
Kirkland One Name Study

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Date: 29 Jul 2020 [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Kirkland Kirtland Kirklen
This page has been accessed 4,007 times.



The Kirkland Name Study project serves as a collaborative platform to collect information on the Kirkland name, including variants Kirklin and Kirklen. The hope is that other researchers will join the study to help make it a valuable reference point for other genealogists who are researching or have an interest in the Kirkland//Kirklen/Kirklin name.

As a One-Name Study, this project is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Individual team studies can be used to branch out the research into specific methods and areas of interest, such as geographically (England, Scotland, Australia Kirkland's), by time period (18th Century Kirkland's), or by topic (Kirkland DNA, Kirkland Occupations, Kirkland Statistics). These studies may also include a number of family branches which have no immediate link with each other. Some researchers may even be motivated to go beyond the profile identification and research stage to compile fully sourced, single-family histories of some of the families they discover through this name study project.

Also see the related surnames and surname variants. Note that there is a different One-Name-Study for the surname KIRTLAND here.

How to Join

To join the Kirkland Name Study, first start out by browsing our current teams to see if there is a specific study ongoing that fits your interests. If so, feel free to add your name to the Membership list below, post an introduction comment on the specific team page, and then dive right in!

If a team does not yet exist for your particular area of interest, please contact the Name Study Coordinator: Darlene Athey-Hill for assistance.

... ... ... is a member of the Kirkland Name Study Project.

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Teams / Research Pages


  • Darlene Athey Hill - I am interested in the Kirklands that descend from brothers Richard Kirkland and Robert Kirkland. Their ancestry is unknown, but they have a large group of descendants that left Virginia for the southern colonies. There is a lot of inaccurate information on these lines, and I hope to be able to keep their pedigree on Wikitree accurate.
  • Ashley Deley - interested in the US Southern Colonies Kirklands
  • Roy Lamberton - Interested in Scottish Kirklands (Ayr & Renfrew) and their descendants in New York (aft 1825)
  • Chrissy Locke - Interested in the descendants of Burrell W Kirkland (abt.1813-aft.1880) and heading up a team to research him and his descendants.
  • Alan Runciman - My maternal Kirkland line traces back for 8 generations to the early 1700s in Forfarshire (redefined as Angus in local government reorganisation). Living in Ayr (Scotland), I head up the Scotland Kirklands team.
  • Amy Swofford Warter - Interested in US Southern Colonies as well. Recently started adding in my mom's side, where I have now been able to link to Richard Kirkland
  • Ronald L Kirkland - Most of my known ancestors spring from the US Southern Colonies; would love to go further back. Am currently working hard at correcting my earlier faulty or undocumented entries and adding biographies.

How to Help

  • Work cooperatively together with other Kirkland profile managers to create the best Kirkland branch possible.
  • Search out original rather than derivative documentation and add sources to Kirkland profiles.
  • Write comprehensive, well-sourced biographies for Kirkland profiles.
  • Check for duplicates and request merges.
  • Add your Kirkland profiles to the study by adding the following line to their profile: [[Category: Kirkland Name Study]]
  • Let others know about the study by adding this (see specialized ones if they are from Scotland or the U.S. Southern Colonies): : {{One Name Study |name=Kirkland}}
  • If they are part of a team study (such as Scotland or US Southern Colonies), then you can add one of these:
  • Scotland: {{One Name Study |name=Kirkland |category=Scotland, Kirkland Name Study}}
  • US Southern Colonies: {{One Name Study |name=Kirkland |category=US Southern Colonies, Kirkland Name Study}}
  • Add unconnected Kirkland profiles - Let's leave no Kirkland behind!
  • Help complete sources for unsourced Kirkland profiles - Remember, sources help us make stronger connections.
  • Adopt orphaned Kirkland profiles (those without profile managers) and add them to this study.
  • If you are a male with the Kirkland surname or a variant and haven't already, please consider testing your yDNA. There is a Kirkland surname group at FTDNA:

Profiles In the Study

You can view a list of all WikiTree profiles that have been added to the Kirkland One-Name Study at the Study's Category page.

Related Surnames and Surname Variants

Images: 1

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Darlene Athey-Hill and One Name Studies WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 27

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I am descended from, I think, Richard Snowden Kirkland II (I used to think Richard Snowden Kirkland but now I think that is incorrect), so I would be interested in joining the US Southern Colonies team. I am currently studying Peacock's book after it was referenced by someone on WkiTree. I am finding that my genealogy does not line up exactly with his so I am revamping my lines trying to make sense of things. Also, I'm adding as many of my Kirklands as I can (my grandmother was a Kirkland and her brother moved from Georgia to Utah after converting to Mormonism - married two women and founded a huge clan -- as far as I can tell, none are on WikiTree)
posted by Kyle Smith
Hi Kyle, I am likely the one that referenced Dr. Peacock's book. I have 'taken up the torch' since Jim's death to keep the Kirkland lines straight. I was in contact with him during the time he was researching his book and purchased a copy when it was completed. He spent over a decade pouring through thousands of original records and his book is the most accurate source for anyone who descends from Richard Kirkland (Kirkland-285). I've connected your line in WikiTree to the correct family. Feel free to reach out to me via PM with questions about your Kirkland family. I'm considered by many Kirkland researchers to be the 'authority' on the family. You can add your name and interests above. As you add Kirklands to the Wikitree, please use the category and stickers as noted above.
I clicked the link attached to my grandmother's page Mary Elizabeth Kirkland (Bowden). I was wondering if you could help get more info on the kirkland lineage. Her father was James Kirkland and paternal grandfather was Gus Kirkland. She was originally from Columbiana Alabama, before she relocated to ohio.
posted by Candace Bowden
Hi, this isn't where you need to post to ask for genealogical assistance. You need to post on the G2G forum, linking to the profile in question, and ask the overall Wikitree members for assistance. I am thinking you will likely need to use genetic genealogy (autosomal DNA) to try and trace your line. All the best in your research!
Eulalie KIRKLAND Sanders 1902-1973 was connected to RICHARD KIRKLAND ,died est1743 , as follows. RICHARD >JOHN >DANIEL > SAMUEL > JOHN > JAMES >JOHN (Her father). His widow sold the KIRKLAND ESTATE OF abt 700+acres after his death on which THE BATTLE OF CAMDEN SC was fought during the revolutionary war. Am hoping to find someone to get that deed. Camden is about a 6 hour drive for me from near Atlanta. I have a copy of a letter from 1972 in which Eulalie Sanders said her mother sold the land her husband left in his will. Her mother said the KIRKLAND PLANTATION was where the battle was and the plaque to General Johann de Kalb was on the land. Her grandfather used to go hunting for cannon balls and Minnie balls from the battle field and would find them buried in trees.

btw my KIRKLAND /KIRKLEN ancestors also owned land in CHATTANOOGA TN where Battle of CHATTANOOGA and the beginning of MISSIONARY RIDGE was fought.

Love to talk with anyone interested. Larry Marcus Kirklen 470-701-1135 [email address removed] MARK KIRKLEN on facebook

posted by Larry Kirklen
Hi Larry, this is the wrong place to post this. I suggest that you post it on the G2G forum since you're asking for assistance. I'm the only one since I'm PM on the page that will see it here unless someone happens across the page.
I am the granddaughter of James R. Kirkland in Monroe County Tennessee (madisonville) , his father was Charlie H. Kirkland and his mother was Martha Jane Burchfield Moses , I am trying to get any information about him
posted by Dawn (Orms) Henson
Hi Dawn, I believe you are referring to Charles H Kirkland (1887-1955) who married Maggie Moses. Charles' Find a Grave memorial is here: He was the son of John Henderson Kirkland and Mary McTaggert. John's profile is here:
posted by Darlene (Athey) Athey-Hill
edited by Darlene (Athey) Athey-Hill
I am supposed to be descended from Moses Kirkland the Tory. Some of his descendants ended up in Jamaica and Louisiana. My gr gr gr grandfather, William Pitt Kirkland was recorded as born in Louisiana and ended up in Tulare County, CA. I am having trouble connecting him to Jamaica. I would love to get all this straightened out. I’m still working on posting all my info on WikiTree.
posted by Sarah Murdick
Hi Sarah, William's father was Richard Bruce Kirkland, son of Moses 'the Tory'. I have attached them here on Wikitree.
These are my Kirkland family notes from Geneva, AL. My line is his uncle, ROBERT KIRKLAND, b ca 1706.

CHILDREN (5) of Richard 1670/ Mary Kirkland: (W) =listed in Will i. Capt. RICHARD SNODEN KIRKLAND/ Richard Kirtling Junr, 29 Jul 1704/5, Elk Ridge, MD – Mar 28, 1772, Fairfield Co, S. C. BROTHER of OUR Robert 1706 Sp: Mary Brown, b. ca 1705 - BEF 1772, SC) m c1721 in VA. d/o Bartilot Brown and Katherine Holcomb Parents of famous Tory spy, Moses Kirkland, b. 1728 Richard b 1704 is uncle of our Snowden Kirkland II 1728-1804. CHILDREN (7) of RICHARD Snowden b 1704/Mary Brown: Moses 1728- Dec 1787 Died at sea, famous Tory spy/ Sarah (Surry)/Richard d 1789/Zilphia (Zelvee)/ Elizabeth/Joshua/ Tommy. ii. ROBERT KIRKLAND. ??C 1706 Stafford County, VA – May 19, 1743, Matthews Bluff, SC MY LINE- minister of the Seventh-Day Baptist faith (W) Sp: Honour (unk.) b. 1704 Their son: R. Snowden Kirkland II. iii. EDWARD KIRKLAND ca 1712, Stafford County, VA- BEF. 26 FEB 1770, Matthews Bluff, SC. m Mary Robert, born ca 1695 and Experience Joyce. IV. William 1708 Fairfax County VA or 1712 MD- ca 1755, m Sarah Woodward, b. ca1710- 1799, SC V. John, Sr. ca 1718 or 1698 Stafford Co.,VA - Sept. 10, 1773, m Elizabeth and Jane Webb, b. ca 1701, BEF 30 SEP 1774 . (W) VI. Esther ca 1700/04?- Anne Arundel Co., MD- After 1771, m SP. #1 Francis Stone, Sr. & (W) Sp #2 George Calvert 1690-1771, * Sarah Kirkland, b. 19 Apr 1700 These last 2 are listed on some sites. * Mary Kirkland, b. 12 Apr 1695

MIGRATION of Richard SNOWDEN Kirkland II Family, 1728-1804 - patriarch of the Henry Co., AL Kirklands 5'9" Complexion-fair, Eyes-blue b c1728 family home near Occaquan River, (now Fairfax Co.) VA d. probably 04 Dec 1804 near Clouds Creek, Edgefield Co., SC Dr. J. R. Peacock says, "Snowden remained in Virginia, with Robert, after the departure of his Uncle, Richard Snowden Kirkland, from that colony.

Movements of Snowden Kirkland b ca 1723: VA (Before 1754)> Camden Co, S C(1750) > Granville Co. N C(1754-59) > GA (1759 to 1763, Baptist Minister) > S.C(1768) 1776 Rev War (1779 Orangeburg District, SC)> VA (1790 Mecklenburg County), 1800 Orangeburg, Barnwell, SC

• 1759 -venture to Georgia and their removal to the Mathews Bluff area of Savannah River in S.C.(Ref: Kirkland Family Roots, p. 109). They were among a Seventh Day Baptists group of 8-10 families headed by Rev. Morgan Edwards. (Ref: Kirkland Family Roots, p. 109)- came out of Quaker Baptists.

Robert’s brother is Richard Snowden Kirkland, 1704, MD- died 1771, SC (whose son is Moses, the famous Tory spy, 1728- Dec 1787 who died at sea). Robert and Richard Snowden 1704- their father is Richard Kirkland b 1670. Moses eventually became a Colonel in Loyalist Army- taken prisoner along with his son and self exiled Jamaica after Revolution (died in a ship wreck on voyage to Eng). • 1767- moved back to S.C. o Chapman, John A. History of Edgefield from the Earliest Settlements to 1897, Elbert H. Hull, Pub. and Printers, Newberry, S.C. 1897 Lambert, Robert Stairsbury. o • Kirkland Source Book of Records (KSBR), in two volumes, 1977 reprinted 1989. compiled by Mrs. Schlandensky, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. John H. Kirkland . Greenwood, S. C. 29649, out of print.

BK: "The Kirkland family : genealogy & history : famous Tory "Moses" Kirkland of South Carolina and descendants in Henry County, Alabama; Donaldson, Georgia and North Florida areas," by Brightwell, Lanette Hill

posted by Debbie Smith
My Kirkland's start with Richard E Kirkland born 1790 in Virginia. Eventually they end up in Henry County Tennessee
posted by Chrissy Locke
Hi Chrissy, do you have your Kirkland line entered into/attached to the Wikitree? If you want to do a study of your Richard's descendants, let me know and I can help you set it up.
Yes I have some of my Kirkland's added to wiki tree. Would like to set up a study if you don't mind helping me
posted by Chrissy Locke
Can you provide me with the link to your oldest known Kirkland that is here on Wikitree?
Darlene This is my oldest Kirkland. Lots of research still needs to be done on this line.

posted by Chrissy Locke
So I don't see any evidence to connect Burrell with Richard Kirkland. Do you have any primary sources for that? If not, then I would suggest, if you want to have a 'team', to create one for the descendants of Burrell W. Kirkland. If you have a lot of information on Richard and his descendants (besides Burrell), then you could have it begin with Richard...

I just did some research and added some information and sources to Burrell's profile.

There is not much on Richard I am working on searching him but nothing concrete. I can do the study on Burrell I know the kids well as Burrell's wife Nancy Gibson is my husband's second great aunt
posted by Chrissy Locke
I've created a page for you for Burrell Kirkland (see link above). If you will send me a private message (which will then give me your email address), I can add you to the trusted list for that page so that you can edit it as you see fit.
My Kirklands resided in Dinwiddie County Virginia from the 1700’s as farmers. The family spread down into North Carolina and towards SouthWestern Virginia towards the Cumberland Gap. In the late 1800’s to early 1900’s part of the family moved into Petersburg, Virginia. My Grandfather George Kirkland owned and operated a Gasoline Station and Auto repair on the southern edge of Richmond, and his brother owned a Hardware business. The rest of the Kirklands (Leverette Kirkland) that I know of resided on the northern edge of Richmond in Henrico County in what was considered country in the 1960’s
posted by Craig Nichols
Hi Craig, if you are interested in tracing descendants of Burrell Kirkland (similar to what I've done with my ancestors Richard and Robert Kirkland), let me know.
posted by Darlene (Athey) Athey-Hill
edited by Darlene (Athey) Athey-Hill
For descendants of the immigrant Philip Kirtland

Kirtland-Mabie, a family descent by Curtis, Albert W., comp

Publication date 1915 Topics Kirkland family, genealogy Publisher Syracuse, N.Y. : C.D. Kirtland Collection allen_county; americana Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center Language English 16 Notes: A typed note bound between pages 6 and 7 has its text cut off by the binding. Pedigree chart after page 33 has text bound into the book.

Addeddate 2008-08-26 19:03:31 Call number 31833013337214 Camera Canon 5D Copyright-evidence Evidence reported by CallieLamkin for item kirtlandmabiefam00curt on August 26, 2008: no visible notice of copyright; stated date is 1915.

Copyright-evidence-date 20080826190255 Copyright-evidence-operator CallieLamkin Copyright-region US External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1047473175[WorldCat (this item)] Foldoutcount 0 Identifier kirtlandmabiefam00curt Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t4nk3jc9p Lcamid Full catalog record MARCXML

posted by Richard Schamp
edited by Richard Schamp
I am interested in tracing more of my Kirkland line. I didn't see Tennessee listed as part of this southern colonies study, but that is where I ended up with my searches. I mean there were Georgia Kirklands: I believe my great grandmother was married in Georgia. But they seem to have moved there from Tennessee. I have traced back to her father, Rufus M Kirkland, of Tellico Plains, Monroe, Tennessee, and his father, Jesse Kirkland born in North Carolina about 1818. I kind of hit a wall there.

Any help or guidance is much appreciated.

posted by Tina (Bush) Jones
Hi Tina, the Southern Colonies Kirkland team is for Kirklands that were born in one of the original southern colonies. You are welcome to join the primary Kirkland One-Name Study or the Southern Colonies team. I have looked into your Kirkland line in the past. There is a lot of 'guessing' on ancestry trees with little/no sources. I know people get confused due to there being a Jesse born c 1818 and one born c 1823 both living in Monroe, TN at the same time... I'll glance through the Kirkland Source Book of Records, Vol I and II, and see if I come up with anything.
Thank you. I know from trying to go further back that beyond what I have would truly be guess work. There are so many families that followed a trend of naming their children after other relatives. There are so many Nathans and Jesse Kirklands all born in the same era and in close locations.

I have hit the same issue on my father's family line... too many men with the same name all born about the same time and in the same location. Any help or guidance is appreciated.

posted by Tina (Bush) Jones
Thanks for initiating this study, Darlene. I recall we’ve come across each other before as I worked on some of my Kirkland profiles. I intend to join your Study once I’ve looked at the set-up of existing teams etc. My own K ancestry leads from my mother back to the Forfarshire (Angus) region of Scotland in early 1700s. Hope the Study leads to a lot of successful Kirkland research.
posted by Alan Runciman Jr
edited by Alan Runciman Jr
Hi Alan. The only team as present is the one I started for my US southern colonies line of Kirklands. You can start any team you'd like, such as Scotland Kirklands, or even a team for your specific branch. There really is no limit. You just create a profile for the team, list it on this page, and then 'advertise' it on G2G and any other forums to which you belong.