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| Birth
| Notes
Armes, Sonia (Nottoli) |
Baker, Rose (Luckeman) |
Baker, Edward |
Blackburn, Donald |
Calhoon, Newton Mayo | 1891-02-09
Calhoon, Harlie Mae (Bellah) | 1896-00-00
Calhoon, Horace N | 1930-00-00
Goldman, Alice A (Calhoon) | 1922-01-20
Grossheim, Dorothea | 1836-00-00
Hajek, Vincent | 1862-01-22
Harmon, Betty (Calhoon) |
Kassler, Walter |
Knicker, Paul H | 1896-01-05
Kolk, Kim |
Kolk, Wesley |
Kolk, Willam Clyde | 1898-11-17
Kolk, Henry Jacob | 1866-05-00
Kolk, Flossie (Moore) | 1902-05-24
Kolk, Jacob | 1822-09-00
Kolk, Maria (Schmidt) | 1843-00-00
Kolk, James J | 1864-09-07
Kolk, John J | 1867-04-00
Kolk, William J | 1870-00-00
Kolk, Anna | 1868-00-00
Kolk, Mary C (Wolf) | 1868-05-24
Kolk, Tecla E | 1897-05-12
Kolk, Paul Sebastian | 1900-06-30
Kolk, Marguerite Rosalie | 1903-08-22
Kolk, Emma E (Lauck) | 1870-02-00
Kolk, Arthur George | 1898-04-28
Kolk, Paul W | 1902-00-00
Kolk, Albert |
Kolk, Mabel (Hajek) |
Kolk, Gladys G (Hajek) | 1906-00-00
Kolk, Albertum Joannem | 1894-02-17
Kolk, William |
Kolk, Adele (Deutschmann) |
Kolk, Marcia V (Sanders) | 1914-06-18
Kolk, Lettie Hortense (Benbow) | 1875-12-11
Kolk, George W | 1888-00-00
Kolk, Susie (Bierman) | 1900-10-26
Kolk, Harry Holton | 1895-09-10
Kolk, Lillian E (Twyman) | 1895-09-15
Lavender, Margaret (Prewitt) |
Lavender, Roy |
Luckeman, John Henry | 1898-05-10
Luckeman, Josephine E | 1929-08-07
Malone, Wilma Bertha (Kolk) | 1923-08-02
Malone, Emmett S. | 1924-02-04
| Find dates of military service
Malone, Frieda (Klotz) |
Nottoli, Alex A | 1908-12-20
Nottoli, Sally Ann | 1937-12-14
Nottoli, Helen (Evanoff) | 1917-02-19
Pate, Norman | 1910-01-16
Peal, Effie Mae (Wood) | 1909-06-02
Peal, Oscar C | 1908-09-12
Prewitt, William Delbert | 1905-00-00
Rowell, Esther W. (Kolk) | 1907-00-00
Rowell, Emmett Hines | 1889-03-11
Sanders, Clinton | 1883-10-04
Sanders, Bertha (Crane) | 1882-09-10
Schneider, Alice (Kolk) |
Schneider, Jack |
Smith, Edith | 1879-05-11
Smith, Frederick K | 1888-11-02
Wehling, Lorman Paul H | 1926-02-08
White, Ruth H (Kolk) | 1906-02-03
White, Morris |
White, Josephine (Rue) | 1872-00-00
Wolf, John | 1866-00-00
Wolf, Theresa | 1870-00-00
Wolf, Jennie | 1873-00-00
Wolf, Louis | 1875-00-00
| |
Wolf, Agnes | 1878-00-00
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