Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: germany rheinland-pfalz
Kindsbach (today in Rheinland-Pfalz)
From the Kindsbach official website:
Abstract; Source: Heimatbuch of the Ortsgemeinde Kindsbach p. 11 ff. - Author Klemens Ranker
Kindsbach was first mentioned in a document on 29 August 1265. The document, which has only been preserved as a copy, has the following content:
- Herr Wirich von Dhaun, determined with the consent of his old mother Gude and his wife Kunigunde, that the German Order of Einsiedel should have the right to operate and give his livestock and its forests, water and pasture the Order a court at the village Kunigesbach = Königsbach for the construction of a mill and a cattle yard. For this he, his father Eberhard, Herr von Stein, his mother Cylna, his father father Wirich von Dhaun, his wife and his mother Gunda of the prayer of the whole order to participate and keep the Order after his death for him and his aforementioned forefathers an anniversary, on St. Johanni beheading in 1265.
The mill is never mentioned later and probably never was built. However, Kindsbach should be something 200 years older. Places whose names end with "-bach" probably emerged in the 9th-12th Century. Decisive for the location were probably the stream flowing from the Bärenloch and the ancient road leading between Bruch and Sickinger Höhe.
Our West Palatinate became the center of interest among the Hohenstaufen. Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa had Kaiserslautern build an imperial palace, in which he stayed longer in 1158. To protect the imperial palace around 1160, several castles were created, including the Nan(n)stein belonged. This created the reference point for the future history of Kindsbach. In the middle of the 13th century, the reign of Nan(n)stein came as Reichslehen to Wirich von Dhaun zu Oberstein, whose son Wirich wrote the aforementioned document.
Kindsbach in the beginning of the 15th century belonged to the Sickinger district court of the dominion Landstuhl. The most famous representative of the family was the imperial knight Franz von Sickingen.
Kindsbach official website
Kindsbach on Wikipedia
Catholic parish church "Maria Heimsuchung"
Around 1670/80 three brothers of Sickingen, had a small chapel built. It was called "Zu unserer lieben Frau", English: "To our beloved Mother". In 1704 the k.u.k. Lieutenant D.P.H. Biot donated the chapel a painting. It showed the "Weinende Madonna von Pötsch" (= crying Madonna of Pötsch, Hungary). You can find the original of the painting in the Stephansdom in Vienna, Austria. In the course of time a pilgrimage evolved to the painting. Because of that pope Pius VII bestlowed the pilgrims full indulgence at the feast of "Maria Heimsuchung". The laying of the foundation stone of this parish church was on July 2, 1911. The old chapel was torn down in 1916. Over the years extensive renovations and redecorations took place.
Catholic parish church of Kindsbach on town website
Catholic Kreis Landstuhl & Ramstein website
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