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Last Will and Testament of George Whitefoot of Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk, England, 1574-1576

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk, Englandmap
Surname/tag: Whitefoot
This page has been accessed 80 times.
written: 16 november 1574
proved: 6 March 1576
Testator: George Whitefoot
Persons mentioned:
Anne Whitefoote, his wife and co-executor
Michaell Whitefoote, his son
Wllm Ryder, his tenant
John Rushbrooke, his tenant
Alice Whitefoot, his daughter
Elizabeth Whitefoot, his daughter
Wyboroughe Whitefoot, his daughter
Anne Whitefoot, his daughter
Marye Whitefoot, his daughter
Elizabeth Vurge, his sister
Humfrie Fuller
john Whitefoot, his godson
Jane Jordans, his sister
Margarit Horton
Richard Whitefoote, his brother and co-executor
James Sutturn, his servant
Robt Gosling, his servant
Humfrie Barley
John Vasey
John Ponyett, witness
Humfrie Fuller, witness
John Dayner Horake, witness

Georgij Whitefoote
In the name of God Amen
the yeare of oure lorde god a thousand five hundreth
seaventie and fower and the sixtene day of november
I George Whitefoote of Ashwelthorpe in the contie
of Norff[olk] and w[i]thin the dioc[e]s[e] of Norw[i]ch yeoman being
sicke in bodey and of Fitt[deletion] remembrance thankes be
to god doe make and ordaine this my last wil and
testament in manner and forme following Firste
and before all other things I comitt me to god and
to his mercie unto whome w[i]th a Fre and willing mind
I doe yeld againe that sperit and liefe w[i]th he of his
mercie hathe lente unto me beleving w[i]th [deletion]
doubte or mistrust that by the meritts who of Jesus
Christe and by the virtue of his death passion and re
surrection I have and shall haveaemission of my
sinnes and resurrection of my bodey and soale Item
I will my bodey to be buried in the churche of
Ashwelthorpe In consuercon whereof I give
towardes the repacons of the same churche six shillings
and eyght pence Item I give and bequeathe unto
the pore people inhabitinge in Ashwelsthorpe wrenning
=ham Hapton and Funndenhall twentie shillings by
(...) porcons to be per by my Execut[ors] Item I will
that Anne Whitefoote my wiefe in Field confide
(...) of all six thordes(?) and dower to be claynind(?) in
and to all my landes tenements medowes pastures


And fedings shall have the occupacon of all my said
tenement w[it]hin I nowe doe dwell in Ashwelshrope
aforesaid And all my landes pastures and fedings
lying and being in Ashwelthorpe aforesaid wrenningham
Fundenhall And Hapton to the said tenement whearin
I nowe dwell belonging or that at the day of the
date hereof I doe occupie in mine nowe handes as
well fre [deletion] Charts as bonde and Joppy(?) hold To hand
and to holde to hir the said Anne my wiefe and
hir assignes during all the terme of seven soole yeares
next ensewinge after the Feaste of S Michell
thachangell next and ymediatlie following after
my decease upon condicon that he the said
Anne my wiefe doe not for and duringe the said
terme of seven yeares challenre or demande nor
suffer to be challenced nor demandid and thirds
or dower of or in all my landes tenements medowes
pastures and fedings this she the said Anne my
wiefe doe honestlie bringe upp[on] or can se to be brought
upp[on] Michaell Whitefoote my sonne in Skoole and
other honest exercised And also doe beinge upp[on]
my other children and kepe my saide tenement
wherin I nowe dwell and endye pte thereof in
goode and sufficient repacons and pay or can se to
be p[ai]d all the rented and other chargs whatsoen
yssewynge or goyng wte of the said tenement
landes medowes pastures and fedings a foresaid
and declarid And furthermore doe make or cause
to be made neyther stropp nor wast of anie wood
or timber ynsewing in or uppon the same p[ro]miss
During all the said terme having and taking
sufficient fyir woode to be spente uppon the
(...) and suffient timber for the repaying
and amending of the said tenement duringe all
the said terme of seven yeares And yf the said
Anne my wiefe doe challence or demand aney
dower or thirdes of and in anie my tenements landes
medowes pastures and fedings then I will yt
all the Fitt and Fitts of the saide tenement
landes medowes pastures and fedings w[i]ch I doe
nowe occupie shalbe taken and receyvid by
mine execut[ors] [deletion] to the p[er]formance of this my
last will and testament Duringe all the lande
terme of seven yeares Item I will that my tenent


Scituate in Hapton aforesaid together w[i]thall and singuler
ler mine other landes medowes pastures and fedings to the
said tenement belonging aswell Fre as lande nowe in
the tenement and occupacon of Wllm Ryder and John
Rushbrooke shalbe letten by mine Exec[utor] to the beste fitt one
lease by p[ro]ceed made to John Rushbrooke for the space and
terme of seven yeares from the feaste of S michaell thar
=changell nowe next ensewing of and in one medowe callid
the long medowe to be and remaine still in forme and
strengthe untill the said Michaell Whitefoote my sonne
shall accomplishe and come to the Full age of thre and
twentie yeares And the money arysing and cominge
of the yearelie fearme of all and simynler the said tene
ment landes medowes pastures and fedings in the tenem[ent]e
of the said Wm Ryder and John Rushbrooke During all the
said termes to be receyvid by mine Exec[utors] for the P[er]formance
of this my said last will and testament and paying
of my legace and detts therein specified and declarid
Item I give and bequeathe to the said Michaell White
=foote my sonne his heyers and assigns all my said
tenement landes medowes pastures and fedings aswell
Fre as boond w[i]chall I doe nowe occupie in mine owne lands
he the said Michaell my sonne his heyers and assigns
to have and ent[e]r the said and eny pte therof at ye
feaste of S Michell tharchangell next ensewing
after therde and terme of seven whole yeares next
and ymediatlie following after my decease Item
I give and bequeathe to the said Michaell White
foote my sonne and to his heyres and assigns all
and singuler other my said tenement in Hapton a
fore said together w[i]thall other my landes medowes
pastures and fedings and those appurtenunces
a swell Fre as bonde to the said tenement belong
going nowe in the tenewre and occupacon of
the said Willm Ryder and John Rushbrooke he
the said Michaell his Exec[utors] and assignes to have
and enter the same and enye pte then is at
suche time as he the said Michaell shall accom
=plishe and come to the Full age of thre and twen
tie yeares Item I will and my mind is that
my Exec[utors] shall have the occupacon and Cfitt(?)
of all the said tenement landes medowes and
pastures w[i]th I doe nowe accupye in mine nowe


handes Untill the Feaste of of sainte Michaell tharchangell
next ensewyng after my decease to the p[er]formance of
this my last will and testament Item I will and my mind
is also that the said Anne my wiefe and hir assignes
from the said feaste of Sainte Michaell tharcangell
next and ymediatlie insewning after therd and Dure(?)
of seven whoole yeares next following after my
decease shall have my plot(?) whom I nowe doe he
and the chambers therto adioyning together w[i]th
the chambers over the same And also one (...)
ylardelying on the Southe pte of the messuage
of the widdow Vorges(?) w[i]th a pigstell therto
adioyning during all the naturall liefe of hir
the said Anne Item I will that the saide
Michaell my sonne or his assignes shall yearelie
and only yeares pay or cause to be p[ai]d to the
said Anne my wiefe or to hir assignes in
further confidercon and Full recompence of hir
dower and thirdes of and in all the (...) from
and after the said feaste of St Michaell tharchan
gell next ensewing after the said ende and
terme of seven yeares next following after my
decease yearelie and only twentie markes of go[o]d
and lawfull money of Ingland At two send all
termes in the yeares w[i]thn at the feaste of
thanunciacon of St Marye the virgyn and St
Michaell tharchangell by even porcons to be p[ai]d
during all the terme of the naturall liefe of
hir the said Anne my wiefe And yf he ye
said Michaell my sonne his heyers or assignes
doe not pay or cause to be p[ai]d to the said Anne
my wiefe of to hir assigns the saide yearelie
annewetie of twentie marks in manner and
forme afore specified and in this my will decla
=rid convaye to the true meaninge therof Then
I will that the said Anne in Full satisfaction
of the said yearelie annewetie shall have and
enouye(?) to hir and to hir assignes all and
singuler my pastures and orchyardes adyuntie
sepacind lyinge w[i]thin the fence off on the southe
side of my said tenement w[i]thinh I nowe do dwell
and one close of pasture callid Sponge(?) Hose together
w[i]th the medowes and marry her therto adioyning


lying on the northe side of the said tenement wherin
I nowe doe dwell during all the terme of the naturall
liefe of hir the said Anne my wiefe Aney thing afore
said to the contrarye in aneey wise w[i]t[hi]n standing Item
I give and bequeathe to the said Anne my wiefe
the one moyetie and halfe of all my houshold
stuffe and six malche neate terme combes of no heat
and terme combes of barlie Item I give and bequeathe
to Michaell Whitefoote my sonne the other moyetie
and there of all my houshold stuffe and fortie shillings
yearlie and endye yeare to be p[ai]d by mine Exec[utors] next
ensewinge after my decease he the saide Michaell my
sonne being guydid and rulid by my said Executors
Item I give and bequeathe to Alice my daughter
and to hir Execut[ors] and assignes twentie poundes of
lawfull ynglishe money to be p[ai]d by mine Executors
w[i]thin the terme of one whoole yeare next ensewing aft[e]r
my decease Item I give and bequeathe to Instaure my
daughter and to hir exec[utors] and assigns twentie pounds
of lawfull ynglishe money to be p[ai]d by mine exec[utors]
w[i]thin the space of two whoole yeares next ensewing
after my decease Item I give and bequeathe to Eliza
beth my daughter and to hir execut[ors] and assigns
tenne poundes to be p[ai]d by mine Execut[ors] w[i]thin the
space of thre whoole yeares next ensewing after
my decease Item I give and bequeathe to Wyboroughe
my daughter and to hir exec[utors] and assignes tenne
poundes to be p[ai]d by mine Executors w[i]thin the space
of fower whoole yeares next ensewing after my
decease Item I give and bequeathe to Anne my
daughter and to hir executors and assignes twen
=tie poundes of lawfull yinglishe money to be p[ai]d
by mine Executors w[i]thin five yeares next ensew
ing after my decease Item I give to Marye my
daughter and to hir Execut[ors] and assignes twentie
poundes of lawfull ynglishe money to be p[ai]d by
mine Exec[utors] w[i]thin six whoole yeares next ensew
ing after my decease Item I give and bequeathe
to Elizabeth Vurge(?) my sister and to hir assignes
five poundes of lawfull ynglishe money Item
I give and bequeathe to John Whitefoote my
godchild fortie shillings Item I give and be
=queathe to Humfrie Fuller five shillings eyght pence


Item I give and bequeathe to be equallie devidid amonge
all my bellchidren nowe borne eyght pounds to be e=
=quallie devided by my exec[utors] w[i]thinh seven yeares next
ensewing after my decease Item I will that my
Executors shall paye or cause to be p[ai]d and devi
=did amonge all my godchildren fortie shillings to be
p[ai]d w[i]thin seven yeares next ensewing after my
decease Item I give to Jane Jordans my sister six
shillings eyght pence and to Margarit Horton
six shillings eyght pence to be p[ai]d by mine Execut[ors]
Item I doe ordaine and appointe Richard Whitefoote
my brother and Anne my wiefe to be mine Executors
They to take all the Refudewe(?) of my yeares not be
=queathed by this my last will and testament and
to take suche intres as to me use due and to pay
my detts and to yforme this my said last will
and testament and also to se my corruptable bo
=dey honestlie brought to the upon buriall and
I give to the said Richard Whitefoote for
his paines in this behalfe fortie shillings and
all his Coste Charge and expence borne in and
aboute the affayres of this my said last will
and testament Item I give to James Sutturne
my servante fortie shillings and Robt Gos
ling my servante fortie shillings to be p[ai]d w[i]thin
the yeares next ensewing after my decease
Item I give to Humfrie Barley six shillings
eyght pence and to John Vasey(?) twentie
shillings to be p[ai]d w[i]thin fower yeares next
ensewinge after my decease providid alwaise
and I will and my mind is that all the
Residence of my goodes cattells movables and
unmovables not given nor bequeathed by this
my said last will and testament I whole give
them to mine Executors to the p[er]formace and
defence of this my said last will and testament
Item I will also and my mind and will is
that my Executors and eyther of them before
they or anie of them shall prove this my said
last will and testamet shalbe and stand bound
eyther to other by ther lawfull sufficient and
able bounde neyther that they nor eney of them


Shall doe aneything or things act or acts towching or
conversing this my said last will and testament or
aney thing therin specified or to w[i]thing aney of my
saide goodes therin mencionid w[i]thout ther Full consent
assent and agrement of the other of them And also
at all time and times therto being reasonablie requi
rid to make and bring in a time accompte and accomps
eyther of them t the other and eyther of them to
pay my detts and legace w[i]th other charge according
to the procon and procons of my said gardes in his
or hir handes or In Stodey remayning according to
the time meaninge of this my said last will and testa
ment In witnes wheaof to this my said last will
and testament I said sette my seale the day and
yeares first written Also I will that yf aney of my
said Executors shall refuse to stand bound as is afore
said Then I will that he or she so refusing shall
stand void of the Execucon of this my said will
and testament and to be none exec[utor] of the said
This be the wytness of this my last will and
testament herein written John Ponyett Humfrie
Fuller and me John Dayner Horake //

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