Location: Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, United States

Also known as Washington Avenue Cemetery.
Part of the Colverdale Cemeteries. Coverdale Cemetery is made up of 11 seperate cemeteries in one place,under the Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati. Yad Chorutzim Cemetery, Northern Hills Cemetery, New Hope Cemetery, Tiferath Israel Cemetery, Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Cemetery, Golf Manor #3 Cemetery, American Beneficial Society Cemetery, Golf Manor #2 Cemetery, Price Hill Congregation Cemetery, Golf Manor #1 Cemetery, and Keneseth Israel Cemetery.
The Sidney Road entrance has the Cemeteries of Yad Chorutzim Cemetery, Northern Hills Cemetery, New Hope Cemetery, Tiferath Isreal Cemetery and Kneseth Israel Cemetery. The Anderson Ferry Road entrance has the cemeteries of Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Cemetery, Golf Manor #3 Cemetery, American Beneficial Society Cemetery, Golf Manor #2 Cemetery, Price Hill Congregation Cemetery and Golf Manor #1 Cemetery.
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