Location: [unknown]
Endeavouring to find the connection between these families as William (Umfreville) Umfreeville Esq. (abt.1529-1611) supposedly married Mary Lane. Where did John Lane her father come from?
Inquisition of Peter Osborne 1597 Inquisition of Christopher Osborne 1600
a) Peter Osborne Esquire's sister (name not yet found) married William Lane (his first wife) OR
b) Peter Osborne married William's sister (see pedigree chart - different branch I think)
There are currently 3 Edward Saxby's that need to be merged https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Saxby-236 https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Saxby-280 https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Saxby-10
John Lane , Acton 1549
John Lane
Will of John Lane, Usher to the Kings Chamber of Acton 1549 1597 (I'm beginning to thing that he's not a close relative of the other Lanes/Osbornes listed here, but he does share the Unfreville connection)
- John Lane (testator)
- John Lane (son)
- Margarett (daughter)
- Marie (Mary Umbrevile in probate, daughter)
- Hamon (servant)
- George Lane
- William Lane (brother)
- Sibell (wife)
- William Rope (supervisor)
- Witnesses: Symon Essexe, John Phillippe citizen and surgeon of London, Thomas Jenninges of Acton, William Edwynne, John Anwicke, William Clerke, Raphe Gibbons & Thomas Darbie smith
- Places mentioned: Sutton Court Chiswick, Wootton Bassett
John Garrawey and Sybil, John Lane's widow.[1]
john Cawston, Latchingdon 1503
Will of John Cawston of Lachingdon 1503
- Mary Wife
- John Son
- Barthilmewe Osbarne
- Antonye Son
- Isabell Cawston Mother in law (step mother?)
- Agnes Pekes
- Agnes Kentes
- Alice Chambleyn
- Richard Pake
- Margaret Hodgees
- John Kent
- William Garrard
- John Halvym the younger
- John Osbarne my brother Elawe[2] Executor
- Thomas Shoyle the elder Executor
- Witnesses: Roger Payne, William Scotte, John Hodge, Symond Sootte
John Osborne Althorne 1514
No profile
This Will links him to John Cawston by dint of the properties inherited (Ulham & Snoreham Hall), but where does he fit in?
John Osborne of Althorne, Essex, yeoman written 10 June 1513, proved 15 December 1513.[3]
Bequests to churches of Althorne, Perley, Lachyndon, Lawling chapel, Stowe & Hockely, & St Paul's cathedral London, brothers of the Guild of St George in Malden
- Margaret (deceased wife)
- father & mother unnamed (deceased)
- Agnes (wife) - the house which his father bequeathed to his sisters Anne & Margaret, the farms of Ullham, Great Hyde and Littlehyde, Althorne Bernys (Barns), Bisshopyshooke parcel, Keverdon Westhouse and Sekyns in Norton & Perley, Croshouse & Mellers in Althorne
- Johane (daughter)
- William Boode
- John Flannyng (cousin)
- Johane Boode
- Richard (brother)
- sister Stane (sister)
- sister Pechey (sister)
- Alice (sister)
- Anne (sister) remaining lease of Lachingdon Bernys (Barns)
- Margaret (sister)
- John Osborne (uncle)
- William Osborne (uncle)
- Edmund Freke
- Mabbe
- Aleyn of Bernys
- William Clerk
- Thomas Hicklott
- Stevyn Hardyman
- Thomas Lane
- William Prowe, Nicholas (servants)
- Agnes Russell
- Thomas Peke
- William Tooll
- brother Peche (brother in law) the remaining lease in Snoreham Hall
- Witnesses John Kinge in the Felde, Thomas Kynge, John Kynge by the West and others
Richard Osborne London 1544
Richard Osborn (abt.1490-1544)
Will of Richarde Osborne, Grocer of London, 1544
- Richard Osborne (testator)
- Elizabeth Osborne (wife)
- Anne Pyke (servant, sister's daughter?)
- John King of Clifford's
- Thomas Osborne of [Hackney?]
- Freba[n/u]des (debtor)
- James Osborne
- Willyam Trayfordes wife (testator's brother's daugher)
- John Cokke of Canyndon, the elder
- John Causton of Lonneys, the elder
- John Causton and William Causton (his sons)
- Mistress Staverton
- Cousin Coke
- William Mery and Thomas Bowner (friends)
- maister Dr Cro[m/w/n]e person (parson?) of Alldermary
- Thomas Norton, grocer
- Rafe and William Bodnam
- Edward Fowlar and Anne his wife
- Margaret Styrrell
- William Raymond
- John Yonge
- Gyles
- William Asteley (wife's son, stepson)
- William Thorneley, skinner and Agnes his wife
- William Lane
- John Osborne (eldest son)
- Peter Osborne (son)
- Edward Bolonde (Bowland)
- Anne Bowlande
- Mistress Judd
- Gregory Langforde (debtor)
- Master Lonmers?
- John Bodnam
- Witnesses Thomas Norton grocer, Cuthbert Beeston Girdler, Thomas Peerson Scrivener, John Osborne, Edward Bowland, William Lane
Elizabeth Osborne London 1552
Elizabeth (Coke) Osborn (abt.1500-1552)
Elizabeth Osborne London 17 August 1550 widow of Richard, grocer proved 22 February 1552[4]
- William Astelye (son)
- John Osborne (son)
- Son & daughter Lane
- Son & daughter Saxilbye
- Nicholas Wilton
- Richard Bowland
- Anne Blackman
- Peter Osborne (Son, exec, armiger)
- Witnesses John Osborne William Lane, Peter Osborne, William Astelby, John Brook, William Fox, John Blackman
- Places mentioned: London, Margaretting Parsonage
Lettice Lane London 1552
No profile
Sister in law of William Lane 1552, daughter in law of Thomas Lane 1554, Osbornes mentioned as brothers (in laws?) Lettys Lane widow of London 1551
Lettie Lane, widow, London 1552 https://www.ancestry.co.uk/discoveryui-content/view/937256:5111
- Nicholas Lane, merchant (husband deceased)
- William Lane & wife (brother, executor)
- Heyford & wife (cousin)
- Jenyns & wife (cousin)
- Mr Baron Saxby & wife
- Mr Richard Adams & wife
- Lane's 4 children (brother)
- Luke, Anne & Gabriel (brother's children?)
- Elizabeth Lane (god daughter)
- Elizabeth & Mary Wever children of William, of London merchant
- Agnes Jones wife of William (sister)
- Thomas Agbrowe (brother)
- Agnes Harris widow
- John Clare of Worcester pewterer
- George Wever (cousin) his daughters Lettys & Frances
- Symon Clare & wife (cousin)
- Loeeys Ryse (aunt)
- Elizabeth Jenyns (god daughter)
- Lettys Wright (god daughter)
- Mitchell? Maghell? Heyford (cousin, executor)
- Harry Marwood
- Peter Osborne (brother)
- John Osborne (his brother)
- John Michell
- John Amare?
- Joanne Exon
- Sybbell Lane
- Thomas Glasyer
- John Cheke
- John Blakman
- Thomas Howe & wife, gent
- Edward Jackman & wife
- Mistress Burley
- William Maloxy & wife (cousin)
- Chamber & wife (brother) Leays Chamber (god daughter)
- Edward Saxby (husband's god son)
- Witnesses Baron & Edward Saxby, 2 x Harry Marwood
- Codicil
- Thomas Lane of Fishbourne, Sussex (husband's father)
- Uncle Lane of Chichester
- Richard Lane (brother)
- Elizabeth Bowland
- Humphrey Bowland
- Places mentioned: St Stephen Walbrook (London), Kesher myster (Kidderminster?), Worcester, Bucklersbury (London), Margaretting (Essex), Fishbourn & Chichester (Sussex), Antwerp
William Lane London 1552
William Lane
Will of William Lane, grocer of London 1552 Complete list of names not included here
- Thomas Lane (father)
- Anne (wife)
- Luke, Gabryell, Anne and Elizabeth Lane (sons and daughters)
- Elizabeth Osburne widow
- Peter Osburne (brother in law, son of Elizabeth)
- Anne Osborne (wife, sister - not clear if this is William's sister or in law)
- Elynore (testator's illegitimate child)
- Thomas Lane (brother)
- Thomas Lane (son of Thomas)
- Sybell Lane (servant)
- Robert Mere (brother in law)
- John Mere (Robert's son)
- John Trenell (brother in law)
- Alice Trennell (sister)
- Richard Lane (brother)
- John Lane (uncle)
- William Lane (John's son)
- Nycholas Lane (brother, deceased)
- Lettice Lane (sister in law, deceased)
- Thomas Lane (kinsman)
- Thomas Chamber grocer
- Willyam Laxton Alderman (father in law, William's wife Anne Luddington's stepfather)
- Edward Saxbye (brother in law)
- Anne Saxbye (Edward's wife, sister)
- Mr Barin Saxby
- John Machell (brother in law)
- Witnesses William Laxton, Nycholas Luddington grocer, Thomas Chamber, George Badcok grocer, Galfrid[..] Johns, Richard Adams, John Mere
William's sister Anne married first Edward Bowland of Margaretting[5] then Edward Saxby or Saxilby.[6][7]
Thomas Lane Fishbourne 1554
No profile
Father of William Lane 1552, father in law of Lettice Lane 1552
Thomas Lane Fishborne 7 Dec 1553, 23 Jan 1553/4 https://www.ancestry.co.uk/discoveryui-content/view/941794:5111
- Elizabeth (wife)
- Thomas Lane, son of son Thomas of Bersted (grandson)
- Richard Lane (son)
- Edyn Stubber (god daughter)
- John Salter (wifes brother)
- Richard Amar (wife's son)
- Thomas Payne (god son)
- Thomas Stubber
- Thomas Wootton
- John Colden
- Thomas Bidfeld? & Thomas Bone
- Agnes Marshall & Agnes Payse
- Agnes Lane daughter of John
- John Wicken of Fishbourne
- John Digons of Chichester
- Agnes Harrys
- Vincent Peterson
- Thomas Diggons (god son) Elizabeth (his sister)
- Nicholas Exon (god son) William, Bryon & Joan Exon
- John Diggons sisters Elizabeth Jugg, Sybil & Anne
- Thomas Chambers (son)
- Joan (daughter)
- Elizabeth Amare (dwelling with son Chamber at London)
- Sybill Lane (with Mr Lodge in London)
- Joan Amare (daughter)
- Alice Trowell/Trannell (daughter)
- Elizabeth Standen (daughter) her daughter Elizabeth
- Edyn & Elenor daughters of John Lane
- Thomas and John sons of John Lane
- Robert Ameare
- William Lane (son, deceased?)
- John Bulke of Bozen?
- Richard Heydon of St Marys House Chichester
- Henry Robinson als Dyer of St George's
- John Trowell/Trannell & John Standen (overseers)
Manor of Fishbourne.[8]
Thomas' son Richard's will.[9]
Christober Osborne, London, Essex 1600
Christopher Osborne (abt.1557-1600)
Will of Christopher Osborne, gent of London and Essex 1600
- Christopher Osborne (testator)
- Peter Osborne (father, deceased)
- Anne Osborne (mother)
- John Osborne (eldest brother)
- Henrie Osborne (brother)
- Mres Bell (sister)
- Mrs Cheke (sister)
- Mrs Rowse (sister)
- Mrs Duncombe (sister)
- Mrs Smith (sister)
- Susan Osborne (sister)
- Dorothy Osborne (sister)
- Humfrey Connisbie esquire (subject of lawsuit)
- Richard Osborne (brother, deceased)
- Robert Grannger (debtor)
- John Osborne (son)
- John Kinge (servant)
- William Harwood/Harward of Windsor, Canon
- Robert Harward his son
- William Harwarde his son
- Anne Umbervile his daughter (cousin)
- James Osborne
- Witnesses: Henry Osborne, Jerom Thuker, Margarett Bourmann, Georg Osborne, John Kinge, John Osborne, He. Spiller
- Christofer Osborne (godson, nephew)
- Joanne (wife, named in probate)
William Harwarde, Windsor 1589
No profile
Will of William Harwarde, Canon of Windsor 1589
- William Harwarde (testator)
- Anne Harward (daughter)
- Thomas Tasboroughe esq (debtor)
- Gabriell Redman (debtor)
- Peter Osborne (executor)
- Christofer Osborne (executor, Peter's son)
- Robert Nicholls (guardianship of son Robert)
- Robert Harwarde (son)
- Nicholas Harward (brother)
- Anne and Margaret Harwarde (cousins)
- George Hill and Richard Jacobe of St Clements Danes (debtors)
- Walter Harward (son)
- Paull Harward (son)
- William Harward (son)
- Richard Harward (son)
- Anne Williamson (servant)
- Cicely Newcombe (late servant)
- John Blackman (father in law)
- Elizabethe Birche (servant)
- Ellen Roles (servant)
- Mr Nicholas Maddockes
- John Stratton
- Robert Bangor, clerk
- Christian Madacke
- Mr Robert Drury esq of Hedgley
- William Umbervile gentleman
- Thomas Perryman yeoman
- Arthur Newcombe and Robert Berton (servants)
- Anthony Randall (servant)
- Richard Chart
- Thomas Goodyer gentleman (brother, guardianship of son Paul)
Ralph Lane thelder of Hoggeshaw 1540
Ralph Lane (abt.1508-abt.1540)
Thought unlikely to be a close connection so far.
Ralph Lane thelder of Hoggeshaw written 28 May 8 Hen VIII, probate 17 June 1540 https://www.ancestry.co.uk/discoveryui-content/view/871036:5111
father mother wife and brother William all deceased.
- William Lane (brother)
- Mawde Lane wife of Rauff Lane (nephew, son of William) [See William 1527 - Maude daughter of Sir William Parr]
- John Lane (nephew, son of William)
- William Lane (nephew, son of William)
- George Lane (brother)
- Ambrose Lane (nephew, son of George)
- Elizabeth Rayster? (niece, daughter of George)
- John Lane (brother)
- Elizabeth Vellers (niece, daughter of John)
- Jane Dalysson (nephew, son of John)
- Anne, Kateryn and John Lane (children of John)
- Sister Anfry? (sister)
- Margaret Saxby (sister)
- Thomas Saxby, priest (son of Margaret)
- Edward, William and John Saxby (son of Margaret)
- Elizabeth Jackeman (daughter of Margaret)
- Ranff Gifford (godson)
- Richard Cutteler, parson of Queynton [Quainton]
- Ranff Palmer (godson)
- Thomas Horseman (servant)
- Edward Gadwynne (servant)
Grocer's Company
An email from the archivist:
Looking at our Freedom Register (1345-1652):
I can see that William Lane was made free of the Grocers’ Company in 1540, he had been apprenticed to Robert Colt. I also see that in 1550 a Nicholas Lane was made free, having been apprenticed to William Lane, and in 1567 Luke Lane was made free (by Patrimony), noted as son of William Lane deceased, Luke went on to be elected to the Livery in 1582, and in 1570 George Lane, son of William Lane deceased was made free, but he transferred to the Weavers’ Company that same year, in 1571 Gabriel Lane son of William Lane deceased was made free (by Patrimony). Quite a dynasty!
Richard Osborne - there are men of that name made free in
1512 apprenticed to William Staberton
Another sometime between 1537-9, no details
Another 1612, apprenticed to Richard Wright
William Laxton's Will 1556.[10]
Notes on Henry Vyner
Confirmation of Robert Longe, grandfather.
Henry Vyner, gent. v Arthur Breame, esq. and his wife Elizabeth Breame, Richard Bittendon, gent., Henry Smyth, John Crencher and John Morlesse re land in the manors of Battersea and Wandsworth and manor of Allfarthing, Finches and Barking Fee, Wandsworth once Robert Longe's, grandfather of pl. 1586[12]
Reference: C 2/Eliz/U3/36 https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C5709450 Description: Short title: Vynar v Owen. Plaintiffs: Henry Vynar. Defendants: Thomas Owen, Edward Horton, Richard Parker, Anne Vynar widow, Luke Lane and Gabriel Lane. Subject: For relief against cancelled bonds given by the plaintiff's father for performance of covenants. The plaintiff's father, Henry Vynar, being seised of lands and hereditaments in Condover, Shropshire, called Haughton Fields, sold the same to the defendant Horton, John Audley, and defendant Parker; which said Parker sold his third part to Richard Lee, who again conveyed the same to plaintiff's father, and which said third part the plaintiff claims by descent; the defendant Parker at the same time gave a release to the plaintiff's father from a bond of £2000 given to him and the other defendants with the said bargain and sale, which release the plaintiff states to be in the hands of other defendants or some of them, and prays discovery and relief against suits upon bond affecting his inheritance and possession of the said third part. Document type: [Pleadings] Date: Between 1558 and 1603
- ↑ Diane K Bolton, Patricia E C Croot and M A Hicks. "Acton: Manors and other estates," in A History of the County of Middlesex: Volume 7, Acton, Chiswick, Ealing and Brentford, West Twyford, Willesden, ed. T F T Baker and C R Elrington (London: Victoria County History, 1982), 16-23. British History Online, accessed November 9, 2023, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/middx/vol7/pp16-23.
- ↑ It's unclear whether this is meant to be John Osborn his brother in law, or a brother called Elawe.
- ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 17
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #852218 (accessed 17 April 2024)
Will of Johins Osbourne, granted probate on 15 Dec 1512. Died about 1512 in Althorn, Essex, England. - ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 36
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #941516 (accessed 22 October 2023)
Will of Elizabet Osborne, granted probate on 22 Feb 1552. Died about 1552 in London. - ↑
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 31
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #902482 (accessed 8 November 2023)
Will of Edwardi Bowland, granted probate on 20 Dec 1546. Died about 1546 in Margareting, Essex, England. - ↑
St. Antholin (London, England : Parish); Chester, Joseph Lemuel, 1821-1882; Armytage, George J. (George John), Sir, 1842-1918; St. John Baptist on Wallbrook (London : Parish), The parish registers of St. Anthonlin, Budge Row , London, containiing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1538 to 1754; and of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, containing the baptisms and burials from 1682 to 1754
London : [Mitchell & Hughes]; 1883; page: 6
Internet Archive (accessed 8 November 2023) - ↑ https://archive.org/details/allegationsforma24army/page/10/mode/2up Allegations for marriage licences issued from the Faculty Office of the Archibishop of Canterbury at London 1543 to 1869 by Armytage, George John, Sir, 1842-; Chester, Joseph Lemuel, 1821-1882
- ↑ "New Fishbourne," in A History of the County of Sussex: Volume 4, the Rape of Chichester, ed. L F Salzman (London: Victoria County History, 1953), 154-156. British History Online, accessed November 9, 2023, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/sussex/vol4/pp154-156.
- ↑
"West Sussex, England, Wills and Probate, 1482-1858"
West Sussex Record Office; Chichester, England; Sussex Wills and Probates; Reference: Ep/I/27/STC I/9
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 62214 #68771 (accessed 9 November 2023)
Richard Lane probate on 9 Jun 1559. Residence Fishbourne. - ↑ "Wills: Mary I (1553-58)," in Calendar of Wills Proved and Enrolled in the Court of Husting, London: Part 2, 1358-1688, ed. R R Sharpe (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1890), 655-668. British History Online, accessed November 9, 2023, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/court-husting-wills/vol2/pp655-668.
- ↑ Two Tudor Subsidy Rolls for the City of London, 1541 and 1582. Edited by R G Lang. London: London Record Society 1993. British History Online, accessed November 9, 2023, http://www.british-history.ac.uk/london-record-soc/vol29.
- ↑
1586 Legal Record:
"Surrey Court Cases 1391-1835"
Archive: The National Archives; Reference: REQ 2/281/89 and REQ 2/157/469
FindMyPast Transcription (accessed 7 April 2024)
First name(s): Henry; Last name: Vyner; Year: 1586; Court: Court of Requests; County: Surrey; Country: England; Full text: Henry Vyner, gent. v Arthur Breame, esq. and his wife Elizabeth Breame, Richard Bittendon, gent., Henry Smyth, John Crencher and John Morlesse re land in the manors of Battersea and Wandsworth and manor of Allfarthing, Finches and Barking Fee, Wandsworth once Robert Longe's, grandfather of pl. 1586 [cf REQ 2/177/25 and REQ 2/177/46]; Source: Surrey Court of Requests Deponents, 1500-1624.
- Lipscomb, George, 1773-1846, The history and antiquities of the county of Buckingham
London, J. & W. Robins; 1847; page: (344 of 702)
Internet Archive (accessed 8 November 2023)
- Lane and Osborne family 1500s Nov 8, 2023.
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