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Kings of Leix

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Project: British Isles Royals and Aristocrats 742-1499 --- Project: British Isles Royals and Aristocrats 1500-Present


Welcome to the Kings of Leixs Project

Part of the Irish Roots Project and Irish Kingdoms

All O'More in Wikitree by date of birth
All Moore in Wikitree by date of birth


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== Goals and Tasks ==

The goal of this project is to create well documented/sourced profiles for all the Kings, Chiefs, and their descendants.

Here are some of the tasks that we think need to be done. We'll be working on them, and could use your help.

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History of the Kingdom of Leix

Leix (Laois), was named after Laoighseach Cean More, son of Connall Cearnach of the Red Branch,

(Enter a short history of the Kingdom of Leix and location)

Book of Leinster - c.1160 The. (Passages will be found in Silva Gadelica, by S. H. O'Grady). Flann Mainistreach - A historical and religious account of the High Kings of Ireland between 1151 and 1224, was in the possession of the O'Mores of Laois for centuries and is now on show at Trinity College Dublin

Kings of Leix

O'More by date


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I am glad to find this page. I have been intent on learning about my O'More family ever since discovering a few ancestors a few years ago. The history is part of it as I can almost feel myself present during some events while reading. Part of my family are the ones that changed their names from O'More to Crosbie and moved lots of cousins to Kerry to keep them safe.

Yes, I would enjoy being part of this group.

posted by Fletcher Trice