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Lacey Name Study

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Surnames/tags: Lacey Lacy
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How to Join

Please contact the project leader T Lacey or post a comment at the foot of the page. If you have any questions, just ask. Thanks!


This is a One Name Study to collect together in one place everything about one surname and the variants of that name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect.

The other goal of this study is to determine if the William Lacy or Lacey line and the Thomas Lacy line are one in the same. Records are scarce and hard to find. The Virginia Counties of New Kent, Monroe, Goochland, Greenbrier, Johnson, Hanover, Brunswick and Lunenburg are a main focus of this study. See Resources

Task List

1) Help source early Lacey / Lacy Wikitree profiles. ( you will likely need the pre 1700 certification for this task)

2) Help connect profiles thru YDNA matches. (Mine is in progress and should have the results in a couple of weeks)

3) Discuss the commonality or naming patterns in the various Lacey / Lacy family lines.

Naming Patterns

My T Lacey / Lacy line naming patterns include Philemon, Alexander, David, William James and John just to name a few.


Links to Records

Parish, Church, Tax and Census

Lacey / Lacy Profiles

Philemon Lacey 1749-1834 (son of William of Greenbrier, maybe)

James Philemon Lacey 1771-1847 (proven son of Philemon Lacy and Esther Daniels)

Esther Lacey

William Lacy aka William of Greenbrier, VA. 1725-1794 (son of Benjamin William Lacy)

Thomas Lacy 1649 Westminster, London England-1730 Hanover, VA

Thomas Lacy 1660 England- 1750 Hanover, VA

Thomas Lacy II 1684 New Kent, VA-1727 Hanover, VA

Thomas LacyIII 1702 New Kent, VA-1809 Hanover, VA

William Lacey I 1607 England-1627 VA ? Arrived in North America with wife Susan ? and one child (presumably William II) on the passenger ship Southampton and lived on James Island. [1]

William Lacey II 1627 Westminster, London England- after 1656 VA? Note: This is where I believe the lines of William Lacey and Thomas Lacy join as brothers, but there has been no discovered proof.

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Comments: 6

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I'm interested in joining the Lacy Name Study.
posted by Jerome Lacy
My great-great Grandfather was David Richeson Lacy; my great=grandfather was William Henry Lacy, my grandfather was Claiborne Mason Lacy and my father was Marvin Audra Lacy. I hope I hear from others in this line.
posted by Pat (Lacy) Brannen
My great grandmother is Sallie Lacey Wright. My Dad is Jeff D. Wright, son of Claude J. Wright.

So happy to connect to family!

posted by Melinda (Wright) Watts
My name is Melody Lee Lacy, daughter of Robert Willingham Lacy, grand daughter of George Holcombe Lacy, Great Grand Daughter or Watson Eldridge Lacy and I believe I am related to a Lacy who was a Virginia colonist in the early 1600's.
posted by Melody Lacy
William H Lacey and Malissa (Malicia)Fuller Lacey were my 3rd Great grands. They were married in Switzerland Indiana and appear in a couple of census'. THey then vanish and not much is available before. THey lived in Cave in Rock Illinois at one point. Supposedly one or both were of NA heritage and their children were very hush hush about the family or their past. I have found a line of fullers that are my DNA match on Ancestry but Malissa (Malicia) does not appear on any of their trees. William was married to Elizabeth Freeman until her death. They had several children and then he had quite a few with Malicia. My 2nd Great grandson was the youngest. James K. Polk Lacey. Help!
posted by Penny x
Interested in other contributors perspective on these Lacy/Lacey's connections and family lines.

The line of Philemon and son James "Philemon" Lacey are well sourced and documented to myself, Kenneth Shelton and a couple of others here on Wikitree.

posted by T Lacey