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Last Will & Testament of Andrew J. Lett

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Chatham County, North Carolina, United Statesmap
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Last Will & Testament of Andrew J. Lett

Transcription of will by Tomaszewicz-6 : Andrew J. Lett

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the ^only^ Subscribing witnesses as to the execution of the Same are now dead, the handwriting of Said W Hanks dec’d, was duly proven by the Oaths of J. A. Waurock and the hand writing of Martin Hauks dec’d was duley proven by the oath of Wm. Haithcock, Where upon the said will is considered to be duly proven and is admitted to probate and ordered to be recorded and filed. Thereupon James Mark Smith the Executor therein married came into court and was duly qualified as such executor {signed} R. H. Dixan C.S. C

State of North Carolina In Superior Court Chatham County Before R. H. Dixon -Clerk

In Re of Estate Order for Probate of Will A. J. Lett, deceased

A proper writing purport- ing to be the lost will and Testament of A. J. Lett, dec’d is exhibited in open court for probate by J H Smith and J. W. Lett Executor Therein named and the due execution thereof by the Said A. J. Lett, dec’d is duly proven bye the oath and examination of W. C. Maddox and W.J. Rosser Subscribing witnesses thereto and it is further Shown to the Satisfaction of the Court by Said witnesses that the said A. J. Lett was , at the time of making said will, of sound mind and memory, of full age to execute a will and under no restraint to there Knowledge information of belief: It is Thereupon Considered, {(crosshatched word) Ordered} Adjudged and Decreed, that Said proof is Sufficient and according to the Law and that Said paper wrighting is and contains that lost Will and Testament of A. J. Lett, dec’d. And an motian it is ordered that Said Will be admitted to probate and recorded in the Book of Wills of Chatham County and so Such be filed as provided by law in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Said County. It is further ordered that Said J. H. Smith and J. W. Lett be allowed to qualify as Executors as provided by law and enter upon the discharge

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of the duties imposed by Said Trust. Dated this the 26th day of August 1895 (signed) R T Dixan Clerk of Superior Court. State of North Carolina Chatham County. A. J. Lett Will I A. J. Lett being of Sound mind and memory but considering the uncertenty of my earthley existence do make and decere this my last will and Testa- ment In manner and words folowing ( ) That my Executors hear in after named John H- Smith and J. W. Lett ar(e) to pay all my just debts as soon as possible to whomsoever owing. 2nd I will and bequeath to Maggy Lett Bettie Lett Nora Lett Athie Lett, Mamie, Lula Lettie Annie Lett the house I now live in and 20-acres of land surrounding it-and the balance of the land up here except (about 70 acres of land which is layed off for my wife Aner Lett) if either of them shall marry and go off and be left alone shall have the privalage of usinging(?) house as the rest of them now has. Furthermore neather of them shall have the power to sell or lease any part of this property whatsoever. And I will and bequeath to my wife Aner Lett 70 Acres of Land embracing both of my old residence which is layed off and marked during her natural life -But at her death it Shall be Maggie Bettie Nora Atti Mamie Loula and Annie and also all of my Personal property. 4th- Furthermore over the creak are the West bank of Cope Fein River the mill Site embracing 10 Acres of Land Bourdered as folows Beginning at Hickory Tree. Tat is marked below the mouth of fall creak running near South far enough to contain 10 acres Thence with Martha Maddox’s line to the river containing 10 acres of land I will and bequeath to all of my Children Including Martha Maddox and J. W. Lett and Equal Shar to each one also to all of my Children Including Martha Maddox ???

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Transcription of will file: 004754662_00357.jpg

& Wesley the head of the river I now own Seprit from the mill site neother of them shall have the Now to sell on to. Leos or to allow any person to ____ in traps or to trespas if so either of my heirs shall have the power to make way with them as they see proper. 5- I direct my executors to provide a reas- onable year support from my wife Aner Lett out of the estate. 6th and lastly Direct my executors to provide a yearly support for my children which is to come out of there estate if possible Seperit from my wifes In witness wheir of I hearunto set my hand and seal this the 1st day of August A.D. 1891- A J (his mark X) Lett (Seal)

Signed in our presence at his request we assign as witnesses thereto W. C. Maddox W.J-Rosser State of North Carolina In Superior Court Chatham County. Before R. H. Dixon  ??? In Re Estate of Order for Probate of Will Cornelia Adaline Bridges deceased A proper writing perporing to be the last Will and Testament of Cornella Adaline Bridges, dec’d is exhibited in Open Court for probate by William H. White the Executor therein named; and the due executor thereof by the Said Cornelia Adalin Bridges. Dec’d. Is duly proven by the oath and examination of S. P. Teague and John W. Teague Subscribing witnesses thereto and it is fur- ther shown to the satisfaction of the court by said witnesses that the said Cornelia Adalin Bridges was, at the time of making said will, of sound mind and memory, of full age to execute a Will and under no restraint to their knowledge, information

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on belief: It is thereupon considered, Adjudged and Decreed, that said proof is Sufficient and according to law and that said proper writing is and contains the last will and Testament of Cornelia Adaline Bridges, dec’d. And on motion it is ordered that said Will be admitted to Probate and recorded in the Book of Wills of Chatham County and as such filed as ?????? by law in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Said County. It is further ordered that said William H. White be allowed to qualify as Executor as provided by law and enter upon the discharge of the duties imposed by said trust. Dated this the 26th day of September 1895. R Dixan Clerk of Superior Court side note: (First) North Carolina Chatham County, I Camelia A Bridges of the aforesaid County and State being of sound mind but considering the uncertainty of my earthley existance do make and declare this my last will and testament I give and devise to my Nephew Malthus M. Bridges, (after he pays all my just debts and all my other expences that may occur) my interest in a track of land on which we now reside on the waters of Smith’s Creek containing 110 acres to have and to hold to him and his heirs in fee simple forever. Second I give and devise to my Nephew William H. White my interest in a Small track of land lying on the waters of Nick’s Creek Containing about 12 Acres. To have and to hold to him and his heirs in fee simple forever.

Third I hereby constitute and appoint my Nephew William H White my lawful executor to all interests and purposes to execute this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every port and clause therof hereby revoking and declaring utterly void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made In witness wherof I the said Cornelia A Bridges do hereunto Set my hand and seal this the 13 day of January 1888 Cornetia Adaline Bridges (I believe the L was crossed and looks like a t) Signed Sealed published (over)

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