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Knights of Virginia

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 1607 to 1776
Location: Colony of Virginiamap
Surname/tag: Knight
This page has been accessed 88 times.



This page lists person-profiles of Knights of Virginia, including those of uncertain family branches, in Virginia before 1776, with research topics and issues for each.

See also:

The "names" of some of these branches are those adopted by genealogists, and subsequent research may have identified parents or siblings that would cause us to choose a different name today.

Person-profiles are listed under their currently "attached" branch and line within that branch. Further research may result in them being moved to a different branch or line.

Merchant Peter Knight Branch

This family is named after Merchant Peter Knight (1587-bef.1674).

Haplogroup: unknown.

Note: It appears Peter Knight, Merchant, died without issue or without living heirs. Therefore, this branch is of much less interest after ensuring his profile is complete, and purported relationships are documented in research notes. If the subject of fake genealogy, it is a high priority to document that on WikiTree.

Captain Peter Knight Branch

This family is named after Captain Peter Knight (bef.1620-bef.1705). Peter has a sibling William Knight (bef.1625-bef.1652), so perhaps this group should be named for their father Peter.

Haplogroup: R-FT420076.

James Line

Leonard Line

Unknown Line

"Woodson" Knights Branch

This family is named after John Knight Sr (abt.1710-bef.1772) who married Elizabeth (Woodson) Knight (abt.1713-abt.1784). There are other contemporaries of John in this branch, so perhaps this group will be renamed at a later date.

Haplgroup: R-Z375.* [what is the source for this haplogroup?]

"Dixon" Knights Branch

Edgecombe Knights

Unknown Branches

  • Maryland Knights
    • who are they?
  • I-FT2962.

[reviewed list of Knights in WikiTree search up to birth in 1630; remember to review those with death date and without birth date]



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