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Last Will and Testament of John George Brickman

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Springfield Township, Mahoning, Ohio, United Statesmap
Surname/tag: Brickman
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Transcription of the Last will and Testament of John George Brickman

Note: The original will was written in German. This transcription was translated by D. Simon (as per the note at the end).

Source: Mahoning County, Ohio, : Probate file no. 424, Last Will and Testament of John George Brickman 15 Jun 1853 (translated version); Mahoning Valley Historical Society, Youngstown, Ohio. Photocopy in author's possession.

Last Will and Testament of John Geo. Brickman In the Name of God Amen.

Know all men by these presents, that whereas I John Geo. Brickman, having now reached my seventy first Year of life, and being unsafe whether I have to leave this life today or tomorrow, an also being weak in body, yet having a sound mind, and good memory, I make the following Will and Directions of my Property, and how it shall be managed after my decease.

1. Do I will and bequeath to my wife Justina Elizabeth, for her support as long as she lives, my Real Estate or land, consisting of 80 Acres, on which my son Gottlieb at present resides. My wish is, that my unmarried Children may also reside with her thereon.
Further do I bequeathe [sic] to my wife, to be her Property, all the Household - furniture, and Farming tools or Agricultural - Implements, that are in my possession, also two Cows, and twenty five head of Sheep are bequeathed to her. And she, and my three single Children shall have a support for one Year after my decease from my Provisions.
And the Horses which I leave are the Property of my wife.

2. Do I order, that my son Jacob shall, after the death of my wife, have the 80 Acres of land mentioned in the foregoing section at Thirty Dollars per Acre, of that sum he shall retain 1/8 part for his Inheritance, and the balance he shall divide and pay equally to my seven remaining children, in three yearly payments, time to commence 3 Months after the death of my wife.
Further shall my son Jacob receive out of the money which I leave Four Hundred Dollars in Cash, for his support or part of his share.

3. Do I order and direct, that my Daughter Caroline shall immediately after my deseace [sic] receive out of the money left by me, the sum of Five hundred Dollars, being the same amount that my elder children, Gottlieb, John Geo, Justina Catharine, Eve Christina, and Leah, have previously received, and in addition to the above, she shall have two of my Cows.

4. Do I will and direct that my daughter Sophia shall immediately after my decease receive out of my property, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars (same as Caroline in the foregoing section) which sum shall be in keeping of my son Gottlieb, as Guardian, and he shall pay her the Interest thereof, or according to her wants, or if she should marry, then the whole amount thereof, and in addition she shall receive two Cows, or the value thereof.

5. Do I will and direct that all Cash or Notes, which are not by the foregoing Directions already disposed of, shall be equally divided and paid to my eight children whose names are, Gottlieb, Justina Catharine, Eve Christina, John George, Sophia, Leah, Jacob, + Caroline, (or to their heirs)

I do appoint my son Gottlieb Brickman Executor of this my last Will, who is also authorized to sell any thing of my property, which is not already bequeathed, at private sale, and to apply the proceeds thereof according to Law, or the above Directions.

Dated this 15th day of June 1853, George Brickman

In presence of:
John Geo Bacher
Solomon Kerns

A true translation to the best of my Knowledge.
Fees for the same $1.50
D. Simon

Transcribed by Monica (Rienerth) Palmer on 11 Feb 2024.



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