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Knox Genealogy, Descendants of William Knox and of John Knox the Reformer

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Knox Genealogy, Descendants of William Knox and of John Knox the Reformer

  • by William Crawford
  • Edinburgh, George P. Johnston, 22 George Street, 1896
  • 24 pages, index, table of descendants


The 'Genealogy of the Knoxes' referred to by Dr. M'Crie in his Life of John Knox (Note A, 6th Ed. 1839), was in the possession of the family of the Rev. James Knox, minister of Scone, fifth minister in lineal descent from William Knox, first Protestant minister of Cockpen, and nephew of the Reformer, who died in 1776, In 1838 it was found in the repositories of Missx Charlotte Knox, the last survivor of his family. Fresh material was collected by the late Rev. David Crawford, D.D., Edinburgh, to 1857; and the Genealogy has been brought down to the present year by his elder son, who acknowledges special indebtedness to the Rev. James Young's Life of Welsh and to the Rev. Hew Scott's Fasti Ecclasiae Scoticanae, both of which works have materially aided him in making the present edition more complete than it could otherwise have been. Parish Registers have also been helpful, as in them additional descendants have been found.

Wm. Crawford
Edinburgh, 1895

WikiTree Usage

  • Source Example:
<span id='Knox Genealogy'></span>Crawford, William, ''[[Space:Knox_Genealogy,_Descendants_of_William_Knox_and_of_John_Knox_the_Reformer|Knox Genealogy, Descendants of William Knox and of John Knox the Reformer]]'' (Edinburgh, 1896)
  • Inline Citation Example (Change page number as appropriate.):
<ref>[[#Knox Genealogy|Knox]]: Page 23</ref>

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