Location: borders of Fermanagh and Donegal
Location: borders of Fermanagh and Donegal

Profile managers:
Richard Devlin
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The Kingdom of Muinter Peodachain was a petty-kingdom within the Kingdom of Fermanagh that borders Fermanagh and Donegal
Kings/Chiefs (rí tuaithe) of Muinter Peodachain
- 1306 Amlaid Mac Uidhir (abt.1277-1306)
- 1306-1319 Henry Mac Gille-Finnein, chief of Muinter-Peodachain, was killed by the sons of Amlam Mag Uidhir. AU1319.6
- 1344 Pilib Mac Uidhir (abt.1300-1344)
- 1351, Philip Maguire, Chief of Muinter-Pheodachain, and Enna O'Flanagan, Chief of Tuath-ratha, died.
- 1385, Gilchreest Mac Gillafinnen, Chief of Muintir-Pheodachain, died.
- 1389, Gilla-Isu Mag Uidhir, chief of Muinter-Peodachain, died.
- 1400 Amlaíb Mac Uidhir (abt.1335-1400)
- 1439, Henry the Red, son of Brian Mac Gilla-Finnein (namely, chief of Muinter-Peodachain was Brian), died
Kings of Mag Magnusa
- O'Hart - The Chiefs and clans of Fermanagh
- Aubrey Gwynn, 'Cathal mac Maghnusa and the Annals of Ulster', Clogher Rec 2 (1958-9) 230-43, 370-84, repr. (with introduction [1-25], corrections and annotations [53-57] and bibliography [59-61])in Nollaig Ó Muraíle (ed.) Aubrey Gwynn, Cathal Óg mac Maghnusa and the Annals of Ulster, (Enniskillen, 1998)
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