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Landowners agreement Frederick Maryland 1792

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Frederick, Maryland, United Statesmap
Profile manager: Jane Peppler private message [send private message]
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At the request of Norman Bruce and others the following agreement was recorded 3 February 1792 to wit, Articles of Agreement made and concluded on this second day of May in the year of our Lord 1792 between (see below) ... they have adjoining lands, and if disputes arise concerning the locations "by variation or bad running" they've appointed Pearce Lamb, Isaac Stansbury and James Wells to settle same. Witnesses John Hinds, Abraham Stansbury, John Logsden, Abraham Bosley, Adam Heubert?, Michael? ? ...

I looked up these people in the 1790 census for Frederick and found most of them. No township is given but the alphabetical listings are in clumps, presumable geographical. The greatest clump where these people are found starts on page 10. I've also started looking them up in the Pipe Creek St Benjamin's (Kreider's) Lutheran Congregation for better versions of their names.

CharlesAngelJohn Angel on 10ACharles Angel
AbrahamBosleyAbraham Bosley
GideonBosley10BGideon Bosley
JohnConnollyHugh Connelly 57
AndrewCoonMary Coontz 11A Abraham Koons 12A (Kreider's Kuntz, Kunz, Kohnz, Kunze, Kuhnze)Philip George Kuhn also see Abraham Kuhns b c 1755, died Frederick MD
JacobEgg11AJacob Eck
PeterErbpage 272Peter Erb
MichaelErterKreider's: Oertter or OerterMichael Arter
ZachariahEstopThomas Estep 11A also William EstepZachariah Estep
GeorgeFoglesongGeorge Fogleson 27BGeorge Vogelgesang
JacobForemanJacob Freeman 11BJacob Fuhrman
DavidGishDavid Gist 11BDavid Gist
JohnGishJohn Gist 11BJohn Gist
SamuelChaddSamuel Chadd 11ASamuel Chadd
JohnHebnerJohn Hepner 12A (Kreiders Hübner, Hübener, Hiebner)John Hepner
AdamHeubert?P Hyber 11B George Humbert 11B, Joseph Hibbert, Philip Hubbert Sr and Jr, Peter Hubbert, Catharine HebertJohan George Humbert
JohnHindsMartin Hines 12AJohn Jacob Hines
HenryHouptmanHenry Hoptman 30 (Kreiders Lutheran Heinrich Hauptman)born 1739 in Germany
MaryKennedyMary Kennedy 48
JohnKeyesJohn Keys 12A
MartinKrinerMartin Kipelrinjer 40
PearceLambPearce Lamb 12BPearce Lamb
JohnLogsdenJohn Logsdon Jr and Sr 12BJohn Logsdon
JacobLongJohn Long 59AJacob Long 1777-1825 died in Frederick MD
WilliamMaywellWilliam Maxwell 12b
JohnMillerJohn Miller 12BJohan Ludwig Miller
JacobMoyersJacob Myers 12B (Kreider's Mayer)Jacob Myers 1770-1822
JosephMoyersunclearThere is a Joseph Sr and Joseph Jr in Frederick in 1790
PhilipSnarePhilip Snarr 13B Kreider's Shnerr, SchnerrJohann Philip Schnur
JohnSnowferJohn Snuffer 13AJohn Thomas Snouffer
AbrahamStansburyAbraham Stansbury
IsaacStansburyKreider's also StanberryIsaac Stansbury
WilliamStansburyWilliam Stansbury 13BWilliam Stansbury
WilliamStaplesWilliam Staples 23
CharlesStevensonCharles Stevenson 13A1740-1832 died in Uniontown MD
HenryStevensonHenry Stevenson
LeonardStumpLeonard Stump 22
LudwickSwitzerMatthias Switzer 13AGeorg Ludwig Sweitzer Matthias Switzer
JamesWellsJames Wells 13James Wells James Wells
MichaelWentzFrederick Wentz 13BGeorg Friedrich Wentz
PhilipWerblePhilip Werble 13B (Kreider's Würbel)Philip Werbel
MargaretYounglandAbraham & John Yingland 59A, YüncklingAnna Margaretha Bankert Yingling

John Connolly (John Connly and wife Margaret) Sponsors at Kreider's 20 March 1800 for birth of Jacob Fisher, son of John and Elizabeth Fisher. John Connly also went to communion at Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church 27 April 1799 with Elisabeth Fisher, widow, Georg Fisher, single, and Catharine Fisher, single

The Charles Angel line is laid out in the book at archive.org, [Genealogy of Charles Angel, Sr., pioneer of Frederick County, Maryland / by Walter Wilbert Gruber]

It's unclear which Peter Erb signed this agreement. The eldest was Hans Peter Erb, born 1712, who died in Frederick in 1801. He had a son, also born in Switzerland, born in 1738, but he died before his father, in 1774 in Silver Run. He had a son Peter 1763-1835.

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