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Knox County Tennessee Deeds (Grantor)-Campbell

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The purpose of the The Campbells of Knox County Tennessee is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Knox County. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.

In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Knox’' County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Knox County. This page has the Campbell Land Records for the years 1795-1831. If your Knox County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Knox County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

Knox County Land (Grantor)-Campbell

Knox County
Land Records (Grantors)
1795 -1831
Updated: 26 Mar 2024
Record # Date __WikiTree_ID__ Last Name First Name To Book Page Comments Doc_Image
KN001 1795 Gamble Robert Joseph Brooks B 48 200 acres on the North side of the Holston River Doc Image
KN002 1797 Campbell-5337 Campbell Archibald John Owen et. Al B-2 152 200 acres on Robertson's Creek Doc Image
KN003 1794 Campbell David (of Jefferson Co., TN) Stockley Donalson C 85 206 acres at the mouth of the French Broad River Doc Image
KN004 1799 Campbell David Simon Eldrige C-2 227 120 acres on Town Creek Doc Image
KN005 1802 Campbell David Patrick Campbell C-2 233 374 acres on the West fork of Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN006 1802 Gamble Robert Samuel Johnson C-2 238 100 acres in the Islands on the Holston River Doc Image
KN007 1798 Gamble Robert John Gamble E 150 190 acres on the North side of the Holston River Doc Image
KN008 1801 Campbell Patrick Robert Bazel E-2 258 89 1/2 acres in Racoon Valley; formerly Hawkins County Doc Image
KN009 1822 Campbell John James Roane E-2 320 13 acres near Campbell's Station Doc Image
KN010 1822 Campbell George W. (of Nashville, TN) John Hawson E-2 324 200 acres in county Doc Image
KN011 1800 Campbell David Archibald Roane F 240 Releasement of 126 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN012 1800 Campbell David Archibald Roane F-2 105 Releasement of 126 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN013 1800 Campbell John and Archibald James Spencer F-2 129 200 acres in county Doc Image
KN014 1800 Campbell Patrick John Manifee G 298 200 acres on Beaver Creek Doc Image
KN015 1803 Campbell Patrick George W. Campbell L 61 1 undivided moity of 5,000 acres at the mouth of Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN016 1804 Campbell Patrick Thomas Humes L 94 Half of Lot No. 38 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN017 1805 Campbell Patrick Elliott Grills L 162 353 acres in the Grassy Valley Doc Image
KN018 1805 Campbell James Richard Phibbs L 177 110 acres on the Plumb Branch of Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN019 1806 Campbell Patrick James McCown L 257 A negro girl named Chloe, aged 16 years old Doc Image
KN020 1807 Campbell Patrick Francis Dourlan M 141 374 acres on the East fork of Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN021 1802 Campbell Patrick David Maxwell M 133 234 acres on Beaver Dam Creek Doc Image
KN022 1802 Campbell Patrick David Maxwell M 134 406 acres on Beaver Dam Creek Doc Image
KN023 1807 Campbell Patrick Terrence McAffey M 164 1/2 acre on Second Creek Doc Image
KN024 1807 Campbell Patrick Terrence McAffey M 166 3 1/3 acres on Second Creek Doc Image
KN025 1807 Campbell Patrick Terrence McAffey M 167 1 acre Doc Image
KN026 1807 Campbell Patrick Terrence McAffey M 168 2/4 acres on Brother's Cottage Creek Doc Image
KN027 1807 Campbell Patrick Terrence McAffey M 169 3 acres joining the town of Knoxville Doc Image
KN028 1807 Campbell David and Jenney William Montgomery M 180 A negro man named Sam Doc Image
KN029 1803 Campbell Patrick and Terrence Bickham and Getty M 323 Lot No. 38 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN030 1808 Campbell Patrick William Roane N 3 208 acres in Hinds Valley Doc Image
KN031 1808 Campbell Patrick James McCullough N 82 252 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN032 1808 Campbell Patrick James McCullough N 85 293 acres on the Drains of Third Creek Doc Image
KN033 1808 Campbell Patrick Robert McClintock N 87 103 acres on Conners Creek Doc Image
KN034 1805 Campbell Patrick Francis Yout N 89 418 acres Doc Image
KN035 1808 Campbell Patrick and George W. Luke Hendricks N 188 30 acres on Hickory Creek Doc Image
KN036 1808 Campbell Patrick Adam Kerns N 193 Lot No. 42 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN037 1806 Campbell Patrick and George W. Thomas Reed N 266 60 acres on Beaver Creek Doc Image
KN038 1806 Campbell Patrick and George W. Aquila Lowe N 267 68 acres on Third and Beaver Dam Creeks Doc Image
KN039 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. Jacob Lonas N 359 100 acres at the head of Sinking Creek Doc Image
KN040 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. Adam Kerns N 360 196 acres on Third Creek Doc Image
KN041 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. Robert Holt N 382 120 acres Doc Image
KN042 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. Cornelius Hickey N 389 200 acres on the Black Oak Ridge Doc Image
KN043 1812 Campbell Patrick Joseph Wilson N 423 Article of Agreement Doc Image
KN044 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. William Nichol O 16 163 acres on Third Creek Doc Image
KN045 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. James McKewn O 41 58 1/2 acres on Beaver Creek Doc Image
KN046 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. Samuel Lee O 43 100 acres on Beaver Dam Creek Doc Image
KN047 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. William Douglas O 45 200 acres on Sinking Creek Doc Image
KN048 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. Thomas Douglas O 81 68 acres on Sinking Creek Doc Image
KN049 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. Crawford Taylor O 99 214 acres on McKenneys Branch Doc Image
KN050 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. David Huffsteader O 101 100 acres on Hickory Creek Doc Image
KN051 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. Cornelius Hickey O 102 150 acres on Grassy Creek Doc Image
KN052 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. John Campbell O 104 70 acres on Greggs Branch Doc Image
KN053 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. William Whiteman O 106 137 acres Doc Image
KN054 1812 Campbell Matthew (of Grainger Co., TN) Joseph Beard O 121 325 acres on Flat Creek; Releasement of land Doc Image
KN055 1812 Campbell Terrance (admin. of Patrick Campbell dec.) John Kean O 148 A negro woman named Pheobe, 31 years old; and her 2 children: Charlotte, aged 8 years and Richard, aged 9 months Doc Image
KN056 1810 Campbell Patrick Patrick (of Franklin Co., PA) and Terrance (of Bedford Co., PA) O 148 640 acres on Beaver Dam Creek Doc Image
KN057 1810 Campbell Patrick and George W. Daniel Garnell O 162 100 acres on the South side of Copper Ridge Doc Image
KN058 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. John Manifee O 164 150 acres on Copper Ridge Doc Image
KN059 1812 Campbell Terrance (admin. of Patrick Campbell dec.) Thomas Humes O 200 A negro man named George, aged 45 years Doc Image
KN060 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. William Campbell O 202 107 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN061 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. James Thompson O 204 134 acres on Black Oak Ridge Doc Image
KN062 1808 Campbell George W. Patrick Campbell O 233 POA for 5,000 acres of land they share ownership of Doc Image
KN063 1812 Gamble Robert (heirs of: John, Robert, Charles, Peggy, Esther D., Anne Gamble, Mary and Moses Brooks) Samuel and William Gamble (other heirs of Robert) O 270 Their right to 245 acres of Robert Gamble dec. land on the Holston River Doc Image
KN064 1810 Campbell Patrick Stephen Dubois O 275 50 acres on the Black Oak Ridge Doc Image
KN065 1810 Campbell George W. (of Nashville, TN) James Park O 326 Lot No. 50 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN066 1813 Campbell George W. (of Nashville, TN) Thomas Humes O 334 Lot in Knoxville Doc Image
KN067 1812 Campbell Terrence Robert Smith O 368 A negro woman named Aggy, aged 44; her son Thomas, aged 6 years Doc Image
KN068 1813 Campbell Terrence and George W. Thomas Cavet P 17 50 acres in Knox and Anderson County Doc Image
KN069 1808 Campbell Matthew and Jennette Woodard John Renfro P 81 Relinquishment of property in Knox County Doc Image
KN070 1811 Campbell John and John Hackett Patrick Campbell P 63 130 acres on Greggs Branch Doc Image
KN071 1811 Campbell Patrick and George W. Andrew Russell P 68 102 acres Doc Image
KN072 1813 Campbell James Moses Lindsey P 133 Part of Lot No. 7 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN073 1815 Gamble John N. Thomas McCorrey P 297 Lot No. 32; Half of Lot No. 3; Lot No. 17, 18, and 34 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN074 1810 Campbell Alexander William Campbell (of Lincoln Co., Tn) P 392 320 acres Doc Image
KN075 1816 Campbell James Moses Lindsey P 395 Part of Lot No. 7 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN076 1810 Campbell Alexander William Campbell P 397 A negro man named Jim, aged 25; A negro woman named Chloe, aged 23 and a boy child named Jim, aged 6 Doc Image
KN077 1816 Campbell George W. William C. Mynat P 470 Half of Lot No. 19 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN078 1816 Campbell John M. William Lyon Q 20 500 acres on the North side of the Holston; 6 1/4 acres at Fourth Creek; 39 acres on the Holston Doc Image
KN079 1816 Campbell James Jacob Farmwalt Q 53 Lot No. 21 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN080 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Zachariah Cannon Q 124 100 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN081 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Durrett Everett Q 131 100 acres on the Holston and Clinch Rivers Doc Image
KN082 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Jacob Gillespie Q 135 50 acres Doc Image
KN083 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Joseph Kilbreath Q 141 150 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN084 1817 Campbell Andrew M. Michael Shederly Q 165 5 acres on Whites Mill Creek Doc Image
KN085 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell William Whiteman Q 168 26 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN086 1809 Campbell Patrick and George W. William Brown Q 171 60 acres on Beaver Dam Creek Doc Image
KN087 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Cornelius Hickey Q 199 54 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN088 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Cornelius Hickey Q 202 18 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN089 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell John Keith Q 206 250 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN090 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Samuel McCaleb Q 223 50 acres in Anderson and Knox Co. Doc Image
KN091 1805 Campbell Patrick and George W. Thomas Brown Q 252 45 acres on the Holston River Doc Image
KN092 1814 Campbell George W. George Wilson Q 254 293 acres on the Holston River Doc Image
KN093 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell John Campbell Q 260 4 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN094 1818 Campbell John Hugh Fulton Q 275 200 acres on Robinsons Creek Doc Image
KN095 1818 Campbell John William Gillespie Q 276 90 acres on the North side of the Holston River Doc Image
KN096 1818 Campbell John Thomas Gillespie Q 277 208 acres on the North side of the Holston River Doc Image
KN097 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Zachariah Lean Q 310 200 acres on Beaver Creek Doc Image
KN098 1818 Campbell John Thomas Craighead Q 355 A negro man named March, aged 24 years Doc Image
KN099 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Samuel Edmonson Q 373 15 acres in Knox and Anderson Co. Doc Image
KN100 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Joseph Ketchen Q 389 20 acres in Knox Co. Doc Image
KN101 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Henry Lonas Q 393 23 acres in Knox Co. Doc Image
KN102 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Robert Love Q 396 34 acres in Knox Co. Doc Image
KN103 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Robert Love Sr. Q 398 19 acres in Knox Co. Doc Image
KN104 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Benjamin Wilkin Q 416 100 acres in Knox Co. Doc Image
KN105 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell John McNiel R 5 64 1/2 acres Doc Image
KN106 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell John Taylor R 11 18 acres Doc Image
KN107 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell John Helms R 28 22 acres Doc Image
KN108 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Samuel McKinley R 41 169 acres on Beaver Creek Doc Image
KN109 1818 Campbell Rhoda James White R 107 Lot No. 19 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN110 1819 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell William Whiteman R 131 350 acres on the Black Oak Ridge Doc Image
KN111 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Jacob Jones R 173 200 acres in Grassy Valley Doc Image
KN112 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Mark Marshall R 218 100 acres on Copper Ridge Doc Image
KN113 1819 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Sarah Armstrong R 247 25 acres on Beaver Creek Ridge Doc Image
KN114 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell John Campbell R 253 200 acres on Hickory Creek Doc Image
KN115 1819 Campbell David John Greenway R 255 286 1/4 acres on the French Broad and Holston River Doc Image
KN116 1819 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda Robert Tumell R 275 200 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN117 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell William Rodgers R 359 25 acres Doc Image
KN118 1817 Gamble Samuel and William William Rodgers R 370 234 acres on the North side of the Holston River Doc Image
KN119 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell James Calloway R 404 50 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN120 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Nathaniel Lowe R 413 80 acres Doc Image
KN121 1814 Campbell James Thomas Craighead R 436 Lot No. 31 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN122 1823 Campbell David James White R 475 Lot No. 29 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN123 1820 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Amos Harden S 23 100 acres on Conners Creek Doc Image
KN124 1817 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Jacob Reagan S 258 50 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN125 1821 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell William Givens S 312 25 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN126 1822 Campbell David, Margaret Ramsey, and Thomas Henderson John Crozier S 360 Bond Doc Image
KN127 1822 Campbell David James White S 451 1/2 lot No. 9 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN128 1822 Campbell David James White S 452 Lot No. 31 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN129 1818 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Thomas Brown S 465 148 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN130 1823 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Richard Chenowith S 540 50 acres on Grassy Creek Doc Image
KN131 1823 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Robert Love S 548 Land in Knox County Doc Image
KN132 1819 Campbell John and William Reyney Hansel Right S 573 136 3/4 acres in Hinds Valley Doc Image
KN133 1824 Campbell David Samuel Martin S 604 500 acres, including Campbelltown and Campbell's Station Doc Image
KN134 1825 Campbell John Robert Tumell S 630 Trust deed for 290 acres on the Black Oak Ridge Doc Image
KN135 1823 Campbell John Charles White S 639 320 acres on Turkey Creek and 55 acres on a ridge, also 11 acres Doc Image
KN136 1825 Campbell George W. (of Nashville, TN) Robert Tumell S 664 His moity of 5,000 acres on the Clinch and Holston Rivers Doc Image
KN137 1819 Campbell David and Samuel Fryer Thomas Craighead T 8 Lot No. 1 in Williamsburg Doc Image
KN138 1821 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Andrew Russell T 27 50 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN139 1823 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Samuel Gray T 42 73 1/2 acres on Grassy Creek Doc Image
KN140 1823 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Charles McClung T 55 60 acers in county Doc Image
KN141 1814 Campbell David Charles McClung T 58 390 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN142 1814 Campbell David Charles McClung T 60 The following slaves: Lyla (age 32), Sam, Jim, Albert, Caroline, Caleb, John and Harriet (all her children) Doc Image
KN143 1824 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Jacob, David, and Barbara Kenoy T 92 300 acres near Sinking Spring Doc Image
KN144 1824 Campbell David (of Lynchburg, VA) James H. Cowan T 106 Lot No. 21 and 28 in Knoxville Doc Image
KN145 1823 Campbell James Matthew McClung T 148 100 acres near Campbell Station Doc Image
KN146 1823 Campbell William Matthew McClung T 150 107 acres Doc Image
KN147 1824 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell James Renfroe T 182 300 acres on Black Oak Ridge Doc Image
KN148 1823 Campbell David John Allford T 205 Half acre lot in Campbelltown Doc Image
KN149 1823 Campbell David John Houston T 228 Half acre lot in Campbelltown Doc Image
KN150 1825 Campbell Rhoda and Robert Tumell Joseph Mabry T 249 20 acres in Knox Co. Doc Image
KN151 1825 Campbell Rhoda and Robert Tumell Joseph Mabry T 299 10 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN152 1821 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell William Morris T 338 25 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN153 1823 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Lewis Cox U 15 60 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN154 1825 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Alexander Ferguson U 30 19 acres in Knox Co. Doc Image
KN155 1825 Campbell John John N. Humes U 38 300 acres on Turkey Creek; 55 acres on the Black Oak Ridge; 11 acres in county Doc Image
KN156 1825 Campbell Rhoda and Robert Tumell Cornelius Hickey U 147 10 acres in Knox County Doc Image
KN157 1822 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Henry, Abner, and Moses Farmer U 212 100 acres on Bull Run River Doc Image
KN158 1827 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Willie, Thomas, and Reuben Scotts U 227 300 acres on the Holston River Doc Image
KN159 1827 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Richard Bearden U 302 72 acres on the Holston River Doc Image
KN160 1819 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Isaac Bond U 312 200 acres on the Holston River Doc Image
KN161 1827 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell Moses Depriest U 372 2 1/4 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN162 1828 Gamble Charles (of Rhea Co., TN) Samuel Fleming U 453 Bond for 159 acres on the East fork of Sinking Creek Doc Image
KN163 1829 Gamble Charles (by his admin. Elizabeth Campbell) Samuel Fleming U 476 Releasement of 159 acres Doc Image
KN164 1827 Campbell William William Goddard V 7 Land in Knox County Doc Image
KN165 1824 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell William Lyon V 70 30 acres on the Holston River Doc Image
KN166 1828 Campbell David Moses White V 82 286 1/4 acres on the French Broad and Holston River Doc Image
KN167 1828 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell J.C. Hindeman V 198 50 acres on Turkey Creek Doc Image
KN168 1828 Campbell Isaac M. and William A.M. Trustees of Washington Church V 202 2 acres on Roseberry Creek Doc Image
KN169 1823 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell George Dunlap V 290 25 acres on Beaver Creek Ridge Doc Image
KN170 1826 Campbell William John Campbell V 460 100 acres In Knox County Doc Image
KN171 1826 Campbell William James Campbell V 462 100 acres on the French Broad River Doc Image
KN172 1819 Campbell Terrance and Rhoda, and Robert Tumell John Keith V 471 249 acres on the Black Oak Ridge Doc Image
KN173 1831 Campbell Robert Sr. Robert Campbell Jr. (his son) V 552 The following slaves: Prince, Oswald, Nancy, and Judith; also some farm animals Doc Image
KN174 1831 Campbell Robert Sr. Martha R. Campbell (his daughter) V 553 The following slaves: Harold, Juda (her children: Susan, and William) and also some household furniture Doc Image



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