and pioneers whose deaths were caused by hostile natives. It is not the goal of this project to judge any group of people, but simply to catalog those individuals and their families who sought for a better life in foreign lands and found their demise at the hands of natives.

Throughout history, and even into our present, immigrants and pioneers have enjoyed the pleasures of discovering new lands. Among the many risks of such adventures is the risk of being killed by natives.

The phenomenon of natives killing immigrants and pioneers is not limited to any one culture or any one time period during human history. There are many perceived reasons why natives may want to kill perceived intruders. The influx of disease brought from foreign lands, along with the influx of new plant and animal species are a direct threat to the native population. The influx of cultural practices and beliefs may be perceived as threatening to the established order. The consumption of resources by uninvited foreigners is perceived as threatening to the native population.

These fears are legitimate to an unyielding culture; a culture that wishes to remain constant throughout eternity. To those who are more open to change, an uninvited guest may not be considered a burden if the guest shows a willingness to compromise, and share in the knowledge of the host culture. This page, however, is devoted to those whose choices resulted in the outcome of death.

The purpose for focusing on those who were "killed by natives" is not to lay judgment on any culture, but to simply identify the facts leading up to each undesirable outcome.

By laying out the facts, it is hoped that we can better understand human interaction and the results of certain actions and behaviors in foreign lands. The Killed by Natives Project is a group of people who are interested in preserving these facts in genealogy profiles, and in a way that is free from judgment.

These are the current members of Killed by Natives:

  1. David Thomson Group founder. I became interested in making this a project when discussion arose for deleting the "killed by Indians" category.
  2. Carole Taylor Working on the Colorado Regiments that were at Sand Creek Massacre.

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.

  1. This project is not for cataloging battles or wars. Groups of people organized to fight with other groups fall under different categories and projects.
  2. The biographies of Wikitree profiles covered by this project should contain a reference to support the claim that the individual was killed by natives.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, killed_by_natives or send me a private message. Thanks!

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